MADISON POLICE DEPARTMENT 2018 Street Directory www.cityofmadison.com/police MADISON POLICE STREET DIRECTORY This directory contains complete street listings for the City of Madison and the Town of Madison, as well as major streets in the Cities of Monona, Middleton, and Fitchburg, the Villages of Shorewood Hills and Maple Bluff, and other nearby communities. ABBREVIATION MEANING T-BLO Town of Blooming Grove T-BUR Town of Burke T-DUN Town of Dunn C-FIT City of Fitchburg T-MAD Town of Madison V-MAP Village of Maple Bluff V-MCF Village of McFarland C-MID City of Middleton T-MID Town of Middleton C-MON City of Monona V-SHO Village of Shorewood Hills C-SUN City of Sun Prairie UW University of Wisconsin T-VER Town of Verona T-WES Town of Westport CITY OF MADISON POLICE SECTORS 100’s West District 200’s Midtown District 300’s South District 400’s Central District 500’s North District 600’s East District NOTES ON USING THIS DIRECTORY In most cases, two different points of reference are used to locate a street. The first is a street which connects directly with it (AARON CT - E off 1900 Ellen Ave 3 Bl S of 5400 E Buckeye Rd), and the second referring both streets to a third, usually more prominent street. Exceptions to this general rule are: short streets where only one point of reference is necessary (ALGOMA - S from 2800 Commercial Ave), courts or circles of the same name as the street and which run off the street (FRANCES - W from 100 N Frances St), and other self-explanatory designations. On lengthy streets, the designation is sometimes given “N” and S from” or “E and W from” a midpoint on a cross-street (ACEWOOD - N and S from 4500 Cottage Grove Rd). When a block number is given as a cross-reference (BASSETT - N and S off 500 W Washington Ave), the street intersects at the beginning of the block. A few streets have two or three unconnected segments (DAYTON - W from 200 Wisconsin Ave; W off 200 N Henry St); in these cases, complete directions are given for each segment. Streets in the other communities or jurisdictions may have less specific directions than those in Madison. Any questions, comments, additions or other contributions would be appreciated. Please contact: Madison Police Records 211 S. Carroll St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703 [email protected] or call (608) 266-4754. www.cityofmadison.com/police Revised July 2018 - 1 - MADISON POLICE STREET DIRECTORY -A- 618 Aaron Ct E off 1900 Ellen Ave, 3 Bl S of 5300 E Buckeye Rd C-FIT Aberdeen Ct S off Lacy Rd, 1 Bl W of Richardson St 502, 503, 513 Aberg Ave E off N Sherman Ave, 2 Bl N of Commercial Ave to E Wash. Ave 122 Abilene Ct (pvt) E off 3000 Tucson Trl, 2 Bl N of 3100 Muir Field Rd 616 Acacia Ln E off Monona Dr, 1 Bl S of Pflaum Rd 614, 615 Academy Dr E from 1300 Acewood Blvd to Ellen Ave 219 Acadia Ct W off Acadia Dr, 1 Bl N of Colony Dr 219 Acadia Dr N off Colony Dr, 1 Bl E of 100 N Gammon Rd 611, 614 Acewood Blvd N and S from 4500 Cottage Grove Rd T-BUR Acker Rd W off N Stoughton Rd, 1 Bl N of Hoepker Rd C-FIT Adams Rd W off Fish Hatchery Rd, 1 Mi N of Hwy M 205, 207 Adams St from 10 Bl S Randall Ave, SW to Edgewood Ave 117 Adderbury Cir S from Adderbury Ln 117 Adderbury Ln SW off Frisch Rd, 1 Bl S of 6500 Raymond Rd 309 Adeline Cir S off Petra Pl, 1 Bl E of 2500 Fish Hatchery Rd C-MID Adler Cir S of Pheasant Ln, 1 Bl E of Branch St 1 Bl S of Century Ave C-MON Admiral Dr S off Pflaum Rd, 1 Bl E of Monona Dr 119 Adobe Wy E off 3600 Manchester Rd, 8 Bl S of 6300 McKee Rd 617, 619 Advance Rd N and S from 4500 Pflaum Rd, 2 Bl E of S Stoughton Rd 629, 630 Advantage Dr N off 7000 Bl of Milwaukee St, 2 Bl E of Golden Maple Rd 611, 612 Agate Ln E from 200 Acewood Blvd to Meadowlark Dr 103 Agawa Path NW off 3800 Manitou Wy to Mandan Cir 214 Agnes Dr S off Keating Ter, 1 Bl W of Orchard Dr 617, 618, 619, 620 Agriculture Dr S off 5000 Pflaum Rd, 1 Bl W of Vondron Rd C-MID Airport Rd W off US 12 at Century Ave 121, 122 Alamosa Ct (pvt) NE off 3100 Muir Field Rd at Tempe Dr V-MCF Alben Ave N of Broadhead, 3 Bl E of Main St 604 Albert Ct E off 1000 Bl Mayfair Ave 208 Alden Dr N and S from 3900 Hillcrest Dr 616 Alder Rd S off Pflaum Rd, 2 Bl E of Monona Dr T-WES Aldora Ln N off Woodland Dr, 0.7 Mi W of Cty Hwy Q 629, 630 Alena Ln (pvt) S off 6800 Milwaukee St, 1 Bl W of Wind Stone Dr C-FIT Aleo Ct SE of Persimmon, 2 Bl W of Jasmine, 4 Bl N of Lacy Rd on Osmundsen 615 Alexandria Ln W off 1200 McLean Dr, 3 Bl S of 6000 Cottage Grove Rd C-FIT Alfred Wy (pvt) E off Oak Meadow Dr, 2 Bl N of Targhee St 502 Algoma St S from 2800 Commercial Ave T-MAD Alhambra Pl S off 3500 W Beltline Hwy Frontage Rd 115 Alison Ln E off Laurie Dr, 1 Bl S of 6400 Schroeder Rd T-VER Allegheny Dr N off 6000 Nesbitt Rd 216 Allen Blvd N off 6100 University Ave 403 Allen Hall Residential Care Center at 505 N Frances St 206 Allen St N and S from 2200 Regent St 211 Allied Dr S from 4700 Verona Frontage Rd 613, 616 Allis Ave E and W off Spaanem Ave, 1 Bl S of Buckeye Rd T-DUN Alma Rd E off Lake Farm Rd, 1 Mi S of Libby Rd 504 Almo Ave W off 2000 N Sherman Ave 505 Alpine Rd S from 1100 Shasta Dr, 1 Bl W of Hovde Rd 308, 309 Alrita Ct E off 2500 Fish Hatchery Rd, 1 Bl S of W Badger Rd - 2 - MADISON POLICE STREET DIRECTORY 618 Alta Ct S off Femrite Dr, 1 Bl E of I 90 C-FIT Alta Dr S off Rolfsmeyer Dr, 1 Bl E of Syene Rd 105 Altem Cir W off Reetz Rd, 2 Bl S of 4800 Hammersley Rd 627 Alton Dr S off Driscoll Dr, 1 Bl E of Milky Wy T-BLO Alvarez Ave W of N Walbridge Ave, 1 Bl N of 4200 Milwaukee St 122 Amarillo Dr N off Sante Fe Trl at Cimarron Trl, 5 Bl W of Muir Field Rd 633 Ambassador Dr (pvt) E off 3400 Congress Ave, 1 Bl S of Cross Hill Dr 633 Amberwood Rd E off Shadyside Ln, 1 Bl N of Tranquility Trl 120 Ambleside Dr N off 6800 Cross Country Rd, 1 Bl W of Maple Grove 520 Amcenter Dr (pvt) N off Eastpark Blvd, 1 Bl E of American Pky 514, 516 Amelia Earhart Dr W off 3600 N Stoughton Rd 507 American Ash Dr S off 500 Bl Wheeler Rd 520 American Center Blvd Changed to Eastpark Blvd 520 American Family Dr Off American Pky in American Family Office Center 512 American Ln W off International Ln, 1/4 Mi E of Packers Ave 520, 633 American Pky NW off 5500 E Washington Ave, .75 Mi NE of I90 94 209, 214 Ames St W off 500 S Midvale Blvd V-SHO Amherst Dr 1 Bl E of and Parallel to Shorewood Blvd C-MID Amherst Rd S off Centruy Ave, 1 Bl E of Branch St 615 Ammerman Cir S off Kalas St, 1 Bl E of 1300 Droster Rd 630 Amnicon Trl N off 6800 Cottage Grove Rd 410 Amoth Ct S from 2017 Atwood Ave 614, 615 Amsterdam Ave W off Ellen Ave, 2 Bl S of 5200 Cottage Grove Rd 610 Anchor Dr E and W off 600 Dempsey Rd 217 Anchorage Ave W from Rosa Rd and Regent St 129, 135 Ancient Oak Ln E & W off Lone Oak Ln, 3 Bl S of Valley View Rd 312 Anderberg Dr E off Rimrock Rd, 1 Bl N of Oregon Rd C-MID Anderson Ave S off South Ave, 2 Bl E of 1600 Bl Park St 516, 520 Anderson Rd E off US Hwy 51 at Cty Hwy CV, also W off Portage Rd, 1.3 Mi N of I90-94 512, 513, 514, 516 Anderson St W off 1600 N Stoughton Rd to International Ln T-VER Andes Dr N off Everest Dr, 1 Bl W of Allegheny Dr 126 Andover Cir S off Sawmill Rd, 1 Bl E of N Westfield Rd 609, 612 Andrew Wy N off 5200 Milwaukee St 614 Angel Crest Wy S from 4700 Academy Dr, 1 Bl E of Acewood Blvd 511 Anhalt Dr W off 4500 Packers Ave, 7 Bl N of Tennyson Ln 308, 309 Ann St E off Fish Hatchery Rd, 3 Bl S of W Badger Rd 518, 632 Annamark Dr N off E Spring Dr, 1 Bl S off 4700 E Washington Ave 212 Annen Ln N off Marvin St, 1 Bl W of Reetz Rd 630 Annestown Dr W off Wyalusing Dr, 5 Bl S of 6600 Milwaukee St 518 Anniversary Ct S off 4800 Anniversary Ln, 4 Bl E of Independence Ln 518 Anniversary Ln E off 2900 Independence Ln to Hayes Rd 513 Anthes St W off Pankratz St, 2 Bl S of International Ln 209, 210 Anthony Ln N and S from 4200 Odana Rd C-MON Anthony Pl N off Frost Woods Rd at Gateway Green 219 Antietam Ln E off Blue Ridge Pky, 3 Bl S of 6300 Old Sauk Rd C-FIT Anton Dr S off Williamsburg Wy, 1 Bl W of Verona Rd 618 Anvil Ln S off Rustic Woods Dr, 1 Bl N of 1900 S Thompson Dr 603 Anzinger Ct S from 2641 Milwaukee St 211 Apache Dr N from 4400 Crescent Rd to Thurston Ln 627 Apollo Wy NW off Galileo Dr, 1 Bl N of 6000 Sharpsburg Dr - 3 - MADISON POLICE STREET DIRECTORY 123 Apostle Island SW off 7500 New Washburn Wy, 6 Bl W of 1000 McKenna Blvd 220 Appalachian Wy E and W off Blue Ridge Pky, 1 Bl N of Old Sauk Rd 126 Apple Hill Cir W off 1100 Bl N Westfield Rd, 1 Bl N of Sawmill Rd 309 Applegate Ct W off 1300 Applegate Rd 309 Applegate Rd N and S from 1400 Greenway Cross 119 Appleglen Ln E off 3900 Dolphin Dr, 1 Bl S of Urich Ter 306 Appleton Rd E off 1300 Fish Hatchery Rd, 1 Bl N of Wingra Dr 129, 133 Applewood Dr E off Junction Rd, 3/4 Mi S of Mineral Point Rd 219 Appomattox Ct N off Gettysburg Dr, 1 Bl W of 10 S Yellowstone Dr T-MID Arapahoe Ct NE off Dequoia Tr, 1 Bl E of Timber Ln 510 Arapahoe Ln N off Menomonie Ln, 1 Bl W of Comanche Wy 207, 307 Arbor Dr W from Knickerbocker, 1 Bl S of 2700 Monroe St 134 Arbor Mist Pass E off Sugar Maple Ln, 3 Bl S of Mineral Point Rd 217 Arbor Vitae Pl S off Old Middleton Rd off Bordner Dr T-MAD Arbordale Ct NE off 2700 Grandview Blvd UW Arboretum Dr Between the NE and SW sections of McCaffrey Dr T-MAD Arboretum Ln S off Arboretum Dr to Marshall Pky 120 Arctic Fox Dr W off East Pass, 1 Bl N of Cross Country Rd 115 Arden Ln S off Berkshire Ln, 1 Bl W of Chapel Hill Rd 310 Ardmore Dr From 100 Koster St to Rusk Ave 308 Ardsley Cir E off Todd Dr, 2 Bl S of W Beltline Hwy 308 Ardsley Ln W off Todd Dr, 2 Bl S of W Beltline Hwy 611 Argosy Ct E off Atlas Ave, 2 Bl N of Cottage Grove
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