Experience and Qualifications for Lompoc OHV Park City of Lompoc TRA Environmental Sciences, Inc. 545 Middlefield Road, Suite 200 Menlo Park, CA 94025 (650) 327-0429 www.TRAenviro.com November 18,2013 TRA Environmental Sciences, Inc., formerly known as Thomas Reid Associates, is a full-service environmental consulting firm, established in 1972, that specializes in environmental impact analysis and the preparation of documents required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We are certified as a California Small Business, #44133, as defined by the Department of General Services, pursuant to Section 14837 of the Government Code and Section 1896, Title 2, of the California Code of Regulations. We are also a certified Women Owned Business by the California Public Utility Commission, VON 10AS0037. We offer a wide range of services, including: Biology Noise • Field reconnaissance Field measurement of ambient noise levels • Aerial photo interpretation • Field measurement of source-generated noise Vegetation mapping levels • Endangered species surveys • Modeling new source impacts Wetland delineations • Modeling traffic noise levels Habitat conservation planning Modeling roadway barrier attenuation • Database mapping of special-status species Air Qyaiity and Greenhouse Gases • Population monitoring programs Emissions inventories and dispersion modeling • Habitat management plans Air quality/greenhouse gas/climate change Revegetation/habitat restoration/landscape impact assessments plans • Permit acquisition / renewal • Construction and revegetation monitoring • Federal conformity analysis Permit Assistance • GHG reporting / source test plan USFWS incidental take permits and Section 7 development consultations NEPA/CEQA Compliance • Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits Environmental impact assessments • CDF W Section 1600 agreements Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRPs) Caltrans documents • Peer reviews • California Coastal Commission, Coastal Development Permit Public representation • Regulatory guidance and planning assistance Environmental and Biological Impact Analysis | Permitting | Applied GIS Services Our Areas of Expertise CEQA and NEPA Documents* TRA was founded to prepare environmental documents during the early years of NEPA and CEQA and has remained in step with the evolution of the guidelines for environmental review of projects. We keep apprised of statutory and regulatory changes through journals, annual publications, conferences, the California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) website and other relevant websites, and maintain our expertise by handling a variety of projects. Habitat Conservation Planning* TRA has authored or had major participation in dozens of habitat conservation plans for endangered species in California and elsewhere, as well as the Southern California Coastal Sage Scrub NCCP and the Placer Legacy conservation project, which are regional programs. Current TRA staff prepared and negotiated the first Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) completed under the Endangered Species Act, which was for San Bruno Mountain in San Mateo County. The firm has also been assisting San Mateo County with the implementation of that conservation plan since its approval in the early 1980's. TRA was also involved in the first Natural Communities Conservation Plan (NCCP), which took the HCP concept to the higher level of protecting habitats, not just individual species. TRA maintains an expertise in preparing HCPs and NCCPs and in supporting clients throughout the process. We understand the purpose of and effort required to successfully prepare these plans. Most of the 15 HCPs or HCP/NCCPs we have prepared to date have obtained the sought-after Incidental Take Permit. TRA also supports smaller scale conservation planning, from property-specific to watershed-specific plans. It takes time for a regional plan to be conceived and completed, and sometimes a site or watershed- specific plan is a good approach. Biological Assessment's/Surveys. TRA specializes in many types of biological studies and impact assessments. TRA prepares biological surveys to evaluate existing conditions and the presence of sensitive habitat or special status plant or animal species and applicable laws pertaining to the resources found. Biological impact assessments evaluate the effects of a proposed project on biological resources and are used to support CEQA/NEPA documents and permit applications. TRA also prepares Biological Assessments which present both survey and impact information in the specific format set forth by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). TRA maintains a strong working relationship with various staff at the USFWS and the NMFS. We facilitate Federal Endangered Species Act consultations with the federal government to obtain agency concurrence with project findings of No Effect or Not Likely to Adversely Affect endangered species. TRA also provides the technical support required for Endangered Species Act Section 7 or Section 10 consultations and California Fish and Game 2081 permits. Staff members are familiar with the research methods and databases that the resource agencies expect to see in biological site assessments, including the California Natural Diversity Database, the Wildlife Habitat Relationships Database, the Manual of California Vegetation, state and federal survey protocols, California Native Plant Society protocols, and the usual field guides and floras. We have expertise in assessing the potential occurrence of many sensitive species, including California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, saltmarsh harvest mouse, many butterfly species, birds such as Western burrowing owl, least tern, snowy plover, and clapper rail, and mammals such as San Joaquin kit fox, Environmental and Biological Impact Analysis | Permitting | Applied GIS Services TRA Firm Description dusky-footed wood rat, and bats. When needed, TRA works with a network of subcontractors with special expertise in particular endangered species or local resources. Waters and Wetland Permitting. TRA's wetland delineators maintain current training and can identify whether specific areas are covered under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), California Coastal Commission and local regulatory agencies. TRA assists clients with obtaining permits from various regulatory agencies such as the 404 Nationwide or Individual Permits from the USACE, the Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement from CDFW, and the 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB. We prepare the technical studies required for these permits as well as the permit applications. TRA also has experience preparing Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Applications (JARPA) for projects in the San Francisco bay area. Ecological Restoration* TRA provides technical assistance with restoration projects, and has experience with serpentine grassland, riparian, and wetland habitats. Our staff expertise in biology provides the technical knowledge to advise restoration design, devise performance standards, and monitor the results. TRA has been involved with several restoration projects involving habitat for special-status plant and animal species, including those found in serpentine grassland, wetland and riparian habitats. TRA understands the complexities of developing a restoration plan in a regulatory framework, as well as the complexities of implementing the plan in the field. Noise and Air Quality Modeling. TRA has technical capabilities to conduct both noise and air quality modeling for use in environmental impact assessments and agency permitting. TRA has assessed air pollutant emissions from a variety of land use sources such as quarries and motorized vehicle recreation areas, and specific stationary sources. TRA has performed field measurements and modeling of new source impacts and traffic impacts. Mitigation Monitoring. TRA prepares Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRP) required by CEQA for project findings relative to an EIR or MND. These plans specify mitigation measures, responsible parties, and expected work products in order to demonstrate that mitigation proposed during environmental review is actually implemented. TRA also has experience in monitoring mitigation activities, including operational compliance at quarries, restoration work at housing and public facility developments, and sensitive plant and animal species monitoring in various habitat settings. Peer Review and Planning Assistance, TRA assists a number of private clients by providing peer review of environmental documents and technical reports. These reviews are conducted to assess adequacy in addressing environmental issues of concern in relation to CEQA/NEPA requirements and concurrence with report conclusions. TRA also provides planning assistance to state and local agencies such as providing guidance on implementation of habitat conservation plans affecting state park operations and development, local development permit applications, CEQA assistance, and formulation of project descriptions and assessments needed for project grant applications. TRA has provided instructional seminars for public agencies submitting grant applications to California Department of Parks and Environmental and Biological Impact Analysis | Permitting | Applied GIS Services Recreation,
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