6'l BITCBFlELD, LINCOLNSHIRE .. A School BofU'd of 1 members was formed t6 November, £2oo, for 70 chi.dren; average attendance, 54; Jos€ph 1875• for ·the united district of Bitchfield, Bassing- Faunthorpe, master; Mrs, Fanny Faunthorp~. mistress thorpe & Doot)lby Pagnall; :R. Chapman, Corby, clerJt Cat'll'iers :.- to ~he board ~ Charles Howitt, to Grantoham, tues. & sat Board School (mi::s::ed), built in 1877, at a cost Qf aboqt ~ Thomas Pick, from Corby to Grantham, tues «\;sat Short Rev. Martin Fras.B.A..Vicarage Campion Hosea, farmer & grazier Taylor William, shoe maker Bailey Emma (Mrs.)~ shopkeeper Howitt Charles, carrier Tindale Robert, Crown P.H. & farmer Brown Thomas, farmer .Rimington Rd. eaq~enter, & post office Wakerley Charles William, farmer l!LANXNEY is a parish, wl:ich, though only t mile hi M ~lebe, with residence built in t88t, in the gift of the bTeadth, extends upwards of II miles in length, in the Rt. Hon. Henry Chap:in P.C., M.P. and held since 1879 North Kesteven division of the county, second division of by the .Rev. John Otter Stephens M.A. of Brase1;1ose Col­ the wapentake.. of Lango~. pa.rts of Kesteven, Sleaford lege, Oxford. Blaf\kney :Hall, a large and handsome union, petty sessional division and county court distriot:, mansion of stone, atanding in a park of 200 acres, is the rural deanery of L.ongoboby and archdell(:onry !lnd diocese seat of the Right lion. Henry Chap:in P.C., M.:P., D.L., of J,.incoln; the village is 7 miles east-by-north from J.P. lord of the manor and the principal landowner; in con­ Navenby atation on, the Grantham and Linca:n branch of nection with Blankney Hall there is a- celebrated stud of ·t.he Great Northern railway and i so~th trom B:ankney thoroughbred .horses, among which at the present time atati ln on the Spalding and Doncaster joint extension of are Gatopin, a Derby winner, and Friars Balsam. A sub­ the Great Northern and Great Eastern railways, 10 south- scription pack of foxhounds is kept in the village, Nathan­ eas~by-sout4 frOIJl Unco::.O and 10 n01rth from Sleaford. iel C. Cockburn,of Harl$ho1me Hall, being m~s,ter: Linco:n, The church of Si. Oswald is a building o{ stone, in th~ Sleaford, Grantham and Newark are conveniept p:aces Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, ai,sles and an for hunting visitors. '.l,'he sail is various, being clay, fen embattled western tower with eight pinnacles and con- Uu!d and black moorlang; sub!loil, limestone. The chief taining 5 bells :the church was rebuilt about 1820, and crops are wheat. barley~ oats ancl beans. 'l'he area is again in 1879·8o, under the direction of Messrs. Carpenter 6,761 acres of land and 20 of water; rateable value, and Ingelow, a.t a. cost of about [,3,000, wlren the north ,£6,014; the population in 1891 was 627. a.isl!' and chancel were ~~ngthened, and the porch; with its LINWOOD miles east· is a hamlet. anCI~nt archway, rebw.t: the organ waa presented by . ' 3 • . Lady Florence Chaplin. and the lectern by the Duchess of 'Pansh Clerk, Thomas Rossmgton. Sutherland; the reredos, altar c:oth and frontal purchased Post Office.-Mrs. Jane Sharpe, sub-,Postmistress. Let­ at Seville by the present rector. are 16th century work, ters through Lincoln arrive at 7.5o a.m. k through and were presented by him to the church: the east .A Sleaford at 5·45 p.m.; dispatched a.t 7.'30 a.m. to S:el'.-- window, together with a. monument with statue in whits ford & 5.30 p.m. to Lincoln; sundays, arrive at 7.50 marble, executed by the !ate Sir J. E. B-oehm bart. R.A.. a.m.; dispatched at 5.30 p.m. Metheringham is the are memorials to l.ady Florence, daughter of George, 3rd ..nearest money order office. Blankney railw~ sbtion Duke of Sutherland !$:.G. and wife of the Rt. lion. H. is the nearest telegraph office for collection & Mether. Chaplin M.P. .; she died October 10, 1881: the lych-gate. ingham for delivery of telegrams erected from a design by G. F. Bodley esq. A.R.~., F.S.A. National School (mixed), erected in 1848, for 58 cb:'!dren; wa8 presented by the late William Ellice (d. 1a92), and average attendance. 49; William Edward Edwards, Lady Jane Ellice, his wife: there are 150 sittings. The master; Miss Ellen Oxby, sewing mistress :register dates from the year 1558. Th .living.is a. rectory, j Carrier to . Linco:n-;-Thotnas Rossington, goes through oorn rent £340, net year:y value £5oo, lllOludmg 293 acres, wed. & fr1. returrung same day (Marked thus • receive their lettel'l through tBramley Arthur, fatmer, Linwood Lill Robert, farmer, Fen .Metbe?inghar_n.] Capel Ben, huntsman to Nathaniel C. Maltby Waiter, woodman to the Rt. [Marked thus t rece1ve. theu letters through Cockburn esq Hon. H. Chaplin h I' Rt H Mar~.] pC M p Cartwright Wm. (exors. of), frmrs.Fen Overton SI. farmer, Blankney grange e ap m · on. enry • · • · ·' Challans Richard fai7Uler Fen Pearson Henry farmer Feu D.L., J.P. Blankney hall; Stafford 1 ch;mbers John 'farmer °Fen Potterton Job~ boot & ahoe maker house, St. James' SW; k Carlton'Clarke Wm. & 'son, eo;. & coke mers Ro11sington Ja~1es, farmer,. Fen k Marlborough clubs S W k Turf tCook John, farmer, Linwood bharp Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr.P.ost office club W, London Fletcher William, fa.I'mer, Fen Smith Joseph, farmer, Fen Stephens Bev.John Otter M.A..Rectory *Flintham Wm.farmew, Linwood moor Spilsbury John, head gardener' to the COMMERCIAL. Gib son J. & Co. coal merchants Rt. Hon. H. Chaplin Bailey Thomas Joseph, farmer, Dales tGilbert John, farm81\ I.inwood tSwift J-ohn, farmer,. Linwood hall *Barton Joseph .John, farmer, Barff ho Gilbert John. stud groom *Tripp Joseph, farmer. Linw()od grnge Bavin Thomas, farmer, Fen *Gilbert William, farmer, Linwood West John Edwd. land agents' assist Bott Henry, farmer, Hare park (let- Godsollt George, farmer, Fen Wilkinson Frank, farmer, Dales ters received thr~;mgh Navenby S.O) Hunt ~enjamin, farmer Wilkinsou George, fanner, Dales l!LOXHOLM (or Bloxham) is a par sh, 2 miles south-! in 1879 at a cost of [,t,ooo and affords So ~ttings. The re­ vest from Digby station on the Spalding and Doncaster · gister dates from the year 1708. The ljv~g i11 a rectury, joint extension of the Great Northern and Great Eastern with the vicarage of Pigby annexed, joint average yearly railways, and 5 north from Sleaford, in the ~orth Kcstt>vm value from tithe rent-charge £.3~. inclqding 19 ll(:res of division of the county, wapentake of Flaxwell, parts of glebe at Bloxholm, with residence, in the gift of ~lrs. Kesteven, Sleafard union, petty sessional division and Hamilton-Ogilvy, and held since 1873 by the Rev. Charles county court district, rural deane~ of Lafford No. I, and t names M.A. of Worcester C-ollege, Oxford. Bloxholm archdeaconry and diocese of Linco.n. The church of St. I Hall, at present (1896) unoccupied, was built towards the Mary the Virgin is a plain edifice of ston~. in the Early en,d of the 17th century by Septimus Cyprian Thornton English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, esq. 1,mlarged and d~corated in 1825, and is a JJilansion of c;lerestoried nave, a:sles, ~outh porch and an embattled three storeys, with dormers and a wide -and 1ofty pro­ .,.estern tower containing 2 bells and a clock: the fabric }acting bay in the centre, surmounted by the atms and was originally Early English, and the greater part of the crest of the Manners family, with sejant uni,cor'nl! as aisle walls lJnd part of the tower are of that date~ the !IUI?porters on either side: it is now the property of Mrs. clerestory is Late Perpendicular, and has three lights on Hllmilton-Ogilvy, who is lady of the manor and principal either side; the tower also is chiefly Perpendiculal', but J,andowner. The chief crop11 are wheat, barlen oats and the embattled parapet was added by General Manners, roots. The soil is various; subsoil, shale and clay. The who~~e armorial bearings are conspicuously carved upon ~ is 1,298 acres; rateablQ value, 1,497; the population ~he gable o-f the porch' the chancel arch is plain Early ia 1.S9r was n4. English: in a. vault beneath ihe chancel &re buried the Parish Clerl\, John Ogden. remains of Lord John James Manners. d. 176~; Lord l-etters through Lincoln arrive at 10.30 a.m. by messen- Robert Manners, d. 178!1 ; General Robert. Manners, ger from Dorrington. Ruskington is the nearest money 41. x828; and Lady Robert Manners, d. 1829: the chancel .()l'tier & telegraph office and porch were erected by General Manners ia xBI~ and 1 Wall Letter Box, cleared 4.20 p.m. week days only ~he church was restored by Lady Mary Nisbet Hamilton I The children of this parish attel)d the school at Digby 1Jarne11 Rev. Charles M.A. Rectory IFriend Walter, fanner• Hill farm tWard Frederick, farmer, Moorhouse Badley A..rthur, farmer Lumsden William,gardener a.t the Hall l!LYBOROUGH is a1 small parish, 3t miles south from •he county, parts of Lindaey, west division of the wapen­ Kirton-in-Lindatey station on the main line of the .Man- 1i11Jc,e of A.slacoe, petty ~es~iional division, union 8Dfi county eh.ester• Sheffield and Lir:colnshire railway, .and 9 north- QOQrt dist~ict of Gain11borough, rural d~an~ry of Cor· eaat from Ga.insborough, in the West Liudaey di:vi11iou of riogham, ..arcbdeacqpry o~ Stow and dioces.e of LincQln.
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