1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.. 5 NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. LODGE submitted the following resolution (S. Iles. 2), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: MONDAY, December 3, 1923~ R csoli; ed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready This day, in compliance with the provisions o:f the Constitu­ to proceed to business. tion, the :Members elect of the House of Ile:pi:esentatives of the Sixty-eighth Congress met in their Hall, and at 12 o'clock.noon HOUR OF D-llLY MEETING. were called to order by William Tyler Page, the Clerk of the Mr. LODGE submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 3), last House. which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: The Chaplain of the last House, Rev. James Shera :Mont­ R esolved, That the hour oi daily meeting or the Senate be 12 o'clock gomery, D. D., offered the following prayer: merMinn until otherwise ordered. Almighty God and our heavenly Father, unto whom all DEATH OF THE L TE SE~A'l ' OR NICHOL ON. hearts are open and all desires are known. lighten our eyes :;.\Ir. rHIPPS. Mr. President, it is my sad duty to refer to the that we may be deeply sensible of Thy presence and conscious passing of my late colleague and friend, Sena.tor SAMUEL D. of our responsibilitie . The star in om· Nation~s firmament NICHOLSON, of Colorado. I send to the desk a resolution and that has so lately shone is dimmed, and 'vith abiding sorrow nsk for its immediate consideration. we accept tlrn rule of Thy sovereign will. The pa t is clo ed ~'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. 'l'be Senator from Colorado and the fruits of the years belong to our Republic by inherit­ offer a re olution, which will be read by the Secretary. ance. The door of the futm·e is now ajar. Ohr make us wi<:e The resolution (S. Res. 4) was read, considered by unani­ and strong as we move forward with the duties that await us. mous con~ent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Bless and guide 'Our Pre ic1ent in every way. We lift our eyes unto the hiJls from whence cometh our R c1:w l i; ed, Tbait the Senate has heard with deep reg1·et and profound strength ; our help cometh from the Lord; ab<>ve all and o-ver sorrow the announcement of the death of the IlGu. SAMUEL D. N:tCHOL­ all is Thy loving and wise providence. Hitherto Thou hast led BOl\, late a Senator from the State of Colorado. us and we thank T.hee. Thy hand has ::i;uid~d and shaped our R es olved, That the Secretary communicate these r esolutions to the Republic in the past. Continue to be the pilot in the lookout H ouse of Representatives and transmit a copy there&f to. the family of the ship of state, and direct every citizen in the land to- lay of the decea sed. hi best gifts upon the altar of his country. May the liberties, DE.\TH OF THE LA.TE SE~ATOR 1\"ELSON. opportunities, and the richest blessings of the people be safe­ guarded by the best and the wisest service. Scatter the fio\\ers l\Ir. SHIPSTEAD. Mr. President it becomes my sad duty to of peace and plenty upon all waste places and: make all homes a11nomwe to the Senate the death of the Hon. KNUTE NELSON, lat a Senator from tbe State of Minnesota. radiant with Christian gladnei;:s; and may the genius of free government continue to bless an our people. Tbrongh Jesus Senator NEL so~ died .April 28', 1923, ha-ving arriYed at the Christ, our Lord. Amen. ripe olcl age of 80 year ~ 45 of which hacl been spent in publi:c E:el'vice, the last 28 as a ~lember of this body. The CLERK. Repre entatives elect, this is the day fixed l:>y ~enator NELSON was a remarkable man, a strong, sturdy, the Constitution of the United States for the meeting of the i;elf-reliant figure. This, however, is not the time no.r the proper Sixty-eighth Congres of the United States of America. The occasion for extended remark . Upon some other occasion I Clerk of the House of Representatives of the Sixty-seventh shall ask the Senate to set aside a day upon which his colleagues Congress will read the names of those pre ·ent whose creden­ may pay tribute to his work and worth as a man and a legis­ tials show that they were regularly elected as Representative~ Ja tor. in accordance with the laws of their i·espective States or of I offer the resolution which I send to the de k and aRk unani­ the United States. .As the roll is called in the alphabetical mou consent for its immediate consideration. order of the States Representatives elect will answer to their '.l'he PRESIDENT pro tempore. 'l'he Senator from l\linne­ names to determine whether a quorum is present sot a ot:fers a resolution, which will be reacl. The roll was called showing the presence of' the following The resolution (S. Res. 5) was read, con ·idered by unani­ Members: mou.· con. ent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: .ALAit!.lIA. R c1rn lt:crl, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and profound Lister Hill. :\Jiles C . ..lllgoo<l. Henry B. SteagnlI. Edwar<l B. Ahn<lD. so1·row the announcement of the death of the Hon. K:-<t'TE XELSON, late Lamar Jefl'er~. t-Worge HutfdlPston. a • enator from the State o-f Minnesota. \Villiam B. Bowling. WiHium B. B;Ulkhe:ul. R egol i- ecl, That the Secretary communicate the. e resolutions to the William B. Oliver. Uou e of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family or .A.JUZO~A. the deceased. Carl Hayden. ARKANSAS. DJUTH OF 'l'HE T..ATE SENATOR DILLINGRA~L William J. Driwir. Hearfaill Ragon. :.\Ir. GREE:i'i""E. l\Ir. Presiclent, it is my solemn duty thus William A.. Olufield. J.B. Reed. Jolin N. Tillman. Tilman B. Parks. ·> fo1'11rnll.v to announce to the Senate the death of Senator Wrr..­ Otis Wingo. LI..i:-.r P. DU.LI~GHAM, Which took place in Vermont OU July 12, CA.Lill'ORNIA. during the vacation of Congress. I am privileged to say in be-­ ClarencP F. Lea. Henry E. Barbour. half of his family that for maoy years Senator DILLINGH..Ur has John E. Raker. .Arthur i\I. Free. matle kno\\n to them that in the event he should, as the saying Charles F. Curry. Waltpr F. Lineberger. Jn1iu Kahn. J ll-h D. Frc>dericks. js. die in the harne._s. it was his request that the Senate hold Mae E. Nolan. Philip D. Swing. 110 formal memorial exerch::e on his account. James H. ::UacLafferty. I offe1· the resolution which I send to t11e desk, and a k unani­ COLOR-~00. mou. consent for its immediate consideration. William ~. Vaile. Guy . Hardy. Tlle PRE IDENT pro tempore. The Senato-ii from VerID-Ont Chales B. TimbNlake. E<lwunl T. Tnylor. offers a resolution, which wm be read by the Secretary. CON,'.l;E CTICUT. 'l'he resolution (S. Res. 6) was read, considered by unanimous E. Hart Fenn. Schuyler l\Ierritt. consent, anu unanimously agreed to, as follows: Richard P. Fl'l'l'illan. Patrick B. O'l'ullivnn. John Q. Til~on. R e.<wli:ea, That the Senate has beard with deep regret ::ind profound DELAW.AIUll. ­ i;orrow the announcement of the death of the Hon. lVILLIAM P . D1L­ WiJliam H. Boyce. LIXGIH.;-.r; a from late Senator the State of Vermont. FLOIll DA, RPsoli:ed, That the Secretary communicate the e resolutions to the Herbert .J. Dra ne. J hn II. Smithwick. Hon ·e of RepresentatiYe and transmit a copy thereof to the famUy of Prank Clnrk. Willhm J. Sears. the decenRed. GEORGIA. :\Ir. GREE:i'l.TE. l\lr. Pre iclent, as a further mark of rP.spect R.. Lee :\Ioore. Charles H. Brand. to the memory of tlle deceased Senators, I move tbat the Charle · R. Cri."P· 'l'homas l\f. Bell. do William ('. W ril:{ht. <'arl VinRon. Senate now .adjourn. William D. lTp :-; ltaw. William C. Lanlcforcl. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock Gordon I.Re. William W. Larsen. 1md 45 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-monow, lVAHO. !l'uesday, December 4, 1923, at 12 o'clock merklian. Bul't on L . French. Addison T. Smith. 6 00.r GRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 3, ILLINOIS. NEW JERSEY. l\Jartin B. Madden. Edward J. King. Francis F. Pattel' on, jr. George N. Seger. l\lorton D. Hull. William El. Hull. Isaac Bacharnch. Frank J. IcNulty. Elliott W. Sproul. Frank H. Funk. Elmer H. ~ran. Daniel F. :Minahan. Thomas A. Doyle. William P. Holaday. Charles llrownc. Frederick R. Lehlbach. Adolph J. "abath. Allen F. Moore. Erne t R. Ackerman. John J. E agnn. James R. Buckley. Henry T. Rainey. Randolph Perkin . Charles F. X. O'Brien. :i'II. Alfre1l l\lichaelS-On. J. Earl Major. ,_'tanley H. Kunz. Edward E. l\liller. NEW MEXICO. Fredq. Britten. William W. Arnol<l. John l\Iorrow. Carl R. Chindblom. Thomas S. Williams. Frank R. Heid. Edward E. Denison. NEW YORK. Charles E.
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