![Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Tardigrada](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NOAA Technical Report NMFS CIRC- 394 Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States. Tardigrada LELAND w. POLLOCK SE.~TTLE. IVA MAY 1976 ,ct-~) t>lMOS"",(~'r cr~"~1~'\ UNITED STATES / ~ATlONAl OC[ANIC ANO N,tlOn.1 Martne ~~I f" OEPARTM~NT OF COMMERCE ~TMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATiON / F,shertes Se'Vice ~ . ~ Elliot l. Ri~hardson. Secretary Robert M White. Admlnlst"tor / Robe'l W. Schonlng. D"eclO' 1 52 CJ' tf-":- q,."'1 _(f'....;r<,; ~'f."f"'l 0\ L Fat S31c br th,. Sopcrintcndl'nt of Documents, U.S. GO\'l'rnmcnt Printing OffICI! W,l:5hin~1011, D.C. 20402 St(ld~ No, OB-0I7-U0369·S FOREWORD Thisi~SUl"ofthl! "Circulars" is purl of a suhscries entitled . Marine Flora and FOllna of the North­ eastern United Statl!s." This subscrles will consist of original, illustrated. modern manu,'.ds on the idl'ntificat ion. dassification. and general biology of the estuarine and COilstal rTlarine planb lind animalsof lh.' northeastern lInitecStates. Manuals will bepublisbed at irregular int~rvals '''n as many taxa or lht~ rl~g-ion :~~ there arc specialists willing to col1aborate in their preparation. Tbe manuals are an outgrowth of the widely used '"Keys to Marine Invertebrates of the Woods lIole Region..' ediled hy R. I. Smith. published in 1964. and produced under the au';pices of the Systemalks·Ecology Program. Marin.., Biological Laboratory. Woods Hole. Mass. Instead of revising the '"Woods Hole Keys." the staff of the Systematics·Ecology Program decided 10 expand the gpo!-.rraphic coverage ,lOd hathymetric range and produce the kl'YS in an entire'.y new set of expandeD ~ublication.,. Tbe '·Ma.. 'ne Flora aoo F~una of thl' Northeastern United Slates" is being prepared in collaboration WIth systematic specialists in the United States and abroad. Each manual will bl' based JJrimarily on recent and onJ:oing revisionary systematic research and a fresh examinati.on of the plants and animals. Each major l:lxon. treated in a separate manual, will include an intr,)duction. illustrated glossary. uniform oriJ:inally illustrated keys, annotated check list with inform'!!ion when availahll' on distribution. bhitat. life history, and related biology. references to the majer literatuTl' of the group. and a syslcmatitO i.,dcx. These manual> are intended for use by biology studenls. biologists. biological oceanographers. informed laymen. and others wishing to identify coastal org,misms for this region. In many instances the manu,ils will serve as a guide La additional information about the species or the !iroup. Geo~.,.aphie eOVl'rage of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is planned to include organisms from the headwaters of estuaries seaward to approximately the 200·m depth OFl the continental shelf from Maine to Virginia. hut m"y vary somewhat with cae!. m"jor taxon "nd the interests of collaborators. Whenever possible representative specimens dealt with in the manu"ls y;n be deposited in reference collections of the Gray Museum, Marine Riological Laboratory. und nthcr universities and research laboratories in the region. After a -,ufficient number of manuals of related taxonomic groups have been published, the manuals wih be revised. grouped. and issuc·d as special volumes. These volumes will thus consh;t of compildiol1s of individual manu:"s within phyl" such as the Coelenterata, Arthropoda. and Mnllusca. 01' of group~ of ptlyla. I' II NOAA TECHNIC.AL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major responsibilitirs of tht' National ~larine Fisheries Servire (NMFS) are to monitor and assess the .lbundanc(' and ji{eOgTapnic distribution of risher)O resources, to understand and prL'dirt nuctuations in the quantity and disuibution of these resources. and to e~tabJish levels for optimum use of the 7'e5(lUrtes. NMFS is also charKt'd with the dev('!opmenl and implementat:on of policies for managing national fishing grounds. dcvel(]pmenl and enforcement of domestic ns.heries regulations. ~urveillance of foreign ri:'ihing off Uniterl Stales coastAl waters. and the development and enforcement of inlf'rnlltion'1l fishery ngrf"f'r;'lenL" and policle.:i. NMFS also :lssist~ the fi~hin~ industry through marketing service and economk analysis programs. and mortgaKC insuranct and vessei constrl.:ctiun M.1~51dies. It ('olh."('t .. , anal)'ze~, and publish('!o statistics on various phases oT the industry. The :--lOAA T~hnical Rept):1. NMFS cine :ieries continUl'S a series ~hat has been in -t-xistence since 1941. The Circulars are technical publications of general intere~t int<:nd€!d to aid ronservrtion Im:i I....ms!':emrnt. Publicb.~ions that review In con~itlerableddnil :lnd at a hi~h technieallevel certain broad ureas of research appear in this series. Tt'cl'allical paper~ crIJ.;ina;';,IK in ..~on;')mi('s st.udi(!~ and from management inve!tigl'.i.ions appear I:; the Circular series. ~Ol'A Tc("hnical Reports ~MF~ G1 RC are available irpt· in Iimitf'd numbers to governmental agencies, both Fedl'ral and Stilte. They tire also .\'&iJable in exchangt' ror otht'r scicntific and :ed,nical publications in tht mMinc scic-nct:5. Individual copips may be ohtainl'd (lJnl..s~ otherwi!i.p nOll'dl lrom DB3. Ter.hnical Inrormation Oi\.'i'lon. Environmenta! Srienn' Information Center. NOAA. Wtl5hin~on. D.C. 20235. Recent. Circulars are: 315. Synopsis of bioloRicll1 da:a on th~ rhum saimon, Oncorhynt"hu.s kcta 3-19. Use of abstracts and summaries as communication devices in technical iWnlbauml 1792. By Rirharc G. Bi*kknln. M:uch 1970. iii + 89 p.. 15 figs •• 51 nrtirlc5. By F. Bruce Sanford. February J.971. iii + 11 p., I fig. tahles. 319. Bureau or Commercial Fisheri(>1, Great Lakes Fishery Laboru!.ory. Ann 3S0. R[!s(!:;:-<:h in (iiOcal y(!ar 19fi9 at the Bureau of Commmdal FisheriE's Arbor. Mich;y.lln. B;.· Bureau or Comlm:rcinI Fisheries. March 1970. 8 p •• 7 fiRS. Bioloh';~al Laboratory. Beaufort. N.C. By the l.aboralory staH. NGvember 1970, ii + 49 p.• 21 figs" 17 tables. 3.10. EASTROPAC Atlas: I'ols. 1·7. C.talog No. I 4~.4::I3O/{vol.J 11 vols. AV3i1able rrom the .sup£'rintl'ndent or !)ocumenl!'i. u.s. Government Printing 351. Bureau of Commercial Fisheriel> Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Office. W:lshinl.,'1.on. D.C. 20<102. llJse, P:tsca~oula. Mississippi, July 1. 1%7 to June 30. 1969. By Harvey R. Bullis. Jr. and John R. Thompson. November IWO. iv + 2~ p.• 29 ftgn•• 1 a31. Guidelinl':' r!'ir the process-in/; or hot· smoked chub. B)' H. 1.., SeaRl"sn. J. table. T. GrJikoski. and J. A. Emer:ion. hnuar) 1970. i\' + 23 p.. 8 fiKS .. 2 table~, 352. Upstream passage or anadromous fi~h through navigation loekfi and use :J:t!. l':ttirie hakl'. 02 :trticles b)' 20 authors.) Mnrch 1970. iii + 152 p.• 72 or th.· !i>tn'am for spawning and nurser)" habitat. Cap'~ Fear Rh'cr, N.C.. ri~~ .• :\7 tahles. 1962-66. R)' Paul fl. Nichols and Darrell E. Luuder. Ocwber 1970. iv + 12 p.. 9 ri~s .. 4 tables. 33:1. Het:ommendt'd ppl.cticcs !or Vf'~st'l ... anitation nnd fish hnndl:r.~. By r:dfot'ar' W. Bowman and Alfn·d Larsen. March ]970. iv + 27 p.• 6 figs. 3S6. Flonl~ng Illborator)' for study of aqual1c organisms ar,d their enViron· Rob-~rl Prf)~ress ml·nt. By GeOlgc R. Snyder. Thl'Odore H. Dlnhm. llnd J. McConnell. .;:is. report or the Rurl'41u of Commercial Fl!lherie!. Center for !\1:ty 1971. iii + ]6 p., 11 figs.• El't1l:irine and Mt-:1hadcn Research. Pesticide field Station, Gulf Freeze. F13.• :-is\·:i.! ~'cal 1%9. R.)· tht" Labormory :itarr. Augu~t 1970. iii + 33 p.• 29 figs .• 12 '.l,bll':;, 361. Regional and other related aspect'S of s!le1lfish commmption - some preliminary rindings from the 1969 Consumer Yanl'l ~urv~y. By Morton M. 33',. The Mr\nern fur st'al. By Ralph C. Ba~·,:::,. Ford Wilhe. and Co Howard ,Miller and Darrel A. Nil5b. June 1971. iv + 18 p.. 19 rigs .. 3 tables. 10 apps. 111.lt7.0. April m70. iii + ]9 p.. 13 ri,l"rs. 362. Research vessels of the Nation..1Marint Fisheries Service. By Robert S. :lJ7 _ Pr()~r;lm or Ilh'ision or F:l"onomic R(,!oil'areh, Bureau flf Comlnt'rcwl \\'nl£. August 1971. iii + 46 p.. 25 filS.. 3 table5. For :sale by the i'i~l1t'ril'~. riscal )'l'ar i%9. By Division of £eonomic Research. April 197f·. iii Superintendent of Document!'i. U.S. Goverr.ment Printing OWee. Washingtcin. + :::1') p.. 12 fiJ,rs .. 7 table5. D.C, 20402. 338. Burcliu flf Commcrdal l-'i5hnics Biolngical Laboratory. Auke Bay. :164. Hisltlry Bnd dev':lopmenl or surr clam harvesting gt~r. By Phillip S. Alaska. By Bureau of Commercial Fisheries. June 1970. 8 p•• 6 rigs. Parkcr. October 1971. i ...· + 15 p.. 16 fogs. For sale by the ~:"perintenl:!ent of Documents. U.S. Government PrinLi~f, Ofjjc~. Washington. D.C. 2040:2. 3;m. .'';alrntoi1 rcsrl1rch at h'c Hnrbor Dill'll. r~' Wesley ~l. Ebcl. April 1970. 0 p.. -1 figs. 365. Processin,:: EASTROPAC STD dala and the eonstrt:c:tion or 'H·rtical temperature .'lnd 5ali~,ity sections lJy computer. E)' Forrp~l R. Mille!" ana, ~O. Haft'.m or Comm('\'cinl Fishl'ries Tet"hnolo/oric:al Laborator,Y. Glr'\lc-estl'r. KcnnC'th A. Blis.'\. F'r:t..ruary )972. lV + 17 p.. 8 figs.• 3 appendix fi~. Fer Ma!'sachuselts, By Burr01:J of Cummercial F'ishl·ril's.
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