Inside: Tower broadband...See /3 Grizz on fire... See /1B The Big Chill...See /4B the T VOL.IMBERJAY 29, ISSUE 41 October 19, 2018 $100 SUSTAINABLE LIVING ELECTION 2018 Aquaponics on display Did new NYT Executive Director poll of Eighth Orr Center Wendy Purdy tends project highlights plants that are grown at the aquaponics tables at get it wrong? sustainability by the Orr Center. The sustainable growing Latest survey shows growing indoors system is on display now, and classes may Stauber up by as by MARCUS WHITE be taught in the future. Cook/Orr Editor photo by Marcus White much as 15 points ORR - There is some- The result is a closed eco- by MARSHALL HELMBERGER thing growing inside the system within the classroom, Managing Editor Orr Center, and it’s been a free from the constraints of long time coming. After a variable year-round tem- REGIONAL— Is the race to replace few unexpected delays, the peratures. Congressman Rick Nolan a nail-biter or center is debuting their latest Aquaponics works as a a blowout in the making? project, an aquaponics system house,” Executive Director the necessary, non-mechani- two-fold system. Fish grow It could be either one, depend- designed to highlight a sus- Wendy Purdy said. “We try cal components out of other in a tank attached to a large ing on what tainable means of growing new things to show them how repurposed material includ- rubber-lined platform. The one makes More election food year-round, even in it’s done.” ing old gym floor panels for platform is filled with small of recent northern Minnesota. The center has repur- the tables and river rocks to rocks, spread to a depth of a polling on the State officals say “We want to show people posed an old classroom to form the base to hold vegeta- race. Back in county should have released Stauber they can be sustainable in their house the project, and built tion in place. See...ORR pg. 10 September, the New York emails. Page 3 Times pub- lished a poll DISCUSSION POINTS showing a near dead-heat, with DFLer Joe Radinovich clinging to a 44-43 percent lead, which suggested it would be the same kind of down-to-the-wire race we’ve seen in previous election cycles. Internal Health care for all See... POLL pg. 10 Ely forum TOWER AMBULANCE addresses Revenue increase important election issue surpassed by higher expenses by MELLISA ROACH Staff Writer since paid on-call ELY— Candidates and activists from a number of orga- by MARSHALL HELMBERGER nizations offered a consistent Managing Editor message on the issue of health TOWER— Six months after imple- care in the U.S. and how to pay mentation of a paid on-call staffing for it during a town hall forum program by the Tower Ambulance service held here last week. revenues are up by $105,174 over the The event, sponsored by the same period last year, due to both an DFL’s Third District Operating increase in the number of emergency Unit, drew a sizable crowd Ely physician Dr. Joe calls over 2017 and an increase in the to Vermilion Community Bianco makes a point on number of non-emergency transfers from College, who heard from DFL the topic of health care area hospitals. congressional candidate Joe at a forum at Vermilion That’s right in line with a Timberjay Radinovich and others about Community College in Ely. the importance of reforming the projection back in March, which estimat- ed a $200,000 increase in department health care system in the U.S. most. “If it hadn’t been for that, revenues when considered on a 12-month Health care, and its future, I probably would have been basis. About $5,000 of the increase in has become the top issue in lost,” he said. “There are a lot revenues this year is attributable to a this year’s midterm elections, of people out there who deal higher number of ambulance runs from according to Radinovich, and with routine problems in their January-March of this year, which the candidate talked personally life. Rich people, poor people, occurred before the paid on-call staffing about how the issue has affected and everyone in between. Too was initiated on April 1. him and his family over the often, what makes a difference Meanwhile, the higher cost of staff- years. in whether people can make it ing, house rental for staff, increased truck In the wake of family through those situations or not, maintenance, and other factors have tragedy, Radinovich openly is that someone in their life has pushed the department’s expenditures expressed the difficult times he a good job and can access health higher as well—by $142,896 through the had coping, and relayed what care for them.” He continued, “I end of September. That’s according to mattered the most was that his don’t think that in the wealthiest dad had a good job and good Leah Rogne and Bill Tefft talk with DFL budget data provided the city of Tower. and most productive country Timberjay wages, and had health care congressional candidate Joe Radinovich after A estimate produced in when the family needed it the See...ELY pg. 11 the forum last week. photos by F. Schumacher March indicated that the shift to paid See...TOWER pg. 12 Contact The Timberjay NEW BOOK TITLES DAILY AT PIRAGIS 218-753-2950 [email protected] Where Good Books Find You! 218-365-6745 Open Daily 6 am to 8 pm piragis.com 2 October 19, 2018 TIMBERJAY Newspapers Greenwood Pizza Party on Oct. 20 NORTHWOODS FRIENDS OF THE ARTS GREENWOOD TWP- The Greenwood Community Recreation Board is hosting their annual all-you-can-eat pizza dinner and silent auction on October Events at NWFA Gallery in Cook Saturday, Oct. 20 from 4 – 7 p.m. at the Vermilion Club. Come and support ongoing maintenance and COOK- At NWFA Gallery display and prints will be on sale improvements to the Greenwood Recreation Center. there is an explosion of new arts and for raffle. Everyone is welcome. Freewill donation for the and crafts made by your friends and Visit the NWFA Gallery pizza. Over 30 items for the auction. Get a head start neighbors. Enjoy an autumn drive to throughout the month to take in these on your holiday shopping. To donate auction items view the talented artist members of exhibits until Oct. 27. Gallery hours or if you have any questions, call Jarri Ankrum at Northwoods Friends of the Arts. It are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 218-750-7236. will be a complex exhibit consist- Thursday, and Friday. On Saturday ing of the annual Members Show, the hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets available for TSAA Fall Auction “October Festival of the Arts” Artists meet at NWFA Gallery and “Rocks, Trees, and Water.” regularly on Tuesdays for Wood on Thursday, Nov. 8 Featured at this years Members Carvers Group, 6 to 8 p.m., on TOWER- Tickets are now available for the Show is a special exhibit in tribute Saturdays for Open Art, 9 a.m. to 1 Tower-Soudan Athletic Association Fall Auction on and memory of Sue Martin, inspi- p.m., and on the second Saturday of Thursday, Nov. 8 at the Wilderness at Fortune Bay. rational leader and first president each month for the Writers Group This once-a-year event features an appetizer of NWFA. “Rocks, Trees, and workshop, 1 to 3 p.m. Everyone is buffet, live and silent auctions, karaoke with Irene Pileated Woodpecker - “Time Water” is the theme, a celebration welcome, beginners and pros alike. Hartfield, and many games and raffles. While the for Lunch” colored pencil of the spirit of the wilderness. Some event is known as a “ladies” night, men are also drawing by Wanda Parks. of Martin’s paintings will be on welcome to attend. A cash bar is also available. We are also looking for donations of prizes for the games and auctions. Hand-crafted items, gift ARROWHEAD LIBRARIES baskets, wine and spirits, and gift certificates are needed. All the funds raised go to youth activities in Tower-Soudan. This is the group’s only fund- Musical program "When There’s Good to Be Done" raiser each year, so please consider helping out this important community event. In the last two years, coming to local libraries, Oct. 23 and Nov. 1 TSAA has donated over $8,500 in the community, REGIONAL- The Arrowhead Loretta wrote each of the songs including: Tower-Soudan Little League and Junior Library System is pleased to present about real-life people who experi- Legion baseball, the running club at Vermilion Curtis and Loretta’s “When There’s enced great challenges in their lives Country School, T-S Elementary Ely Marathon entry Good to Be Done,” a free musical and came out stronger for the journey. fees, community family events at Vermilion Country program being offered for ages 12 She interviewed each person, then School, athletics and choir fees at VCS, and more. to adult at Ely Public Library on crafted their story into a folk song. Tuesday, Oct. 23 at 10:30 a.m., at These are ordinary people with Ruby’s Pantry Oct. 27 in Babbitt Babbitt Public Library on Tuesday, extraordinary qualities. BABBITT- Ruby’s Pantry food distribution will Oct. 23 at 2 p.m., and at Cook Public This program, sponsored by be on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
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