A guide to the papers of Frank Rattray Lillie (1870-1947) Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 Archives of the Marine Biological Laboratory 7 MBL Street Woods Hole, MA 02543 January 14, 2015 MC-MBL-Lillie 2006-05, 2007-06 Manuscript Collection MBL (Twenty-nine 12”x5” boxes, 1 framed letter) TABLE OF CONTENTS BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1 ARRANGEMENT 1 SCOPE AND CONTENT 2 RELATED RESOURCES 2 FOLDER LIST 3-17 INDIVIDUAL ITEM LIST separate document BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Frank Rattray Lillie was born in Toronto, Canada and attended the University of Toronto as an undergraduate. He moved to the United States and became a fellow at Clark University under the tutelage of Charles O. Whitman. Lillie received his doctorate in zoology from the University of Chicago in 1894. Lillie was an important pioneer in the field of embryology, including discovering the mechanisms causing free-martins. Lillie first came to the Marine Biological Laboratory in 1891 to conduct summer research on embryology. Lillie went on to serve as Assistant Director of the MBL under Whitman from 1900-1908, Director of the MBL from 1908-1925 and President of the MBL Corporation from 1925-1941. Lillie was one of the Directors of the MBL Embryology course from its first year in 1893 through1903. He was also instrumental in the founding of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. ARRANGEMENT The Lillie papers were originally part of a sequentially-numbered series of manuscript boxes, the first two boxes being the papers of Charles Whitman. Papers were left in their original order. The collection begins with Box 3, (II.A) 1 Most papers are cataloged at the folder level. A Library volunteer cataloged correspondence II.A, folders 1-41 and folder 101, and II.B, folders 1-13 to the individual item level. SCOPE AND CONTENT The collection includes Lillie’s time as Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory (1908-1925) and as President of the MBL Corporation (1925-1941). The papers are grouped into 11 sections: II.A. Correspondence, Folders #1-108 II.B. Sex Research Committee, Folders #1-13 II.C. National Academy of Sciences, Folders #1-32 II.D. National Resources Committee, Science Committee, Folders #1-6 II.E. National Research Council, Folders #1-13 II.F. F. R. Lillie, Publications I: books, articles, etc., Folders #1-5 II.G. F. R. Lillie, Publications II: Lectures, addresses, etc. II.H. F. R. Lillie, Publications III: MBL Book (1944) II.I. F.R. Lillie, Personal Documents, Folders #1-9 II.J. WHOI II.K. Research in Progress RELATED RESOURCES The University of Chicago maintains a collection of Frank R. Lillie papers in the Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library. A finding aid is available at http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/scrc/findingaids/view.php?eadid=ICU.SPCL.FRLILLIE. 2 Box Number Box Description Folder Folder Description Date Range (Section Number) 3 (II.A) Correspondence: A-H 1 A.A.A.S. Conference, Ottawa, subsequent 1938 correspondence (#1-33) Correspondence: A-H 2 Fred W. Appel (#1-34) 1934-1943 Correspondence: A-H 3 A. – Miscellaneous (#1-35) Correspondence: A-H 4 B. – Miscellaneous (#1-51) Correspondence: A-H 5 FrItz (FrIedrIch) Baltzer (#1-15) 1933-1935 Correspondence: A-H 6 B. – Miscellaneous (#1-7) Correspondence: A-H 7 H.B. Bigelow, General Education Board (#1-17) 1925-1935 Correspondence: A-H 8 BiologIcal BulletIn (#1-46) 1919, 1938-1945 Correspondence: A-H 9 Thomas Hume BIssonnette (#1-29) 1931-1946 Correspondence: A-H 10 B. – Miscellaneous (#1-15) Correspondence: A-H 11 Isiah Bowman (John HopkIns UniversIty) (#1-13) 1937-1940 Correspondence: A-H 12 Malcolm D. Brode (#1-21) 1934-1939 Correspondence: A-H 13 C. – Miscellaneous (#1-22) Correspondence: A-H 14 C. – Miscellaneous 9#1-63) Correspondence: A-H 15 Gary Nathan CalkIns (#1-29) 1937-1945 Correspondence: A-H 16 C. – Miscellaneous (#1-6) Correspondence: A-H 17 Bishop James E. CassIdy (#1-21) 1935-1940 Correspondence: A-H 18 Lincoln R. Clark and FamIly (#1-76) 1928-1943 Correspondence: A-H 19 C. – Miscellaneous (#1-8) Correspondence: A-H 20 Karl T. Crompton, PresIdent M.I.T. (#1-4) 1937 Correspondence: A-H 21 EdwIn Grank ConklIn (#1-27) 1919, 1936-1947 3 Correspondence: A-H 22 Charles R. Crane (#1-2) 1901 Correspondence: A-H 23 Viktor Hamburger (#1-56) 1931-1947 4 (II.A) Correspondence: D-H 24 D. - Miscellaneous 1934-1947 Correspondence: D-H 25 D. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: D-H 26 E. - Miscellaneous 1940 Correspondence: D-H 27 EncyclopedIa BrIttanIca "Feathers" 1947 Correspondence: D-H 28 F. - Miscellaneous 1935-1944 Correspondence: D-H 29 Alfeo FaggI (St. FrancIs Bust) 1946 Correspondence: D-H 30 F. - Miscellaneous 1940 Correspondence: D-H 31 Mary and RIchard M. Fraps 1932-1947 Correspondence: D-H 32 Mary and RIchard M. Fraps Correspondence: D-H 32a G. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: D-H 33 General BIologIcal Supply House Correspondence: D-H 34 AnnelIese Gerloff 1932-1934, 1941 Correspondence: D-H 35 James Nelson Gowanlock 1930-1940 Correspondence: D-H 36 Richard GoldschmIdt (#1-44) 1932-1939 Correspondence: D-H 37 H. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: D-H 38 Carl G. Harman 1936-1941 5 (II.A) Correspondence: H-J 39 Ross G. HarrIson (#1-111) 1928-1946 Correspondence: H-J 40 R. Ruggles Gates, BaltImore 1937-1941 Correspondence: H-J 41 Harvard UnIversIty, trIcentennIal 1936 Correspondence: H-J 42 Harvard UnIversIty, Overseers, Hon. Degree, Sc.D. 1938 Correspondence: H-J 43 LewIs VIctor Heilbrunn (#1-46) 1926-1943 Correspondence: H-J 44 H. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: H-J 45 PresIdent Robert M. HutchIns, UnIv. ChIcago Correspondence: H-J 46 A. G. Huntsman, Salmon SymposIum 1939 Correspondence: H-J 47 JulIan Huxley 1928-1946 4 Correspondence: H-J 48 Mrs. Lawrence Hobson (ShIrley) 1943-1947 Correspondence: H-J 49 Leigh Hoadley 1939-1942 Correspondence: H-J 50 I. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: H-J 51 J. - Miscellaneous (Johns HopkIns, H.S. JennIngs) 1947 Correspondence: H-J 52 EdwIn Oakes Jordan, 1866-1936 1936 MemorIal ServIce, Nov. 1936 Correspondence: H-J 53 E.E. Just 1916-1918 6 (II.A) Correspondence: J-M 54 E.E. Just 1912-1941 Correspondence: J-M 55 E.E. Just, obItuary notIce, FRL, 1941, ScIence 1941 Correspondence: J-M 56 K. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: J-M 57 L. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: J-M 58 Jacques Loeb (1916-1918) and Leo Loeb (1939) 1916-1918, 1939 (#1-10) Correspondence: J-M 59 M. - Miscellaneous Correspondence: J-M 60 James PlayfaIr McMurrich, 1859-1939, obIt. notIce 1939 Correspondence: J-M 61 Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence (#1-58) 1912-1917 Correspondence: J-M 62 C.E. McClung, 70th birthday, volume, AprIl 5, 1940 1939-1940 Correspondence: J-M 63 Giuseppe MontalentI 1931-1946 Correspondence: J-M 64 Thomas Hunt Morgan 1941-1946 Correspondence: J-M 65 Carl R. Moore 1935-1946 Correspondence: J-M 66 Mount Desert Island Laboratory 1936-1941 7 (II.A) Correspondence 67 WillIam A. NItze (#1-3) 1938 Correspondence 68 John U. Nef 1940-1945 Correspondence 69 Henry FaIrfIeld Osborn (#1-3) 1933 Correspondence 70 Raymond Pearl, 1879-1940 Correspondence 71 OtIs Elevator Company 1938 Correspondence 72 Clarence PontIus 1946 Correspondence 73 HoratIo Hackett Newman and Isabel Newman 1941-1947 5 Correspondence 74 P. - Miscellaneous Correspondence 75 R. - Miscellaneous Correspondence 76 WillIam E. RItter, Berkeley 1938 Correspondence 77 Rockford College, Rockford Ill 1947 Correspondence 78 HilarIo A. Boxas, ManIla 1927-1938 Correspondence 79 Sigma XI Celebration, Ithaca N.Y. - June 18-19, 1936 1936 Correspondence 80 S. - Miscellaneous Correspondence 81 Hans Spemann (#1-66) 1926-1941 Correspondence 82 T.C. Stephens, WIlson OrnIthol. Bull. "PhysIology of 1932-1933 the Feather Pattern" Mss. Correspondence 83 Thomas G. Thompson, UnIv. of WashIngton 1946 8 (II.A) Correspondence 84 T. - Miscellaneous 1935-1945 Correspondence 85 Harold A. Urey 1938 Correspondence 86 UnIversIty of ChIcago, Nursery School 1932-1937 Correspondence 87 V. - Miscellaneous 1937 Correspondence 88 CaptaIn John J. Veeder - 1940 1931-1940 Correspondence 89 W. - Miscellaneous Correspondence 90 HsI Wang 1938-1947 Correspondence 91 Warren Weaver (#1-6) 1933-1934 Correspondence 92 Charles OtIs Whitman (#1-16) 1895-1916 Correspondence 93 B.H. WIllIer, Quart. Rev. of Biol. 1932-1947 Correspondence 94 E. B. WIlson, 1856-1939 (#1-78) 1902-1939 Correspondence 95 W. - Miscellaneous 1932-1937 Correspondence 96 World Power Conference, 10.9.1936 1936 Correspondence 97 Yale ExperIment StatIon, Orange, Flor. 1935 Correspondence 98 WillIam C. Young 1934-1943 Correspondence 99 X. Y. Z. - Miscellaneous Correspondence 100 Miscellaneous Personal Correspondence (#1-87) 1909-1911 6 9 (II.A) Correspondence 101 Miscellaneous correspondence 1898-1906 Correspondence 102 Miscellaneous correspondence 1898-1906 Correspondence 103 Deaths (#1-30) 1937-1945 Correspondence 104 C.R.A.N.K.S. (#1-18) Correspondence 105 FertIlIzIn, mIsc. correspondence (#1-11) 1939-1943 Correspondence 106 Rockefeller FoundatIon, CommIttee on Program 1934-1938 Correspondence 107 A.A.A.S. Conference, Ottawa, June 27-30, 1938 1938 10 (II.B) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 1 Annual Reports 1923-1942 Research CouncIl) (#1-20) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 2 Sex Research CommIttee, Conference at Woods Hole, 1934 Research CouncIl) 1934 (#1-30) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 3 Sex Research CommIttee, HIstory 1922, 1924, 1932 Research CouncIl) (#1-13) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 4 Sex Research CommIttee, Annual Reports 1924-1928 Research CouncIl) (#1-7) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 5 Sex Research CommIttee, Annual Reports 1928-1932 Research CouncIl) (#1-4) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 6 Sex Research CommIttee, Annual Reports 1932-1934 Research CouncIl) (#1-4) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 7 Sex Research CommIttee, W.C. Allee 1935 Research CouncIl) (#1-6) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 8 Sex Research CommIttee, Herbert M. Evans 1933-1934 Research CouncIl) (#1-44) Sex Research CommIttee (NatIonal 9 Sex Research CommIttee, RIchard M.
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