EERI Newsletter, February 2007 Volume 41, Number 2 News of the Institute Annual Meeting Kickoff Speaker Blakely to Direct New Orleans Recovery 2Q)HEUXDU\WKH¿UVWIXOOGD\RI((5,¶V$QQXDO0HHWLQJLQ/RV Angeles, urban planner Ed Blakely will be the kickoff speaker, on the topic of “The New Urban Environment: Changing Demographics, Wealth, Real Estate Values, and Recovery Resources.” Currently a professor at the Plan- ning Research Centre at the University of Sydney, Australia, he was recently EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING named executive director of recovery for the city of the New Orleans. He will RESEARCH INSTITUTE coordinate the rebuilding of the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. NEWSLETTER In 1989, as a special assistant to Mayor Elihu Harris in Oakland, California, Blakely led the city’s recovery after the Loma Prieta Editor Mark Yashinsky earthquake. In 1991, while a professor at the Associate Editors Sarah Nathe University of Southern California, he helped Gerald Brady plan the rebuilding of Los Angeles after the Editorial Assistant Eloise Gilland Northridge earthquake. After the September Earthquake Engineering 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Blakely, who was Research Institute living in New York at the time, was tapped by 499 14th Street, Suite 320 a regional planning association to coordinate Oakland, California 94612-1934 Phone: 510/451-0905 a downtown response plan. Fax: 510/451-5411 E-mail: [email protected] continued on page 7 Web site: http://www.eeri.org Ed Blakely ISSN 0270-8337 Reproduction with attribution is permitted. Election Results: Ghosh and Whittaker Elected EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING to Board; Bylaws Changes Approved RESEARCH INSTITUTE S. K. Ghosh of S. K. Ghosh Associates, Illinois, and Andrew Whittaker of PRESIDENT SUNY Buffalo were elected the newest members of the Board of Directors Thalia Anagnos in the 2007 election. Many thanks go to the members of this year’s Tellers Committee: Mary Goodson of CH2M Hill, Inc., Turel Gur of MMI Engineering, PAST PRESIDENT and Finn T. Halbo (retired). Craig D. Comartin Ghosh and Whittaker will be formally welcomed to their new posts at the Board SECRETARY-TREASURER Meeting in Los Angeles on February 7. They will each serve three years as Marshall Lew directors, replacing John Aho and Farzad Naeim, whose terms have expired. EERI extends thanks BOARD OF DIRECTORS to Aho and Naeim for Thalia Anagnos their years of out- Jonathan D. Bray Craig D. Comartin standing service and Richard K. Eisner dedication to the S. K. Ghosh Institute. Polat Gülkan $QRWKHUVLJQL¿FDQW Laurie A. Johnson Marshall Lew transition will be the Andrew S. Whittaker installation of Thalia Anagnos of San Jose EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR State University as Susan K. Tubbesing EERI President. S. K. Ghosh Andrew S. Whittaker continued on page 7 1 EERI Newsletter, February 2007 Volume 41, Number 2 News of the Institute legislation that requires improve- Bill is a Fellow of both SEAONC ments in seismic preparedness for and SEAOC. He was awarded the Honorary Members: all of the state’s hospitals by the 1999 Alfred E. Alquist Award for year 2008. He served on the Califor- Achievement in Earthquake Safety Holmes and Preece nia Hospital Building Safety Board and the 2005 H. J. Brunnier Lifetime for ten years. Achievement Award for Excellence EERI Board of Directors voted to in Structural Engineering. name William T. Holmes and F. Bill has served on numerous nation- Robert Preece as honorary members al and international committees de- Bob Preece earned B.S. and M.S. of the Institute. Honorary member- voted to improving seismic safety degrees in civil engineering from the ship is awarded to recognize mem- and building codes, beginning with University of Nevada and Stanford bers who have made sustained and his service on the SEAOC Seismol- University, respectively. He went on outstanding contributions either in the ogy Committee in the mid-1970s. KLV¿UVWHDUWKTXDNHUHFRQQDLVVDQFH ¿HOGRIHDUWKTXDNHHQJLQHHULQJRUWR He played a key role in the concep- investigation in 1952 after the Kern EERI in the pursuit of its objectives. tual development of the NEHRP County earthquake, while working Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabil- as the northern California district Bill Holmes is an internationally itation of Buildings (FEMA 273/356). engineer for Bethlehem Steel Com- UHFRJQL]HGH[SHUWLQWKH¿HOGRI He also served as chair of the Provi- pany. Over a 37-year period, he seismic design. He earned B.S. and sions Update Committee, responsi- went on nine earthquake investiga- M.S. degrees from Stanford Univer- ble for updating the NEHRP Recom- tions, working alongside other giants sity. In 1965, Bill joined Rutherford mended Provisions for Seismic Reg- & Chekene, where he is now a vice RIWKH¿HOGVXFKDV((5,SDVWSUHVL ulations for New Buildings, 1997 dents Henry Degenkolb and Frank president. Bill has been responsible and 2000 editions. For these accom- McClure. for the structural design of many plishments, he was given the Build- buildings, including the 600-bed VA ing Seismic Safety Council’s Excep- After working 18 years for Testing hospital in Loma Linda, California, tional Service Award in 2001. Engineers, Inc., where he became DQGWKHVHLVPLFUHWUR¿WRIPDQ\ executive vice president, he found- others, including several buildings He has been active in many organi- HGKLVRZQ¿UPRI3UHHFH*RXGLH at Stanford University and the zations in the earthquake engineer- Associates in 1978. He was re- Shakespearean Pavilion in Ashland, ing community, having served on the sponsible for all company opera- Oregon. He has concentrated his boards of EERI, SEAOC, ATC, and tions, including structural design, efforts in recent years on the devel- CUREE. For decades he has been a seismic analysis, special studies, opment of seismic strengthening frequent speaker at EERI meetings, administration, and material and techniques for existing buildings conferences, and workshops. He is forensic investigations. Among his and structural design standards for currently the Monograph Committee major projects were San Francisco’s hospital facilities. In 1992, he co- chair, and was co-technical editor, Transamerica Pyramid, the Hyatt authored the “Milestone 4 Report,” along with Robert Reitherman, of Regency, and the Embarcadero which formed the basis for the the April 2006 special issue of Earth- &HQWHU7KH¿UPEHFDPH3UHHFH development of California’s SB 1953 quake Spectra, subtitled The 1906 Goudie, and Issa in 1997. San Francisco Earthquake: An Earthquake Engineering Retrospec- tive 100 Years Later. One of the high points of Bill’s ca- reer occurred in 1998, when he served as the ebullient master of ceremonies for EERI’s 50th anni- versary banquet cabaret act, “Your Structural Hit Parade,” playing the ubiquitous but hard-to-nail-down Ruiffe Diaframme. He was brought back by popular demand last year at EERI’s banquet during the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Confer- ence, when the act was updated to “That Was Then; This Is Now!” thereby ensuring his enshrinement William T. Holmes as an EERI Honorary Member. F. Robert Preece 2 EERI Newsletter, February 2007 Volume 41, Number 2 7KHSXEOLFKDVEHQH¿WHGIURP%RE¶V News of the Institute building materials expertise, particu- larly in steel and concrete. He has devoted himself to increasing seis- Endowment Fund Donors mic safety through his participation EERI would like to thank the donors to the Endowment Fund shown below in building code development and and acknowledge their recent contributions. EERI’s Endowment supports in professional associations. He has those innovative projects that ensure the Institute’s continuing leadership in written and published extensively on the earthquake engineering professions. the design and performance of ma- $5,000 terials. He served terms as vice Vitelmo V. Bertero LeVal Lund president of EERI and as president David A. Friedman & Bruce R. Clark Mark R. Pierepiekarz of the Structural Engineers Asso- Paulette J. Meyers Forell/Elsesser Charles Scawthorn Engineers, Inc. Anthony F. Shakal ciation of California (SEAOC), the $2,000-$3,000 Ruth V. Gordon Craig W. Tillman Consulting Engineers Association, I. M. Idriss Paul C. Jennings Frank R. Vollert and the Applied Technology Council. Peter I. Yanev Kenneth A. Luttrell Akira Wada During the 1980s he served on the $1,000 Faiz I. Makdisi T. Leslie Youd SEAOC Seismology Committee, Clarence R. Allen Joseph P. Nicoletti which, since 1959, has continually Forrest T. Braun Douglas J. Nyman Other Amounts updated Recommended Lateral John M. Coil William J. Petak Edmund Booth Force Requirements and Commen- John A. Martin, Sr. Shamsher Prakash David R. Brunsdon tary, also known as the SEAOC Blue Thomas D. O’Rourke Roland L. Sharpe Teresa Elliott Book, whose recommendations are Conrad Paulson Susan K. Tubbesing Richard C. Hepworth the basis of most seismic code pro- Larry C. Hultengren $500 visions in the United States and $100-$199 Michael E. Kreger Cynthia L. Perry around the world. Daniel J. Alesch James LaFave James E. Russell Neven Matasovic In the 1990s, Bob was EERI’s liai- Thalia Anagnos Irving J. Oppenheim son to the Building Seismic Safety $200-$499 Donald G. Anderson Michael J. O’Rourke Council (BSSC) Board of Direction Robert E. Bachman Sigmund A. Freeman Stan Zagajeski for six years and served on the Bechtel Infrastructure Edward Kavazanjian, Jr. BSSC Seismic Rehabilitation Project Corp. George C. Lee Committee during that decade. He was a member of the Technical Ad- 5HTXHVWIRU4XDOL¿FDWLRQV balos at Judith.Arebalos@con- visory Panel for Materials and Frac- servation.ca.gov (phone 916/324- ture of the SAC Phase II Project that CSMIP Data Project 8771, fax 916/323-7778), The dead- resulted in the publication of FEMA- line is February 20, 2007. 350, Recommended Seismic Design The California Strong Motion Instru- Criteria for New Steel Moment- mentation Program (CSMIP) of Frame Buildings. the California Geological Survey in News of the Profession the Department of Conservation is Bob is still active in the earthquake funding data interpretation projects ¿HOGDVDFRQVXOWDQWDQGDVDPHP Time History Software focusing on the analysis and inter- ber of the Caltrans Seismic Advisory pretation of the extensive strong- Available Board.
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