AH Philosophy Part 125 As promised five years ago (see Vol. 19, No. 4 the game, in toto, stacks up against the others in and Vol. 20, Na 1 of The GENERAL), I'd like to our extensive line "Components" stin reflects your involve the readership in revamping and reviewing judgement on the qualii of the art and production the READERS BUYERS GUIDE. The pest five years of the pieces of the game-with sub-categories have .seen a great many new games added to our covering the two most important elements of the 'sting, and some old favoriQes dropped from our line components, the mapboards and the counters Note duetoageanddesignsdvancea innovation sin^ that I have dropped the sub-category category and components can make any design "outdatd'. "Playet's Aids" and inserted one named 'Rukmk'! This is our only chance to compare the new titles In these days of ever increasing sophistication, the with the old ''headmp". And we must eliminate the rulebooks have become much more wlished in lay- discontinued titles-both because they are no out and illustration, always seeking & present the longer available to the general public, and because play of the game in the most accessible manner I need the space on the RBG for entering games possible to new playera As an adjunct to the rule- still to come in the next fiyears. Hopefully this bodcaratheveriousbitsofpaperthatamnecessary ret@valuation will lead to an even better RBG, one to play the game-scenario cards, note pads, CRTs, more representative of the true values-the strong "chance" cards, and such. Lumping them all points and the weaknesses-of ow games. First, together for simplicity under the heading "Rule- however, I'd like to explain some of the changes in book we'll now ask that readers rate the visual the format of this survey. presentation of this mass of information. For Muchofitshwklbefmiiiartolong-timereadera "Overall Value" still reflects your thoughts on how Continued on Page 18, Column 2 FROM STURDY STOCK 5 The Peoples of BRITANNU By Phil Rennert DESIGN ANALYSIS 10 Erratum BRITANNIA By Bruce Shelley THE ROMAN INVAS-ION OF BRITANNIA 11 Kill 'Em All and Lct God Sort 'Em Out BY Rex A. Martin SWORDS OF THE REPUBLIC 16 Understanding the Roman Army in CAESAR By James Werbancth BREAKING THE RING 17 Gallic Play in CAESAR By James Werbaneth LOST IN THE WOODS 19 The Tactical Use of Leeionnaires and Tribesmen By Jim Lutz THEDANCEOFDEATH 23 The Billings Rules for GLiDIATOR By John E. Hyler A CMLIZED RACE 30 Getting Ahead on the AST By Phillip Hanson WARRING AND WINNING 33 Conflict in CIVILIZ4TION By Guy R. Hail THE COMING SIEGE 37 A Preview of SIEGE OF JERUSALEM By Don Greenwood THE BLOODY KING 39 It's All in the Cards! By George Sauer THE KING'S CASTLE 41 House Rules for KmrGMAKER By George Sauer MONSTER MASH 43 Playing St. George in MAGIC REALM By Michael Anchors %6->* ::, ::, a 3., %Gda,!o~y Once there was a mighty Galactic Empire, peopled by an uneasy alliance of intelligen ster of stars to fit,, s that once dwelt there. The map species. Politicians schemed for power under 6 star systems, where 1-4 intelli- figurehead Emperor, while warfike species kep' in the ruins of the First Empire. the peace and dozens of worlds traded in ideas minant culture of a different system, resources and products. Richest of all werf vagery, no one knows where each the traders of inter~peciesluxury goods, whc you discover the cultures you can trade and selling exotic trade goods and cleverly terraformed a world to produce thesf your journeys you can also stumble -are luxuries, Their planet (an unused Rim worlc emnants of the First Empire, inciudin lamed for a minor local deity of the softer res and weapons that automatically attac 3leasures) was a byword for wealth, luxury anc shrewd trading; and when the Empire finally PIT OF VENUS is a game of luck and skill. co-llapsed into a dark age of savagery, the rt with a small spaceship racing to accumulat y'transporting, trading and investing. You mak emry of the MERCHANT OF VENUS lived by buying trade goods from one culture and sei I on, a legend of the shrewd trader who broughi to other cultures. You can use your profit 'wnderful th'ings fr6m beyond the stars. r spaceships, with high-speed drives and shielas Now it is the 32nd century, two centuries protect you from the dangers you will meet! As your the fall of the First Galactic Empire, and a young, ofits increase, you can build ports and factories to make ore profitable. As the game progresses, profits fusty civ#izationis bursting forth into the Galaxy erate until one merchant accumulates enoug" vith the newly-rediscoveredstar drlve. It is the Ith to win the game. The optional rules altow you tl I heyday of the independent interstellar merchant a darker version of the game, in which t , cluster 1 tim~when a few daring entrepreneurs can **Ice f~P--~esand build trade empires, ersatility. Few, if any, games can claim to be equallv exciting whether played solitaire, head-to-head or wit1 Zost: $12( three, four, five or six players. Not only can this game . -4-n that distinction, MERCHANT OF VENUS use? 3 vary the strategy dramatically as the number a ~articipantschange. MERCHANT OF VENUS is now available for $25.01r irom The Avalon Hill Game Company (451 7 Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214). Please add 10% for shipping handling (20% f~rCanadian orders; 30% for over- .,,s .,,s orders). nr*ryiand residents please add 5O'- otrrtn ;ales tax. )attool oe: p, this is how it will be! ?d fighting vehicles grinding forward elow flashing helicopter blades under a rense sky filled with screaming jets and smoky missile trails. TAC AIR puts YOU in command in the most intense and technologically advanced combat enviro t n earth-Central Europe today. As NATO I.S. VII Corps commander, YOU are charged with the defense of the Hof Gap area. A the Warsaw Pact Central Group of Forces commander, YOUR forces must smash the NATO defenses and drive deep into West Germany. TAC AIR is a detailed look at the organization, equipment and 3pabilities-- of the modern frontfine NATO and forces based in Germany. Graduated Scent-'- Sizes! Enjoy a choice of thirteen scenarios (se, ate games that can be played rith these rules) that vary greatly in size and playing time. First, there are skirmishes involving a few brigades or regiments and a handful of fighter-bomtvm that can be played on a portion of the mapboard in a ?w hours. Then, battles involving larger forces such as the United States 1st Armored Division, the Wes' German 12th Panzer Division, the Soviet 6th Guard Tank Division and a rich array of modern aircraft . st. as the American A-1 0, F-15, F-16 and F-1 11, est German F-4F and Alpha Jet, the Canadian C id the Soviet MiG-27, MiG-29 and Su-24. Last, I: ertainly not least, a long and massive confllct that I unique ne n! ~n IAG n, air operat~ons ,re coverec ., , de ,-,,, -..-to-air comoats, close-air support and interdiction missions with conventional or standoff weapons, "Wild Weasel" and electronic warfare missions, reconnaissance flights and deadly networks of surface-to-air missiles. Ground operations re not slighted either. There are ground combats between armored and mechanized units, helicopter gunships, paratroopers and airmobile forces, deadly artillery barrag.es and counterbattery fire, command control and supply considerations, electronic "jamming and more. In short, a complete modern combined arms air-land battle! I Complex C,..~epts-Playable Ma -..-. ..:s! The ~ur-pageBasic Rules allow players to quickly start playing the game and mastering the system. Later. the Advanced and Optional Rules can be added as desired to allow players to choose the levels f complexity and detail that THEY enjoy. I TAC AIR is available now for $26.00 f I The Avalon, Hill Game Company (4517 Hartord Road. Baltimore, Maryland 21 214). Please add 10% for shipping and handling to all orders (20% for Canadiai lrders; 10 for overseas orders) Maryland residenrs '"' -'ate sal- - tax FROM STURDY STOCK he Peoples of BRITAN By Phil Re t The folks at Avalon Hill have come up with the armies come from all directions, and those who were THE PEOPLES most interesting new game of the year. Called the previous invaders struggle (often unsuccesshlly) BRITANNIA, it spans a thousand years in the history to survive. Finally, the invaders turn on each other ROMANS of Britain, ranging from the Roman invasion to the in a struggle for supremacy, culminating in what Natural Enemies (or natural fodder): Belgae, Norman conquest. Seventeen different peoples com- we call the Norman Conquest (which gives you a Brigantes, Picts pete for dominance in Britain, and waves of con- hint of who won). Watchword: "Northward for Caesar!" quest wash back and forth across the board. A single BRITANNIA is a four-player game; it is adver- Strategy: In addition to the Belgae, the Romans can turn covers 75 years. The sequence of play is simple: tised as for from three to five, but it's at its best go for either the Welsh or the Brigantes to start. grow, move, fight, and every three turns count with four. (My comments are all made on the basis I think the Brigantes are a much better target because victory points. On most game turns, some peoples of four players involved.) At the end, each player the Romans get big points for territory in the north get exceptional leaders or conduct a major invasion adds up the victory points accumulated by the four and few in Wales, and because going north lets the (meaning a double move) according to a fixed or five peoples he controlled, and the highest score Purple player use the Romans and Romano-British historical schedule (which could have had some ran- wins.
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