#PKSKULLRXX #PKSKULLFXX PSI Woodworking Products Skull Rollerball & Fountain Pen Kit Kit Features: • Intricate and bold styling • Postable, Threaded Cap • Easy to turn with straight tubes • Minimum parts--easy to assemble $YDLODEOHLQPXOWLSOHÀQLVKHV • Overall Length: 6-3/16” Long Required Accessories: • 7mm Pen Mandrel • Drill Bit(s): 12.5mm #PKPLI-DB; 10.5mm #PK105MM • Bushing set(3 pc): #PKSKULLRBU • Barrel Trimming set: #PKMAJJRBTS Barrel Trimming Sleeves with #PKTRIM7 or disc sanding jig • Live Tailstock or Mandrel Saver • 2 Part Epoxy Glue or Thick CA Glue • Pen Blank: Minimum Size - 3/4” X 3/4” X 4-1/8” Long DIAGRAM A / PARTS LAYOUT Lower Coupler Upper Coupler Lower Tube (with decorative band) Lower End Cap (R) Rollerball Tip 2.718” Upper Tube Centerband 1.203” Cap Insert Clip Cap 5 5ROOHUEDOO5HÀOO (R) Spring (F) Fountain Nib (F) Fountain Cartridge (F) Fountain Pump Preparing the Blanks: • Cut blanks to the length of the tubes, allowing at least 1/16” for squaring off on each blank. • Drill holes lengthwise through the blanks. • Spread glue over the tubes, insert the tube into the blank with a twisting motion to spread the glue evenly inside. • Center the tubes lengthwise inside the blanks. • When the glue is dry, square the ends of the blanks, making sure the trimmed ends are 90 to the rube. Use a 7mm barrel trimmer with #PKMAJJRBTS sleeves, or a pen blank spuaring jig with 10mm & 12.5mm trimming sleeves on a GLVFVDQGHU7DNHWKHH[FHVVPDWHULDOGRZQÁXVKZLWKWKHHQGVRIWKHEUDVVWXEH'RQRWWULPSDVWWKHHQGRIWKHWXEH VLQFHWKLVPD\LQWHUIHUHZLWKÀWRIWKHDVVHPEO\8VHDEDUUHOWULPPHURUÀOHWRFOHDQWKHLQVLGHRIWKHWXEH #PKSKULLRXX #PKSKULLFXX PSI Woodworking Products DIAGRAM B / TURNING THE BLANKS Tip Bushing Center Bushing Cap Bushing Mandrel Saver Spacer Or Bushings Finished Blank Finished Narrow Live Center 3URÀOH 3URÀOH End Narrow Turning the Blank End • Mount the bushings and blanks according to diagram B. • Thread on the knurled nut and hand tighten to hold all components in place. • Slide the Tailstock up snugly against the Mandrel shaft, inserting the live center point into the Mandrel dimple. Lock Tailstock. +DQGWLJKWHQWKHTXLOODGMXVWPHQWWRÀUPXSWKHPDQGUHO'RQRWRYHUWLJKWHQLWFRXOGGDPDJHWKH mandrel shaft. • When using the Mandrel Saver, there is no need for extra spacer bushings or the knurled nut. Slide Tailstock directly against bushings and tighten until blank and bushings are secure. • Using sharp tools, turn the blank down close to the bushing diameter. Turn the barrel straight or to a pro- ÀOHRI\RXUFKRLFH 6DQGWKHEODQNGRZQWREHÁXVKZLWKWKHEXVKLQJVJUDGXDOO\LQFUHDVLQJWKHVDQGSDSHUJULWV )LQLVKWKHEDUUHOXVLQJ\RXUFKRLFHRISROLVK$OORZVXIÀFLHQWWLPHIRUWKHSROLVKWRFXUHUHIHUWRSROLVK instructions. Assembly • Arrange parts according to Diagram A • Place Clip over screw post on Cap Insert and thread Cap onto post, tighten so Clip aligns with skull face. • Press Cap/Clip Assembly into Narrow end of Upper Barrel. • Line up Centerband Design with Clip and Skull and press into open end of Upper Barrel. • Press Upper Coupler into Narrower side of Lower Barrel • Press Lower Coupler into open side of Lower Barrel • Thread Lower End Cap into Lower Coupler )RU5ROOHUEDOOSHQV5HPRYHUHÀOOFDSGURSWKH6SULQJLQWRWKH8SSHU&RXSOHUIROORZHGE\WKHUHÀOO ÁDW VLGHÀUVW 7KUHDGWKH7LSRYHUWKHUHÀOOLQWR8SSHU&RXSOHU )RU)RXQWDLQSHQV7KUHDG1LELQWR8SSHU&RXSOHU<RXFDQFKRRVHWKHSUHÀOOHGFDUWULGJHRUUHÀOODEOH SXPSHLWKHUFDQEHLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHEDFNRIWKH1LE$VVHPEO\1RWH'RQRWLQVHUWSUHÀOOHGLQNXQWLO ready to begin use. Ink can dry up and clog nib if left unused in pen for long periods. To use pump, twist back end until plunger is all the way forward. Dip tip into inkwell, and twist back of pump to draw ink upwards. Once ink is installed, thread Nib into Upper Coupler and pen is ready to use. • Keep cap over pen tip when not in use. Store fountain pens with nib side up. Diagram C / Bushings #PKSKULLRBU 0.248” Holes through Tip End Center Cap End © 2018 PSI Woodworking Philadelphia PA 19115 - v06/18.
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