PHIL: Philosophy Harris Increasingly Likes Or: What Harris Writes like Without a Judicious Editor to Manage his Word-count... By Harris Bunker, University of California San Diego Send feedback to: [email protected] OTE TO $%&'#( (to be read aloud): all +orks in this ,acket use English-translated titles if available. a,ologize in advance for the strong &nglo,hone bias. 0. .n this ,hiloso,her1s 2Short Commentary3 on &ristotle4s Prior Analytics, he ,laces issues of 5uris,rudence along +ith the rhetorical, rather than the dialectical, logic. %eo Strauss and 6uhsin 6ahdi develo,ed a hermeneutic vie+ of this ,hiloso,her1s +ork +hich divides it into an e7oteric segment +hich +as com,atible +ith the religious and ,olitical elite and and an esoteric vie+ +hich furthers a eo,latonist vie+ in translated +orks like "he Per ect !tate. .n that +ork, this ,hiloso,her differentiates bet+een the #7cellent City and the .gnorant City by com,aring a ,erfect city to a body +hose organs differed in their natural functions. "his Central &sian-born ,hiloso,her aimed to combine his +ork +ith Su9sm to develo, a namesake ,hiloso,hy that +as ,assed in im,ortance by &vicenna. :or 0; ,oints, identify this 2Second "eacher3 in .slamic ,hiloso,hy +ho +rote a "reat #ook o Music and Enumeration o the !ciences. & S<#(: Al-Farabi =or Alpharabius> acce,t &b? a@r 6uAammad ibn 6uAammad al FārābīB C. .n his essay 2"he %ast 6essiah,3 $eter <essel Da,ffe says that the 2roars from the +aterfall of this concept3 tears at the 5oy of the child. Phili,, 6Einlander inverted Scho,enhauer1s conce,tion of the +ill to describe a +ill to this conce,t +hich is the ultimate +ay to achieve salvation. Emil Cioran )2show-ran3* argued +e do not rush to+ards this conce,t +hich he admitted that ,hiloso,hi/ing about +as no use. "he 2higher-brained standard3 maintains that this conce,t is tied to the cessation of suFciently com,le7 neurological ca,acities. Otto (ank said a fear of this conce,t corres,onds to a fear of union that coincides +ith a fear of the loss of individuality. :or 0; ,oints, identify this action +hich is su,,osedly directed by a :reudian drive through self-destructive behaviors and aggression. & S<#(: Death =acce,t +ord forms like death drive or will to death or dying or suicideB G. .n a C;;0 article critiHuing this ,hiloso,her, Sven (osenkran/ argued that this ,hiloso,her4s ,rinci,al idea, +hich concerns the normative status of an ob5ect, is 2at odds +ith the ordinary conce,tion of truth.3 <ith Iaroslav $eregrin, this ,hiloso,her develo,ed a theory +hich he summari/ed as 2%ogic transforms semantics ,ractices into ,rinci,les.3 .n a more recent book on Hegel kno+n as A !pirit o %rust, this thinker ,osits a so- called 2ob5ective idealism3 +here there is an ob5ective reality +hich +e cannot make sense of it +ithout a conce,tion of ho+ +e think about it. "his student of (ichard (orty and David %e+is develo,ed a vie+ +hich endorses inferential ,ractices +hich hold in socially-instituted norms kno+n as logical e7,ressivism. :or 0; ,oints, identify this Pittsburgh ,rofessor and ,ragmatic ,hiloso,her +ho develo,ed the im,ortance of inferential language in his book Making it E&plicit. & S<#(: (obert Brandom !houtout to his epic beard. J. "he 9rst ,art of this ,a,er attacks scienti9c consensus as being +edded to an Enlightenment frame+ork and directly goes after the 2Cartesian- e+tonian meta,hysics3 using modern science. .n res,onse to this ,a,er and its follo+-u, book, IacHues Derrida said the authors 2ne sont ,as sKrieu73 or 2+eren4t serious3 and said the author of this ,a,er +as 2sad.3 & book by the author of this ,a,er and Iean Bricmont elaborates on the abuse of scienti9c terminology and the misuse of ideas like LMdel4s )2Gurr-dels3* .ncom,leteness "heorems in ,hiloso,hy. "his ,a,er, concerning the 2"ransformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Lravity,3 had some of its footnotes and ,hiloso,hical s,eculation derided during the revie+ ,rocess, but the ,a,er +as ,ublished any+ay. :or 0; ,oints, name this hoa7 academic article ,ublished in the ,ostmodern 5ournal !ocial %e&t that +as +ritten by a ,hysicist to ,rove that some ,ostmodern 5ournals had shoddy ,ublishing standards. & S<#(: Sokal ,a,er =also acce,t ans+ers like Sokal !!" or Sokal affair or 2$ransgressing the Boundaries: $owards a $rans&ormative 'ermeneutics o& Quantum Gravity3B O. .n a lecture titled for this conce,t, this conce,t allo+s its lecture to com,are &merica to the Bio,shere .. by the mythology of an 2achieved uto,ia3 that is ultimately a catastro,he of ,arado7. &n earlier but related conce,t to this one +as caused by &merica4s 2age of contrivance3 and counterfeit celebrities according to a book by Daniel Boorstin. .n one essay ,artially titled for this conce,t, the sound of +itches burning at the stake is described +hile on a tour of a location +hich hel,s elucidate the relation of this conce,t to the 2com,letely fake.3 "he ,hiloso,her +ho coined this conce,t referenced in that #co essay reacted against 6c%uhan4s 2the medium is the message3 by describing ho+ information destroys its o+n content. "his conce,t hel,s e7,lain +hy soldiers +ere +atching C to learn information about a +ar according to Iean Baudrillard (Baw-dree-ar*. :or 0; ,oints, names this semiotic conce,t that refers to the inability of a sub5ect to distinguish the underlying truth from +hat is simulatedPfor e7am,le on television. & S<#(: hyperreality =acce,t +ord forms like hyperreal> do !" acce,t or ,rom,t on 2reality3> acce,t pseudo events or unreality before 2essay ,artially titled for this conce,t” is readB Q. One ,hiloso,her +ith this surname differentiated bet+een ,rimary and secondary relations by mentioning a base claim that 2theory that characteri/es the 9rst reduces to the theory that characteri/es the second.3 & different ,hiloso,her +ith this surname argued that the brain takes a meta,horical ,icture of the universe4s structure in his book Plato(s )amera. "he aforementioned ,hiloso,her +ith this surname +rote #raintrust in C;00 +hich, according to anthro,ologist :ran/ de <aal, argues that morality is based on social motions. &long +ith Phili, Iohnson-%aird, thinkers +ith this surname a,,lied the Church-"uring "hesis to a com,utability of the mind-brain. "hough abandoned by $aul :eyerabend, those thinkers +ith this surname ado,ted his defense of materialism against the idea that the mind cannot itself be a ,hysical thing. :or 0; ,oints, identify this surname of t+o emeritus status UC San Diego ,hiloso,her ,rofessors: one of +hom named $atricia is notable for her conce,tion of eliminative materialism in neuroscience and ,hiloso,hy of mind. & S<#(: +hurchland =acce,t either ,atricia or ,aul +hurchlandB R. &rguments against this thing attack the idea of 2timeless decision theory3 being obviously true and its related idea acausal threats. !late Maga*ine4s David &uerbach said that he +orries less about this thing than the ,eo,le +ho do have 2transcended conventional morality.3 .n theory, merely kno+ing about the ,ossible e7istence of this thing o,ens one u, to ,unishment from it. "his thing4s e7istence is su,,orted by Eli/er 'udko+skiy4s theory of coherent e7tra,olated volition related to a ,rogram +hich o,timi/es based on the human good. "his being +as ,o,ulari/ed in a forum ,ost on the 2rationalist3 community of %ess<rong and is a dismal futurist version of something like $ascal4s <ager. :or 0; ,oints, identify this hy,othetical re,tilian +hich ,unishes those from the ,ast and ,resent +ho do not hel, bring about a hegemony under an arti9cial intelligence. & S<#(: -oko's basilisk =,rom,t on arti9cial intelligence or &. or Skynet or related malicious-sounding ans+ers before the last lineB S. 6artin Heidegger +as heavily ins,ired by a thinker +ho brieTy attended university in this Euro,ean city and +ho argued that nothing can be said about the origins of the sub5ect-ob5ect relation. Hegel +rote a book com,aring the system of thought bet+een t+o ,hiloso,hers associated +ith this city +hich su,,orted a thinker against ,redecessors such as Karl (heinhold. :ichte )2/ck-tuh3* taught at a university in this city before he +as dismissed for his res,onse to a :orberg essay +hich +as su,,osedly atheistic. & theologian ,rinci,ally connected +ith this non-Berlin city +as ins,ired by Herder4s conce,tion of thought and language to create a universal hermeneutic theory +hich ,ur,orted to only be a theory of linguistic communication. & grou, of +riters in this city led by %ud+ig "iek included a grou, of brothers +ho edited the literary maga/ine Athenaeum. :or 0; ,oints, name this Lerman city that, along +ith Berlin, +as home to early (omantic thinkers and authors such as :riedrich Schlegel, :riedrich Schelling and :riedrich HMlderlin. & S<#(: 0ena )21ay nuh3*, Lermany )9rst clue +as about HMlderlin4s ,hiloso,hy, theologian +as Schleiermacher* V. = !"E "O $%&'#( (to be read aloud): t+o ans+ers reHuired.B One of these t+o ,hiloso,hers said the other fashioned himself as a Berkeley )2Barkley3* +ho +as 2defending common sense.3 .n that recent intervie+, one of these ,hiloso,hers claimed 2it4s hard for anyone to claim that he or she has got the right understanding of3 the other thinker.
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