••-.. rr-. Agsk fagfjg '. *^'.s*%\¥\p0 m*t*t'''' prV-**^ r^ftigj ,Virf<»inmrmnao*mf4 - OHIO STAT* mrSEtJll LIBRART - I5TR 4k aiOft ST- coLoasu*., oaio STORY OtOME 3 '•mTMM F OHfOf «» "_*•• JJVr • W""a*W*"F , .*-"**fa"lJ^r--l- BBB7 .. "BW sBRP *a^Mrn«r JgWB Mm* S%t^T'Mx : J%_f JS*1 # _K____ _ V ~ V OB' SS km wB SSamtrt SB SSkmYmW * W ' aV^-fio«_*?**«•? smWm i ,^.,^ LAST DAYS i n i i kiiia ifa —ail* i isasajna OF *dSW*\\m HH____ Bssl Hi _____ • aa-sa-l f gtSSSf VOL. 8. No. 35 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY », 1657 16 CENTS COLUMBUS*, OHIO . GREENE Sa*raSII HURRY—HURRY J- agmgen MIS THE END IH THE VAHS ARE COMM Iff I I .-• . •. Slory On Page 2 SOUGHStory OR TPage 1 • e m *> *#? X DR. LEO G. ROBINSON ,.. Issues Denial - STORT ON P_6E 3 \j OK Prelim Clearbrook School Plans sins TO FIT Atty MAN 1W*V - SPORT COATS VATAIL TO iUt.U* S1AOO lft • COLUMBUS BOARD OF EDUCATION APPROVED PRELIMINARY drawings submitted by "Fully and Hobbs, architects, for new SO c'aaKroom Clearbrook school to OK* DAILY be located st 17th st. just north of Broad st. Modern two story building (see photo GREENE'S above) will be completed Sept. 1, and is expected to relieve overcrowded conditions at Douglas snd Garfield Elementary schools. It will also reduce the number of children 44 N. HIGH ST. who must cross Broad st. four times a day going to snd from school. Boundary lines have not been delineated. However, a spokesman for the board said the school's CURRENT NEWS RELEASES SAY COLUMBUS IS boundary will be determined by capacity of the building and the distance of the chil­ BO*** the largest city area-wise in Ohio. It would seem dren's homes. Plans for staff ing the building and more exact detail on category of that area isn't our only recent pri_e. students are stil) in initial stages. PAGE 2 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATUKPAY. FEBRUARY t, lata SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1957 THE OHIO SENTINEL PACKS HIGlf SCHOOL GUN TOTER SENTEHCED Safety Director Hints TO WORKHOUSE, HANDED $100 FINE Alston's Scalp Aim Of FBI Enters 'Abortion' Case 1 DAYTON. — FBI agents are gomery county coroner. T h' I s treatment. belng treated illegally or for an "I HAVE NO WAY of know­ A six month workhouse ferm and $100 fine were slapped against an 18 Columbus Police Chief reported to .have joined with the action was precipitated by ru­ Reached at his office Tuesday, Illegal purpose are definitely ing where or when Mrs. Mcin­ Montgomery county Coroner in mors Barbara Jean I&clntosh, Robinson said he was surprised unfounded. tosh died that night; When Mr. year old Columbus high school boy, convicted of carrying a concealed wea­ AFETY DIR. Leo Phillips, speaking before Columbua city coun­ Investigation of the death of a 23, 39 Welter st., died as the re­ by widespread rumors connect­ "Such implications must be Dlx 'presumedly James Dix of cil Monday, hinted that Harvey Alston's post as .inspector of 23 year old Dayton woman, pon, in municipal court Tuesday. S sult of a criminal abortion. ing him with tho woman's death. retracted and in order to set the Dayton, who reportedly figured police is in danger under a proposed law sponsored by Police Chief found'dead in a car in front of POLICE REPORTED THE He said he would reiterate the ratcord straight, I welcome any in the case) returned and asked George II. Scholer. a prominent Springfield physi­ Half of the sentence against Clifford B. Foster, 227 Miami av., waa knocked off mother of four children died in story he had given to another and all investigations. me to come out to the car, I Phillips was referring to a measure introduced Monday which cian's office Jan. 22. newspaper, in which be declar­ by Municipal Court Judge Alan Schwarzwalder. a car in front of the office of "1 haye been treating- Mrs. complied and found the'woman The youth waa arrested would abolish Ihe title of police inspector and create three deputy ed: According to r e-p o r t a, FBI Dr. Leo G. Robinson, 119 Plea­ Mclntosh on 10 or 12 occasions dead.** Jan. 16 after he allegedly chiefs instead. Alston presumably would be one of the three, but since then. had made a serious mistake. agents have forwarded to Wash­ sant St., Springfield. A Dayton "My treatments of Mrs. Mc­ for severe nervous disorders. pulled a .32 calibre revol­ it has not been established whether he would hold the No, 1, _ or He said he had not heard any­ HE ALSO ADMITTED shoot­ But he pleaded to the court to ington findings of ah autopsy man allegedly took her to the intosh were not illegal , . She. was highly emotionally dis­ ver on a 18 year old girl 3 spot. thing froth the coroner this ing another boy in the hand with grant him probation and give performed by Robert Zipf, Mont-1 nationally known physician for Implications ... the patient was traught. I have explained this in front of East High week but was certain he would the same gun during an argu­ him a chance to complete his • • • to all officials and authorities after findings of the autopsy has school. ment over a girl outside of Roll- high school education. PHILLIPS, OPPOSED TO THE SCHOLER PLAN, has recom­ concerned. been completed. • At that time, the girl, erland skating rink sometime BEFORE PRONOUNCING mended legislation calling for creation of two deputy inspectors Peggy A. Johnson, 486 S. ago. This charge was dropped sentence, Judge Schwarzwaldcr | leaving Alston in his present position. Monroe av., told police when the victim refused to denied the probation request Phillips told council he was not going to "sit idly by" and see Foster threatened to kill prosecute. and said it is a wonder Foster a law passed to curtail powers and duties of the inspector. her or anyone who look Foster claimed he carried wasn't in court on a murder • • • Negro Republicans Huffed her to the senior prom. the gun for protection because charge. WHILE SCHOLER AND PHILLIPS ARE AT ODDS OVER the In court, Foster denied draw­ a gang of boys had threatened Asked if he had anything to j issue, both agree Columbus' police force is so big it now needs ing the weapon on the girl and to beat him. He had to protect say before sentence was pass- j more hie.h level officers to supervise its operation. Over Rebuff To Ray Hughes insisted he merely showed it to himself because be was strick­ ed, the bespectacled youth mur­ But, according to Phillips' insinuation Monday night, he feels her with the barrel pointed to­ en with polio as a ehlld aad mured, "I'm sorry*" Scholer's plan calls for sacrificing Alston's post to meet the desir­ By JOHN B. COMBS be offered tbe primary aaemlra- ward him. He claimed to have Is unable to run, he told the His eyes, behind dark shell ed goal. Failure of Franklin county atton nod a chance ta appose found the gun.over a year ago, court. rimmed glasses, filled with-* Both plans have been referred to the Civil Service Commission Republican machine to pick Judge Alan Schwa nawaldrr. but admitted he had carried it Robert Duncan, d/'fense attor tears as he was ushered toward | for study ;.nd recommendation. Att'y Ray E. Hughes for ap­ Democrat, ""in November. on his person several . times |ney, acknowledged his client the city prison bullpen. pointment as municipal judge is That j.pot, however, was hand­ being regarded in some circles ed Dewey Gamer, city council- as a direct slap in the face of man Segregationist Kasper Is area Negro Republicans. Hughes and hia sponsors were Hughes, long staunch Repub­ bitterly disappointed over the FRONTIER OFFICERS INSTALLED lican, sought appointment to the "raw deal." but aren't saying vacancy left by Judge Charles much about it at this time. Former Intimate Of Negroes R. Petree. Hughes' candidacy The subtle by-passing was not was advanced by a group of taken altogether as a surprise. N. YORK. - John Kasper, the that.", the magazine quotes a leading Negro citizens. Chmn. William Schneider tipped ; white supremacist w h o was Necro intimate of Kasper. i chained with sedition and incit­ But their tireless effort, as it his hand early in December Arrested three times for his has. been so many times in the when he. expressed opposition to ing to riot during the recent inflamatory activities in the j past, was in vain. Hughes. SB* ! Clinton, Tenn . intercgation dis­ south, Kasper is pictured as a turbances, is depicted as a one- At a meeting of the COP At that time Schneider blunt­ counsellor to Negro associates ly told Negro Republicans he time intimate of Negroes who' who resented discrimination. Central Committee at the Ft had 'worked, played and danc- • • • Hayes hotel last Wednesday, didn't think it would be "smart ad with them" in N. York. j Horace W. Troop was endorsed politics" to back a Negro for HIS ADVICE TO an artist was judge because the Republican's Tbe strange, back .round of ' as Petree's saucces-or. Troop, a to take a painting and hang it continued control of tha judge­ Ihe 27 year old segregationist Westerville attorney. f_'a form­ in the Museum of Modern Art er member of the Ohio Legis­ ship depends on his election. was disclosed in an article in without permission, while be ur­ the orw issue of Look m__a- lature.
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