In memory of Pinelopi Delipetrou PROJECT PARTNERS: HELLENIC REPUBLIC National and Kapodistrian National and Kapodistrian University of University of Athens Athens REGION OF STEREA ELLADA ΕΛΓΟ-ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ HELLENIC AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION “DEMETER” SUPPORTERS CO-FINANCIERS MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT Kamena Vourla & ENERGY Municipalitry Lamia Municipality (Molos M.U.) LAMIA FORESTRY DPT. Friends of Mount Kallidromo The Project «For Open Forests» Layman’s Report Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in «Ethnikos Drymos Oitis» and «Oros Kallidromo» of Sterea Ellada LIFE11 NAT/GR/1014 With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union Nikos Petrou Aris Vidalis Design: Aris Vidalis - ARVINAT LTD • Printing: FOTOLIO S.A. Citation: Georghiou K., Delipetrou P., Dimitriadis. I., Georgiadis Ch., Petrou N. (eds). 2019. Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in “Ethnikos Drymos Oitis” and “Oros Kallidromo” of Sterea Ellada. Layman’s Report. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 32 pp. 2 THE PROJECT «FOR OPEN FORESTS» ▪ LAYMAN’S REPORT With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union The Project «For Open Forests» Conservation of priority forests and forest openings in «Ethnikos Drymos Oitis» and «Oros Kallidromo» of Sterea Ellada LIFE11 NAT/GR/1014 Objective The main objective of the project is to implement management in forests and forest openings for the conservation of biodiversity at species, habitat, and landscape level. Areas ETHNIKOS DRYMOS OITIS (GR2440004) ETHNIKOS DRYMOS OITIS - KOILADA ASOPOU (GR2440007) OROS KALLIDROMO (GR2440006) Habitats Mediterranean Temporary Ponds (3170*) Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (* locations with remarkable orchids) (6210*) Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and submountain areas, in Continental Europe) (6230*) Endemic forests with Juniperus spp. (9560*) (Sub-)Mediterranean pine forests with endemic blackpines (9530*) Species Veronica oetaea* Ursus arctos* Aegolius funereus Alectoris graeca Dryocopus martius Dendrocopos leucotos Picus canus Project Partners Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Region of Sterea Ellada Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems (ELGO DEMETER) Arctouros - Association for the Protection and Management of the Natural Environment and Wildlife Duration: September 2012 - November 2019 Budget: 1,750,840 euros - E.U. Contribution: 1,309,840 euro (74.81 %) 3 Aris Vidalis 4 THE PROJECT «FOR OPEN FORESTS» ▪ LAYMAN’S REPORT Ilias Dimitriadis CONTENTS Veronica oetaea* p. 8 Delipetrou P., Vallianatou I., Dimitriadis I., Koutsovoulou E., K. Georghiou Mediterranean Temporary Ponds (3170*) p. 10 Delipetrou P., Dimitriadis I., Vallianatou I., Skourti E., K. Georghiou Grasslands on Calcareus Substrates (6210*, 62ΑΟ) p. 14 Papanastasis V.P., Mantzanas K., Evangelou Ch., Lyrintzis G., Solomou A., Xanthopoulos G., Kaoukis K., Karetsos G., Delipetrou P., K. Georghiou Grasslands on Siliceous Substrates (6230*) p. 16 Papanastasis V.P., Mantzanas K., Evangelou Ch., Lyrintzis G., Solomou A., Xanthopoulos G., Kaoukis K., Karetsos G., Delipetrou P., K. Georghiou Forests with Juniperus foetidissima (9560*) p. 18 Karetsos G., Mantakas G., Kaoukis K., Proutsos N., Ioannidis K., Solomou A., Tsagkari K., Bourletsikas A., G. Lyrintzis The Brown Bear (Ursus arctos*) and the Significance of its Presence in Mt. Oiti p. 20 Grammenopoulos N. Ornithofauna on Mt. Oiti p. 22 Petrou N., Ch. Alivizatos Grazing Management (6210*, 62ΑΟ, 6230*) p. 26 Papanastasis V.P., Mantzanas K., Evangelou Ch., Lyrintzis G., Solomou A., Xanthopoulos G., Kaoukis K., Karetsos G., Delipetrou P., K. Georghiou Permanent Installations - Facilities p. 28 Georgiadis Ch., I. Dimitriadis Public Awareness and Education p. 30 Georgiadis Ch., I. Dimitriadis 5 N S pe rch eios Loutra Oiti Environmental Ypatis Information Center NATURA 2000 site - GR2440004 SCI ETHNIKOS DRYMOS OITIS Argyrochori Ypati Kombotades Lichno Kapnochori Oiti Path Kostalexi NATURA 2000 site - GR2440003 SCI FARANGI GORGOPOTAMOU Kastania Frantzi Gorgopotamos NATURA 2000 site - GR2440007 SPA ETHNIKOS DRYMOS OITIS - KOILADA ASOPOU 2,116 m Alepospita s G o r m ev ta e opo A 2,052 m no org lyk G ena Vardates Dyo Vouna Neochori 2,152 m Pyrgos Delfino 2,114 m Tsoumanolaka Koumaritsi Kastriotissa Pyra Pavliani Oiti Kato Mavrolithari Pavliani Information kiosk Informative sign Mountain peak Lamia Maliakos Bay NATURA 2000 site - GR2440003 SCI FARANGI GORGOPOTAMOU NATURA 2000 site - GR2440007 SPA ETHNIKOS DRYMOS OITIS - KOILADA ASOPOU Alepospita NATURA 2000 site - GR2440006 SCI Vardates OROS KALLIDROMO Irakleia Μώλος Kato Damasta Thermopyles Ano Damasta Delfino Anavra Eleftherochori 1,146 m 1,296 m leovo E Pa ros lafovouni Karavidia Skamnos 1,051 m Mendenitsa 1,313 m 1,371 m Kedroracho C dra hondra Den Saroma 1,130 m Gioza Bralos 1,419 m Vra ni Paleochori Kallidromo path chovou Tithronio Drimea Bralos Station Kallidromo Environmental Information Center K ifi ss os 0 5 km Veronica oetaea* A. BRIEF DESCRIPTION Veronica oetaea* is an annual, dwarf (1–5 cm) threat for the species, since in case of consecutive plant species with minuscule seeds (mass < 23 μg) adverse years population size may diminish below restricted to the temporary ponds of Mt. Oiti. It the minimum necessary for survival. In addition, occurs in three small high altitude ponds, namely global climate change is a plausible threat for this Livadies, Greveno and Alykaina. It is an ephemer- high altitude species since its habitat is absolutely ous, amphibious species specialised to temporary dependent on precipitation while increasing tem- ponds and it requires the alternation of a wet and peratures may reduce its habitat. a dry ecophase in order to complete its life cy- Veronica oetaea* is a priority plant species of cle. It is characterised by extreme population size Annex II Directive 92/43/EEC and it is also pro- fluctuations (>100 fold), which may be attributed tected by the Bern Convention. It is a threatened to abiotic exogenous factors (i.e. meteorological plant, characterised as Endangered (EN) according conditions) and/or to endogenous factors. This is a to the IUCN criteria B1ac+B2ac. Β. PROJECT ACTIONS A4. Study of the population dynamics (Implementing body: UoA). C2. Enhancement of the population (Implementing body: UoA). C7. Ex situ conservation and propagation of keystone species of the target habitats (Implementing body: UoA). D1. Monitoring the impact of management on temporary ponds (Implementing body: UoA). C. IMPLEMENTATION Restoration specifications were prepared after 2 seed collection at the pond of Livadies, seed ger- years (2013, 2014) of population size, spatial dis- mination experiments in order to determine opti- tribution and soil seedbank monitoring in the mal germination conditions and storage of seeds ponds of Livadies, Greveno and Alykaina. In these to the seedbank of UoA. 2 years, total population size was large, 100,000 – In situ conservation of the species included pi- 1,000,000 individuals in total with a density of lot conservation introduction at the pond of Lou- 10–50,000 plants / 0.25 m2, so population en- ka. It is the only pond with similar geomorpho- hancement was deemed unnecessary in the ex- logical and hydrogeological properties and similar tant populations. Population monitoring continued plant communities with the extant habitat of the until 2019 due to the large population size fluctu- species but at a lower altitude. Seedings of 30,000 ations, so as to assess this phenomenom and its seeds were applied in spring and autumn for 3 relations to meteorological conditions. consecutive years (2016–2018). Ex situ conservation of the species included D. RESULTS In 2013, 2014 and in 2015 the population size was cordance with population sizes estimated the fol- fairly large. However, in 2016–2019, total popula- lowing year. It is possible that the plant does not tion size dropped to to 3,000–50,000 individu- form a permanent soil seedbank. als. This pattern was similar in all ponds. Especially Population introduction in Louka was partial- in Alykaina there were only 31 individuals in 2019. ly successful. In 2017, there were several plants The reduction may be related to re-flooding of growing in the pond. However, in 2018 and 2019 the ponds after the onset of the dry period and no plants were found. This may be related either fruiting of the plant or even to shelf-regulation of or to the total population size drop of the plant the population size. in these years or with the expansion of the mat The soil seedbank study results showed that forming Mentha pulegium. the number of seeds in the soil is generally in ac- 8 THE PROJECT «FOR OPEN FORESTS» ▪ LAYMAN’S REPORT Pinelopi Delipetrou George Karetsos E. CONSERVATION SPECIFICATIONS Pinelopi Delipetrou Long term monitoring of the population is needed for an accurate assessment of the conservation status of the population size of the species and for understanding the causes of fluctuations. Ex situ conservation should continue with seed collections in years of large population sizes for the replenishment of the seedbank and the en- surance of available plant material for population enhancement and introduction. In situ conservation at Louka should be repeat- ed with larger numbers of seeds, probably preced- ed by Mentha pulegium thinning. Aris Vidalis Pinelopi Delipetrou 9 Mediterranean
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