A REGULAR MEETING OF THE YORK COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF YORK COUNTY, VIRGINIA WAS HELD AT YORK HALL BOARD ROOM 301 Main Street, Yorktown, VA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2015 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: MR.MARK A. MEDFORD, CHAIR DR. ROBERT W. GEORGE, VICE-CHAIR MRS. CINDY KIRSCHKE MR. R. PAGE MINTER MRS. BARBARA S. HAYWOOD ALSO PRESENT: DR. VICTOR SHANDOR, SUPERINTENDENT DR. CARL L. JAMES, CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER DR. STEPHANIE L. GUY, CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER MR. DENNIS R. JARRETT, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MR. JAMES CARROLL, CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER MS. KATHERINE GOFF, COORDINATOR COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC RELATIONS MRS. SANDRA FORD, CLERK I. Mr. Medford called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Julia Skinner, a 5th grade student at Dare Elementary School, led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS a. Seniors of the Month: The following students were recognized for their achievements: Bruton High School-David Woolston (Mrs. Haywood), Grafton High School-Juan Garcia (Mr. Minter), Tabb High School- Geline Preudhomme (Dr. George), and York High School-Rebekah Taylor (Mr. Medford). b. Student Service Awards: Mr. Minter presented awards and plaques of recognition to Connor Fusco (Dare Elementary School), Lacy McLain (Queens Lake Middle School), and Ava Scott (Coventry Elementary School). c. Community Volunteers of the Month: Mr. Medford presented an award relating to volunteerism to Tom Bastian, (Dare Elementary School), February 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 Ms. Jennifer Wong (Coventry Elementary School); and Ms. Mary McGovern (Queens Lake Middle School). d. York Foundation for Public Education: Mrs. Kirschke asked Mr. Dick Carter, YFPE Member, to come forward to present a special gift from “Cookie Text~An Edible Tweet!” on behalf of the York Foundation for Public Education Inc. and in partnership with Jeanne Fiocca of “Cookie Text~An Edible Tweet!” to the Pledge Leader and Student Service recipients. e. School Board Appreciation Month: Dr. Shandor presented framed certificates, along with a gift, to our School Board Members pertaining to recognition for School Board Appreciation Month. He thanked them for their leadership, advocacy and support provided to our school division each day. The following three principals also shared comments of appreciation to the Board members: Mr. Mike Lombardo from Bethel Manor Elementary School; Dr. Antonia Fox from Tabb Middle School; and Dr. Alexis Swanson from Bruton High School. The Board members each expressed thanks for the many expressions of appreciation they have received from individuals and schools. Dr. Shandor also commented on School Board Clerk Recognition Week. Mr. Medford declared a short recess at 7:36 p.m. for the Board to meet tonight’s award recipients. Mr. Medford reconvened the meeting at 7:49 p.m. IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. There was no unfinished business to discuss. V. PRESENTATIONS: a. Accent on Academics: Tabb High School staff (Angela Seiders, Principal; Margaret Harris, Teacher; and 11th grade students Allyson (Grace) Malish and Courtney Butterworth) shared a presentation called “Stories of America.” The THS students shared information regarding their project which allowed them to analyze conceptions of America through literature, media and personal narratives. Students collaborated to design and publish a digital anthology that extends the existing literary conversation. The students shared examples of their learning experience, including using critical thinking skills, sharing their perspectives, collaboration, and using a variety of technology tools. b. Construction Report: Dr. Shandor asked Mr. Mark Tschirhart, Associate Director for Capital Plans and Projects to provide information about the Capital Projects for February, 2015. Mr. Tschirhart gave a brief overview of the following projects: February 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 Grafton Bethel Elementary School HVAC and partial roof replacement; Magruder Elementary School HVAC and partial roof replacement; and Waller Mill Elementary School additions and renovations. c. Youth Commission: Dr. Shandor shared introductory comments relating to the role of The Youth Commission. The Youth Commission is a student led group of 15 high school students from public, private, or homeschools that are appointed annually by the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Rick Smethurst, Youth Commission Liaison for York County Parks, Recreation and Tourism, expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to speak to the Board Members. The students (Kristyn Gatling, (Tabb High School), Tyler Brown, (Bruton High School), Kaela Frazier, (Bruton High School), Haven Gardner, (Hampton Roads Academy), and Alison Stall, (York High School) shared highlights pertaining to the work of the commission, including Outstanding Youth Award Scholarship nominations, results from their student survey and the Annual Town Hall meetings. VI. COMMENTS BY CITIZENS a. Public Participation: at 8:27 p.m. Mr. Medford opened up the comments by citizens and the following citizen spoke on the topic noted. Mr. Medford stated that an opportunity would be given at the end of the meeting for any additional comments. Ms. Gail Asher, 216 Hounds Chase, Yorktown, VA 23693 b. Public Forum of FY16 Operating Budget: Dr. Shandor shared brief remarks and highlights pertaining to the budget. At 8:31 p.m. Mr. Medford opened up the public forum and it was closed at 8:34 p.m. after the following citizen came forward and gave input regarding the FY16 Operating Budget: Ms. Gail Asher, 216 Hounds Chase, Yorktown, VA 23693 VII. MATTERS BY BOARD MEMBERS a. Mr. Medford shared remarks pertaining to School Board Clerk recognition week and expressed his appreciation. He also related information pertaining to a retirement dinner in honor of Mr. Sandy Fagan, Executive Director of Bacon Street, Inc., who is retiring after 40 years of service. This is a leading organization in fighting substance abuse and prevention. Mr. Medford thanked everyone for the many expressions of recognition pertaining to School Board Appreciation month. b. Mr. Minter mentioned an article in the February/March educational issue of “Coastal Virginia” which named Amy Insley (theater teacher at February 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 York High School) as one of 10 top teachers in Hampton Roads. He also extended appreciation to all who sent him notes and gifts in recognition of School Board Appreciation Month, as well as the great staff, teachers and fellow Board members. He also expressed appreciation to the Board Clerk for her assistance. Mr. Minter shared information pertaining to the meeting he had along with Mrs. Haywood and Dr. Shandor with legislators in Richmond on February 9th. c. Mrs. Kirschke shared comments pertaining to the tour she took of Bethel Manor Elementary School along with Sheila Noll (Board of Supervisors-District 2) and extended appreciation to Mr. Lombardo (Principal) for his assistance with the tour. She also congratulated the Grafton High School Boys Swim Team for winning the state championship this past weekend. Mrs. Kirschke also encouraged parents to attend the Dark Side of the Internet seminars being held at the high schools that share the dangers of the digital world. These seminars are being hosted by the PTSA and York County Sheriff’s Department. She also thanked everyone for the many expressions of appreciation relating to School Board Appreciation Month. d. Dr. George commented on the ongoing communication with the Board of Supervisors. He shared the School Board will be having their 3rd joint work session next month. He also shared that all Board members are touring their schools along with the Board of Supervisor in the corresponding district, as well as having frequent Chair and vice chair joint meetings (including the Superintendent and County Administrator). e. Mrs. Haywood commented on the effect of the snow storms and the weather related missed school days. She remarked on her visit to Magruder Elementary School to see the 4th grade recorder concert, along with Mr. Walter Zaremba (Board of Supervisors-District 1). She also shared information pertaining to snow make up days and the options available. Mrs. Haywood stated the Board will listen to staff recommendations but must meet the requirements set forth by the state pertaining to attendance. She closed by extending thanks to all who have expressed their appreciation to the Board members. VIII. FINANCIAL MATTERS Mr. Minter summarized the items under financial matters: a. Approval of Claims Certified for Payment. b. Financial Reports. A motion was made by Mr. Minter and seconded by Mrs. Kirschke to approve Financial Matters. The motion passed 5-0. IX. CONSENT CALENDAR Mr. Medford reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar: February 23, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 a. Approval of Personnel Actions . b. Approval of Donations in the Amount of $11,955.00. c. Approval of a First Amendment to the Current Contract between the York County School Board and Mary Immaculate Hospital, Inc. to provide athletic training services at each of the four high schools. d. Approval of an overnight trip for the York High School Science Class to participate in a Chesapeake Bay Foundation overnight trip to Smith Island. e. Approval of an overnight field trip for certain students from Bruton High School, Grafton High School, Tabb High School, and York High School to participate in a trip to Barcelona and to Montserrat and Ceret, France from March 31, 2015 to April 12, 2015. A motion was made by Mr. Medford and seconded by Dr. George to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of item B (Donations). The motion passed 5-0. A motion was made by Mr. Minter and seconded by Mrs. Haywood to approve item B (Donations). After comments pertaining to the many attributes of Coach Henry Connell who recently passed away and the many donations given to the Grafton High School Athletic Program in his memory, the motion passed 5-0. X. ACTION ITEMS a.
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