I r.-- . I ON THE INSIDE THE WE~ THER TODAY Bums Win Tenth Straight ...... ... , Page 2 The temperature may reach 100 this afternoon, "PI oy O'Isappom . t'mg II- O'B'nen ..... Page 6 but showers tonight may bring. some relief. Page 6 owan• Decide Benton 8ridge Site ......... Eatabliahed 1868-Vol. 79, No. 261- AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. July 29. 1947- Five Centa e I e e I USSIG, Ina I • • • World in Action- French Pori Grief-Stricken Mother Weeps for Drowned Daughter Resolution to Open Clash Over .' Schick Hospital A{,oun1 b Explosion Remains Undecidgd Mongolian Congress adjourned early Sun­ l T.. ,~ •. ~,.~.... e Kills Eight day morning without fi nal acUon Application GRANDVIEW, MO " (JP)-A sim­ on a resolution recorrunending that ple. tuneral service, read in her the veterans administration oper­ Soviet Labels Chinese plain old-fashioned parlor, closed Cargo of Nitrates ate Schick general hospital at the book of life yesterday tor Mrs, On Norwe~ian Ship Clinton for convalescent and lon,­ Invasion Charge as Martha Ellen Truman, 94, mother term patients. 'False and Disto.rted' of the president. Is Cause of Blast The house-approved resolution The silver gray casket was car­ was rejected by the senate labor LAKE SUCCESS (JP) - RUSlia' ried down a steep flight of steps BREST, France (JP) - Eight p~r- committee, and China SQuared off In a United by four grandsons and two neph- Bons were killed and several hun- Sponsored by Rep, Talle (R­ Nations committee meeting yester­ .... s to B waiting hearse when the dred injured when a nitrate-loaded I Iowa), It was amended In the day when a Russian delegate lab­ to-minute service ended, Norwegian Uberty ship caught fire I house to state speclficaUy that use eled as "false and distorted" the The short cortege-only 16 cars and eJGploded just outside Brest of Schick would "not interfere Chinese elaim that the Outer Mon­ -moved slowly away from Mrs, with or displace" VA plans to golian republic had carried out a Truman's green-roofed cot tag e harbor yesterday, the French news build a permanent hospital at Iowa "full-dress Invasion" of China. agency reported, where she died Saturday, to her City, 'fhe exchange opened w hen final resting place in Forest Hlll The blast caused heavy damage Iowa supporters of the campaign ashore and set fires that spread to China turned down Outer Mon­ cemetery in KansaS City, to g t Schick ba~k into use told the the heart of the city. golia's bid for United Nations house veterans affairs committee membership. WASmNGTON, (JP)-The ag- The agency report said one of there are 3,200 veterans in the Calmly announcing a c~r tain * * * the city's prinCipal hospitals had Clinton and nearby Illinois areas rleulture department gave Its Chinese veto on the Outer Mon­ tar-nung AAA tleld service the been badly damaged by fire. in need of hospital are, Many ot the city's residents tIed golian appUcation, Dr. Shuhsl Hsu word yesterday to "resume OP ­ to the countryside, .:harged In a warm meeting of the erations" In Rllnlng UP farmers The explosion levelled a number U,N, security council membership 10 (lrry out Its $265,000,000 8011 committee that the Outer Mongol­ (onservatlon program tor 1947. of buildings in the harbor area and set the city's gas plant and oil Sugar Rationing Ends ian republic had carried out a "full-dress invasion with para­ LONDON, (JP)-Politicians and depot ablaze, sending flames Into * * the business district, phernalia ot modern warfare, In­ voters weighed *last night the For Lack of Funds Shore damage was estimated t eluding aircraft." • chances of Britain's labor govern­ more than $800,000. WASHINGTON, (JP}-All sugar In the harshest words China has ment weathering the nat ion's The tire aboard the Nonvegian rationing came to an end yester­ yet pronounced against a neigbbor crowing economic storm after the vessel, Ocean Liberty, was dis­ day because the government does in the U,N" Dr. Hsu said the pro-labor London Daily Mirror covered wh ile it lay in ttle harbor not have the money to finance It "armed Invasion" of the Chinese called on Prime Minister AWee shortly before noon. The ship was further. province of Sinkiang by the ap­ 10 resign. towed to a roadstead and explod­ This action, announced by the plicant state "has not ended even Attlee summoned his top rank­ ed live hours bter, agriculture department, affected today," He said China had cast ing ministers-including Foreign only industrial and institutional aside doubls last year ~nd sup­ Secretary Ernest Bevin and Her­ users such as lood processors, bak­ ported the Mongolian Peoples' re­ ber! Morrison, government leader Royall Flies to Germany ers, candy makers, bottlers, hos­ public. in the house of commons-to a WASH fNGTON, (JP)-SecretaI'Y pitals and hotels. Household ra­ conference yesterday evening at AlexeI N. Krasllnlkov, Russian of War Royall will fly to Germany tioning ended about two months partlclpant in the heated exchang­ No, 10 Downing street to discuss today for a six-day visit, the war ago. economic policy, es in the corrunittee last week over department announced last night. The department had requested Albania, cailed the Chinese state­ He plans to confer with Gen, WEEPING In tra,edy Mrs. Agnes Thomas, Los Angeles, walks away In Is funds to finance industrial and In­ WASHINGTON, (JP)-James V. bodies were not recovered until yesterday, the center hlel Lite ment "distorted" and. "false." He * * * LUCius Clay, hading the Ameri­ from the limp body of her slx-year-old dau&:h ter, PatrIcia, who lies stitutional ra\1oning until Oct. 31, 'onestal, &he natloll'8 tint over­ Guard F.M, Cox, who recovered Patricia's body as Mr. alld Mrs, said that a regiment- of Chine.. can occupa tion forces, and meet drowned 011 the shore ot Hall8en Dam reservoir. Minutes later search­ the' date when all sugar rationing all aenretary of defense, tmtcl'; soldiers penetrated about 12 mUes American military government of­ ers returned wltb the body or her second child, Raymond, 9. The Thomas looked on. Mrs. Thomas coUapsed shortly alter the picture authority expires, But congress ad­ 1esterday that hJs Idea Is to' con­ into Outer Mongolian territory ficials. children, missln. a day, wandered away from a picnic site and their was taken. (AP WIREPHOTO) journed without voting the money. fIDe the Job to top-level coor­ . and was thrust out by the Outer dlnaUon of the /lervlces and '!;tay Mongolian soldiers who never Gul ot operatinr detail. crossed the Chinese border. Forrestal said that at tlrst tbe He also declared that the bodies Inltieatlon of the armed forces of five Outer Mongolian men who andfr a sIDKle cabinet officer, had been tortured were found In provided for In a new law slm­ the area occupied by the ChineBe eel Saturday, will add to ra'ther troops, than reduce the cost of the Vote Inquiry "Such provocative actions on the Speed KC .Fraud part of the Chinese troops and military esetabllshment. • certain incidents are to remind us COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., of similar action on the northern (.f)-District* Attorney * * IrL A. Foard border of Greece," Krasilnikov What a Cute Baby! Clark Names said. "It is possible there are par­ tiled murder charges yesterday Highlanders Capture Honors ties in the Far East who would 'galnst David A. Downey, 29, in the death of his war-bride, Lolly like to repeat what has happened Ula Downey, 24, after a coroner's in 'Greece, also to detract the 2More Aides world from the civil war in China jury held tha t she came to her death as a resliit nf injuries in­ WASHINGTON (IP)- Attorney and what Is going on in China. flicted by her husband. Dr, Hsu, who sat smiling as the General Clark announced yester­ Russian spoke, said he would re­ day he has assigned two special ply atter stucjying the text. JERUSALEM, (JP) - Violence assistants to work with the Kansas flared over* Palestine * * last night City grand jUlY Investigating al­ u the British, delylnr a Jewish leged irregularities in the 1946 under,round threat to "batbe primary election in the Fifth Mis­ the Holy Land wltb blood," pre- souri Congressional district. Dealer Gets Stuck ' Jlred to execute three con­ One of those named by Clark demned memben of Irrun Zval 10 go 10 Kansas City is Willjam Leuml today at a secret time A, Paisley who conducted the re­ With 1926 Maxwell IIId place. cent successful prosecutions of former Congressman Andrew J, In 'Sharp' Bargain BATAVIA*, JAVA, * * (JP) - The May and the Garsson brothers, Netherlands army said yesterday accused 01 a bribe ~o n sp ira cy, and Dutch military columns, driving of former May or James M, Curley It takes fast thinking to out­ 100 miles in a week, had captured of Boston, convicted of mail fraud. smart an experienced used car dealer these days but here's one important coal and oil areas in The other special assistant who boy who did It. aouthern Sumatra. will work with Paisley is Eric The Indonesian army also re­ Broome, a specialist in Investiga­ This young man was the owner ported successes, declaring t hat tions with the war (rauds section of a 1926 Maxwell. He needed republican troops had captured a of the department of justice tor money and decided to seU It. He Dutch force of 763 men with all the last lour years, tried all forms of advertising but with no success.
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