mm IF liiili visiting relatlveein I^aiibheeter,retum- ; Grocorlos. ed homo last Saturday.: -' ; . star Clothing House. Dr. C. L. Randall flred a salute of Tliiirsday, Juno 10, 1880. thirty-nine guns yesterday in honor of the republican nominee for president. Mr. Macendcr has' sold his placo on FITCHBUIIG. Mason street to Adison Donsmore. REMOVED! REMOVED! SarprlsePnrty^-I.aap'Yeiirlloii'-Ilenii Mr. Macender and family will start I From Two Sonreea. for Leadvlllo, Col., next Monday. IS^ccial Oorrcapondence.] • Wo had any quanlty of music on the FiTOliiiURO, Juno a street Monday night, but perhaps if " Egyptian Oil" had sold more readily •THE— VOL. XXII.-NO. 25. Fair weather onco more; MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE li, 1880. The high wind Sunday, did much Ave would have bad more musla yot. WHOLE NO. 1119. damage iu this vioiuity to fences, qrcli M. A. Carpenter has inA'cntcd a wood saAvlng machine. It is run by nrds, etc. Business Cards. load, ho waa willing to deduct $50 from and editor of Fontwoter, called on us Menejrtbl^an, ono man who will saAV as much Avood bis prlco rather than to have the mat­ Corn is backward, but the wheat Saturday. He spent Sunday in the HOC on tsam. property, ot low rate of Interest; as two men will in the same time HECBET MOCIETIEfl. ter brought into tho courts.—^aton looks Avell, nnd tlie grass and clover AvIth a common cross-cut suav. city with his mother, the guests of Mr. andnVj oflot 4 biooOof^ good mortgages bought. Inquire of i Ijromise a good yield. • PoBLtsnicB Ka-gby Tiiubsday Arran- Bapidt Journal, . and Mrs. H. P. Henderson. ditlon, Onondaga 700 A Goo<l Templar lodge was organiz­ KNIOHTt OF HONOR. 17tt. OOVMTY BHOimiB. Your correspondent spent a day last NOON BY A RCADIAN LODGE' NO. 061, K. OF H. At the Htate band tournament at ed here last Wetlncsday night Avith J\. RegularmeetlngssocondandfourthMon- Hon. H. P. Henderson of this city \ tti?) «• TM Troplijr. week upon the Portape lakes. Result «TIS FULLER. Flint last Thursday, the Lansing Imnd, was elected an alternate delegate to tho H. M. Hobort to 8. R. Co6k,'iota,'biook nineteen members. The following HOWARD & SON! days In each month, held In Masonic hall. 162, Lansing ,. 40O Tho Hamblotonlan stallion, Trophy, 'Will —a'few llsh, badly blistered hands officers Avere elected : Visiting brethren are Invited to meet with us. of AVhich W. M, Cline of this city is a democratic national convention at an empty stomach, and a pair „ O. AV. VAN SLYKE, Dictator. member, bore uAvay the llrst prize In make the season of 1880 at our atablos In AV. O. T.—Dr. C. 1.. Rtindnll. Om j/twr, 11.30; iix monilii, 75 o«n(i; llirai Cincinnati, June 22, and he will at­ 803 Mason. 16tf. WBnn&FLOBA. weary legs. W. V. T.—Mrs. M. A. Oarpoiilor. H. K. Dban, Reporter, tho flrst class. W. H. Dresslcell, lead­ tend the coventlon. M. E. Rumseyto Joslah Crocker, lota 0 AV, S.-F. II, Flolil. aieidhi, 40 einta—in advtno*. er of the bond, captured a handsome and 12 and part of lot 18,block 21, Leslie flOol Webh The devotees of Terpsichore plied the W. F. 8.-AUa nutlor. We now have a Complete Line ABCIIITEfmi AND BVILDEBH. John 0. Cannon, Register. " light fontastie toe" to their heart's AV, T.-O, V. Adams. ADVCRTItlNa RATES. silver cornet, as second prize in the Luden Beed, H. P. Henderson, sella tho protootlon toes for children, Thoy content at Poxson's holl last Friday M.^. A. llloliards. of Family Onr'adTerUaIng rotca are 9100 per column 8. A. PADDOCK A CO,, comet contest. Cowles & Cahill, E. C. Chapin, Dart & never weor out What, never? Hardly ovor. I. G.—Llbtlo Hotnnan. par year. Business cards 81 a line por year. A RCHITECT8, CONTRACTORS, AND Clark,andM. V. * B, A.Montgomery, OKEM08. evening. The occasion was a young O. G.-Owoii McLaiiKliIla. Builneaa locals Uvo conta por line each and xV Rullders, and proprietors of tho Mason General Garfleld says of his wife: are among the Ingham county attor­ ramera. ladies' • leni>year dnnce. A good time n. H. S.—Fred Cariieutcr. OTBry laaertlon. lumberyard and planing mill. Sash,doors, A Waab-Ont-Blaaniboat Bold-Hheap Ij. II. S.—Ettle Coy. " There hos not been one solitary in- neys having cases on the supreme Kllled-Paraaaala, »e. YOU OAN USB STMAi(THBEsnBa8,iti<(Aoiit cxlra • Avas reported. GROClIESiDFBOVmONS Ifarrl»|«, birth, and death notices n-ee, and blinds at whofesnle and retail, • stancein my publio career where I suf­ coti, U yoa Insure your property Avltti mo. Nasba'. Obltuanr notices, resolutions of respect, court docket, [Special Oarretpondence,] The daughters and other relatives of CLOTHING HOUSE! earda ortiiBnks, etc., live cents n lino, fered in the smallest degree from any re­ I represent none but flrat-olasa oompanles, und Mason Bnslness Directory. OXBNos, June 15. Mi-s. Lydla E. Peak, surprised thnt WHEATFIELD. mark she ever made. With thecompeti- Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meach celebrated give the lowest rutos. JOB PRINTING! tion tliat has been against inc many the tenth anniversary of their marriage Where is the man who predicted a lOtr. J. C.SctuiEBS, Mason. good lady yesterday, by making her a JEWEI.EBB. visit, the occasion being tho sixty- Ilaru nnlNeil-Cr»|Ml.ooki»ir Wcll-So- TEAI TEA! TEA! steam Power, New Presses, and Now Typo times such discretion lias been a real last evening with a tin wedding. A drouth? seventh anniversary of her birth-day. cinlM—MicfcneM* Frnm IMeaoICK, Etc. Now Located in the '*01d Grout" enable us to do Job Printing on short LIAS CULVER, dealer In watches, cloeks, blessing." There is o moral in those few large and pleasant company were in at­ Chester Hasklns bad four sheep kill­ •lorae For Sale, [Sjifctal CbiTctipomlnnce,] No. 11, crop of 1S70. Very flne lliiA'- notico, at low prices, and tn tho E Jewelry, silverware, etc. Repolring dono. words too plain to need pointing out. tendance and tho presents were numer­ ed by dogs a few nights ago. Bay mare, eight years bid, weighs about Tho surprise was as complete as the 1,100 pounds. Cash or a good noto. W. M. presents were choice, and equally well AVjtEATFIEI.l), JtlMO S. ored ; good stecjier ; a siilen'did Tea for T C. BERRY,Jeweler,and dealer In watches, The moral has a local application and ous and valuable. a 50 center, at 45 cents. Building for a Few Weeks. BEST POSSIBIiE MANNER! fJ . clocks. Jewelry, shvorware, nnd musical S. Murray Orton has gone to Shafts- Cllnent Marble works. lOtf.- enjoyed. Mrs. Peak is a native of Miss Kate Pollok is sick AVith tho we shall leave each of our married lady burg to take charge of a saw-raill there. Instruments. Repairing a specialty. Call I Coming Erents. Olarkson, Monroe county, N. Y., and measles. No. 12-'), extra choice, new season ; Business Cards. readers to Interpret it for herself. BameBaber clear and flne st.A'le; AVill glA-e the best Mr. Holden of Alaiedon started this has resided upon her present farm E. R. Sanford of St. Johns wns the nRVCtOIMTN. morning to visit his daughter in Can­ that at W. M, CUno's you can got a Qranlto at of satisfaction ; all Ave ask is ,50 cents. John Van Horn, ex-supervisor of Next Sundax-will bo children's day the same flguro that you havo to pay other about thirty-five yenr.'j. Her husband, guest of ills brother last Aveek. ATTORNEYH. M. WILLI AMS.drugglstnnd apothecary, Hamburg township, Livingston coun­ at the Methodist church. ada. Philander Peak, died four years since; Al.so a full line of Oolong, Black and We have a Lars:e stock, more than we ex­ H. Prescriptions carefully compounded. dealers for marble. Marble at the lowest liv­ Mrs. Ro.sa Haddy is confined lo her 0. F. NCWKIRK, ty, lias been fined $50 and costs for The Ingham county temperance con­ Farmers complain that they cannot ing rates and flrst class work guarantood, and her daughters. Mi's. Geo. Archer, bed Avith inflammation oftho lung.s. other lino goods. pected until we came to move them. We want W. HALSTEAD, dealer In drugs, medl- not assessing the owners of dogs in bis and Mrs. J. W. Whallon, reside in TTORNEY AT LAW. INSURANCE AND O. elnes, perfumery, litncy goods, notions. vention will convene at Mead's hall, workintheircom. Always something Jacob Haddy has shingled his bnrn. A collections speolnltlos. Ayebborvlllo.Mlcii. town. The case will probably go to a Lansing, to-morrow at eleven o'clock. the matter. Barfaiaa. Bunkerhill; the latter of whom resides to reduce stock one-half before moving back to higher court and Avlll probably settle with her, Mr. Whallon having the George Haddy did the Avork. B.aDAItT. It. A. OLAUK. OROCERM. The rain of Sunday morning washed We want to close out our large stock of our old quarters, and in order to accomplish it DART A CLARK, tho qucHtlon of the constitutionality of Tho Presbyterians will have a so­ out a place under tho railroad track a sewing machines and will give you a bargain ovei'sight of the farm. A son and Robert Steadmaii and AA'ife Avore visi­ COFFEE! Vr A. DUNNING, dealer In groceries, tho (log-tax law. The state coristitution cial at Mrs. Lucien Beed's to-morrow daughter lie beside her husband, in ting friends in Sunfield last AveoU. A TT0RNEY8, LANSING, MICH. SPECIAL Xl. crockery, and provisions.
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