TEXAS TECH TEXAS A&M SEPTEMBER 2B, 1957 - JONES STADIUM lf//T/1 TilE REP RAIOER-P Ill EI/ERY &AAI!El WELCOME TO TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE DR. E. N. JONES President It is o pleasure to hove you on the campus located sou th of the main entrance ot Brood­ Youoreinvitedrovisitanyolthebuildings way ond College Avenue end facilities here, butthereoreseverol which Thole new structures going up southwest of may be of porllcvlor Interest. the Lubbock Municipal Auditorium-Coliseum ore Any rime you arrive before Saturday noon, two men's dormitories. S<::heduled to be ready you ore ~pecially welcome to go throo.ogh the next loll, the units will provide housing ond MuileUm, located on the I'IQ(!heost side of the dininglocilitiesfor1.436. War Veterans Memofial Circle ot the center of Speaking of the Coliseum, T~¥· · iech will the compvs. You should see the lb.ponel ploy o lull Southwest Conl,;,ence basketball mural by Peter Hurd, world-lomed artist, and numerous other exhibits depicting the history schedule the<• th's winter, ond we hope yoo will Cc able to ollend some of those go·.• es. oltheSouthPioins. following that, the Red Roiders will portklpote The Tech Union Building, immediately south in all Conference spring sports except boil8boll, of the twin-towered Admininrotion Building, is and will field o team in the loner sport. a good ploce to meet your friends and hove light refreshment$. Those interested in ogri­ Texas Tech will ploy its first lull Southwest cultureoreinvitedtotour thel,600-acreTech Conference football schedule in 1960. By that Forms, immediately west of the main area of lime, Jor>es Stadium is scheduled to be ex­ buildings. ponded to approximately 50,000 seats to pro­ vide you with the best possible view of tho$8 The ent,re main campus is developing rapid­ exciting contests ly. Tech's newest buildings which you may wont to see while here include the 45,000 In closing, may I join with the Texas Deport· square loot gymnasium immediately south of ment of Public Safety ond the Notional Safety Clifford 8. and Audrey Jones Stadium, and Council in urging you To drive corofully OS you the latest womon's dormitory, housing 376 and return home. We wont you to visit us ogoln. Red Raider Captains .. • De Witt T. Weaver ... Coach Teommares on rhe Lubbock Westerner stole chomp­ DeWitt Thompson Weaver is in his seventh yeor Blue-Gray Game, hod ro f0f119o the Iotter honor wher1 io..,..,ip reomso/1951 and 1952ore TeKos Tech's lead­ as athletic dire<:lor and head football cooch a t Texas Tech was ir~vited to tl>e Sun Bowl. ers this yeor Gvord Chari~ Moore is captain, and Tech, having come here lrom on ossociorecooching job Coached by Gen. Bob Neyland or University of end Pot Hartsfield is ohernote captain. at University of Tulsa in February, 1951. Ter~r~essee, Weaver emphosires fundomer~to1s or~d Of· gonizotionwithosplit-Tottock.Alth01.1ghRoidere1evens Moore, 5-11,230.22 years old, starling toclde lost Weover'ssucces.sfuleflorhto developo$f)Orlspro­ move best along the ground they utilile tile forward year, was moved to leh guard after graduation de. grom worthy of Southwest Cor~ferenc:e membership hove pos.s more thor~ most split-T teams. Besides winning the nor kept him from comptlif19 o worthy record ill football prived that position of hefty, eKperieoced players. '53 scori"9 championship, Tech, In '54, ror~ked secor~d coaching. His mark of 37 wins, 24 lo$$115, arid 4 ties /IJ.oore,oll·distriCiandoll-sroleorlubbock,hosoorned or~ly to Army ir~ rushing or~d total offense. is exceeded in the Southwest over the six-yeor period two varsity lenersor Tech. only by Baylor The prematurely gray Weaver was born in Nosh­ Hcrtslield,6-3, 205, 22yeonold, istheonlyRoider ville, Tenr1., May 11, 1912. He returned to the Volunteer lnfiveBorderConlerenc:ecompaignsunderWeover, Store for his college work and in his senior year cap­ who will be earning hisfovrth varsity letter thiS$E!0$0n the Raiders took lour championships and o runner-up He broke into the varsity lineup os o freshman in 1954 tained the Tennessee ream. making All-Sou theastern spot with o record of 19-1-2. Conference at guard. Alter helplf19 coach the Ten­ Hartsfield hm been a norter sloce his sophomore year Weaver's 1953teom won the notional scori ng title, nesseefreshmenosopost-gradin'37,Weavercooched e~cept for the early port of lost season when he wm annexed o 10-1 record, and defeated Auburn 35-13 in the Centre line three years. slowed by ill ne55. the Jon. 1, 1954 Gator Bowl. That victory and o 25-14 ln theNovy 1941 through 1945,Weoverstillholds Moore is majoring in finance; Hartsfield in second­ win over College of the Pacific in the 1952 Sun Bowl by o lieu tenant commander's commission in the Naval Re- Weover's first Tech team ore the only post-season tri­ ary education. In high school they were coached by C. umphs in Tech history II:. (Pot)Potrison Weaver become line coach otMis.siS51ppl Stoteln "SouthwesterneroltheYr!tOr''honot$fromthe Texos 1945, transferring too similar post or University of Sports Writers Association went to Weaver in 1953. He Tulsa in 1949. He ond Mrs. W&aver, the former Mary coached the Border Conference Seniors in the 1954 Sheffield of Jacksonville, ore the porents of o daughter PAT HARTS FIElD, CHAR liE MOORE Solod Bowl, ond, picked oso South Coach in the 1955 Kitty, 15, ond o son DeWit! Jr., 17. Dine at KFYO'S 1957 GRID LINE-UP TEXAS TECH RED RAIDERS DAILY SPORTS BROADCASTS , AND SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE 7:45 A.M.-Red Roid er Roundup FOOTBALL GAMES 5:30 P.M.-Tom Hormon Sports 6:00 P.M.-Jock Dole Sports CBS RADIO GAME OF THE WEEK K~.... 7:00 P.M.-Hermon Hi ckmon Sports GAMES STEAKS - FRIED CHICKEN- SALADS - SEA FOODS JACK DAlE PRE-GAME Phone PO 3-6424 for Reservations PlAY- BY-ftAY WARM-UPS TEXAS TECH ON PARADE 1801 19TH LUBBOCK, TEXAS 12:00 -12:30 SATURDAYS 5,000 WoHs Day - 1,000 Wons Night TEXAS TECH COACHES Terry & Childress COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE "Let's Go, Raiders" 902-04 MQin Street LUBBOCK, TEXAS Phone PO 5-6336 BUILDING MATERIALS FOR EVERY NEED LUMBER - HARDWARE - PAINTS- GLASS -ROOFING -PLYWOOD LELAND PAYNE LUMBER COMPANY 2102 Clovis Rd . Dial PO 2.()119 lubbock, Texas lElAND D. PI\ YNE, President &EAniE FEATHERS Brays Campus Cleaners Quality Cleaning Our Specialty Brays Mens Wear National Advertiser Lines JOE MOSS TOM HAMM JUNIOR ARTERBURN at the Right Price Cooch Wt!IDver is athletic direc.tor and heod football coach; Robison, oJ.Sistant a thletic dire.:-tor, 2"16 &ROADWAY head basketball coach, and football scout; Bud Sherrod, first assistant football coach; Red Phillips, loot­ ball assistant; Beonie Feathers, heod baseball and football assistant; Junior Arterburn, football assistant, Joe Moss, football assistant; Tom Homm, fre~mon football cooch; Gene Gibson, bosl:etboll assistant and program odvertiJing_ Head coa<hes ol all sports o re pictured on another page. Dreams of glory . in the classroom and an the field. Just li~ e big brother, he faa, will oameday become a T<~<:hwn . P.nd r.ke big brother, he'll leod the crowd to the Book & Stationery Center forolltho.., books ondsuppliesso es ...ntiolto a li~ing TEXAS TECH BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Stonding: (from the left), Mr. Douglos Orme, Big Spring; Mr. J. Even~ Holey, Conyon; Mr. C. I. Woll, Amarillo; Mr. P. C. Calloway, Corpus Chri$li; Mr. Floyd Wool­ dridge, Dallas; Mr. Horold Hinn, Ploin~ iew; Mr. Tom linebery, Kermit. Sooted: Mr. Wlnfleld D. Wotkln$, Holsum Cho irmon, Abilene; Mr. Jomes L. Lindsey, (Vice-C ho irmon), Midland; Dr. E. N. Jone$, (Texos Tech Presi­ dent I. the T D., • TOAST DELICIOUS Red Raiders ••.. PLI::NTY FRI::SH ... BUY PLI::NTY! Holsum OFFICIAL WATCH 1porb ou oclotlon• tho world over FOR TIMING THIS GAME induding : ~/ -/rtll(/f.. 10 WORLD'S f AIR GRAN O PRI Z ES • 28 G O LD M EDA LS HI GHEST 0DSERVATORY HONORS fOR A CCURACY OFFICIAL WATCH f OR CHAMPIONSH I P SPORTS HASIE & GREEN AND ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers P. 0 . Box 1139 Telephone SH 4-2391, SH 4-2392 3901 Ave nue H, l ubboc:k The pre-eminence of Longines in sports -including ten world's fair grand prizes, Sleep at timing results from chose inbuilt qualities 28 gold medals, highestobservarory awards ~A t iO NA l fOOTULL PARKVIEW LODGE ltAGUI of ICCUtacy and depcndabilicy which have for accuracy. ({ A Longines watch wi ll 500 E. Broadway- Phone PO 3-2846 made Longines th ~ u•orld's marl bonored honor "J OUr time. And, among longines' Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Williams - owners and managers wlllch. These are- the identical qualities 300 fine watch models then• is the perfect which have won for Longiacs the highest sryleand type fo r JOU. Your longines·Win· Eat at our honors ro which a watch.ma.kct can aspire naucr Jeweler will be ho1sored to serve you. C LIFFHOUSE RESTAUR A NT 11/ustrated ~ Lo,.ginlt St•rlight s,nutk L-} iAriRines PusidentJ ~E"· 14 K gold ''"'• SI2J eleg.n/1 14 K gold u~uh u·uh 6 di~ "' o nds, SI1J Olln r m fHiciJ from $7/.JO. Fed,,J ltU sndNJed Bob and Jean Johnson- managers SHAVEMASTER RAZOR Acruall)' sha,·cs b~low rbe b~ard li11< bccauserhc big. smooth head fh•nens >kin n>ounds ~nd pops wh iskers high. Th~rc's nothing b~rwccn rbe blad~ and rhc b a ~c of each whi sker, and you >h;n-c wirh a gc ml~.
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