The Sunflower VOL. LXXI NO. 36 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY TUESDAY. JANUARY 17. 1967 Notice To Students Proportional Rop. Athletics Evaluated By Sends Proposol The Parnassus staff is in the process of completing their deadline for the printing o f the WSU yearbook. In order that they may have a more accurate idea as to how To Gov. Docking P.E. Corporation Board many yearbooks should be ordered, all fhll-time students hr Pat0*0tnMr (those who will take 18 hours during the 1966-67 year) concerning the new The recent absence of a foot­ It was decided that the football are requested to fill out the order below which would guar­ WSU budget has b ^ sent to ball coach and the prospect of budget for coaches* salaries, re­ Gov. Robert Docking by Rod Ste- seeking a new coaching staff cruiting, and related expenses antee them a copy of Parnassus. Proportional R^resenta- provided a need and opportunity will be increased by &5,000 All orders are to be turned in to the journalism office tive o f the Student Government for a thorough evaluation of the in fiscal year 1968. Boyd Con­ or in to the information booth in the CAG before Febru­ congress representing the SGC football and athletic program by verse, new head football coach, decision. the Physical Education Corpor­ ivas ^ven a four-year contract ary 15th. Full-time students who have not reserved a ation Board. ?.t $14,000 a year. I” the letter Stewart stated, copy will not receive one. Any further Increases, accord­ Enclosed is a resoluticHi adopted The board, headed by Fred These yearbooks are already paid for by full-time stu­ Sudermann, met Dec. 19 where all ing to the P.E. Board, will be by the Student Government Con­ based on a real demand which gress of WSU on Tuesday, Janu­ factions concerned with the foot­ dents through their campus privilege fee. exhausts present facilities. A ary 10, 1967. It is our Inten­ ball program voiced their opin­ ions. Among those who read committee will be appointed to tion in passing this resolution NAME. statements at this meeting were periodically review the state of CLASS. that we deomstrate to our com­ the program. munity, governmental officials President Emory Lindquist, Uni­ versity Senate Chairman Donald The proceedings of this Dec. and administration the extent of 19 meeting of the board were student interest and concern in Cowgill, and Board Chairman Sudermann. reported at the Jan. 8th Senate HOURS 1ST SEMESTER. our own educational affairs. CowgllPs statement, published meeting, and the board’ s recom­ HOURS 2ND SEMESTER "This resolution Is not acrude in the January 13th edition o f the mendations to President Lind­ quist were approved by the Sen­ attempt to pressure, to lobby or Sunflower, expressed the facul­ ate. to mobilize support for the re- ty’s view that a large increase Cowgill said, “My statement storatimi of file recent budget in salary and substantial escala­ Sunflower Positions Open cuts for WSU. Rather it is an tion of the athletic program would for the Physical Education Board meeting of Dec. 19 was pre­ attempt to demonstrate in an be appalling. pared In the light of file pos­ acceptable and mature for our The President shared Cow- sibility that other people would Writing positions cn both Par­ concerns in our own e^cational gill’s views on a large increase, the Parnassus office, Communi­ want to increase the footoall nassus and Sunflower staffs are process. The resolution is also saying he would consent to a cations Building, between 3:30 budget much more than was in­ open to interested students se- the result of a dynamic and modest increase in the football and 5:30 p.m. weekdays. creased.* ccmd semester. expanding Congress trying tore- budget. An expansion of the pro­ JoumaUsm experience is not Cowgill’s position was sum­ Those interested In writing present the best interests of the gram not to exceed $25,000, If for Sunflower should see Don necessary for either staff, but funded by friends in the com ­ med up In his statement, *The is helpftil. WSU Student Body.* Awtrey or Suzie King, Room 004 munity in addition to present increase in the football budget A minimum amount of ten hours or 005, in the basement o f Wll- He further stated, “Should you committments with the under­ for next year appears to me to per week is required of Sun­ ner Auditorium between 1:30 and so desire, we will sponsor and standing that it might be neces­ be a quite modest one and Is flower writers. However, if in­ 5:30 p.m. weekdays. finance a delegation of Student sary to increase the basketball entirely in keeping with the posi­ terested in a speciaUzed field Those Interested in writing Government Congressmen to the coaches also within that figure. tion tsiien by me and the Uni­ of writing, this will be takoi for Parnassus should see Chuck X ap itol to meet with you and versity Senate." into consideration. Jackson or M;yma Fletcher at discuss s t u d ^ concern and in­ volvement earnest hope that you view our concern in the form of the enclosed resolution fa­ Eight Faculty Meoibers Arrest O f Local Boo Hoo vorably.” The resolution sent to Go­ vernor Docking included five Perform In 'The Wall’ Is First In Stato Of Kans. points, which read as follows: The cast of "The Wall,” the James Ewan, a twenty-one- the Nazi occupation, their lives, and would have to establish the (1) Whereas Wichita State Uni­ Wichita Community Theatrepro- year-old Junior in political sci­ and their eventual revolt. It is facts before considering any pos­ versity has requested an alloca­ duction to be presented Jan. 24 ence, wasarrestedSaturdaynifi^jt sible University action. tion In the State Higher Educa­ through 28, reads like a roster Millard LampeU’ s adaptation of at his residence in Fairmount the John Hersey novel. The only stipulation made by tion Budget of $11,512,204, and of the Faculty Senate. No less Towers, for possession and sale the University on Ewan thus far (2) whereas the State Budget Di­ than eight foculty members are The New York TTmes called of LSD. His is the first arrest has been that he change the rectors recommendations call involved In the production. "The WaU* a play fUled with in the state o f Kansas under the the violence of history. The char­ name of his chapter from "WSU for $10,617,707, and (3) whereas Dr. Richard Welsbacher, di­ new federal law. Guy Goodwin, acters are Jews and they are branch of the Neo-American Wichita State is now entering a rector of the WSU Theatre, plays assistant U.S. attorney, said men, women and children who Church.* ThiB demand was made critical period in its growth and the lead, and opposite him is Ewan was arrested by twoagents could inhabit any city of the on the grounds that the church development, and (4) whereas Mary Jabara, drama teacher at world - weak, strong, gallant, of the U.S. Bureau of Drug Abuse is not recognized by the Uni­ faculty compensation levels are Wichita H elots High School. Control after he allegedly sold Iving, petty, resolute, devout, versity and could not therefore already low according to the Other faculty members In the one the agents a capsule of cynical. The play sets forth the use its name. Ewan immediately American Association of Uni­ cadt include Dr. James Erick­ LSD. According to ofllcials, he uncompromising facts, but it complied with this request, versity Professors statistics, son, Warren KUewerandHellmut had two capsules o f LSD and two clothes them in humani^.” changing the name to the "Wichi­ and whereas (hculty-student Rennert of the English depart­ matchboxes hill of marijuana at Mary Jane Teall, dorector, ta college branch.* ratios are reachingunwieldypro- ment, Mrs. Robert Whereatt who the time of arrest Ewan’s recent arrest, accord­ portions according to A.A.U.P. will teach English next semes­ said, “ I think it is the most Ewan, a boo-hoo of the Neo- ing to Rhatigar, means ^ t he statistics. ter, and Dr. Peter Mayer of the powerful and gripping play the American Church, which uses has apparently .ixissed from the political science department, Da­ Wichita Community Theatre has ever had.” psychedelic substances in its re­ realm of advocacy actual law­ vid Bickerman, son of Dr. Mi­ ligious observances, was charged We, the Student Government Tickets will be available at breaking. *If this is indeed the Congress of Wichita State Uni­ chael Bickerman, math depart­ Sunday with p ossession sale, and the door on the nights of the ca se," he said, “the University versity, do hereby express our ment, plays the child’ s role. deliverance of LSD. The charge may have to take some sort of performances, and there will be concern over the recent budget The play is directed by Mary is a misdemeanor and is punish­ action.* Jane Teall, of the WSU drama reduced prices for WSU stu­ committee recommendations dents. Perfca'mance will be in able by a fine of $1,000 or one Ewan had planned to leave department. year in Jail. Bond was set at concerning Wichita State Univer­ Wilner Auditorium at 8:30 Pim. Kansas after his finals wjre sity. The play concerns the Jews Jan. 24 through Jan. 28. $1,000 and Ewan was released completed Friday. of the Warsaw Ghetto during on his own recognizance. Notrial date has^ yet been set He has no previous record.
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