Sty? Slopi dazrtfr and (ttnUmtat latlg INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 20—NO. 181 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1940 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM 240 GERMAN PLANES DOWNED IN JULY PROBABILITY OF ATTACK SPAIN SEEKS AID FROM AGRICULTURE ENQUIRY BY TAXATION IMPASSE AND A FIGURE IS DOUBLE R. A. F. LOSSES: "RICH & FREE" STATES ON BRITAIN DISCUSSED ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE PRECEDENT IN 1851 MADRID, July 31 (CP)—The War Meeting Held In Smith's Proceedings- To Be Public Falangist newspaper Arriba, Rejection of Important Money NAZI ARMED RAIDER IS DAMAGED: which has latterly been accusing Parish Last Night Through Medium Of Press Bill by Council Then the U.S.A. of "dollar diplo­ macy" in South America, ap­ One of the largest crowds yet to The enquiry being conducted into The action of the Legislative pealed primarily to that nation attend the series of war lectures the activities of the Department Council on Tuesday in refusing by RUMANIA OFFERS A MINORITY SWAP today for aid in returning Spain filled the Whitney Institute com­ and Board of Agriculture by the a vote of 5 to 3 to proceed with the to normalcy. pletely last night to hear lectures by select committee appointed recentli Income Tax Act, 1940, after it had The newspaper asked that Colonel R. Swire, R.E., and Miss by the Speaker of the Assembly is progressed for many long months NAZI MERCHANT RAIDER RUMANIA OFFERS SWAP OF "peoples rich and free from Rose Gosling. A collection which to b3 m.ade open to the public through through the Assembly, finally hav­ 240 NAZI PLANES DOWNED conflicts of their own" help was taken during the evening was the medium of the press. Three ing its third reading on July 17, DURING JULY ATTACKS DAMAGED IN S. ATLANTIC MINORITY POPULATIONS Spain rebuild after "a long announced by the Reveiend Archi­ meMin s have already been held. has again brought taxation matters and wasting civil war which bald Ball, who acted as chairman The last one took place yesterday forcibly before the public. For a had been longer precisely for for the meeting to amount of £10. and a reporter from The Royal Gaz­ time, interest had waned as sitting the reasons of an aliens coun­ Reported Adamant Against 0. 1. This collection was m.ade in ette & Colonist was present. Mr. after sitting of the Assembly was New Blockade Went In Force Manages To Elude Merchant try's will that is, because aid of the Berm.uda War Fund Appeal. T. A. Russell, Director of Agriculture, devoted to debate on what form or At Midnight Last Night Cruiser In Running Fight Any More Land Concessions moral and matoiial aid was upon the invitation of the committea, forms of taxation should be enforc­ given to our enemies." Following the talk by Miss Gosling the latest Biitish news reels and nas attended the two last meetings ed in Bermuda. When the decks LONDON. July 31. (CP).— LONDON, July 31. (BOP).— BUCHAREST, July 31. (Reu­ "Squadron 992," a film showing the and answered questions. Sir Stanley had been cleared of all taxation Britain's defenders have blasted The admiralty announces an en­ ters) .—The Rumanian Govern­ training of bariage balloon crews, Spurling, Chairman of the Board measures in the Assembly, few peo­ more than £3,000,000 worth of gagement in the South Atlantic ment hopes to placate Hungary THEY SAY wera presented through the courtesj of Agriculture, has also been present, ple anticipated the impasse which has apparently now been created. German aircraft out of the skies between the British merchant and Bulgaria by offering to ex­ cf the Bermuda General Theatres. on invitation. The decision of the Council, com­ this month, it was estimated to­ cruiser Alcantara and a German change minorities without giving By A. M. Purcell At the conclusion of the piogramm.e The committee first met on July ing as it did "out of the blue," is night after the Air Ministry an­ raider. The raider escaped des­ up any more land. This policy the audience joined in the singing 15 when the chairman Mr. S. S Tod­ now a popular (or unpopular) sub­ nounced that 240 German 'planes truction by making use of smoke was revealed by the Foreign That tho Council has provided the cf "Land of Hope and Glory," and dings recited the terms of reference floats after having sustained Minister, M. Manoilescu, after a sensation of tho \\ ar. "God Save tha King." Colonel and the scope of the enquiry, which, ject of discussion throughout the had been shot down in July. Island. Royal Air Force losses were only ; some damage. The British ship meeting of the Cabinet. M. * * * Swire's speech was as follows: he felt, should include the possi­ lalf this figure — 123 machines. received a hit which reduced Manoilescu's statement was That at tho present moment the full ' 'I am quite sure that what you I bility cf effectirg economies in the What will be done is a matter of iiree more German 'planes are her speed, enabling the raider deeply deferential to the Axis effect of the manslaughter of young all want know is what the next | DeI artmei and the long range | conjecture. At least this much is believed to have been brought to escape. The damage sustained powers who, it is reported, have Bill Income is not realised. move in the war is going to be and operation of the Board. Tho chair­ known. The Income Tax Act, 1940, down tonight in a fierce fight was slight and the casualties threatened to impose their own when it is going to start. Well, man also stated that certain ship­ cannot be brought before the Coun­ over a south-east coast city. The amounted to two killed and conditions if Rumania does not That the news of the death was first that of course is not a question which pers of produce, and the Secretary cil again during the present session, Air Ministry announced that it seven wounded. The search for settle the revisionist claims of leg.rded flippantly. anyone can answer. I ma,v as well tell of the Coiporation, had indicated nor can any land tax act similar to their willingness to appear and give I is estimated at least 600 officers I the German raider continues. Hungary and Bulgaria before | . on so straight off, before putting the one introduced by Mr. N. H. P. any information they could in re­ md men of the German air force The Admiralty communique issued September 15. That some putting of heads together forward some ideas as to what may Vesey. and later rejected, be brought gard to the shipping of pioduce and were either killed or wounded in this afternoon on the damaging of M. Manoilescu and the Rumanian may produce a different feeling. be going to happen. before the Assembly during this ses­ their handling on the clocks. He (Iv K the German commerce raider in the Premier, M. Gigurtu, visited Hitler sion. f "Any intelligent attempt to see cited an instance where special the attack on the south-east South Atlantic was in the following and Mussolini last week to discuss That chore may possibly bo some him what may happen next must be based In situations like this, parallel terms "An engagement has taken their problems. at a veto Bill. facilities had been offered the De- precedents are always of interest. '. German raiders tonight on a clear understanding of the pre- paitir.cnt fi _ the fumigation of aombs along the south- place in the South Atlantic be­ The Foreign Minister's statement stnt situation, so I will start by giving A reporter of The Royal Gazette tween the armed merchant cruiser, today said that for 20 years Rumania That this would depiive the Council produce f< r shipment, which the & Colonist yesterday made the Anti-aircraft batteries you nrv views on tho present state of Dtpartm.ei t o: Agriculture had failed British pursuit 'planes fought H.M.S. Alcantara (Captain J. G. P. had carried out a generous policy to­ of the right to reject a Money Bill affahs, but I must stross once more rounds of several authoritative Ingham, D.S.O., R.N.,1 and a German wards minorities. She now turned on ts second piesentation in the to take tdvantage of. sources searching for a backlog of enemy machines over the south-1 that any opinions I give are my own T of England. Wales and Northern | raider. The raider escaped des­ to a radical solution by offering to sail e session. only and are in no way official. Mr. E. R. Williams ianother mem­ facts which would produce he his­ truction but is known to have sus­ exchange minority populations. In j "First of all we must bear in mind ber of the Committee said that torical precedent to Tuesday's affair. eports from Belfast late tonight tained damage affecting her fight­ addition, M. Manoilescu promised a That t c pailiamentarian says that ri e reason why this war is being tho advice to farmers regarding Eventually he interviewed the Hon. that heavy gunfire and the ing efficiency. renewal of the anti-Jewish cam­ it iseisiertoiejoct a moasuie than fought. It is simply because the shipping facilities issued bj the F. G Gosling, a member of the Legis­ nd of airplane engines were "Immediately on sighting the raid­ paign, which has never been far be­ to introduce one. power of evil, so ably represented by Department was fragmentaiy and lative Council and long a student over Northern Ireland, but er—a fast converted merchant ship neath the surface of Governmental * * * Germany, cannot exist alongside the unreliable.
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