VOL. XXXV. NO. 39 PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1913 PRICE 4 CENTS PHILLIPS BAND ONE FINGER PASTOR OF BURGLARY AT THE FEDERATED RE-ORGANIZED AMPUTATED M. E. CHURCH HALEY & RUSSELL’S CHURCH PARISH Much interest has been shown in The first meeting of the year of Rev. W. W. Laite to Commence Thieves Enter by Window and Brakeman on Railroad Received the organization of the Federated the Phillips Cornet band was held His Labor as Pastor of the Carry off about $100 Worth Church Parish. There was a well- in Wilbur hall Wednesday evening Injuries Last Saturday. of Goods. attended meeting held in the church and much interest shown in reorg' Methodist Church of parlors Monday evening, at which the organization was perfected, the anizing the same. This band will Last Saturday Daniel French, a Phillips Wednesday morning when the by-law® were discussed and adopt­ furnish music for Memorial day. ! brakeman on the Sandy River & store of Haley & Russell was open­ ed and a business committee was ; Rangeley Lakes railroad, had the Rev. William W. Laite, who has ed, it was found that a burglar or Frank Worthley has been leader of elected. This committee will have j misfortune to lose a finger,- while been the pastor at Salem for the burglars had been at work. They the band for sometime, but his re­ the threefold duties of pulpit com­ braking in the yard at Farmington. last three years, has moved to Phil­ entered by breaking the glass in the moval to Montreal necessitates the mittee, financial committee and the It was the index finger and was so lips this week and will reside in window in the meat room and reach­ committee having general oversight, choosing of a new leader and it is badly crushed that it had to be the Methodist parsonage. Rev. Mr. ing in and lifting- the window. of the business affairs of the church very muoh hoped by the members taken off: Two or three of the oth­ Laite has been looking after the Things in the store had been pretty and parish. Its members are D. er fingers were crushed quite bad­ work of the church since Mr. Mil- badly mixed up and overturned. that the services of Hon. N. P. .F. Field, Miss Georgine Wilbur and ly. lett left, but his actual pastorate As nearly as can be ascertained Noble can be secured. Following Mrs. Mary Field. They have power Dr. Pratt of Farmington was the did not begin, until this week. they took irt the neighborhood of are those who make up the member­ to appoint others to assist them in I surgeon. Mr. Freneh returned to $100 worth of goods. Among the ar­ The services of Mr. Laite were se­ their work. ship and the instruments played by | his home on the night train and the cured by the District Supt. Rev. J. ticles missed are two expensive dress them: John Russell, Joe Steward, I hand is getting along well. M. .Frost, while Mr. Laite was hold­ suit cases, three suits of clothes, Malcolm Barker, Dan Steward, Har­ The cars which French was coupl­ ing an Evangelistic service at one underwear, boots, neckties, etc. A C. E. Parker at the food table; Mrs. old Beedy, cornets; Hollis Holt, Lyn­ ing had the link and pin arrange- of the churches in the Augusta dis­ No clue to the bunglans has yet F. N. Beal, fancy w-ork; Mrs. C. F. trict. Mr. Laite lias always in very little cash was also taken, wood Carlton, trombone; Frank Dav­ j inept. Most of the cars now in Chandler, Mrs. Fred Morton, apron; I use have the automatia coupling, connection with his regular} pastoral been found. The only isuspicious is, Howard Ross, alto horn; M. I. Miss Shirley Holt, candy; Miss which does away with any danger of circumstance is that Dr. E. B. Cur­ Georgine Wilbur, Mrs. E. V. Holt Keyes, .Frank Stewart, baritone; ! accidents of this sort. rier, who was coming from Mrs. and Mrs. N. P. Noble, ice cream. Howard Leavitt, bass horn; Dana Fannie Record’s at about 2 o ’clock The net receipts will be about $36. Walker, snare drum; Clifford Cush­ that morning, saw a man with two man, bass drum; Harry Chandler, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN MAINE dress suit cases. When the Doc­ Herman Beal, clarionet; Chas. Ham­ WOODS. LOW ADVERTISING tor got into the road the man was mons, saxaphone. RATES. about 10 feet from him and going CLEVER BIT OF towards the lower village. A burglary was committed at the THEATRICAL WORK O U ANANICH E LO D G E, NORWAY PINES AND SUNSET CAMPS store of Daggett & Will. Strong, LAND OF FULFILMENT. GRAND AND DOBSIS LAKES Washington County, Maine. last Satturday night, and it is The audience at Lambert hall “ PROVEN” Best in Fishing Possibilities, "ACKNOWLEDGED” Best in Hunting Possibilities thought possible it may have been Best watered and wooded for the vacationist, Mecca for the sufferer from Hay Fever, Old fashioned last Tuesday was happily surprised cooking. Home madecondiments. Runningiwater. Open fire places. Sanitary drainage. Circulars. done by the same party. at the clever work done by those W . G. ROSE, Grand Lake Stream, Washington County, Maine taking part in the farce, “ Pa’s New FOOD SALE HELD AT CHURCH Housekeeper.’’ They are all stud­ . PARLORS. ents in the High school with excep­ tion of Miss Bates, but the play was D0N«i\l(E M/Woiy) The weather was very favorable on presented in a commendable manner fOR,flj£ flSWG.Ltt Wednesday for a good attendance aud they ail proved themselves to of the ladies at the sale at the be possessed of rare ability. /VP/RMlSH/OliREf-1 church parlors by the Social union. The part taken by Hollis Holt was EREdCES.lHlI^RLl The food sale was made tfie princi­ the most difficult and he brought CR&INS.OPEN , . pal feature, although there -was a down the house in his impersona­ good display of neckwear and aprons. tion of Mrs. Pounce, and proved Wllf|ORWllhOUfMlte Ice cream and homemade candies himself to be an artist in this line. LOON-LAKE f.LEWlS YORK «—■ were also on sale. Miss Bates played her part very work, done considerable Evangelis­ From 5 until 6 o ’clock lunches weraf naturally and with the required viv- tic work. served consisting of salad, hot rolls, aci-y and she was considered by all to be a star. It has been a .good, winter for Mr. coffee, ice cream and cake. The tables wrere in charge of Mrs. Howard True, Antonio Croteau G R A N T'S CAM PS, KENNEBAGO, M AIN E. One train a day up to June 23,1913. Laite’® work as he has been obliged After June 23, trains leave Portland 7,10 A. M.. arrive Kennebago 12.10 P .M . Leave H. W. True, Mrs. F. A- Lawton, Mrs. (Continued on Page Four.) to drive from Salem to Phillips for Boston 8.55 A. M. via Dover, or 10.00 A . M. via Portsmouth. Portland 1.10 P. M .t arrive Kennebago 6.10 P. M. Returning; leave Kennebago 6.30 A . M. and 12.30 P. M., arrive the afternoon service on Sunday, Boston 3.15 P. M. and 9.00 P. M. and the Thursday evening prayer Write for rates and detailed information. meetings. He did not miss a sin­ ED GRANT CEL SON CO„ Kennebago, Maine gle service and the work of the church went on with a swing. Mr. Laite had no intention of tak­ ing the pastorate of the church when ^Brown^Cam ps^LakeKjezar^™ he first agreed to take the work, For your Spring Fishing Trip why not come where the salmon are large but the people soon felt that ho enough to interest you. The average weight of salmon here for the past W o n the Pro­ W o n the was the man for the place, if it five seasons has been seven pounds. W e also offer you private cabins fessional Trap Shoot­ Amateur Trap Shoot­ with open fire, bath, twin beds, etc. Bass fishing is unsurpassed. Write were possible to secure his services. ua for booklet, rates and detailed information. Address When Mr. Laite was informed of ing Average for 1911 ing Average for 1911. B. E. BROWN, Center Lovell, Maine. the sentiment of the people he said, “ he wTas willing to do any­ REPEATING SHOTGUNS DO GOOD SHOOTING thing to advance the kingdom of Trap shooting brings out the shooting qualities of a gun. W in ­ Christ’’—that money was not the chester Repeating Shotguns last year won both the Professional S E A S O N O F 1913 thing that pulled him into the min­ and Amateur Season’s Averages. This shows they are reliable in istry, but ihe was a minister in an­ action, and close, hard shooters. These qualities make them Individal Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing, Lake and swer to a divine call, and that if excellent for bird shooting, especially for the quick, fast flyers. Stream and Catch Trout. Telephone. Write for Booklet. Dajly Mail. the people of the church would pull The Winchester is built and finished to give years of service. off their coats and go to work he Send postal for complete illustrated catalog JULIAN K. VILES & SON, would accept the appointment. TIM, FRANKLIN CO., MAINE WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Havei.. Conn. Mr. Laite was born and brought Ell!lilllllllllll!l!l!lllllll!ilt!l!lllll!llllllllll up in, the Episcopalian church and was thoroughly indoctrinated in its principles.
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