Notes Chapter 1 1. In 1951 Penguin issued simultaneously ten of Waugh's books in paper­ back. This arrangement was of huge importance to his finances and to his reputation but it also involved him in autobiography. On the back of each book appeared a photograph of the author, sleek and slender, above a biographical description or 'author's blurb' of about 340 words. Waugh's blurb for the Penguin mass publication is his most widely dis­ seminated autobiographical statement (none of the authors so far republished in this way had sold less than a million copies in the first year), and since it reveals him presenting a retouched and restored pic­ ture of himself to the public, most telling in its omissions and silences, its statements, taken piecemeal, will provide useful points of reference and return for this short life. 2. See n. 1 above. 3. 'But even those familiar with the eternal dotage of our Universities, will scarcely believe that at Oxford, as late as 1924, Gibbon's Decline and Fall was still presented as a set book to candidates, about to embark on a two years' study, not of literature, but history'. Robert Byron, The Byzantine Achievement (London: Routledge, 1929). 4. In 1955 Waugh took his daughter Teresa to Oxford for an admission interview; his diary reveals that he did not know where Somerville College was (D 748). Chapter 2 1. 'Whether or not this incident really took place is almost irrelevant; what matters is that Evelyn was miserable enough to have thought that he wanted to die, even if not quite miserable enough to pursue the ambition to its end' (H 136). 2. Waugh's biographers have adopted from the couple's friends the con­ venience of labelling him and his wife 'He-Evelyn' and 'She-Evelyn'. 3. See Paul Fussell, Abroad: British Literary Travelling between the Wars (New York, Oxford University Press, 1980). Chapter 3 1. 'I can only be funny when I am complaining about something' (H 590). 2. One serious and surprising work of fiction from this period is his short story 'Out of Depth' (CRS 121-38) written in July 1933, his first openly Catholic story. 'Two months after denying, in his "Open Let- 212 Notes 213 ter", that as a Catholic novelist he was "required to produce overtly propagandist art" he did precisely that' (IS 347). Old meadow did have his effect. Chapter 4 1. The most important date in the publishing history of Brideshead Revisited may actually be 1960, when Waugh issued a revised version consider­ ably cut and rewritten with an explanatory preface. This text appears in the Penguin Modern Classics edition and in the Everyman's Library edition of 1993. 2. See Vane Ivanovic, LX. Memoirs of a Yugoslav (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977) p. 262. 3. His bestowal of the name 'Hinsley' on one of his characters led to the only recorded rebuke that this form of tease ever occasioned. Cardinal Hinsley's niece wrote to protest the use of her uncle's name for the sui­ cidal pseud for whom Dennis composes his only original albeit deriv­ ative poem. The letter is in the files of Waugh's agents now at the University of Texas. Chapter 5 1. Pinfold is dedicated to Daphne Fielding. She had ended her memoir Mercury Presides (1954) by depicting herself on the last page writing the first page. Index Note: works cited are by Evelyn Waugh unless otherwise noted. Abyssinia, 83-4, 85, 95 Aston Clinton, 49, 51-2 Church, 88-91 Austen, Jane, 1,211 Italian invasion, 113--14 autobiographical fiction, 3--6, 22 see also Remote People; Waugh 'Balance, The', 45-7 in Abyssinia Basil Seal Rides Again, 208-9 accidia (Sloth), 197-8 Brideshead Revisited, 141 Acton, Daphne, 193 Dickensian style, 5-6, 22 Acton, Harold, 33, 36, 44 A Handful of Dust, 103-4 Acton, Richard, 211 Helena, 159-60 A. D. Peters Ltd, literary agent, Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The, 63,101,154 3-4,191 aesthetic theory, 56-8 protagonists, 121-2 Age of the Common Man, Vile Bodies, 69-70 see Common Man 'Winner Takes All', 21-2 airplane crash, 145 autobiography, see A Little Learning: alcohol use, 43, 135 The First Volume of an Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Autobiography Carroll), 86-7 'American Epoch in the Catholic 'Balance, The', 38,42,45-8,121 Church, The', 167 Adam Doure, 45-8 annulment, 20, 75, 96, 99, narrative techniques, 40,70 102-3,109,110 stereotypes, 47-8 see also divorce Balzac, Honore de, 135, 205 'Anthony, Who Sought barbarism, 70-1,81-2, 93--5, 98-9 Things That Were Lost' baroque architecture, 142 33-5, 106-7 Basil Seal Rides Again, or, The Rake's Lady Elizabeth, 34-5, 106-7 Regress, 165, 208 anti-Americanism, 78, 143-4, 152 BBC interviews, 179, 191 Laved One, The, 154-6 Beaton, Cecil, 24 reversed, 166-7 Beevor, Antony, xi, 130 anti-Semitism, 82, 164, 192-3 Belloc, Hilaire, 5,79,113--14 see also Jews Bennett, Arnold, 69 Architectural Review (journal), 71 Besse, Antonin, 85 aristocracy, 36, 59, 91-2 Betjeman, John, 160 in military service, 127-8, 136 Betjeman, Penelope, 159 Arnold House, 41-3,48,52 biographies, 9-10, 54-6, 76 art, see drawing; Pre-Raphaelite see also Rossetti: His Life and Work; Brotherhood; Rossetti, Edmund Campion; The Life of Dante Gabriel the Right Reverend Ronald 'Aspirations of a Mugwamp', 81 Knox Asquith, Katherine, 102, 158 birth, 11 214 Index 215 Black Mischief, xi, 8-9, 83, 92-9, caricature, 47 104, 113, 115, 116 Carton de Wiart, Sir Adrian, 173, 180 attack in The Tablet, 95-9 Catholic Book Club, 117 Basil Seal, 93-94, 97-99, Catholicism, 2, 6-7, 8-9, 72-8, 134,150,157,181 87,99,212-13n Prudence,95,97-9 aggiornamento of Pope John XXIII, Seth, Emperor of Azania, 93-4 210-11 Blayac, Alain, xi vs Abyssinian Church, 88-91 Bloom, Harold,S aesthetics, 26, 80 Book of the Month Club, 108, 139 ambivalence, 39 Book Society, 117 American, 166-7 Bourne, Cardinal, Archbishop Black Mischief, 96-9 of Westminster, 95-8 Brideshead Revisited, 137-44, 168 Bracken, Brendan, 123,125, 138 conversion, 46, 74-5,140-1,176 Brideshead Revisited, xi, 3, 43, 66-7, D' Arcy, Father Martin, 74, 96,109 76,103,108,119,121,139-44, Decline and Fall, 62-3, 152,156,213n darkness vs light, 90-1 Anthony Blanche, 135 Duggan, Hubert, 137 brothers, 21 Edmund Campion, 112-13 Charles Ryder, 120-1, 140, English,112-13 142-3,207 Father Rothschild (Vile Bodies), 2 comedy, 167-8 Helena, 7, 76, 151, 158-64 death scene, 137-8 Knox, Ronald, 195-6 homosexuality, 32, 51 marriage, 207 Hooper, 8, 120, 134, 156-7 Mexican, 118 Julia F1yte, 142-3,207 Original Sin, 2, 76-8, 80, 118 Lady Marchmain, 142 redemption, 1-2, 139-40, 143 Lord Marchmain, 137-8, 140, 142 suicide, 46 Mr Ryder (father), 142 as writer, 151, 168, 213n Oxford University, 28 in Yugoslavia, 145-7, 202 Penguin edition, 213n see also religion; sainthood; parody, 206 spiritual growth romanticism vs eschatology, CBE (Commander of the Order 139-41, 154 of the British Empire), 194 Sebastian Flyte, 135, 142 Chaplin, Charlie, 153 works pre vs post, 2, 7-9, 119 Chapman & Hall, publishers, Bright Young People, 52-3, 59, 46,63,103,172,197 67-9 Brideshead Revisited, 139 British Guiana, 83, 100-1 Dickens, Charles, 12, 63 brother, see Waugh, Alec Robbery Under Law: The Mexican brothers, 21-2 Object Lesson, 117 Buckley, William F., 166 characters, see individual works burial customs, Californian, 155 charity contributions, 150-1 cannibalism, 97-9 in Yugoslavia, 145-6 Cape, Jonathan, 97 Charles Ryder (Brideshead Revisited), careers, 23, 38 120-1,140,142-3,207 see also teaching career; 'Charles Ryder'S Schooldays', development as a writer 26-7, 148 216 Index Charles Ryder's Schooldays and Decline and Fall, 62--3, 139 Other Stories, xi Dickens, Charles, 13 Cheetham, Sir Nicholas, xii early novels, 1, 13 childhood writing, 17,19 Handful of Dust, A, 107-8 Conversion, 18 irony, 44 see also diaries later novels, 8, 167-8 children, 210-11 Loved One, The, 155 Auberon, xii, 1, 120,181, Scoop, 115 194--5,210 Common Man, 7, 8, 78, 167 Margaret, 195,208 see also modernism Maria Teresa, 115, 120, 212n communism, 78 Mary, 128 'Compassion', 147, 170 Septimus, 153 Major Gordon, 147,202 Chirnside, Joan, 22 Connolly, Cyril, 135, 154--5, 197 chivalry, 170-2 conservatism,S, 68, 78, 81,116 Christianity Roxburgh, J. F., 27 Gibbon, Edward, 159, 161-2 see also modernism Church, see Catholicism conversion, 46, 74-5, 140, 176 'Church and State in Liberated Cooper, Duff, 92--3, 185 Croatia', 146-7 Cooper, Lady Diana, 20, 92--3, 185-7 Churchill, Randolph, 66,127,144--5 courage, 11,50, 129,131 Churchill, Winston, 123, 180 cowardice, 131-2 cinematic style, 39, 47-8 Crease, Francis, 27--8 civilization Crete, 129-32, 136 Abyssinia, 84 Sword of Honour account, 180--8 Gibbon, Edward, 90--1 Crete: The Battle and the Resistance A Handful of Dust, 104 (Antony Beevor), xi, 130 Waugh in Abyssinia, 113--14 Critical Essays (George Orwell), 152 vs barbarism, 93--5, 98-9 Croatia, see Yugoslavia vs chaos, 78, 80--2 Cruttwell, C. R. M. F., 29-30,33 class consciousness, 50, 52, cultural relativism, 57,78-9 78-9,82,126 see also aristocracy; human Daily Express, 26,99,189 behaviour; society see also journalism clubs Daily Mail, 113-14 The Hypocrites (Oxford), 32--3 D' Arcy, Father Martin, 74,96 London, 111 Edmund Campion, 109 military as, 124 daughter, see Waugh, Margaret; Col.
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