1 BBS From Beaumont To Russia With Shakespeare With Books Page 3 -'he 1 lia urricane Page 4 39TH YEAR, NO. 28 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, JULY 10, 1964 TELEPHONE MO 1-2511, EXT. 2581 8 Juveniles Charged MOVING RIGHT ALONG' In Frat Break-ins UM Construction Surges Ahead By PAUL SCHREIBER Hum cane News Editor By PAUL SCHREIBER ; Coral Gables police last week arrested and charged eight Hurricane News Editor tuveniles with breaking into several University of Miami fra- The University of Miami now ernity houses. has under construction — or has I The arrests came after a UM student} William Dunnuck, recently completed — approxi­ found three youths in his room at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon mately six million dollars in house. Dunnuck, a June graduate, caught one of the boys buildings and additions. and turned him over to police. And so far, with the exception The boy confessed to Gables of the Student Union (see re­ • * • police and implicated the others. lated story); all construction is All are Negroes. on schedule and should be com­ The eight boys, ages 18 to 17, pleted on the target dates, ac­ Protection were turned over to the Juvenile cording to UM Business Manager Court and Youth Wall Three of William F. McLaughlin, "Con­ the boys were involved in fra­ struction is moving right along," Increased ternity house break-ins in 1963, he said. "And these facilities are Since the last Hurricane's edi­ according to Gables Detective certainly needed by the Univer­ torial and story about the recent Glenn Arp. sity." rash of fraternity house break-ins At least three fraternity The six new buildings or addi­ the following has happened: houses have been broken into tions are: DR. HENRY KING STANFORD during the recent rash of break - has requested UM Treasurer Eu­ THE STUDENT UNION: A Ins, said Arp. The Kappa Sigma 3.13 million dollar structure, the gene Cohen to increase campus house was entered twice, in police protection and surveillance Union will include a cafeteria, broad day light, during the past bowling lanes, an Olympic sized of the fraternity house area. These month. Other reported break- patrols have been increased. swimming pool, a branch post ins have occurred at the SAE office, a two-story bookstore, I CORAL GABLES POLICE and Phi Sigma Delta houses. meeting rooms, music and TV have Increased their patrols of rooms, and offices for student Fraternity Row. According to Other break-ins may not be Construction of the University's new $3.13 million Student Union discovered until September, when government, activities, and pub­ Gables Detective Glenn Arp, .. will be completed by February 1,1965 lications. "We have paid a lot more atten­ students return, said Arp. Police tion to that area since the are uncertain about the amount The new Union, four-and-a- break-ins." of goods stolen from the frater­ half times as large as the old nity houses. Inabnit Quits UM Post, building, will be completely air- EIGHT JUVENILES were ar­ 'The youths said they were Union Strike conditioned, have built-in storm rested last week for robberies and looking for bottles to sell," Arp shutters, elevator, a sound sys­ vandalism at three fraternity explained. "They all used the tem, locker rooms and snack shops bouses. same excuse, so it seems likely Takes Job In Montana Hits Union for bathers. FRATERNITY MEN, reading that they got together on it." By SKIP FLYNN The Union should be completed in the houses, have been alerted The youths, whose names were Hurricane Managing Editor Construction of UM's new Stu­ by February, 1965. and are keeping watch on their withheld, face possible conviction dent Union, now nearing the half­ own, and neighboring houses, to and comittment to Kendall Youth Dr. Darrell J. Inabnit, director of student aid at the Univer­ COMPUTING CENTER: The sity of Miami, has resigned effective August 1, to become ex­ way mark, is almost a month be­ five-story, 1.25 million dollar prevent recurrences of these in- Hall, or one of the state's juvenile hind schedule, and more delays cidents. I institutions. ecutive assistant to the president of Montana State University. structure will house a two-million MSU*s president is Dr. Robert Johns, who was executive are in sight. dollar data processing center do­ vice president of UM from 1960 to 1962. nated by International Business In his new post, Dr. Inabnit To blame for the delays — Machines on the first two floors, will also serve as executive amounting to 25 days so far — and facilities of the U.S. Weather New UM Grants Hit secretary of the Montana State are a strike, a change in plan de­ Bureau on the other floors. University Foundation, research signs, and a "sand pocket," ac­ Dominating the interior will contracting agency for the cording to UM Business Manager be a glass enclosed room, hous­ school. ing the IBM 7040 computer. William F. McLaughlin. Centered on the first floor, the Half-million Mark "We appreciate the contribu­ A strike by Ironworkers Local computer room will be border­ tions Dr. Inabnit has made to the ed on two sides by a corridor Various federal agencies have of Health, Education and Welfare University of Miami over the past 272 caused UM officials to ex­ tend the contractor's time limit for visitors to view the ma­ given a number of University of recently awarded UM $11,269 to three years. Although we regret chine's operation. On the outer Miami research and education be used for training students in to see him leave, we wish him by 15 days. The ironworkers' walkout left 20,000 workers in rim of the square will be offices, projects more than a half-million psychiatric nursing. every success," said TJM president classrooms, and a lecture halt dollars in recent grants. Dr. Henry King Stanford. related fields idle at South Flor­ The University's nursing pro­ ida construction sites for 12 The building should be finished Experimental programmed gram was organized in February, Dr. Inabnit joined the Univer­ days. They sought and received by the end of 1964. learning texts to teach "rote" 1953, and offers courses in ma­ sity of Miami in 1961 as Dean of pay boosts and fringe benefits. CONTROLLED ENVIRON­ principles of law will be develop­ ternal and child health, medical Admissions and Records and pi- ed under a $44,263 grant awarded and surgical nursing, psychiatric Dr. Inabnit The remaining 10 days exten­ MENT BUILDING: Completed rector of the Bureau of Institu­ recently, the half-million dollar to the University of Miami School and public health. tional Research. He was appoint­ jKf.. off to MSU sion was to allow time for a re­ of Law this week by the U.S. building houses research facilities According to a report recently ed to his present position on designing of Union plans to meet Office of Education Cooperative revised Miami building codes. at the Institute of Marine Science received by Dr. E. Morton Mil­ June 1. elor's degree at the University of on Virginia Key. Research. ler, dean of the University's Minnesota and received his Mas­ "It has been a stimulating ex­ Not yet considered an official Thomas A. Willis, professor of College of Arts and Sciences, perience and a challenge work­ ter of Arts, Master of Education LAW LIBRARY ADDITION: law, will direct the three year UM student nurses scored first and Doctor of Education degrees delay, are "sand pockets" in the ing with President Stanford and pool area of the Union, which Construction will begin this sum­ Initial study charged with de­ in surgical nursing, second in the program he has designed from the University of Illinois. mer on a third floor addition to veloping and evaluating a pro­ medical, obstetrical and psy­ He served as director of the U.S. have caused minor concern for the University of Miami," among construction-officials. Test the Law Library Building. The grammed text hi criminal law. chiatric nursing and third in said Inabnit in submitting his Armed Forces Institute at the new floor will provide space for If found to be practical, Willis children's nursing in recent University of Wisconsin from 1954 borings are being made to deter­ resignation. mine the extent of the pockets the schools collection of books on pointed out, its application will Florida State Nursing Exam­ Dr. Inabnit received his bach- to 1961. Latin American and International allow the instructor additional inations. and whether additional pilings are necessary, according to construc­ Law, and will house a faculty li­ class time to attack the most diffi­ The National Institute of Health brary and additional study space, cult problems of law. tion superintendent Arne Jacob- has renewed a $194,000 grant to 'Journal' Moves To UM sen. and should be completed by early Approximately two years will the University for UM's graduate 1965. program in cellular and molecular The Journal of Inter-American tions. It offers an outlet for Seen as a possible delay to be needed to develop and refine CENTRAL CHILLED WA­ the criminal law program. biology. Studies, a scholarly quarterly economic, political, social, cul­ Union and other construction on Established at the University of which publishes in four languages, tural and historical studies. campus is the strike of Teamsters TER PLANT: The plant is the TJIVTs program will then be first unit of a central chilled tested and evaluated by at Miami in September, 1960 as an will switch its base of operations "The Journal thus fosters cross Local 290, concrete-truck drivers.
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