® Serving the Hampton Roads Navy Family Vol. 18, No. 16, Norfolk, VA FLAGSHIPNEWS.COM April 22, 2010 MCPON testifi es before Congress on quality of life STORY AND PHOTO BY Navy’s Homeport Ashore MC1 (EXW) JENNIFER program, bachelor and Navy A. VILLALOVOS Master Chief Petty Offi cer Public Affairs family housing, and, childcare continuum of care were oth- WASHINGTON — Master er important issues that were Chief Petty Officer of the Navy brought up to the congressio- (MCPON) and senior enlisted nal subcommittee. West said leaders from all the services that as the environment of Sail- testified before Congress April ors and their families changes, 14. They appeared before the along with global requirements House Appropriations Commit- and world events, new and tee Subcommittee on Military better ways to support Navy Construction. families must be continuously MCPON (SS/SW) Rick D. searched. West, along with the other top “It is no source of conten- senior enlisted leaders from the tion for Sailors to deploy from Marines, Army and Air Force, their loved ones. Deployments discussed quality of life, re- are what we do; but, we should cruiting and retention, Reserve never underestimate or take for force, and veteran affairs is- granted the incredible sacrific- sues. es our Sailors and their families “In my first year, I have made make for the good of our nation it known across our fleet that as they meet the unusual de- our Sailors and their families’ mands associated with the Navy quality of life is of vital impor- Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth Preston, Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps Carlton Kent, Master Chief Petty Offi cer of lifestyle,” said West. tance to operational readiness the Navy (MCPON) Rick West and Chief Master Sgt. James Roy testify before the House Appropriations Committee West discussed the Navy’s Subcommittee on Military Construction to discuss quality of life issues. and mission effectiveness,” said current operations and told West in his opening statement. Navy and a nation. We are a sions that were not foreseeable ployments. Preparing Sailors and the committee as of April 1, 39 “The engine that drives our global force for good.” less than a decade ago, along their families to anticipate, under- percent of the Navy’s force is great Navy is our Sailors with In his written statement, West with more frequent and often lon- stand and cope with Navy life and underway, and approximately their families’ support. They said the United States Navy has ger deployments and those that intensive operational tempo is truly define who we are as a been tasked with emerging mis- are individual versus unit de- critical to mission success. See CONGRESS, A10 New guidance Carl Vinson arrives at new homeport can help Sailors PRESS RELEASE Commander, 3rd Fleet Public Affairs for ‘Perform to Serve’ SAN DIEGO — USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and its 3,500 crew members arrived at their new homeport at Naval Air Station BY MCC (SW) MARIA YAGER North Island April 12, completing a coast-to-coast transit follow- Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs ing operations in the U.S. Navy’s 4th Fleet area of operations. The aircraft carrier left Norfolk Jan. 12 and participated in MILLINGTON, Tenn. — Operation Southern Seas 2010, a U.S. Southern Command Part- A Navy message released April nership of the Americas operation, which provides U.S. and 12 announced policy, timeline, international forces the opportunity to operate in a multinational and procedural changes to environment. The strike group conducted bilateral training and the Perform to Serve (PTS) air exercises with Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru and program. Ecuador. The crew also enjoyed port visits in Rio de Janeiro and “At a time when retention is at Callao, Peru. an all-time high and attrition is at “Our efforts with our South American partner nations an all-time low, we have to make reinforced our commitment to the common goals of part- sure we keep the right number nership, maritime security and stability,” said Rear Adm. of people while maintaining a Ted Branch, Commander, Carrier Strike Group 1. “With each quality level that enables us country, we learned from each other both operationally and cul- to sustain a work force for the future,” said Fleet Master Chief See VINSON, A10 (AW/SW/SCW) Scott Benning, Navy Total Force/Manpower, Education and Training Fleet Master Chief. “PTS continues to evolve to ensure performance based opportunity is maintained for our best and brightest Sailors.” NAVADMIN 128/10 provides the timeline when PTS applications should be Military Leadership host Sesame Workshop preview submitted, eliminates the Page 13 “commitment of intent to BY ELAINE WILSON with their challenges.” reenlist” entry, addresses Navy American Forces Press Service The initiative acknowledges the Reserve affi liation options, and WASHINGTON — With help range of emotions children feel explains exceptions to PTS for from a few familiar faces from Ses- when confronted with loss, from limited groups of Sailors. ame Street, top defense offi cials sadness to anger to eventual mo- Working with their chain hosted a preview of Sesame Work- ments of happiness, Lynn said. of command, Sailors should shop’s newest outreach initiative, “Elmo, Rosita and Jesse help us consult their career counselor “When Families Grieve,” in Wash- reach children in ways that they and submit a PTS application ington, D.C., April 13. can understand,” he said. “They no later than 13 months before Deputy Defense Secretary Wil- also show adults how to reassure their end of active obligated liam J. Lynn III and Chairman of their children that they are safe and service (EAOS) or projected the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike loved.” rotation date (PRD) if service Mullen joined Sesame’s Elmo, Rosi- The loss of a loved one is the obligation will be required. ta and cousin Jesse at the Pentagon most devastating challenge, and Commands may submit for a special viewing of the initia- something no one should have to applications 15 months prior tive, which provides free resources experience alone, Mullen empha- to EAOS/PRD if they will be in support of families with young sized. deployed during the regular children coping with the death of a “I’d also like to affi rm and reaf- Photo by MC1 Chad J. McNeeley processing months, or for parent. fi rm the leadership’s dedication Deputy Secretary of Defense William J. Lynn, left, and Chairman of the Sailors who require early This initiative addresses the chal- to families, those who have made Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen host a preview of the PBS special, approval for special programs lenge of confronting death and loss, such a difference in these very dif- When Families Grieve, at the Pentagon with Sesame Street muppets, Elmo, or decommissioning. Jesse and Rosita. The program portrays stories of children coping with the Lynn said, topics that are diffi cult fi cult times in order to support the Applications are required for loss of a parent and skills that have helped them move forward. to talk about, particularly with chil- challenges that we have as a coun- Sailors in paygrades E-3 to E-6 dren. try and as a military,” he said. “And added. In the past eight and a half years, with less than 14 years of service, “But nothing is more important that dedication, that focus and that Mullen thanked Sesame Work- more than 12,000 military children regardless of reenlistment than supporting our families,” he priority will never go away. shop for addressing “very, very have experienced the death of a intentions. According to the said. “It’s important to have the “It’s about supporting our fam- diffi cult” issues. parent, noted Gary E. Knell, pres- tools to help the youngest mem- ilies and those who sacrifi ce so “As they say, when Elmo talks, See GUIDANCE, A10 bers of our military families deal much for the rest of their lives,” he children listen,” he said. See SESAME, A10 INSIDE: AROUND THE NAVY A3 FRONT AND CENTER B1 OFF DUTY C1 Navy Boxing Team ready to Hampton Roads Navy officer Landing Day win at championships ‘Woman of Distinction’ in Hampton 2010 Armed Forces Boxing Women of Distinction award 2010 Signature Event at Championships in Port from the YWCA of South Strawberry Banks includes Hueneme, Calif., April 23. Hampton Roads, April 15. first landing re-enactment. Navy College Offi ce streamlines Commander Navy Region off-duty education for Sailors Mid-Atlantic is: Rear Adm. Mark S. Boensel BY MC1 JOHNNY MICHAEL Voluntary Education (VOLED) Program The Flagship® is produced by USS Wasp (LHD 1) Public Affairs Director. Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic staff. The editorial content of this “WebTA allows Sailors to complete newspaper and any supplement is USS WASP (LHD 1), at sea — Sail- all steps in the tuition assistance and ed- prepared, edited and provided by the public affairs offi ce of Commander Navy ors looking to advance their education ucation planning process online,” said Region Mid- Atlantic. goals need to navigate through a number Redd-Clary. Regional program manager for Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic is of recent changes to the Navy College Of- The fi rst step for Sailors in that process fi ce program. is to complete an individual education plan, Public Affairs Director The most important change is that which details their overall educational Beth Baker Sailors will soon have an easier way to com- goals. The individual education plan identi- Editorial Staff plete Tuition Assistance (TA) applications fi es which courses should be taken in what Managing Editor thanks to the new WebTA portal being order, given an overall limit of 16 semester Micheal Mink implemented on the Navy College Offi ce hours per fi scal year.
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