Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 2-11-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1963). Winona Daily News. 396. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/396 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Some Gout iness Attend Winona Tonjght, Tuesday; Polio Vaccine Warmer Tuesday Clinic Sunday ..____.„— ,, ,, ., .. ¦ ¦ —— — . _ . _ | _ ,_—^.. - — ; t . ___ | — — . _ Asm^ Bob Kennedy Joins 50-Mile 8-Inch Rain S UiWal^ ea^ ¦outbreaks country. 'V-j in Maryland , Kansas, ; II Iin bis,! from victims to detect : the; high B ' ' ' - ' . By JOHN BARBOUR across the . y FRANK. CORMIER / - :- - : In a sampling of 108 cities, ihe North Carolina and the District ' level of protective antibodies AP Science Writer j : - WASHINGTON (AP)—It was «¦: WASHINGTON (AP)-A .shock Public Health Service ' reports '. that] of Columbia ,.;. j against the virus , and by spotting . wave of . Asian , flu . wintry - pneumonia-influenza deaths have j the virus in throat swabs. ( vigorous weekend on the New | — a It is suspected strongly but not friend of. death—is hitting the ; been running over the epidemic I The V Public Health Service Frontier. President Kennedy took In California '¦' yet co nfirmed in Vermont, warned earlier, this year that fol- Eastern Seaboard and leapfrog- j Ihreshhbld ' for four • ..- weeks. ; his wife on three short hikes and ging inland as .far as Kansas . 'Especially vulnerable are the Maine , Delaware,. Virginia , South lowing the normal , cycle Asian flu ' ' I Carolina and Georgia - vAtty. Gen. Robert F, Kennedy j : - , IKS. -. Public- Health Service offi- j elderly; the chronically ill and likely -wouM strike the nation hard ^ cials can 't say for sure, but the ' pregnant women. Confirmation is made by labor- , this winter . For a while it looked • walker) 50 miles in 17 hours—all : ' odds are it;will, spread in local 7 Asian flit has been confirmed . atory tests of blood specimens- as though thewarning was wrong.. in the cause of physical fitness. ; Then , in mid-January, the pat- Elhcl Kennedy, : the : attorney tern pf Asian flu appeared . Now ; general's wife, added to the aura ; it is expected to stay until ;mid- of vitality by declaring she'd wel-. I Mareh when it' generally .declines.- . ' come twins to the busy : routine' ¦ V Asian influenza is•¦ '. w» ef the of her family of seven. "A'' type influenza viruses which , . .But Ethel , who is expecting her seem to strike every two or three eighth child in. June; added there years. It was first . seen ;.in ; the " is no medical evidence to indi- winter of 1957-58. There was some ; cate twins are. in the offing: ¦ : ¦ ; ' forewarning when it was identi- i ' : ¦ ¦;. ' V ' ¦ - . ;. -. ' - i . The ono discordant note was '- fieri in Japan and named . Vac ' cines were hurriedly made against sounded-: ; by.. Joan Kennedy, wife j of Sen. ,Edward . M..7Kennedy.. D- the virus and distributed widely 1 ' ¦across the United , States, .Mass. Joan wrote in Look ; maga- Officials' believe, that , the Vac- zine that the President ,, because ; of persistent back trouble , can cines took; the top off of. the. epi- ;' demic that yea r—but it still was barely pick up his 2ryear-old son, " '¦; ' ' ' V V of great proportions7 A wave of N'V - :- - V • - " : >- " 7' - V'' - '- . .7 ' the-disease, in the fall of ia-JT w'as: ' - . Reporting that young John now- /. weighs ¦ ', associated with : 739:300 . excess about 35 pounds, the White deaths above the normal death House said. "tli?/President's back j rate The winter ; has left . 20,000 is. improving but his son is 7 get- , ¦ excess deaths. ling heavier;"v ' ' - •'! ' ' ' 11 President > Kennedy's . back is;'! : . It struck : the . United. States : again in I960 and there were. 26, - slowing him down ', this wasn't- ev- ident- • 700 excess . deaths '. Sunday -during . his. three walks with' the" first lady. , . From -those epidemics experts have determined that people over Kennedy set such a brisk pace SCRAMBLE . :. • Huge wave breaks over tators \vho> had; climbed on \vall to watch raging ' 45 .are iri the risk category—with v that it almost sjcemed he was top of; a seawall at King . .Harbor in Redqndo surf. \Vav<es up to .25 feet crashed Into harbor training ' those over 65 in the area of great-¦ i . for a: 50-mile bike of his Beach , Calif., putting to flight a gtoup of spec- causing damage to bo-ats. (AP .Photofax ) est ' risk, v . - . ¦ own ,, . • ' :F-ifly miles became a ' magic , Somehow Asian , flii leaves, the¦ . : body vulnerable; to ' .pneumonia '— number on the New! Frontier a ft. generally, bacteria-caused . pneu-7 er Kennedy learned about a 1908 ' ; May Be in Cuba ! mo.nia. T-hat seems to account for : executive order in which Presi- i i : dent /Theodore Roosevelt pro- iiiHK-iK I about one-third" the excess deaths.. Two-thirds of the excess deaths claimed this distaiice an appropri- seem to . occur among those with ate fitness test 7 for Marine offi - chronic .conditions — and largely.: cers. To Slippery among persons: with heart condi- At¦ the President's suggestion, Stil^ tions and: circulatory and kidney .20' . 'Marines ' .' will take the Roose- disorders, velt test at Camp. Lejeune Tues- ' In its' weekly ; . 'summary, of di- • day. On Friday/ volunteers from . sease ' - the White House staff and press hip Highways and death , .incidence, . -. the Of Missihg S ¦ corps will embark on a similar LOS/ANGELES 'AP)—Southern .. Public Health Service reported on (AP ) my-, area / between Fort Pierc-e and. : some of the - 10 states and the Dis- expedition. NEW YORK - The California went more than 300 , Va., where the Sulphur j tried.- of Columbia where flu or Robert Kennedy jumped the gun stery of the disappearance of the N orfolk days without a real , storm. Then, 1'flu-like outbreaks 7 have been oh these ; endeavors Saturday by sulphur-carrying tanker . Marine| Queen was scheduled to arrive with thunder , lightning, torrents '. '" - .' . - ' of noted. walking 50 miles r from Washington Sulphur. Queen continued to deep- j last7.Thursday . - j rain and snow . in the rnountains, I weekend; .- ' ; • MAR YLAND-Influenza - in Balti- 1/toward piurmont;.; Md./ '..The 737- en-over the : ., ,. ' . A report fromvone . aircraft of it. got one >hich : ¦¦ ' ' Did the 524-foot ship sink in . the/ ¦¦' j. more :;continiies to. be. epidemic. ' year-old . attorney general. Avas ac- a yellowish substance . in. ' the Caused five traffic deaths Sun- : cbni severe AUantic stom\ that lashed ocean about 190 miles east of St . but the peak may be passed.. The pahied by four aides who fal- 40 day on rain-slick ; roads ai^d fr^e- i Baltimore Police; .department had ! tered before the finish line. 7 the southeast co-ast^iyth m.p.h: \tigustine, / Fla., sent; a small winds, churning up 14-foot waves? vtays.: : over 30O absentees from a force Navy ship,; tlie USS Hoist, to the ' The/, attorney general reached Are the tanker and her crew scene. The Hojst reported the Brought up to 8 in-thes of rain of 3,740 men in Janiiarv. ' ":" ' ' v AFTER SO MILES .;. Four Weary Dubuque, 14. In foreground are Mike Kil&roe, 13. and Jim [ his destination at It p.m., attend- of 39 |n Cuba "? Tf7 so/ was; she yellow substance was floating in,-suburban " foothills. -- GEORGIA —An outbreak of an ed 9 a.m. Roman Catholic Iowa. Boy Scouts wave to a crowd from atop a Trahnel. Nearly 1,800 turned out to welcome the acute disease involving fever and ] -a hijacked or did she become dis- j seaweed. Flooded hundreds of intersec- | Mass the next morning, and then car after ' completing a. 50-mile hike Saturday, Scouts at the finish line. 7<AP: Photofax > respiratory symptoms. began , at '' abled and - drift 7 into. Cuban ! tion s and lenipprarily . blocked 7 went; ice skating.7 • 7. j waters? 7 - The Coast Guard reported Sun- many major 7 arteries, areBobbie Hoffman . 14: Baye Beck , the Uni.-versity of Georgia around . v On top of car ! President Kennedy and the First , Six search planes were ordered ; day it is investigating the pos- " ; :; ¦ ¦ Jan. 22-24. The epidemic reached Sent angry seas surging against ' ' ; :/¦¦ ' " • ' v ' ' ' /' ; , ' , ' • ' . - ' ' ¦;¦ - . / - ' , ' ! Lady started their walking binge to scan the . southeast Atlantic ! sibility that the Sulphur Queen is the ' beaches: Venice the sea v . v ;/. v/v7. , . /;. ! its height some- six . , days, later. I in New York , "where they spent At ;with- 150 new cases reported each from : Cape Hatteras, N/C . to Fort j in Cuba. A spokesman said that devoured the 180-foot-wide strand ¦ ¦ a weekend of t heater-going, fan- Everybod i day. ¦' - ¦• "-. ; . : ' ' ' ¦ ; Pierce. Fla„ covering an. area j the probe concerned the pos- and undermined a parking lot be- y icy eating and partying. roughly 250 miles offshore. The sihilit y pf :a hijacking, but then ; VIRGlNTlA-Thirty-nine of Vir- ;| : 12:30 . yond "The beach is gone," a life- ' After attending a . p.ni. Coast Guard cutter " S.wcetgiim, said the - ship /might have drifted , ginia s 97 counties reported out- [Mass in uptown Manhattan, the guard dispatcher said. /rqcj Refce/s breaks of influenza-like disease last reported 200 miles off Jack- into Cuban waters.. Kennedys and her sister, Lee for the week ending Feb! 2. There /. sonville, Fla., also was ordered . Other Coast Guard sources said I fi Glendal« . a wire-mesh check ; fietting Into j Radziwill.
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