The Franklin NEWS-RECORD VOL. 14, NO. 50 SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1969 Enteredas s(/condclass matter on July 5, 1961, I0c per copy .. at the Post Mfflc0 in Somerset, New Jersey VISTA Commendation Scheduled Receipt Of Bids, Hearings Newberry Zoners Hear On Council Agenda Tonight Swim Club Tonight’s meeting of the Several commendations are A resolution urging the The council plans to finance Case Tonight Franklin Township Council will expected to be issued, including county to take action to relieve the purchase and needed reno- feature the receipt of bids on the controversial resolution the traffic conditions on vations through a bond issue. three items, three Public hear- commending the Township,s Easton Avenue from JFK Blvd. There will be no J.J. Newberry ings, and the consideration of 28 four VISTA volunteers for to Cedar GroveRoad. Tentative pians call for the department store in Franklin resolutions, ranging from com- their work during,he past year. library to rent all of the first mendations of local organiza- Resolutionsregarding re- floor and part of the second Township. Other commendationsare The Franklin Board of Adjust- tions to one which, if adopted, scheduledto go to,heTownship mitted taxes, tax overpay- from the township; when the would rescind the Franklin Mall Municipal Building is com- ment has denied a variance to Health Department for its men,s, a tax refund, and trans- build a 150,000 square-foot "full ordinance. fers. pleted or when the library finds Franklin Health Fair, the a need for the remaining floor line" store on Easton Avenue be- Bids for a pick up truck, Human RelationsCommission Councilis expectedto grant tween Rutgers Prep and the Shop- tires and tubes, and salt and onetaxi driver’s license, a mo- space, it will begin to rent the Rite. calcium chloride will be re- for its forumon studentac- telliquor license and twobingo entire working area in the ceived this evening. tivism, building. Newberry’shad first applied and to the Takara Cor- licensestonight, and also to Public hearings will be con- poration for being chosen as a appointan auditor. In the immediatefuture the for a varianceon Nov. 6, and in "good neighbor" by a New Jer- two stormypublic hearings the ducted on an ordinance to councilwill ask a structural amend the l~launlng and Zoning sey business organization. A resolutioncancelling the engineerto examinethe build- companydefended its plans against regularpublic meeting sched- the criticismof dozensof area Chapters of the Township Code The VISTA commendation Ing and make recommendations regarding methods of appoint- uledfor Dec. 25 andcallingfor residentsand representativesof had been scheduled at an earlier a regularmeeting on Dec. 36. for structuralrenovations, if RutgersPrep. ment to the Planning Board and public meeting, but had been any are needed. The decisionwas announcedaf- Board of Adjustment; Bidswill be awardedfor the Thesecond decision ’due for ter a 30-mlnuteexecutive session Also, on the elimination of dropped literally at the last purchase of a material implementationin early 1970 which came at the end of last Tues- Santa Gets Help i Paley Road as a townshipthor- minute following a caucus by spreader, a front end loader, is the adoptionof an "Open day’s public meeting. oughfare and the proposed the council. gasoline and fuel off, and six Housing"ordinance. amendment to the bulldtngcode Other resolutions on to- police cars. Councildecided to studyor- The resolution denying the ap- concerning materials used in The council made two deci- garages and breezeways. night’s agenda include: dinancesrecently adopted by plication stated that the board’s sions at Tuesday’s agenda ses- Metuchen,Highland Park, and findings indicated that the store On Hamilton Stre et sion which will be implemented Edisonbefore committing it- if allowed, would have an adverse sometime in January. selfto thespecific wording its effect on the character of the By DIANA BENRIQUES "IfIsee something for grown- Although she doesn’t dislike The council decided to pur- ordinancewill take, but a com- area and that the company had upsthat I like,I can’twait to making any of the articles of mitmentwas made reintroduce failed to prove that the site was chase the Grease Building in Santa Claus has a special get home and make a pattern." clothing, Mrs. Ploch is least Somerset for use of the town- such a measureno laterthan unsuitable for residential use. helperat 601 HamiltonStreet For this reasonshe prefers fond of making pajamas "be- the secondpublic meeting in The vote to deny the variance ship library, reserving a por- in Somerset.Her name is Mrs. to sew for the "grown-up" cause they take so long." tion of the secondfloor for re- January. was five to one, with board mem- ratherthan for thebaby doll. The Franklin Action Com- ber Albert Jackson casting the Ann l~loch.For thefour weeks Her favorite creations, locationof one or twomunlci- beforeChristmas Mrs.Ploch’s "A babydoll doesn’t have a real though, are the eveninggowns. pal departmentsto relieve mittee For Equality,(FACE) lone vote in favor of the store. | livingroom is transformedinto wardrobe,"slie said. "I likethem best, I guess,be- overcrowdingin the present had askedthe councilto con- sideran openhousing ordinance It was the only decisionan- a tiny dress shop. And her The materialsshe uses for cause the childrenllke them administrativeoffices in Mid- nounced at thatmeeting; threenew "customers"are dolls -- real theclothesinclude bonded wool- best." dlebush. in October. cases were heard by the board. dolls. ens,cottens, colorful brocades, selectionof gownsindl- satins,lace, and rich red, blue Her Mrs. Ploch designsand sews green catesthis preference. She has ClaudeJ. Allen,seeking avari- and velvets. made wintergowns in velvets ance to constructa one-family a completellne of clothingfor The long gowns can be topped Student Activism’ dwelling on an undersized lot at the "Barble"doll series,and with a tiny white "fur" stole or and brocade,cocktail dresses clothing forseveral otherdoll for summerin lace over taffeta, the end of Fifth Street, was asked jacket-- or a full length"fur" figures,too, including "Tutti," coatwith a weddingrringcollar and of coursethe white satin to return for further testimony "Ken,"and "Chrissy." bridalgowns in both long and at tonight’s meeting. and a matching hat. "Whenthe kidsin the neigh- shortlengths. s Discussion Topic Questions as to the accuracy of The smallestof her custom- mapsof the site arosewhen How- borhoodwere younger,they’d made creation measurestwo Explainingher technique, ard Dries,of 87 CulverSt., dis- loveto comein and look-- and Mrs.Ploch said she willspend puted a statementthat a wooden inchesfrom shoulderto hem I let them touch the clothes -- a tinyred dress trimmed An daysdoing one thing--cutting shed existedon the line between too," Mrs. Ploch remembered. out the patternor sewinghems Relations Forum his propertyand the Allenplot. whitelace for the "Tutti"doll "They especially loved the series. =- rather like an assembly township Mr. Dries said that a mound brightcolors and the brocades Several hundred Municipal Chairman Charles line, residentsattended of earth was the only protrusion "Thisisn’t a business,"the andvelvets.’/ the Com- Durand, and Mrs. Madelyn between the two properties. motherof threesaid. "I didn’t "If I wantto selltl~em for munity Forum on Student Acti- Rumowicz,president, League of The board asked Mr. Allen to startthis to makea fortune-- thisprice," shenoted, "I have vism sponsored by the Franklin Women Voters. return with further clarification I did it to occupymy mind." to do it that way. Human Relations Conference on Aftera refreshment break, of his plans and an updated map Sevenyears ago, Mrs.Ploch "And I try to keep the prices Saturday. ’thefull audience assembled in of the site. beganto sew the tiny outfits down to-bring more Joy to more Following welcoming ad- the SampsonSmith schoolaudl- "to relax and occupymy mind children whose parents might dresses by l>robyn Thompson torium,where Dr. Oscar Sis= Decision was reserved on the afterthe deathof my 12-year- not be able to afford suchpres* Jr., chairman of the commis- trunk,former president of the and FranklinMayor applicationof HumbleO11 Company oldson." entsotherwise." sion, Rich- Boardof Education,chaired a to demolishthe gas stationcur- ard Driver,the keynotespeech moderator’spanel which an= rentlyoperating at ll01 Easton Givingthe clothes,at first, Care is also taken to make was made by Dean MiltonSch- theclothes easy for small chil- alyzed the morning’s con- Avenue, expand the site, and con- to bazaars held by the area webel of the RutgersGraduate clusions. Catholic parishes, she was later clrento manageand resistant to Schoolof Education. struct a new station with modern raveling.Regardless of the Some of the questionsdis- design. urged by friends to make them Dean Schwebeltraced the his- cussedinvolved the properuse Thelot in questionis consider- available to the public. complexityof the design, a tory maximumof one snap Is used of student protest back 9f discipline,the conceptof ably under the size limitation Her stock now includes every to divinity students in the col- to fastenthe clothes.Some, "inloco parentis," student at- statedin the ordinancefor B-l imaginable item from a young leges of the early 1866’s, and tendenceat publicschool boaro zones,and the ell companycon- woman’s wardrobe. such as slacksand tops, sllp reminded the audience that on with no fasteningsat all. meetings,and studentevalua- tendedthat the ordinanceprovi- Bikini bathing suits are demonstrations, strikes, boy- tion of facultyperformance. matched to colorful beach jac- This new avocationhasn’t sions were unrealisticfor gas upsetthe Plochhousehold too cotts, and violent attempts at Otheraspects covered by the stationneeds. kets. forcing change were tactics of much, Mrs. Ploch explained. panelsincluded student advice A complete Easter outfit in- white ethnic groups in the 19th in curriculumformation, the A decisionwas also reserved cludes a coat,matching dress "My husbandreally takes to century, trade unionists in the the styles, and my two boys school disorder policy in in the applicationof Mary Hart and hat.
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