Alfonsas Sigitas Tamošiūnas, prof. dr. NUOTRAUKA Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Institute of biology and Plant CONTACTS: biotechnology, Studentų g. 11 LT-53361 Akademija, Tel. 370-37-752265, E-mail:[email protected] RESEARCH AREA: Plant micropropagation MAIN SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: Scientific articles in ISI Web of Science journals with citation index Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas; Gliožeris, Simas. In vitro propagation of caladium x hortulanum birdsey // Propagation of Ornamental Plants. Sofia. ISSN 1311-9109. 2008, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, p. 161-163. [ISI Web of Science]. [Citav. rod.: IF 0,167 AIF 1,388]; Gliožeris, Simas; Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas. Rooting of micropropagated calla lily // Propagation of Ornamental Plants. Sofia. ISSN 1311-9109. 2008,Vol. 8, Nr. 3, p. 164-166. [ISI Web of Science]. [Citav. rod.: IF 0,167 AIF 1,388]; Kerpauskas, Paulius; Sirvydas, Povilas, Algimantas; Vasinauskienė, Regina; Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas. Influence of thermal effect duration on onion yield. Agronomy Research. 2009, Vol. 7, s pecial issue 1. ISSN 1406-894X p. 323-327. Danilčenko, Honorata, Dabkevičius, Zenonas, Jarienė, Elvyra, Tarasevičienė, Živilė, Televičiūtė, Dalė, Tamošiūnas, Alfonsas, Jeznach, Maria. The effect of stinging nettle and field horsetail extracts on the synthesis of biologically active compounds in germinated leguminous and quinoa seed. Žemdirbystė = Agriculture / Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centras, Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas. T. 104, Nr. 4 (2017). ISSN 1392-3196 p. 337-344. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: created plant varieties 1. Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss 'Irena Virkau' (Gliožeris S.; Krasauskas A.; Štuopytė L. Tamošiūnas, A. ). 2009. Reference number of reporting authority BBO 8001. 2. Begonia x tuberhybrida Voss 'Vytautas Virkau' (Gliožeris, S.; Krasauskas, A.; Tamošiūnas, A.; Venskutonienė, E.). 2009. Reference number of reporting authority BBO 8002. 3. Asarina erubescens (D.Don.) Pennell 'Duchess of Cornwall ' (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.) 2010. Reference number of reporting authority AIOE 8000. 4. Asarina Mill. 'Prince of Wales' 2010 (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). Reference number of reporting authority AIO 8000. 5. Lophospermum erubescens D.Don 'Aida' (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2011. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8003. 6. Lophospermum erubescens D.Don 'Daina' (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2011. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8002. 7. Lophospermum 'Nikitsky Botanical Gardens' (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2011. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8005. 8. Lophospermum D.Don 'Valdas Adamkus'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2012. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8007. 9. Lophospermum D.Don 'Irena Virkau'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2012. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8008. 10. Lophospermum D.Don 'Aleksandras Stulginskis'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2012. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8009. 11. Lophospermum D.Don 'Alma Adamkienė'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2012. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8006. 12. Lophospermum D.Don 'Vytautas Virkau'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2012. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8005. 13. Lophospermum D.Don 'Ala Pugaciova'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8012. 14. Lophospermum D.Don 'Aušra'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8016. 15. Lophospermum D.Don 'Audronė'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8015. 16. Lophospermum D.Don 'Baltai'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8013. 17. Lophospermum D.Don 'Elzbieta'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8017. 18. Lophospermum D.Don 'Ieva'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8010. 19. Lophospermum D.Don 'Princess Charlene'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8018. 20. Lophospermum D.Don 'Queen Sirikit'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8011. 21. Lophospermum D.Don 'Rasida'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8014. 22. Lophospermum D.Don 'Romas'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2013. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8019. 23. Lophospermum D.Don 'Akademija'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8020. 24. Lophospermum D.Don 'Prūsai'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8021. 25. Lophospermum D.Don 'Elizabeth Gliozeris'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8028. 26. Lophospermum D.Don 'Simonas'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8022. 27. Lophospermum D.Don 'Queen Elizabeth II'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8029. 28. Lophospermum D.Don 'Antanas'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8023. 29. Lophospermum D.Don 'Jotvingiai'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8024. 30. Lophospermum D.Don 'Empress Michiko'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8027. 31. Lophospermum D.Don 'Romainiai'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8025. 32. Lophospermum D.Don 'Laisvės Alėja'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8030. 33. Lophospermum D.Don 'Kauno Pilis'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8031. 34. Lophospermum D.Don 'Queen Silvia'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015 Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8033. 35. Lophospermum D.Don 'Laimutė'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8034. 36. Lophospermum D.Don 'Erika'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8035. 37. Lophospermum D.Don 'Alfonsas'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8036. 38. Lophospermum D.Don 'Kaunas'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8039. 39. Lophospermum D.Don 'Elzė'. (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2015. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8037. 40. Lophospermum D.Don ʹSimericaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8046. 41. Lophospermum D.Don ʹIeva Simonaitytėʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8044. 42. Lophospermum D.Don ʹAurelijaʹ(Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8043. 43. Lophospermum D.Don ʹRaimisʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8048. 44. Lophospermum D.Don ʹPriekulėʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8047. 45. Lophospermum D.Don ʹŽemaičiaiʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8045. 46. Lophospermum D.Don ʹRolandasʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8049. 47. Lophospermum D.Don ʹKlaipėdaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8042. 48. Lophospermum D.Don ʹKuršiaiʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8041. 49. Lophospermum D.Don ʹLilac Mistʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2016. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8032. 50. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Mortaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8063. 51. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Sofiaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8055. 52. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Barboraʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8061. 53. Lophospermum D.Don ʹLouis XIVʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8059. 54. Lophospermum D.Don ʹEmpress of Chinaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8050. 55. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Margrethe IIʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8054. 56. Lophospermum D.Don ʹDuchess of Albaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8052. 57. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Letiziaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8057. 58. Lophospermum D.Don ʹKönigin Luiseʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8060. 59. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Maximaʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8053. 60. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Beatrixʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8058. 61. Lophospermum D.Don ʹKing Mindaugasʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8064. 62. Lophospermum D.Don ʹDuchess Catherineʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8062. 63. Lophospermum D.Don ʹVersaillesʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8056. 64. Lophospermum D.Don ʹQueen Mathildeʹ (Gliožeris S.; Tamošiūnas, A.). 2017. Reference number of reporting authority LHO 8051. Internships: Ministry of Environment of Sweden, Denmark and Slovakia. Hazardous industrial waste and other waste management.1977. University of Pennsylvania and Minnesota. International agricultural programs of European studies in agriculture and continuing education; Agricultural Lending. 1999. Lithuanian institute of horticulture. Plant micro propagation, chromatography.2005 Lithuanian institute of horticulture. Photophysiology, ecophysiology.2007. .
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