r \ ..J . N • r. / * V *!: ■ 'A' / ■'• / . (■■ , '■ 4 \ )\ V v:.. J •■ ' < J ;■' ’I > . WECNB^DAY, DECEMBER 14, i«66 r^ O H T Avenge Daily Net t*reu Rnn ■/ I f. s a ie k ii " iianrlfnat^r ^t^^nhts t w «w WMc SiNMl Th e weacia^; Dee. 10, ueq iWeeaat of D. A WshMw Nut ao euM __ ^ lI''* 1 3 ^ 3 1 ^ My begiimliig aa friseti j ' rule Member ed Audit ■■■fy early tonlgat, ohaagiog to aaeurlw- OPEN THURS. / Bureau af OtawnlaUtMi tom ebdlug CMday, Bafem. tm r tem IgunSU . M a tic h 0 $ter-^A CUy of Village NIGHT and FOR T w b EVERY NIGHT VOL. LXX3C, NO. 64 (TWENTY-FOUR PA6ES--IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CO^^N., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1960 (Olaaalflud Advertlatag «a Paga M) PRICE CENTS TTU 9 SAT. TILL 5:45 Kennedy Set to Fill State News J‘ Roundup u n More" CabinetI Posts One of 2 Bodies Laj^e This Afternoon In Fire Identified . h': {IP Washington, Dec. 15 (il*)— > >he would have some tomorrow, U Middlebury, Doc. 15 )— not today. One of two bodies found in In Streets of President-elect John F.) Ken­ But he also toported he wsA charred ruins of a fire in a 13- nedy said today he'had offer­ "making some progress," so ap- room hilltop mansion here has -a ed the postmaster genenlship paroitly the outlook shifted quick­ been identihed as that of Mrs. to Rep. William Dawson, 74, ly- De Gaulle Acts Chicago Negro congressman, As he has for days past, Ken­ Gordon B. Hurlbut, a member Anti-Reds but that Dawson declined it. nedy was receiving' a constant of the Chase Brass and Cop­ stream of callers. per family. To Curb Foes Kennedy said Dawson told He discussed disarmament prob­ Identification was made yester­ Selassie’s Son him he felt it would be wiser lems with the British ambassador, day by a dentist. Dr. George C. Winning in to remain in the House in view Sir Harold Caccia, and said that Gibson of nearby Waterbury, from Of His Policies niURSDAY Alt CASH of his 18 years of experience sotne time after hts Inauguration a chart of the former Ethel there and his chairmanship of he hopes to haw a meeting with Chase’s teeth. Vientiane British Prime Mlnikter Harold Mrs. HurlbUt’s husband, Gordon, , Paris, Dec. 15 (iP)—Presi­ the Government Operations Macmillan. ■' Grabs Ethiopia 62, was missing, and officials ex­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dent Charles de Gaulle began Committee. Reps. Elmer Holland, D-Pa., and pressed a belief that he also per­ a Crackdown today on those W OM EN'S Harley Staggers, D-W. Va., calling ished In the fire which swept their The U.S. embassy and a who openly oppose his self de­ iC Washington, Deit. 15 (JP)— separately, talked with the I*res- home before dawn yesterday. French hospital have been hit termination policy in Algeria. Recife, Brazil, Dec. 15 </P)—Haile Selassie, aboard an Ethi­ PERFECTIONIST PUMP PrcMdent-elect John F. Ken­ Ident-elect about economic mat. Hurlbut, former president of by shellfire in the flaming opian Air Lines plane, left at 6 a.m. (5 a,m. EST) for Africa SN O W B O O TS nedy said today, he would an­ ters. Plume' Sc Atwodd Mfg. -Co., and his battle for Vientiane, sending Forty government officials in after flying here from Sao Paulo, Brazil. - Holland said he and Kennedy wife were reported to have been the territory were fired and MAKE IT A nounce another cabinet ap­ discussed particularly the impact in their home late Tuesday night. hundreds of French women Gen. Raoul Salan, a foe of the The flight plan showed the plane was headed for Roberts pointment — "maybe two” — of automation on employment. He The fire, spotted several hours and children and some Ameri­ Gaullik policy, was ordered Field in Liberia, on the west coast of Africa. later in the afternoon. said millions have been thrown out later, quickly spread through the cans fleeing to Thailand. home from Spain. He put the time for a cabinet of work. $100,000 mansion. As anti-Commlmlst forces In I^ndon, Dec. 15 (/P)—Ethiopian Radio reported several announcement tentatively at 5 Holland was in the Kennedy Medical Examiner William P. Laos were reported driving Leftist The officials in Algeria were dis­ p.m. home 55 minutes. He said Kennedy Arnold said the condition of the re­ troops toward the vital airfield out­ missed for joining in a strike or­ civilians were killed and many wounded in bloody gun battles 7.99 ganized last week by European on the streets of Addis Ababa today. asked him to continue a study he mains of the body found with that side Vientiane, the heart of the Passing this word to newsmen settler groups who demand that Clustered around the ice«covered, Is making on autornation and re­ of Mrs. Hurlbut’s was such that capital was in flames, said reports The broadcast said an “inhuman massacre” had broken out port the results to him. to Bangkok, Thailand’s capital. Algeria remain a part of France. sanded steps of his Georgetown positive Identification might be The strike sft off bloody rioting in the Ethiopian capital. black silk home, Kennedy gave no hint as to Staggers said he talked with the impoasiUe. An artillery shell struck the U.S. / reg. President-elect about economic embassy today and the front of the by both settlers and Algerian na- It did not state whether the army or the Imperial Guard the posts to be filled or the people tionaUsts. was in action, but said “a group of bandits .. .'opened fire on high or madium to fUl them. conditions in his state and reme­ building broke into flame. The em­ dies for them, but did not propose GOP Picks Marsters bassy radioed Bangkok that the Defense Minister Pierre Messmer peaceful civilians demonstrating for the new representative The spots still open are eecre- hatl 10.99 any specific legrislation. He added Hartford, Dec. 15 (JP) — State staff was evacuated, along with told the cabinet disciplinary action people’s government.” tariee of the treasury* agriculture that he was confident the economic Rep. Theodore V. Marsters -of that of the neighboring U.S. In­ had been started against Salan, A British government spokesman said qarlier fighting had and labor, attorney general and policies of the Kennedy administra­ Litchfield today was appointed formation Service Building. Four ftfrmer commander-in-chief in Al­ EMPiCROR II.AU.B SELASSIE CHRISTAUS postmaster general. tion would help conditions in west head of the Republican party’s re A fric a n s were slightly Injured. geria, who is in self exile In Spain. broken out in Addis Ababa, where a new government was pro­ Bhu-ller, Kennedy had said he Virginia. search committee. ■The rain of shell.s spreading ruin The Information ministry said p ; claimed today in the wake of the ouster of Emperor Haile Se­ wasn’t sure whether there would Kennedy plans to leave for Flori- State GOP Chairman Edwin H. through the heart of the capital Salan was sent a formal order to lassie. -------------------------- —— be additional cabinet members May Jr., who made the announce­ struck the big French Mathosot return to Paris and report to the The Ethiopian Radio gave no In­ NEW ELECTRIC PORTABLE GRILL named today, biit that certainly (Contlnned on Pago Nine) ment, said Marsters will direct Hospital yesterday afternoon, said Defense Ministry but has not yet dication whether the attackers the party’s research operation to the French embassy in Bangkok. replied. ’The ministry said the ac-., were supporters of the deposed Angry Castro California livinsr in Connecticut! broils steaks, chops, provide Information to Republican ’The staff fled, leaving hundreds of tion against him, not deflnied, could emperor but described them as members of the General Assem­ chicken . indoors or out! wonderful charcoal flavor wounded and dying from the bat­ be taken only through normal “under the influence'of two trai­ I X with absolutely no mess! all electric . all new! $40 Million Flash in Sky bly, town committees, other Re­ tle under the care. of only two judicial proceedings. tors, former Gens. Kabeda Ggbre Charges Foes publican groups and civic organ­ French Army doctors. Salan has spoken out publicly and Merid MengeSTia.’’ isations. ( One of the doctors in a dramatic Kabeda is a former commander Marsters, elected to a fourth against De Gaulle's policy since Aided by U.S. black, red or radio message pleaded for inter­ reaching Spain, claiming It would in chief of the Ethiopian Army term In the lower House last national action to end the "use­ open the way to a Communist take­ and Mengesha, a brigadier general, U.S. Fails 6th Straight month, succeeds Howard E. less bloodletting.” gray calf over in that North African terri­ is minister of state in the Min­ Havana, Dec. 15 UP — Prime \ .. Haushan, New Britain, in the re­ ’The French community in the tory. But he has said he opposes istry of National Defense, accord­ Minister Fidel Castro, in one of SHOES search committee post. former French colony was all but _____ I violent methods to block De ing to diplomatic-files In London. his angriest speeches, charged to­ Effort for Moon Satellite deserted as women and children Gaulle's program. Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal, day that enemies of his revolution sizes 5 to 10; narrow and medium widths Jewish Publisher Dies crossed the nearby MeKong River The cabinet approved actions told the House of Commons he were being equipped by the United Hartford, Dec.
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