SPECIAL EDUCATION!! SUMMER COME AND EDITION THE SPECTRUM GET IT ! VOLUME L V, STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1939. NUMBER 1 Fees Will Be Officials Look For Two Year Revolt By AC Large Enrollment Changed For Prospects for an increased en- rollment at NDAC this year are Students, Friends Ends Coming Year bright, say college officials who point to several factors indica- tive of probable attendance. In- With Purgees Reinstated Administrative Cost Of AC, quiries for the new college cata- `Lr Equalized; Labora- log have been more numerous than during the summer last year, State Board Of Higher Education Votes tory Fees Abolished as many as 25 having been sent out in one day. The campus dor- Unanimously In Restoring All Employees The office of the president announ- mitories are filling rapidly, and To Former Equivalent Positions prospective students desiring ces a change in fees from the figures rooms are advised to file applica- stated in the 1939-40 catalog. In tions immediately. Climaxing two years of continued order to make that part of the fees Especially interesting is the revolt by NDAC students and well- which goes for administrative costs great number of transcripts from NDAC Track Will wishers against political interference equal for both NDAC and UND stu- other institutions which have been filed with the registrar during Be One Of Best in the administration of the state's dents, the incidental fee has been higher education institutions, North raised from $12.50 per term to $14, the summer. Applications for ad- In The Country fall term, $13, winter term and $13 mittance have come from almost Dakota's newly installed board of every other school of higher edu- in the spring term. This change When the NDAC track is com- higher education last week ordered cation in North Dakota, and from, brings the total incidental fee to $40, pleted, it will be one of the best several other states of the union. reinstatement of their old positions, the amount paid yearly by students in this part of the country, ac- or commensurate disposition for the at the University of North Dakota. cording to C. C. Finnegan, ath- eight NDAC staff members summa- Formerly $3 was deposited to in- letic director and coach. rily dismissed or demoted in August, sure payment of charges for any Located inside the stadium on damage the student might do to the Dacotah Field, the track sur- 1937. property of the institution. This $3 rounds the football gridiron so The so-called 'purge' of 1937 and deposit has been abolished. In its that all meets can be comfortably the subsequent removal of NDAC from place each student will in the fall watched from the seats in the sta- the accredited list of the North Cen- quarter, pay a non-returnable fee of dium. Jumping pits are under $2, which is known as the laboratory- construction at the present time tral Association of Colleges and Sec- library-general fee. This charge DR. EVERSULL and are ingeniously placed be- ondary Schools aroused widespread eliminates all laboratory fees as out- tween the track and the football indignation among college students lined on pages 34 and 35 of the cata- FELLOW STUDENTS : field directly in front of the north and friends of higher education all loge except breakage cards. Each stands. over the state. Their answer to the These are thrilling moments as we await the enrollment student also pays a $1 health fee The track itself, with an eight 'purge' was an initiated constitution- which entitles him to the services of for the new school year. College is Youth's most precious inch coating of cinders, should al amendment passed in June, 1938 the student health program explain- opportunity. These are days of momentous importance for provide the runners with the finest which established the board of higher ed on page 43 of the catalog. education. they contain the hours of decision. At the College we are underfooting possible and should The Alumni and Former Students be conducive to record-breaking VOTE IS UNANIMOUS association will receive $1 per term thrilled with the promise of the new year. Each day brings sprints in meets to be held here in Acting on the recommendation of from each student. In return, the us a bountiful supply of transfer students who are coming to the future. of President Frank Eversull the new student will receive the quarterly the Agricultural College from other institutions of higher hoard unanimously passed the rein- alumni publication for life, and de- learning. We are receiving many applications from high statement order, saying that through rives the same benefits from this or- school graduates who have already decided to cast their lot passage of the constitutional amend- ganization's work to the school as a with us. ment, voters "thereby gave to this whole. board a direct mandate to right the Total costs to the student for a As we view these great numbers, including those who have been here and are coming back, we survey with pride wrong done not only to these indi‘.d- year's tuition are summarirized in MIKE DOBERVICH duals but to the spirit of our free -the following table: the things that the Agricultural college has to offer. We are institutions." Fall Winter Spring happy to say that we are now accredited by the North Central Results of the board's reinstate- Incidental $14 $13 $13 Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools which means ment order include: Activity 5 5 5 Dobervich Joins that we take our rightful place among the institutions of Return of R. M. Dolve as dean of Libr. and Lab. 2 2 2 higher learning. We are located in Fargo where opportuni- the division of engineering. H. S. Alumni 1 1 1 ties for work, for fellowship, for culture, and for experience Rush, present dean becomes assistant Health 1 1 1 Marine Corps are unbounded. We have the backing of the churches, the dean. Total $23 $22 $22 Mike Dobervich, who graduated in schools, and the community institutions which stand for the Reinstatement of Dr. H. L. Walster as director of the experi- In addition to the above charges, June from the division of agriculture, best there is in the world. We have unexcelled training in ment station. H. C. Hanson, present -each student registering for the first agriculture, arts and sciences, chemical technology, engineer- has accepted an appointment to the director, becomes vice director. time is required to pay a matricula- United States Marines and is sta- ing, home economics, and pharmacy. We have a strong, well- tion fee of $5. This fee is paid only balanced, alert faculty including some of the world's leaders Return of A. H. Parrott as regis- once. tioned at the Navy Yard Marine in educational endeavor and research. We have a beautiful trar. Viola Borderud, acting regis- School in Philadelphia trar, will be his assistant. Out of the activity fee of $5 per campus. We have live fraternities and sororities. We have Awarding of a commensurate sec- term the student is entitled to ad- "We go to school here for nine an Alumni Association that has done more than any other retarial post to Jean Traynor, former mittance to all athletic contests, ly- months of very excellent training. group to promote the interests of higher education in North secretary to the president. Miss ceum numbers, and convocations; The work is interesting and they Dakota. We have that impetuous herd of Bison that has weekly copies of The Spectrum; a Traynor is now serving as secretary manage to keep us busy just like in taken its place in football history as well as promises to make to Parrott, present college employ- copy of The Bison, the college year- college," writes Dobervich in a letter history. We have the Bison Boosters—the finest group of A. G. ARVOLD ment chief. book and many other benefits. received by President Frank I. Ever- business men ever assembled who spend untold hours of time OLSON MAY RETURN The cost of an NDAC educa- sull recently. He goes on to mention tion is less than that of any other that Jack Reibe June graduate in en- to make your stay in Fargo happier and more significant. I P. J. Olson has been offered his land grant college in the United gineering is also at the school along am overwhelmed as I think of all these things together wtih Arvold Plans former position as assistant dean of States. With the abolition of with their senior instructor, Captain hundreds of others that I might mention. agriculutre and professor of agrono- fees for work in the science, edu- Narum, who is an old AC graduate. I want to assure you that as the signals are being called my. Dean Olson, now with the Ma- cation, agriculture, pharmacy, In closing Dobervich • says, "I am for the new plays every single person is getting into line. LCT Program nitoba experiment station, has indi- art and other branches, the au- very grateful to the college and to When the ball is snapped back for freshmen on September 15 cated he may accept the NDAC post. thorities have gone far to make Alba Bales, former dean of the di- the Military department for the op- and for upper classmen on September 19, there will be one Besides his work as head of the a decided reduction in the cost of portunity it has given me. Here's public discussion department A. G. vision of home economics will be education at the college.
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