Average Daily Clrculatfen Far the Month of Angnst, 1P4I 6,762 Member of the Andit Oeoaaioaal Ught rata taalght a a i Boraon af Clrenlatlou Wedaeaday; wanner toalght: viaw- ly rlalag temperatore n ’rhridaj Manchester— City of Village Charm l ■ VOL. LX ., NO. 308 (Claaaiaed Advertialog On Page 12) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CE Wreck of Swiss Freight Train Laid to Land Mines Roosevelt and Hull British Ship Losses Confer on Change Cut by Two-Thirds; In Neutrality Law m Talk on All Phrases of Rescue Man Raid International S i t ii a • Gern lan Cities tion; Secretary Re­ During Fire fuses to Tell of Any Hamburg and Stettin At­ Britain Seizes Initiative tacked in Their Heav­ War A treacly Specific Recommenda­ At Bristol In Air and Has Sev» iest Bombing of War tions on Arming Ships. Faces Nation eral Times Considered^ In Overnight Raids of W'ashington, Sept. 30.—(/P) T' Others Cratcl Down Invasion of German- Hundreds of Planes; —For an hour and 45 min­ Ladders While Blaxe\ T Bar Is Told Dominated Continentg utes, President Roosevelt aijd ‘.Many I^arge Fires’ Set Sweeps Gridley Ho-' (.hurrhill Tells Com- Secretary of State Hull con­ On Dorks, Railway Hyan Asserts Germany mons in Optimistic ferred on all phases of the tef; Loss $200,000. international situation today, Station in Stettin. Has Started Hdstili. War Review Today. presumably with emphasis on Bristol, Sept. 30.—(/P)_One pei^ London, Sept. 30.—(/P>__ tie*; Gommerce on son was rescued by firemen, two revision of the neutrality law. ^ndon. Sept. 3 0 .— (>P)—- As he left the White House, others crawled down ladders un­ High Seas in Peril. Britain has seized the initia­ the secretary told reporters: aided and still another waa bcllev- tive from Germany in the $Jr, "We were going over all the persons were killed. (Picture by radio from Berlin to New York.) "Af I® Overnight raids ! Indianapolis. .Sept. 30 a Al to have jumped to safety today —.yp, has cut shipping losses two* different phases of the interna­ by hundreds of R.A.F'. planes, leader of the American Bar Asao- tional Situation as they affect as fire of undetermined origin thirds in three months, and swept through the four-story the Air Ministry announced clatlon contended at the 64th an- matters which we thought called has “several times” consider­ for an exchange of Ideas and dis­ Gridley Hotel building threatening today. ‘‘Manj’ large fires” nual convention today "there Is no ed invasion of the German- cussion." downtown Bristol and causing an Recapture City Near Leningrad; were set around the docks, necessity for Congress to an- Consider Neutrality Law estimated loss of 1200,000. railway station and else- I nounce or declare a war " because dominated continent^ W m a ! Asked whether they had consid­ All available fire companies an­ .Minister Churchill told the where in Stettin, One of the cities the war U here, whether (Congress ered the neutrality law in particu­ swered a general alarm and Chief through which German supplies recognizes it or not." * House of Commons today to a C ^rge Graham called on the New broad war review which was the lar, Hull said they had given German Bayonet Charges Fierce must paoa to the Russian front, "Germany has started it.” said their attention • no more- to one Departure company's private fire it was reported. most optimistic he yet has givaa. thing than to another. He added fighting equipment as well as New Subsidiary attacks were made (Caatiaoed Oa Page Two) Air Power Suffering that he could go no further in dis­ Britoln, TerryvUIe and Plalnvllle overnight o n g ^ k a at Cherbourg Adolf Hitler is suffering from to bring the flames under control. Russians Leave Hun- FirifK T Other cussing the neutrality act than he and Le H *vrF a "very serious shortage" to air already had at press conferences Black, acrid smoke covered the dreds of Dead tPU Hot- d* C---- power, Churchill said, but "for the —-------- I O Communities in Series Eight Bembeni .Mieelag at w’hich he had urged modifica­ Eight of the British bombers Cooper Seeks rest he still retains the initiative tion. (ConHnued On Page Ten) ly • Contested Battle­ Of Counter • Attacks; and we have not had the force to Squads Shoot were announced miaaing. Two He would not say whether he* field in Southern Area. Struggle Is Continuing.' ““ounced as Uke it from him. ” had given the president any spe­ ______ ® mtostog from offensive patrol op- To Correlate Churchill did not thus rule out cific recommendations on such eratlons by the fighter command. the pooelblUty of a British inva­ matters as arming American mer­ Drastic Purge Berlin, Sept. 30.—{IP)— 24 ill Bohemia (JP sion of the continent, however, ne- Moscow, Sept. 30.— )— One hostile fighter was claimed chantmen or permitting them to Fierce bayonet charges by The Red Army reported to- ■hot down by a British bomber, Orient Policy marking that Hitler "do«a not toll enter belligerent ports. i German troops on the south­ another driven off in a damaged, us his plans and I do not see why Nor would he say whether there I Czechs Accused of Plot- recapture of a city on the we should teU him ours." For Officers ern Russian front were re­ condition and a hostile bomber set had been any specific discussion of > on fire in a fighter stuck. In every respect except in the the Japanese situation. | ported today in military dis­ ting to Throw Off air, he said, Germany remains eo WT . n 1 iskmg of many other The raid on Stettin was the 11th British War Coordina­ WiUkie Backs Repeal Not Intended patches which said the Rus­ i-vazi K ulc; 'Moscow communities in a concentrat­ since the war began and constitu­ tor in Far East Begins strong that Britains' own peril of As the discussion of neutrality | sians left hundreds of dead[ ted a long-range blow to help Rus­ invasion la not past and ooly Isw revision continued at the And London Blamed, ed series of counter-attacks. sia. "enormous" conversion of United on the htitly-contested battle- j Series on Conversa­ States factories to produce war ' capitol, Wendell L. Willkie let it McNair Calls Upon Com­ As the violent struggle con­ The British assume Germany is be known that he would support field. DNB .said that on the i using Stettin to send many sup­ tions on Politieal Acts. material can keep Russian on the Mr. Roosevelt in any effort to re­ northern front German and Finn­ Berlin, Sept. 80.—(45 -German tinued all along the front that firing line indefinitely. 1 manders to Replace spans a continent. Red Star, So­ plies to German forces In Russia. peal or modify it. ish forces captured several towns firing equads have executed 24 Blngapore Sent SO_(sa "Many important auppllee aL viet Army news organ, said the R. A. F. bombers also attacked Alfred ! ready have been dispatched” to Back from a week-end at Hyde Weak Leaders with between Lake Ladoga and Lake Czechs accused of plotting to Hamburg last night. Park, N. Y., the president plan­ northwestern city of "B" waa re­ f Omper. British war eoordlna- Russia by Britain, Churchill dls- Onega and seized the last of the throw off German rule, It was an­ (The Germans acknowledged ned to follow up his conference Strong Ones Soon. RuMian-defended islands in Lake captured after 12 hours of batUa ; to the Far East, was engaged ' mentioning aircraft, alumi- with Hull with a talk tomorrow nounced today, and spokesmen which culminated In the biUsMet that Hamburg and Stettin ap­ Ladoga. peared to have been the main ob­ today ia a series of cooveraatlon. * “““ • nibber and oil. aad with legislative leaders before LeesvUIe, La., Sept. 30—(P)_ A German military spokesman blamed Moscow and London for sort of hand-to-hand and bouae- intended to improve correlaU on^ remarking that " I f may be that. starting to work on the special to-house combat. jectives of British bombing raids transportation rather wflltogaaoB Lieut, Gen. Lesley J. McNair, chief declared today there would be rebel preparations which led to the on Germany last night. "Limited” British Oriental political activity neutrality act meaaage which Con­ "little news from the ea.stem front swift German counter-measures In Germaas Drivea Back or abiUty to give will prove to the gress looks for later this week. of staff of Army general head­ civilian casualties and property end the limiting factor.” for the next few days" ^cause of the protectorate of Bohemia and The Germans thus were driven damage were caused, the an- Kerr, am- White House officials indicated quarters, told high officers of the Moravia. b a ^ d o r to China, and Sir J o i ^ h Must Make Sacrifices "certain reasons" which wCre not back "a significant dutance” from nounceroent aaid, and early reports ' Bailey, minister to Thailand who that these two conferences pro­ Secemd and Third Armies today disclosed. "London especially tried to start To keep Rumia to the fight, bably would determine whether where they hffve msde showed six planes were shot down, ‘ f* l>ere for conferences with him leadership and command can and something in Paris, Norway and no gain to a fortnight. Red Star ‘‘sacrifices of the moat serious aad the president would seek a limited ‘“ proved” but that there W lntcr^ampaigh: Poasibto Stofc British Destroyer m -si*n?auf i*^****,*® Die sr- i exiremeextreme ainakind winwill oebe neceasineceaeary by He a^dedT that "certain impor­ Holland, but It didn’t work,” a stated.
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