CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1981 that focus on issues of concern to the commu- On September 14, 2006, a ceremony was most as much difficulty, she persuaded the nity, and features on art and culture events. held at the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Wash- State Department, which was rife with anti- According to Sharon Kay, General Manager at ington, D.C. honoring the Reverend Waitstill Semitism, to let the children and 10 adults into the United States. WFSK for the past year, the station prides Sharp and his wife, Martha, as they became Sheckler-Feder and her sisters traveled by itself on offering the community ‘‘an oppor- the second and third Americans to be added train to Lisbon and sailed in December 1940 tunity to hear shows and events from a cul- to the honor roll of 21,000 ‘‘righteous’’ gen- aboard the Excambion, a ship stripped of all tural perspective and viewpoint that is unique tiles, or non-Jews, whose efforts saved count- furnishings except sleeping bags, blankets in this marketplace.’’ less lives during the Holocaust. and pillows to accommodate as many pas- On October 6, WFSK will kick off a major Also, on September 14, the Washington sengers as possible. Their parents eventually fund-raising effort with a non-stop, 48-hour on- Post wrote an article about the Sharps, calling followed. air celebration of their heritage and their com- them ‘‘The Couple Who Fought Genocide,’’ Sheckler-Feder has no doubt that were it not for Martha Sharp, her family would have mitment to future growth. Under Sharon Kay’s and I would like to share with my colleagues perished: ‘‘What she did is outstanding, it direction, WFSK is undertaking a major ren- excerpts from that article: will never be forgotten.’’ ovation and expansion, with plans for a new As the Nazis marched across Europe in 1939 Mr. Speaker, this bill is the House com- and 1940, a Unitarian minister from Massa- transmitter and new antennae, as well as up- panion to S. Res. 562, which was introduced graded digital equipment. I am honored to be chusetts and his wife rushed into the coming in the Senate by Senators CHAFEE, REED, joining the entire team at WFSK, as well as Holocaust to save Jews and other refugees, KENNEDY and KERRY. I am very proud to intro- other community leaders and music profes- including scores of children. When they set out for Europe in January 1939, Germany had duce this bill with the esteemed ranking mem- sionals, for this important event. seized the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia ber of the House International Relations Com- WFSK is a powerful and important voice in and refugees were flowing across the con- mittee, Congressman TOM LANTOS, and the Nashville. I am proud to salute them on their tinent. The American Unitarian Association other House members of the U.S. Holocaust latest achievement, being named the Nation’s asked numerous ministers to go to Europe Memorial Council, Representatives CANNON top black college radio station. And I wish before Waitstill, 37, and his social worker (UT), CANTOR (VA), LATOURETTE (OH) and them continued success with their upcoming wife, Martha, 33, agreed. WAXMAN (CA), along with the Members of the fundraising event and in the years to come as Prague, Czechoslovakia was home to one of House congressional delegations representing they expand their presence in our community. the world’s largest Unitarian congregations, which was helping refugees of all stripes— Rhode Island and Massachusetts. f Jews, trade unionists, political dissenters, I urge all my colleagues to cosponsor this INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION and others. The Sharps arrived to lend a resolution paying tribute to this courageous REPEALING TWO UNCONSTITU- hand in February 1939, and one month later, husband and wife team and to pass this legis- the city was occupied by the Nazis. TIONAL AND PATERNALISTIC On March 15, 1939, the day the Germans lation in the coming weeks before the 109th FEDERAL FINANCIAL REGULA- took Prague, Martha Sharp guided an anti- Congress permanently adjourns. TIONS Nazi leader to asylum at the British Em- f bassy. A few days later, the Reverence INTRODUCTION OF NATIONAL HON. RON PAUL Waitstill Sharp arranged for a member of the Czech parliament to be smuggled out of a PLAN YOUR VACATION DAY OF TEXAS hospital morgue in a body bag. The Nazis IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES soon closed the Sharps’ office and threw HON. JON C. PORTER Friday, September 29, 2006 their furniture into the street. But the cou- OF NEVADA ple stayed another five months and got out IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to in- just ahead of the Gestapo. troduce legislation repealing 2 unconstitutional On their second foray to Europe, in mid- Friday, September 29, 2006 and paternalistic federal financial regulations. 1940, they worked in Marseilles, France and Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to First, this legislation repeals a federal regula- helped smuggle people across the Pyrenees submit a resolution that would support the tion that limits the number of withdrawals into neutral Portugal. One of their close col- goals and ideas of a National Plan Your Vaca- someone can make from a savings account in laborators was Varian Fry, a 32-year-old New tion Day. a month’s time without being assessed finan- York editor who devoted himself to saving European intellectuals and was the first U.S. I have introduced this resolution today be- cial penalties. As hard as it is to believe, the citizen placed by Yad Vashem on its ‘‘Right- cause I believe that vacations play an impor- Federal Government actually forces banks to eous Among the Nations’’ honor roll, which tant roll in creating a lifetime of memories that punish people for accessing their own savings includes Oskar Schindler and Raoul may be shared between individuals, friends, too many times in a month. This bill also re- Wallenberg. and families. Furthermore, travel opens our Since the Sharps burned most of their peals a regulation that requires bank cus- minds and hearts to different cultures, places tomers to receive a written monthly financial records to keep them out of Nazi hands, no one knows how many lives they saved. Their and people. As Mark Twain wrote: ‘‘Travel is statement from their banks, regardless of fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-minded- whether the customer wants such a commu- grandson, Artemis Joukowsky III of Boston, estimates they helped 3,500 refugees in ness, and many of our people need it solely nication. Prague, though it is unclear how many sur- on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, chari- These regulations exceed Congress’s con- vived. In Marseilles, they pioneered routes table views of men and things cannot be ac- stitutional powers and violate individual prop- that hundreds used to escape. quired by vegetating in one corner of the earth erty and contract rights. Furthermore, these Marianne Sheckler-Feder of Laguna Hills, all one’s lifetime.’’ regulations insult Americans by treating them California, has a fuzzy but enduring memory Travel is vital to our health and well-being as children who are unable to manage their of Martha Sharp, reinforced by a fading as a strong and vibrant economy. The south- own affairs without federal control. I urge my black-and-white photograph taken on a sun- ern Nevada area is one of the top American colleagues to show their respect for the Con- dappled street in the French port of Mar- seilles. ‘‘I remember a figure, she was a very, and international tourist destinations. The city stitution and the American people by cospon- very elegant lady. Kind of serious and very of Las Vegas has earned a reputation as the soring this legislation. concerned. You looked up to her, she de- convention capital of the world. In 2005, the f manded respect,’’ said Sheckler-Feder, now city hosted 22,154 conventions, attended by 79. HONORING REV. WAITSTILL AND Thousands of refugees from across Europe some 6.2 million people. In fact, two-thirds of MARTHA SHARP FOR SAVING had flocked to Marseilles in hopes of gaining every dollar spent in the State of Nevada is a LIVES DURING THE HOLOCAUST passage abroad, only to be interned in work product of the tourism industry. camps when France surrendered to Germany With the advancements in technology, mak- HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN in 1940 and the Nazis set up a collabora- ing travel arrangements to visit Las Vegas or tionist government in Vichy. Sheckler-Feder other destinations has never been easier. In OF MASSACHUSETTS was 12. She was one of three Jewish sisters, fact, in this new broadband world, where busi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nearly identical triplets who had fled with nesses need not be built on brick and mortar, Friday, September 29, 2006 their parents from Vienna, a bare step ahead we have seen a transformation and evolution of the Nazis. Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, it is my Marseilles was the end of the road, the end to online commerce. For example, October 23, honor to introduce legislation today paying of hope—until they met Martha Sharp. She 2006 marks the 10-year anniversary of tribute to the Reverend Waitstill and Martha pestered Vichy officials to issue exit visas Expedia.com, an innovative online travel com- Sharp, the couple who fought genocide. for 29 children, including nine Jews. With al- pany which maintains significant operations October 6, 2006 E1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2006 centers in Las Vegas with over 300 employ- filled with slurs, lies and outbursts about the A TOTAL FORCE GI BILL FOR THE ees; I congratulate Expedia.com as one of the U.S.
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