4 mi ^*1 I i %i:: i S"^\i ‘i \ \ I i / m. m District Core Te Chairman : Sh. Sh. Kakcsh Ciiipia LA.S, A.!).C. Planning Team; 1) Smi. Sneh Kaia. HES-I, 13.1',.O.. Rohlak. 2) Sh. Siibhash Malholra. 1 lead Toaclici'. (>.().M.S. Kliiclwali 3) Sh. Krishan Sawroup Shaniia. J.B.TXj.P.S. SLiiuiiiaii. 4) Sh. Satpai Singh, J.B.l. G.P.S. Kalanaui' Kahin. 5) Sh. Sunil Dutt J.B.T. G.P.S. Bhahuit, {Additional iVlcinber) 6) S!i. Ved Parkash J.B.l .G.P.S l\ishangarh(.\cklitiorial Member) / c Ky ' D-E-0., .0 HTA K INDEX SiTNor PARTICULARS PA(;i. NO. 1 CHAPTER-1 ;-DISTT. PUOFILI. • Introduction 5 • Information of Distt. • Educatioiivil Indicators of the Disti, io • Infrastructure facilities ♦‘lO • Distt. Rohtak at a glancc 3a 2. CHAPTER -2 INTRODUCTION OF SSA 35 • Goals of SSA 36 • Objectives of SSA 36 3 CHAPTER-3;- PLANNING PROCESS 37 • Formulation of Distt. Core team 37 • Orientation of Core team 3<S • Formulation of VECs.''PTA/M I A Microplanning 38 • Meeting with different Ciroups 39 • l^roblenis IdentiHed 41 • Micro Planning Survey Report 43 4 CHAPTER-4 THE PROJECT 63 • Major Components of the Project 70 • Teacner (Pi*y. & U, Pry. ^ 70 • Alternative Schooling 7 q Sr. No. PARTICULARS i‘A(;i NO. • Civil Works nI '1A • Maintenance & r<epair 7 7 • Free Text Books 73 • TLE (PS /UPS) 7p • School Grant (PS/U PS) 7p • Teacher Grant (PS/LJPS) • Teacher Training (Pry./U.Pr> .) ^0-SI • Coniniiinily Training S ] • Research & Evaluation H ( • innovative activity 8.^1 • BRC/CRC 86 • I.E.D. 9i • Management Cost 9^ • Mojiiloring & Siipen'ision -j oo 5 CHAPTER - 5 MAJOR INTERVKNTION (2()(B-2007) • Cost Estimate & Budget Proposals (2(i()3-2()()7) 1 !3 • Annual work Plan & Budget Estimate (2(K)3-2007) 12( • Status of Budget Pro vision ! 29 • Annexure (DPIU) 130 • Approved Budget (2003-2007) !33 • Annexure of Proposed Pry. Schools from branch school 13d • List of BRC/CRC 13^ • Civil works Identification i "7-lSo (li) INDEX OFTAFilJ<:S Sr. No. Particulars Pa^e No. \ District Profile Population by Age Group 7 No. of Govt. Schools C.D. Block wise 34 Information of the District <s Demographic Characteristic i\)|nilaiioii Disii ibiinon S 1 Literate Population K 3. Schemes in the District 4. Enrolment in the Distt. (Govt + Recog.) Pr>, I M'r\. 1 1 5. Literacy Rate 6. Sex Ratio \3 7. Inccntivc.s in (Jovl. Pry Schools 1-1 8. Inceniives in Govt. Middle Schools 16 9. ECCE in tlie District 16 10. Enrohnent in ECCE centres 1 7 Educational Indicators of the District 1. Educational histitutions in the Distt. 18 Enrolment Govt. & Recog Pry Schools 1 Enrolment in Govt + Recog. U. Pry Schools 20 4. No. of Habitations with more than 300 Population 21 5. Gross Access Ration 21 6. No. of Pry School Teachers 22 7. No. of U.Pry School Teachers 22 8. Over ail Retention & Drop out Rate (Pry ) 23 9. Over all Retention & Drop out Rate ( IJ. Pry) 23-24 10. Gross Enrolment Ratio ( Pry U,Pr\' Chisses) 24-25 1 1. Net Enrolment Ratio ( Pr>' & U.Pry Classes) 25-26 [Ill; Sr. No. Particulars i'auc No. 12. (a) Repeli'ion Rate (b) Transition Rate -7 13. Gross Achievement Ratio (Pry. & U. l^ry Scliools) 27-2S 14. Admission Rate 2S 15. Inde.x of Gender Equity 2^) 16. index of Social Equity 2^) 17. Infrastructure facilities Microplanning Sul"^ ey Report 1. Habbitation level consolidated Report, Dislt-Rohlak -l o 2. Habbitation level consolidated Report, Block-Rohtak-I 3. Habbitation level consolidated Report, Block,Rohtak-ll 5-1 4. Habbitation level consolidated Report, Block, Kalanaiir 5. Habbitation level consolidated Report, Block, Meham 6' 6. Clviklren Studying in Govt, Non Govt. Schools 7. Ir.lbrmation Regarding Studying in School Children (Block wise) ^6 8. Information Regarding Studying in school Children (Categoiy wise) ,\9-6o 9. House Hold Survey Report (NER. GER, R.R. DR.) (yl 10. Identification of Disabled Children 6Z CIV) INDEX OF DIACUAMKS Sr. No. I*articulars Pauc No. Status of Chiklj'cn in Age Group 5 to lO-r years (Overall) 4 7' Status ol'Children in Age Group 5+ to 10+ years (SC) 4 3 s>. Status of Children in Age Group 1 1+ to 14 years vovci' a!h -i 4. Status of Children in Age Group 1 1-f- to 14 )ears (SC) 5. Status of Children in Age Group 5 + to 14 years ■: (Studying, nropouts & Non iiiariers) 6. Drop out Children in Age (}roup 1 I -f to 14 years a. 7. Status of Budget Provision. 12V (VJ INDI< X OK ANNKXdl^I S Sr. No. Particulars P;i<Zc No. 1. Di^lricl I'i-qjecl Inii^leniciitailion llnil (DPIl^i 2. Proposed l^ry. Sciiool IVoni Bi'ar.ch Schools 135’ l.isl ol'BRC/CRC 13o 4. Civi! work identificalion, B lock wise 1 37-1 C V/ ) C H A P T E R - 1 DISTT PROFILE, ROHTAK DISTT. (1) INTRODUCTION History: The Name ofRohtak be longs lo Rohtash S/'o Sat> \'adi Raja Harish chandera . In the beginning Ruhiak \sas called Rohias Garh. The old dcsiruclcd signs of that time couid be seen in the north oj’present eit\ which is called now khokhra kot, The Recognition ofRohtak as Oisil. I’stahlished Sincc 1824 & it conics hi present penbinianee \i\ the Brithish period since 1^)12, It was a part o n iissar Pistt. Till 1884; Atter aboHshment of Hissar Division Rohlak Distt. Was transferred to Delhi Devision. Total Area: The total area of Distt. Rohtak is about 1668 Sq. km. Which is of (he total area of Harvana Stale. Population : The total population of this Disti. Is 940('36, which is 4.46' 7o Ol this total pupation of the state. There are 508885 males and 43 i 1 51 females. Rohtak is one of districts of Rohlak Division, which is located in the central part of Eastern Haryana. In 2001 Census, there are two Tahsils Mahani (31 villages) and Rohtak (116 villages) containing 5 CD Blocks viZ. maham (25 villages), Lakhan Majra (13 villages; Kalanaur (28 viilaues), Rohtak (57 villages), and Saiiip.la (24 villages) ni ihe IJislrici. liiere an: 1-1 / villages aiKi ihi’ee lowns namely Rohtak, M;iiiam. and Kalanaar in liie distriei. Kolilak !)l^,;rlel has a hig eolion eloih niai'kel. whieli siipniios eoilon elolli U) die oUiei' disli'iels in Maryaiia. ll is a good place for business |')urjX)se. Sex ratio, is calcidatcd as number of'females per 1000 males, w'as 849 in Rohtak in 1991 census. The sex ratio decline lo 847 during 2001. The state sex I’atio was 865 in 1991 which has aiso declined to 861. ITiCrural sex ratio in both l^ahsils of the district has increased. In Maham Tahsil it is 839 and in Rohtak 840 but the average is 867. The reason foi- deej'easing Sex Ratio is National capital Delhi which is situated nea]' by. In terms of Sex Ratio, the rank of Rohtak in the State is 15‘*^ and in country it is 554, such sex ratio will see many males not getting their partner which may create a social evil and is a serious matter for the society. In Rohtak District, 0-6 age group population is 134712. In which 75016 male and 59696 females. If we see child sex ratio in 1991, it was 868, which w<is declined to 796 in 23001. hi Haryana state, it was 879 in 1991, which declined to 82C in 2001. ddie 0-6 age group sex I'alio of Rohtak falls in 15'*' I'ank in the slate and 578^'' in the country. If we study tliis age group per 1000 boys only 796 girls ai'c thei'c and shortfall is of 204 (ovei' 20%). The density of popiilation in Rohiak 44" I'^9! wliich inci’caseu 539 in 2001. d'he Rohtak District stanU ni ilie : arid 188"‘ in liie eounir\. I'lic literacy riUe of llaryaiia was ()H.S9'^u iii vNiiii'ii male and 56.31% (cnialc. I'hclileracy is higher in Kohtak Districi at 74.56%, ol which 84.29% are male and 63.19% females. The 0-6 age group population has not been included i:i this. In Maham d'ahsil 80.11% male and 54.14% female were literate and in Rohtak Tahsil 85.28% male, 65.32% female literate. Rohtak District stands at 4'’’ p6sition in literacy in the si:iie and 140"' j^osition in the country. The rani< of the district in the country is 132'"‘ for male literacy (84.29) and 154^’’ for female literacy (63.19), 35,06% population of the districi lives in the Urban areas, of this 89.38% population lives in Rohtak Urban agglomeration because Rohtak has bctt..'r facilities provided to the jieojilc in rcsj)cct ol' education and medical facilities etc, 'I'he pcrcenlagc of schedule caste populations is 18.66, which is 4.46% of the Haryana State. Cliniatic Conditions : The Soil of this Distt. is fertile but due to lack of Nitrogen in its soil, Rohtak Distt. has been declared the dry area Zone. All the 147 villages are electrified and linked w'ith Roads. There are 372 primary scliools 65 middle schools & 244 Sec. Sec. Schools in this Distt. The average Rain fall in this Distt. is 443 M.M and ierowth rate is 20.99. 'I'he total cropped area is 213597 hect The area is uneven and also suffers from inundation and water logging during ‘‘N4onsooiv’ seaso]i.
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