Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1952-1953 Student Newspapers 9-24-1952 Connecticut College News Vol. 38 No. 1 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1952_1953 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 38 No. 1" (1952). 1952-1953. 21. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1952_1953/21 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1952-1953 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. ,/ ONNECTICUT LLEGE New London, Connectiont, Wedneoday, September 24, 1952 Uk per eopy CAMPUS GROUPS WELCOME CLASS OF 1956 ual Faceted Code Varied Duties College Government Stresses resents Challenge Sponsored. by Unity of Campus Interests o Every Student Service Club Students' Help eeded Every girl at Connecticut Col- To Propose Solutions Honor System May Be lege belongs to service League. For Common Problems This is the organization through New Experience; which all the service acti\7ities,and Student Government at Connec- ticut College serves as a medium Adjustment Important many of the social functions of through which the student body the college are carried out. can learn to ilve together in a "The student is in honor bound Girls on campus take part in well-organized community. report herself to the proper of- many of the welfare activities, Because every student is a cer of the Student Government which are undertaken by the dtr- member, a workable student gov- ernment Is a challenge to each ssociation in case of her viola- ferent committees under Service person. The responstblllty of main- on of either phase of Honor League. Students have always en- taining a student government ode. joyed working an hour or an at- through which the college com- "A student who is aware that a ternoon a week at Learned House, munity can discuss and work to- gether toward the solution of [low-student has violated the which is the setfternent house in campus' problems depends upon onor Code,' is in honor bound to Dell Stone, Chief Justice of New London. There they work Honor Court the support of the student. dmonish that student to report _ with the children, either instruct- ing them along certain lines, or Student Representation erself." I P id engaging in play activities. The organization of Student This is the Honor Code under Quarter y roVl es Government is based on represen- Preshman Receptions One of Service League's im- I.. ""-¥:.....__ .lo._.; tation of the student as a member hich each student at Connecticut Student Creativity of a house, class, and an organiza- ves, For many, as they arrive at portant functions is to take Barbara Painton, President ot tion. The House of Representa- onnecticut, an honor system WithCatnpusOutlet charge of the receptions which Student Government tives is composed of House Presi- Gch as this one is as new as col- QuarterlY, like any college liter- are given for the freshmen during dents elected by the students in the fall as a means of introduc- [ge life itself. Perhaps adjusting ary magazine, can be much more each house, and the Speaker of tion to freshmen of other colleges. Connchords, Shwiffs the House, who is elected by the 6, and learning to take part in, than an enjoyable, readable collec- The reception with the cadets students, and presides over the U a system is on top o.f the list tion of student writing. It can also Ch from the Coast Guard Academy Sing for Pleasure meetings. f .what freshmen want to learn be considerably less. The function will be held in Knowlton Salon on I and the ultimate purpose of the Cabinet is composed of student uring the first few months of the magazine rest primarily upon its the first Saturday after college be- Among the things of interest to government officers, class prest- gins, September 27. Receptions ollege year. staff; and their judgment and se- freshmen and upperclassmen dur- dents, and leaders of other organi- have also been planned with ing the first weeks of school will zations on campus. The President tudent Assumes Responsibility lection must in turn repose on the freshmen from both Yale and Wes- To some students it may seem quality of the contributions of- be the try-outs for membership of Student Government, elected leyan, and these will also be held in Connchords of Shwiffs. by the students, presides over the t first that conducting oneself un- fered them. early in the fall. meetings. er the Honor Code is naturally Probably everyone shares that Connchords and Shwlffs are two Let us take a hypothetical bill, asier than worrying about being great new burst of enthusiasm, Tryouts for Choir informal groups of Connecticut and trace it through the stages of caught"; easier than giving the that eternal chant of "now's the College students who sing tor fun its development. The freshmen in culty or the honor court, ~he time to start .again" that autump Knowlton, at a house meeting, de- omplete responsibility of noticing seems to br-ing. The freshman Thurs., Sept. 25 and relaxation. The groups ap- clde that students should be al- y offenses large or small. It is ~hare in this is contributions and From 4 to 5 :30 p.m.; 01) Thurs- pear at club meetings, dances, and lowed to wear blue-jeans on cam- Iery likely however that having staff membership. There is no set day, September 25, there will be song fests in New London and at pus. raChstude~t assume' the r~sponsi- pattern for a Quarte~ly selec~ion. voice tryouts for the Connecticut other colleges throughout the Legislative Action ,)Uityfor herself, and also, m part, umor, poetry, stones, articles College Choir in Harkness Chapel. The president of Knowlton lor her fellow.students, is not the will all represent student expres- The choir, composed largely of year. brings the issue, in the form of a laster task. , sian. freshmen, provides music for Sun- First and foremost, however, bill, to the House of Representa· And yet, this is certainly not It :V0uld.be.~ce to di~cover a day evening vesper services, and these groups gather to enjoy the tives for dlscussion and action. ,onsidered an impossible task for budding virginia Woolf; It wo~ld also for other college functions. tis! ction of informal and spon- The House 01 .!tepresentatives, ~et ~ny student; freshman or upper be even nicer to be one. The nn- In the past, it has been the rule sa a . us say, votes In lavor of the bill. ~lassman. It is expected that the porta~t t~n~, however, is to say that students sing one year in the taneous group singing. If you like The Speaker ot the House then 'ense of right and wrong, com- what IS WIthin you, to make an choir, before being admitted to to sing, be sure to come and try brings the bill to Cabinet for a~ ined with the desire to contrib- honest effort to express yourself. the Connecticut College Glee out. Date, time, and place of the ceptance or veto. Cabinet dis- te to the community standards It is fun, and moreover a reward- Club. try-outs for either group will be cusses the bill ~oroughly and, let nd the wish to insure the contin- ing ex.,p:::e:rJ::·e::.D::c::e;.._ Rehearsal time for the choir is d d fre hmen are es- US say, accepts It. announce , an s The bill is then brought to the ed workings of Connecticut's - Thursday evenings, from 6:45 to 7:30, in the chapel. pecially welcome. Committee on Student Organiza- onor system will be a force eas- Radio Club to Give ____________________________ tions, which is composed of three ly strong en~ugh to' enable each WNLC, WCNI Programs members of Cabinet, four faculty ne to do her share. Radio Club sponsors programs members, and the Dean of Stu- H"l, dents who is chairman. dmonishment Important over WNLC, '" New London sta- This issue of is strictly for freshmen and transfers, In the committee, both faculty Both parts of the Honor Code tion, as well as over WeNI, the News and student view"S on the bill are re equally important and neces- campus radio station. and is distributed only to you. Its purpose, as you. have un- ~ary, but it is possible that the The club needs announcers, doubtedly discovered, is to introduce to you the various clubs taken into consideration, and ac- tion is taken. If this committee Fecond part should receiv.e gr~ater technicians, writers, and publi· and organizations on campus. votes in favor of the bill, it is then rtress, since it may be, at times, By the tone of the articles, wh!ch were written by the he~ds cists. Everyone is cordially invited presented to the students in the ore difficult to follOW. to attend Radio Club's open meet· of these organizatIOns, It IS plam that all clubs are eagel to Amalgamation meetings - the However, if admonishment is ing on Thursday. October 2 at 6:4? have new members. They will hold numerous coffees or open final stage. .given honestly and tactfullY,. there p.m. in Room 202 of Palmer Audi· houses to tell you of their function and thelI plans. Sludents Enact Policy is no reason for any real difIicul- torium. We firmly believe that in order to get the mo.st O!!t of col- The stude.nts take action on the The Connecticut College Stu- ~Y.The girl who recehtes the ad- lege, it is necessary not only to pursue.o~e's stud!es dlbgently, bill, and if it is accepted by the monishment is aware of the H;on· dent Hour is a weekly program majority, the bill is Instituted as heard over WNLC at 1490 on your but also to participate in camll-us actiVIt!es.
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