Statistic Yearbook 2016 Prepared by Planning Office EDL 1

Statistic Yearbook 2016 Prepared by Planning Office EDL 1

Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL Preface ûÏ¢®∂-üÎù õ≥ù-®ñ≠ü∂§Á£Á ®∂û∏-®Ë 2016 ü∂ßÊß-¶ï π´à≥ - The objective of the Statistical Yearbook 2016 is ∫üù-π§Áù-©Î¶ü∏-π„Ê¢ -º¶-ö∑¶-´Ê¢·∂¶∑- „∂ßÎß-Ω¨¨¡∑ -∫„∂ reflected the achievements of the power system development and business management in the ö∑¶-¢∏-π¶Ë¶-·Ï„∂-öÁ¢ -º¶--Ω„°∂-©¿∑¶-≠∑ õ≥ù „Ê¢-±Á-ü∑-≤∂öÁ¢- past period of Electricite Du Laos (EDL) in Lao Ω¨¨¡∑-„∑± (¨¨„) ÆÌ¿ -º¶ ü®® „∑±. -π†à≥-«ì¶±¿∑ PDR.We hope that This Statistical Yearbook is to make a reference serving as background for ®ñ≠ü∂§Á£Á õÀ-≠̶-ü∂ ßÊß-¶ï û∂-π®Ê¶- ·Ü-¢Ë £ -ö∑¶-üÈöü∑- researching, planning or general knowledge to ú‰¶ú±¡∑ -π´à≥-ö∑¶-π†à≥≠-ª°ù- º≤¡-∫ö¿-ö∑¶±∑ù-∫©¶´Ê¢·∂ readers on the various sectors. ¶∑ -πü¢§∂öÁ¢ üÊùúÎ≠-º¶-±µöù∑¶õ∂-∫∆ù-≥à¶æ. Planning Office of EDL welcomes suggestions ≤¡-≥ùö∑¶- -∫©¶ö∑¶ õ≥ù ¨¨„ °Á¶-¢Ë ¥Êß -π≥Î∑-õÀ-úÁ¢-π≤ʶ and comments from users for revising and improving to serve the societies better off for the £∏¶Á £Á-†Î≠ û∑ö-·Ï-ö´∑ö-ü¿±¶ -∫„∂ ßʶ¢∑-·¿∑¶ ·Ü-Ω¢¡-¶∏-º†¡- future development. ®ó≠-≤α¶ï ≠∑-®Êß®Ïù -∫ö¡-Ωõ -π´à≥-∫¶¿-ºü¿ ¥Êß-º†¡-üÊùúÎ≠ - º¶£ ∆¡∑º≤¡≠Ë-ú϶-¶∂´∑-ß ¢Ë-õñ¶. We hope to receive the kind cooperation from all users ≤±Êù-±¿∑û∂-Ω¢¡-¥Êß-ö∑¶-¥¿±≠-≠Íû∑ö-ßʶ¢∑·¿∑¶-©Ì¡¶∏-º†¡®ñ≠ü∂ §Á£Á-ü∂ßÊß-¶ï -π®Ê¶-Æ¿∑ù-¢Ë. ≤¡≥ùö∑¶--∫©¶ö∑¶ Planning Office Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL Pages Contents Statistic of 1. ∏ , 2. Employees,Statistic of 3. , 4.ü∂§Á£Á´∂„Êùù∑¶£Îöπ¥Ñº¶·â±®∂π·¢ Installed Capacities, Statistic of Energy Losses whole 5. û∏¶±¶úαπ¥Í≥¶≠"##$ & ' 5 country, Statistic Number of Meters, Households electrified in each provinces Generation Resources in Lao 6. ! " ## 6,7 PDR Generation of Each 7. & 8 Hydropower Plants Statistic of Power Purchased 8. $% &'% IPP SPP 9 from IPP and SPP Statistic of Energy Imported 9. 10 -&' -Ω##$ !-ºö$58 from Neighboring Countries Statistic of Energy Exported 10. ' # &( ' „∂ß &'% )% 1 by Nam Ngum1 and Xeset 1- 10 &$& 1-2 2 Systems Nam Ngum and Xeset 11. „∂ßÎß ¶A -ùà≠ 1 -∫„∂ -π† -πüÊ¢ 1-2 õ∑°≥≥ö£¿∑ù®∂ π·¢ -º¶ -®Ë 2016 11,12 Systems Exported by 2016 Statistic of Transmission, 12. , ' # Distribution systems and 13 Transformers Data of Transmission line 13.')* &$ )% ! # &( 14 connections among country Number of Substation 14.∏ 15,16 115/22 kV Statistic of Peak Load in the 15. $ )"$ * +"# &( 17 country Statistic of Electrical 16. $ )"$ # & 17 Consumption in Sectors Statistic of Average of 17. & "# &( 18 Electricity Domestic Tariffs Revenue and Expenses 18. „∑°¥Êßã„∑°û¿∑° , 18 Statistic of Government 18 19. ü∂§Á£Á ≠≥ߴʶ·∂ùÎß®∂≠∑¶ Payment Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL 1. ü∂§Á£Áû∏¶±¶´Î¶ Statistic of Employees 2. ü∂§Á£Áö∏„Êùö∑¶©∂„Á¢ Statistics of Installed Capacity ö∏„Êù-£Á¢-£ìù ®Ë # Installed !- " Year Employees Year Capacities New Generation (MW) 2011 3,239 2011 2,569.70 +NamNhon+NamTha3+NamPhao 2012 3,583 +Thpc+exp(280)+NamNgum 5 2012 2,973.15 2013 4,071 NamMong+NamSong+NamChier 2014 5,049 2013 2,980.24 +Namlong+Tadsalen+Namka +Nam Sad,San,et,Sana, 2015 5,614 2014 3,058.48 Ngiep 3A,Xenamnoy,Tadlang 2016 6,055 +Hongsa(lignite),NamKhan2,NamOu2,Ou5,Ou6, Na mNgiep2,Namsan3A,Namsan3B,Theun- 2015 6,264.80 Hinboun(Extension),NamGnuang8,Xekaman3, HouayLamphanNgai,Biomass from sugar Thermal factory +Nambeng+NamOu9+NamBoun+NamSo+Nam 2016 6,373.18 Geun+NamMang1+Xenamnoy6 3. Statistic Number of Meters 4. ü∂§Á£Á´∂„Êùù∑¶£Îöπ¥Ñ´∑ö-û∏∆¿∑°º¶·â±®∂π·¢ ®Ë û∏¶±¶ Statistic of Energy of Distribution Losses in the whole Country Years Consumer Meters Years % &!&!:: &, ( 2011 865,526 2011 10.14 2015: 7,12% jU\ 2016: 2012 962,327 2012 10.32 # 2013 12.02 9,21%. 2013 1,060,994 2014 13.10 Remark : Energy losses of whole system 2014 1,154,943 2015 10.20 in 2015 is 7,12% and 2016: 9,21%. 2015 1,222,698 2016 13.41 2016 1,300,467 5. &) ,%%%% ,,, &, )%%%% "$ Statistic of Districts, Villages and Households electrified û∏¶±¶„±≠ Total ·Ü≠ËΩ¨¨¡∑º†$$' Electrified ®Ë π≠Í≥ù ß∑¶ ú≥ßúα π≠Í≥ù % ß¡∑¶ % ú≥ßúα % year District Village Households Districts Villages Households 2011 143 8,711 1,045,825 139 97.20% 6,010 68,99% 821,295 78.53% 2012 145 8,656 1,066,017 145 100% 6,448 74.49% 876,762 82.25% 2013 145 8,620 1,080,342 143 98.62% 6,924 80.32% 943,599 87.34% 2014 146 8,571 1,112,046 145 99,32% 7,203 84,04% 986,435 88,70% 2015 148 8,583 1,147,135 148 100% 7,373 85.90% 1,038,248 90.51% 2016 148 8,544 1,167,607 148 100% 7,554 88.41% 1,078,712 92.39% Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL 6. ! " ## Generation Resources in Lao PDR &'% ( , Provinces GWh/# &' # & ) Power Plants Location Inst. capty. (MW) GWh p.a Owner COD &!,%%%% , North Nam Dong ! Luangprabang 1.00 5.00 EDL 1970 Nam Ko +)$ Oudomsay 1.50 8.00 EDL 1996 Nam Baeng +)$ Oudomsay 36.00 145.00 IPP 2016 ¶Õ°≥¶ Nam Nhone -ß -∫ö¡± Bokeo 3.00 12.00 SPP 2011 ¶Õ -·∑ 3 Nam Tha 3 ≤„±ù -¶Õ -·∑ Luangnamtha 1.30 5.50 SPP 2011 Namlong !- ( Luangnamtha 5.50 37.00 SPP 12/2013 XfCW^ HongsaLignite mEF\LeUa Xayabury 1,878.00 12,582.00 IPP 2015 Káp^B^K 2 Nam Khan 2 ! Luangprabang 130.00 558.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2015 Káp^Ye 2 Nam Ou 2 ! Luangprabang 120.00 546.00 IPP 2015 Káp^Ye 5 Nam Ou 5 Phongsaly 240.00 1,049.00 IPP 2015 Káp^Ye 6 Nam Ou 6 Phongsaly 180.00 739.00 IPP 2015 Káp^Ye 9 Nam Ou 9 Phongsaly 0.45 1.60 SPP 2015 Káp^jWª NamSae +)$ Oudomsay 0.08 0.52 EDL 2012 Káp^RYC Nammong ! Luangprabang 0.08 0.04 EDL 2012 Káp^LeK NamBoun Phongsaly 0.11 0.45 EDL 2016 ) Sub-total 2,597.02 15,689.11 1 Central 1 NamSad ! Houaphan 0.27 0.36 EDL 2014 NamSan ! Houaphan 0.11 0.04 EDL 2014 NamEt ! Houaphan 0.06 0.03 EDL 2014 )% 1 Nam Ngum1 ' / Vientiane 155.00 1,002.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 1971 ) 3 Nam Mang3 ' / Vientiane 40.00 150.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2005 & Nam Leuk ' / Vientiane 60.00 218.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2000 ¶Õ„Ëö 1/2 NamLik 1/2 ' / Vientiane 100.00 435.00 IPP 2010 ¶Õùà≠ 2 Nam Ngum 2 ' / Vientiane 615.00 2,300.00 IPP 2010 $ Namsong (Ex) ' / Vientiane 6.00 25.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2012 )% 5 NamNgum 5 ' / Vientiane 120.00 507.00 IPP 2012 H^GUÇ^C,Káp^jWK Tadlang- EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 5.00 25.00 SPP 2014 Nam sen Nam Sana ' / Vientiane 14.00 49.60 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2014 Káp^ChL 2 Nam Ngiep 2 EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 180.00 732.00 IPP 2015 Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL Káp^ChL 3 A NamNgiep3A EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 44.00 152.30 IPP 2015 Káp^kWª NamSo EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 7.50 26.69 SPP 2016 Káp^@cK NamKun EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 0.64 2.08 SPP 2016 Káp^E]K 3A Nam San 3A EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang 69.00 278.40 IPP 2015 Káp^E]K 3B Nam San 3B mEWfRLeK xaysomboun 45.00 173.50 IPP 2015 EhCAV^C Xieng Khuang Namka 0.08 0.52 SPP 2010 ) Sub-total 1,461.66 6,077.52 P^@@^C 2 Central 2 &( ! * TheunHinboun ) Khammuane 220.00 1,251.00 IPP 1998 iJaKXaKLeK P^@A\XF^F Khammuane ) 220.00 1,440.00 IPP 2012 Theun-Hinboun (Extension) &( 2 NamTheun 2 ) Khammuane 1,075.00 6,000.00 IPP 2009 ¶Õ -´∑± Nam Phao ß„Á-ú∏ -Ω† Bolikhamsay 1.70 9.00 SPP 2011 Káp^FVC 8 Nam Gnuang 8 ß„Á-ú∏ -Ω† Bolikhamsay 60.00 316.00 IPP 2012 Káp^R]C 1 Nam Mang 1 ß„Á-ú∏ -Ω† Bolikhamsay 64.00 444.50 IPP 2016 kZCC^KKáp^H^K R`GU^V Sugar Thermal factory W\XV]KK\iAG Savanhnaket 5.00 57.60 SPP 2013 Mitlao H^GW\jUK TadSalen W\XV]KK\iAG Savanhnaket 3.00 15.00 SPP 2012 ) Sub-total 1,648.70 9,533.10 " South !&! Houay Ho # % Attapeu 152.00 450.00 IPP 1999 &$ Selabam # Champasak 5.00 21.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 1969 &$ 6 Xenamnoy6 # Champasak 5.00 27.00 SPP 2015 &$& 1 Xeset 1 Saravane 45.00 133.90 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 1991 &$&2 Xeset 2 Saravane 76.00 309.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDL ãGen 2009 iEA\Å^K 3 Xekaman 3 iE@YC Xekong 250.00 1,000.30 IPP 2014 &$ 1 Xenamnoy1 Y]GH\Mc Attapeu 14.80 101.00 SPP 2014 XÉVFUá^P]KlXFÇ Houay iE@YC Xekong 88.00 500.00 ©ã¨¨„ EDLãGen 2015 LamphanNgai kZCC^KKáp^H^K ZÇVCjYC Biomass from Sugar Y]GH\Mc Attapeu 30.00 105.00 IPP 2013 Thermal factory ) Sub-total 665.80 2,647.20 )( Total 6,373.18 33,946.93 Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL 7. &' %%%% Statistics of Generation of Each Hydropower Plants &'%%%% ' ---- Hydropower Plants owned by EDL and EDL-Gen MaMaMa Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 kWh kWh kWh kWh 1,180,196,460 1,141,816,150 1,209,683,450 1,115,293,240 )% 1 NamNgum1 ) 3 NamMang3 188,220,480 177,682,240 181,032,960 140,572,610 & NamLeuk 215,610,900 197,331,500 221,643,800 213,240,000 &$ & 1 Xeset1 171,802,480 180,135,870 136,001,000 161,761,580 &$ & 2 Xeset2 264,479,952 256,298,079 214,706,542 245,506,825 &$ Selabam 27,128,808 29,769,811 23,359,038 24,999,698 $ Namsong 13,204,898 13,045,166 8,689,634 9,702,737 NamSana - - 34,169,000 44,211,000 ! HouayLamphanNgai - - 80,588,000 390,720,000 2 NamKhan2 - - 96,393,768 282,771,346 ) EDL-Gen 2,060,643,978 1,996,078,816 2,206,267,192 2,628,779,036 NamKo 9,281,408 7,025,857 8,928,663 6,336,634 NamDong 5,952,860 3,234,680 1,962,730 4,247,810 NamNgay 1,711,332 835,637 - - NamSae 168,228 201,015 146,061 218,177 ) Nammong 57,600 188,400 109,630 478,520 NamSad - 529,560 790,000 1,068,700 NamSan - 207,800 410,680 354,800 NamEt - 17,460 82,540 113,840 NamSana - 13,183,000 - - * 1 NamBoun1 - - - 179,520 ) EDL 17,171,428 25,423,409 12,430,304 12,998,001 ) EDL & EDL-Gen 2,077,815,406 2,021,502,225 2,218,697,496 2,641,777,037 Statistic Yearbook 2016 prepared by Planning Office EDL / 8.$%%%% &'%%%% IPP SPP Statistic of Power Purchased from IPP and SPP # years 2013 2014 2015 2016 10 6 Million 10 6

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