City of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Thursday, July 14, 2016 9:00 AM Regular Meeting City Hall Commission Chambers City Commission Tomás Regalado, Mayor Keon Hardemon, Chair Ken Russell, Vice Chair Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner District One Frank Carollo, Commissioner District Three Francis Suarez, Commissioner District Four Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager Victoria Méndez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk City Commission Meeting Minutes July 14, 2016 CONTENTS PR - PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS AM - APPROVING MINUTES MV - MAYORAL VETOES CA - CONSENT AGENDA PA - PERSONAL APPEARANCES PH - PUBLIC HEARINGS SR - SECOND READING ORDINANCES FR - FIRST READING ORDINANCES RE - RESOLUTIONS BC - BOARDS AND COMMITTEES DI - DISCUSSION ITEMS PART B PZ - PLANNING AND ZONING ITEM(S) MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS M - MAYOR'S ITEMS D1 - DISTRICT 1 ITEMS D2 - DISTRICT 2 ITEMS D3 - DISTRICT 3 ITEMS D4 - DISTRICT 4 ITEMS D5 - DISTRICT 5 ITEMS City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 8/17/2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes July 14, 2016 9:00 A.M. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Present: Commissioner Gort, Vice Chair Russell, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Suarez and Chair Hardemon On the 14th day of July 2016, the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in regular session. The Commission Meeting was called to order by Chair Hardemon at 9:01 a.m., recessed at 11:59 a.m., reconvened at 3:07 p.m., and adjourned at 6:24 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo entered the Commission chambers at 9:03 a.m. and Commissioner Gort entered the Commission chambers at 9:04 a.m. ALSO PRESENT: Daniel J. Alfonso, City Manager Victoria Méndez, City Attorney Todd B. Hannon, City Clerk Chair Hardemon: Welcome to the July 14, 2016 meeting of the Miami City Commission in these historic chambers. The members of the City Commission are Wifredo Gort, Frank Carollo, Francis Suarez; Ken Russell, the Vice Chairman; and myself, Keon Hardemon, the Chairman. Also on the dais are Daniel J. Alfonso, the City Manager; Victoria Méndez, our City Attorney; and Todd Hannon, our City Clerk. The meeting will be opened with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance, led by our Mayor. All rise, please. Invocation and pledge of allegiance delivered. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS PR.1 PRESENTATION 16-00966 Honoree Presenter Protocol Item 23 Liberty Square Mayor & Comm. 23 Certificates Family Reunion Hardemon of Appreciation Office of Management Mayor Regalado Certificate of & Budget Honor Sandy Dorsainvil Mayor & Salute Comm Suarez Rosenny Augustine Mayor & Salute Comm Suarez Camp Shriver Mayor & Proclamation All Commission First Tee Golf Mayor & Proclamation Association All Commission City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 8/17/2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes July 14, 2016 16-00966 Protocol Item.pdf PRESENTED 1) Mayor Regalado, the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department, and the Sandra DeLucca Development Center presented a proclamation recognizing First Tee Miami-Dade Amateur Golf Association; a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals with disabilities. 2) Mayor Regalado, the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department, and the Sandra DeLucca Development Center presented a proclamation honoring Camp Shirver in celebration of its 10-year anniversary. 3) Mayor Regalado and Chair Hardemon presented a certificate of appreciation to Christine King and the volunteers who participated in the committee that organized the historic Liberty Square Family Reunion; an event that brought former and current members of the first housing project for African-Americans in the Southern United States as part of the “New Deal” under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration. 4) Mayor Regalado and Commissioner Suarez saluted and paid tribute to Rosenny Augustine, who currently serves as Community Affairs Liaison in the Office of Commission Chair Keon Hardemon; recognizing her continued work and dedication to the citizens and residents of District 5, in addition to playing an essential role in the designation of the “Little Haiti” neighborhood, as well as for her devoted service to the City of Miami. 5) Mayor Regalado and Commissioner Suarez saluted and paid tribute to Sandy Dorsainvil, who currently serves as Community Affairs Liaison in the Office of Commission Chair Keon Hardemon, for her continued work and dedication to the citizens and residents of District 5, in addition to her invaluable contributions on behalf of the Haitian community in Miami. 6) Mayor Regalado presented a certificate of honor to Christopher Rose and his budget team whose diligent and tireless efforts on the City of Miami's FY2015-2016 Budget resulted in the City receiving the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Chair Hardemon: We will now make our presentations and proclamations. Presentations and Proclamations made. APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: Motion by Vice Chair Russell, seconded by Chair Hardemon, to APPROVE PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 5 - Commissioner(s) Gort, Russell, Carollo, Suarez and Hardemon Chair Hardemon: Mr. Clerk -- well, first, are there any minutes to be approved? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Yes, sir. I have for Commission consideration and approval the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes from May 26, 2016. Chair Hardemon: Is there a motion to approve? Vice Chair Russell: Move it. Chair Hardemon: Been so moved; seconded by the Chair. Any further discussion? Hearing City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 8/17/2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes July 14, 2016 none, all in favor, say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. END OF APPROVING MINUTES MAYORAL VETOES NO MAYORAL VETOES Chair Hardemon: And are there any mayoral vetoes? Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Chair, there are no mayoral vetoes. Chair Hardemon: Thank you very much. ORDER OF THE DAY Chair Hardemon: We will now begin our regular meeting. The City Attorney will state the procedures to be followed during this meeting. Barnaby Min (Deputy City Attorney): Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Any person who is a lobbyist, including all paid persons or firms retained by a principal to advocate for a particular decision by the City Commission must register with the City Clerk and comply with related City requirements for lobbyists before appearing before the City Commission. A person may not lobby a City official, board member or staff member until registering. A copy of the code section about lobbyists is available in the City Clerk's Office. Any person making a presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission concerning real property must make disclosures required by the City Code in writing. A copy of this Code section is available in the City Clerk's Office. The material for each item on the agenda is available during business hours at the City Clerk's Office and online 24 hours a day at www.miamigov.com. Any person may be heard by the City Commission through the Chair for not more than two minutes on any proposition before the City Commission, unless modified by the Chair. If the proposition is being continued or rescheduled, the opportunity to be heard may be at such later date before the City Commission takes action on such proposition. Anyone wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Commission for any matter considered at this meeting may need a verbatim record of the item. A video of this meeting may be requested at the Office of Communication or viewed online at www.miamigov.com <http://www.miamigov.com>. No cell phones or other noise-making devices are permitted in the Commission chambers; please silence those devices now. No clapping, applauding, heckling, or verbal outbursts in support or opposition to a speaker or his or her remarks shall be permitted. Any person making offensive remarks or who becomes unruly in the Commission chambers will be barred from further attending Commission meetings and may be subject to arrest. No signs or placards shall be allowed in the Commission chambers. Any person with a disability requiring assistance, auxiliary aids and services for this meeting may notify the City Clerk. The lunch recess will begin at the conclusion of deliberation of the agenda item being considered at noon. The meeting will end either at the conclusion of the deliberation agenda [sic] being considered at 10 p.m., or the conclusion of the regularly scheduled agenda, whichever occurs first. Please note, Commissioners have generally been briefed by City staff and the City Attorney on items on the agenda today. At this time, the Administration will announce which items, if any, are being either withdrawn, deferred, or substituted. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Daniel J. Alfonso (City Manager): Mr. Chairman. Chair Hardemon: Go ahead. City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 8/17/2016 City Commission Meeting Minutes July 14, 2016 Mr. Alfonso: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning, Commissioners. The Administration is requesting to defer to the October 13 agenda DI.1-3. We're -- DI.1-3, DI.13. We're also requesting to defer PH.4 to the July 29 Commission meeting, which is the next Commission meeting. I was asked to present the withdrawal of Public Appearance 2 and DI.9. Commissioner Suarez: I'm sorry. What was that? Mr. Alfonso: PA.2. Commissioner Suarez: PA.2. Mr. Alfonso: PA, Personal Appearance 2. Commissioner Suarez: Okay. Mr. Alfonso: And DI.9. And also, to defer CA.7 to July 29, and the Mayor, I believe, would like to make some comment about that. Mayor Tomás Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Chair Hardemon: You're recognized, sir. Mayor Regalado: Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission, I have asked the Manager to ask you to defer CA.7 until the next meeting, July 29.
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