What’s INSIDE Hawaii education Vietnam POW speaks to Suicide Prevention and Fisher House Run, partners with military 15 Wing leaders Awareness Month Walk, Roll set for Sept. 9 See page A-2 See page A-4 See page B-1, B-4 See page B-5 September 8, 2017 www.issuu.com/navyregionhawaii www.hookelenews.com Volume 8 Issue 35 Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart pose for a photograph aboard the Battleship Missouri Memorial, Sept. 2. Photo by MC3 Justin R. Pacheco Battleship Missouri Memorial commemorates 72 years of peace in the Pacific Battleship Missouri Rear Adm. Brian Fort, morale resulting from na- to follow. They stood tall. Memorial Association commander, Navy Region val conflicts leading up to They held the line. They Hawaii and commander, Guadalcanal. helped set the course for “Today the guns are si- Naval Surface Group Middle “In 1942, he was the peace that endures to- lent. A great tragedy has Pacific, delivers remarks right leader at the right day,” Berger said. “In ended. A great victory at the Battleship Missouri place at the right time. 1945 Japan was our en- has been won,” were Gen. Memorial, Sept. 2. This mighty warship, the emy. Today, 72 years later, Douglas MacArthur’s U issouri served as Japan is our staunchest words from Sept. 2, 1945, Bull Halsey’s flagship ally.” which rang out again at the end of World War “It is important for all across the decks of the II. He stood with Admi- generations to remember U issouri on ept ral Nimitz and General te U issouris role 72 years later. MacArthur for the sign- in America’s journey to Hundreds gathered to ing of the surrender,” Fort peace, serving as a sym- commemorate the 72nd said. “Admiral Halsey’s bol not only for strength, anniversary of the end of life shows us how one but also compassion and World War II last week- person can make a differ- reconciliation,” said Mi- end aboard the decks of ence. One person can in- chael Carr, president and the Battleship Missouri spire.” E of te U issouri Memorial, berthed in Lt. Gen. David H. Memorial Association. the waters of Pearl Har- Berger, commander of Among the distin- bor, bow-to-bow with the te U arine orps guished guests was Art sunen U Ariona Forces Pacific, delivered Albert an original U The ceremony honored the keynote address, Missouri crewmember the heroism, valor and honoring the valor of his and World War II vet- sacrifices of the Greatest global conflict. in the Solomon Islands tions of te U avy brothers in arms, the eran, who witnessed the Generation, who upheld Marines lined the decks lasted six months and ships, which supported sacrifices made by their surrender ceremony on- American freedom in the of the Mighty Mo at this set the tone for the series the Marine forces in the families and the road to board the Mighty Mo 72 bloodiest war in modern year’s commemoration, of Allied victories that Battle of Guadalcanal, peaceful relations. Berger years ago today. The sol- history. It all culminated with the event paying laid the foundation for praising in particular the made a visit to Guadalca- emn commemoration con- aboard te U issouri special homage to the peace in the Pacific and leadership of Fleet Adm. nal earlier this summer cluded with a rifle salute in Tokyo Bay 72 years 75th anniversary of the the eventual surrender William “Bull” Halsey. and walked many of the while the Pacific Fleet ago, where MacArthur, Battle of Guadalcanal — aboard the Mighty Mo, Bold and brash, Halsey grounds where the six- Band played Echo Taps Adm. Chester Nimitz a Marine Corps-led offen- America’s last battleship. had championed sup- month battle took place. to honor all fallen Armed and leaders of the Allied sive in the Pacific Theater Rear Adm. Brian Fort, port for te U arines “They were fighting to Forces members who rest Forces accepted Japan’s against Japan’s military commander of Navy Re- throughout the campaign, secure a better world for in peace in the former formal surrender and forces. The firefight to se- gion Hawaii, spoke about despite challenges of low themselves, their fami- battlefields around the brought an end to the cure this strategic locale the mission critical ac- supplies and faltering lies, and for generations world. CNIC encourages Sailors, families to prepare for emergencies Navy Installations Command map and creates a state of mind for • Access tools and resources to Public Affairs Navy personnel and families to be help you and your family prepare prepared for any potential hazard for emergency situations that could September is National Emer- throughout the year — something arise at any time with no warning. gency Preparedness Month. leadership takes very seriously.” Navy personnel and families are Commander, Navy Installations Ready Navy is a proactive Na- strongly encouraged to strengthen Command’s (CNIC) Ready Navy vy-wide emergency preparedness, emergency planning at home, as Program educates Sailors and their public awareness program. It is de- well as at work, by reading and families on how to be prepared signed for the Navy community, to following the tips and information when an emergency occurs. increase the ability of every person found on the Ready Navy website This year’s overall theme is and family on or near Navy instal- at www.ready.navy.mil. “Disasters Don’t Plan Ahead. You lations to meet today’s challenges Additional information on how to Can.” head on and plan and prepare for prepare for any disaster can also be Each week in September will all types of hazards, ranging from found on the website. have a focused theme: Make a Plan hurricanes and earthquakes to Ready Navy is a CNIC-sponsored for Yourself, Family and Friends; terrorist attacks. By exploring the emergency preparedness program. Plan to Help Your Neighbor and links on the Ready Navy site, you Navy Installations Command is Community; Practice and Build will: comprised of approximately 53,000 Out Your Plans; and Get Involved! • Be informed of potential a- military and civilian personnel Be a Part of Something Larger. ards and what to do before, during, worldwide responsible for the oper- “National Preparedness Month and after an emergency. ations, maintenance and quality of educates us all to be informed, • Understand te steps to mae life programs to sustain the Navy’s make a plan, build a kit, and stay an emergency plan including what fleet, enable the fighter, and sup- informed, not just for a month, but to do, where to go, and what to take port the family. every day,” said Jeff Sanford, CNIC with you. For more news from Commander, Photo by Tech. Sgt. Larry E. Reid Jr. emergency management specialist. • earn to build a it for basic Navy Installations Command, An aerial view of the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey “Ready Navy provides a road needs for a minimum of three days. visit www.navy.mil/local/cni/. in Houston, Texas, Sept. 3. A-2 • September 8, 2017 HO‘OKELE Petty Officer 3rd Class Michael Dodge proposes to his girlfriend, Samantha Mills, after the os Angeles-class attack submarine USS Columbus (SSN 762) makes its homecoming arrival at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Photo by MC2 Shaun Griffin USS Columbus returns from deployment MC1 Daniel Hinton Alarcon, a native of Lancaster, Oakland, California and Co- “The amount of buy-in the completed that marathon,” California, and Columbus com- lumbus chief of the boat. crew exhibited was outstand- said Culinary Specialist 3rd Submarine Force Pacific manding officer. “Their com- “The real reward for came ing,” Anderson said. “Every Class (SS) Ralph Joseph, a na- Public Affairs mitment to each other and to as the crew bonded and con- man did his part to accom- tive of Orlando and a Sailor our success across every for- ducted a wide spectrum of plish qualifications and ulti- assigned to Columbus. “You The crew of Los Ange- ward-deployed submarine submarine operations in chal- mately meet all tasking.” have to learn to rely on each les-class fast-attack subma- mission area was beyond ex- lenging environments,” An- While on deployment, Co- other rather than trying to do rine USS Columbus (SSN emplary.” derson said. “For many of the lumbus traveled more than it all yourself. When we ran 762) was welcomed home by While on deployment, 40 crew, this was their first de- 34,000 nautical miles, cross- into obstacles, we overcome it friends and family awaiting submariners earned the right ployment, so this completed ing the equator twice, making together.” their return at the submarine to wear the submarine war- deployment is a testament to 135 Columbus crewmembers Columbus is one of the most piers at Joint Base Pearl Har- fare insignia, also known as the crew’s hard work and per- new shellbacks. advanced undersea vessels in bor-Hickam, Sept. 1. “dolphins.” severance.” After all the Columbus ac- the world, and its missions Columbus successfully com- About 70 percent of the crew During the six-month de- complished on deployment, the include deployment of special pleted a six-month western rotated out of the Columbus fol- ployment, Columbus per- crew was happy to be home forces, minelaying, precision Pacific deployment while con- lowing its last deployment, but formed three national tasking and reflected on what made land attack, or anti-submarine ducting operations in support that didn’t stop the crew from periods, two theater operation the deployment successful. or surface warfare while re- of national security. coming together to complete the periods and a multinational “Deployment is not a sprint, maining undetected.
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