Trees and Shrubs 2021 Common name/Botanical name chart: Alaskan Cedar--Chamaecyparis n. Elm---Ulmus Pearlbush---Exochorda Arborvitae---Thuja False Cypress---Chamaecyparis Peashrub---Caragana Ash---Fraxinus Falsespirea--Sorbaria Pine---Pinus Ash Leaf Spirea---Sorbaria Fir---Abies Privet---Ligustrum Aspen---Populus Fringetree---Chionanthus Purpleleaf Sand Cherry---Prunus cistena Bald Cypress---Taxodium Goldenrain Tree---Koelreuteria Redbud---Cercis Barberry---Berberis Golden Privet--Ligustrum Redwood---Metasequoia Beautyberry---Callicarpa Hackberry---Celtis Rose---Rosa Beautybush---Kolkwitzia Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick--Corylus Rose of Sharon---Hibiscus Beech---Fagus Hemlock---Tsuga Russian Cypress---Microbiota Birch---Betula Hinoki Cypress---Chamaecyparis o. St. John’s Wort---Hypericum Black Gum---Nyssa sylvatica Honeylocust---Gleditsia Serviceberry---Amelanchier Black Tupelo---Nyssa sylvatica Honeysuckle---Diervilla Seven Son Flower---Heptacodium Blueberry-- Vaccinum Hophornbeam---Ostrya Smokebush---Cotinus Bottlebrush---Fothergilla Hornbeam---Carpinus Snowberry---Symphoricarpos Boxwood---Buxus Horsechestnut---Aesculus Sourwood---Oxydendrum Buckeye---Aesculus Inkberry—Ilex Spruce---Picea Buckthorn---Rhamnus Japanese Umbrella Pine---Sciadopitys Summersweet---Clethra Burning Bush---Euonymous Katsura---Cerdidiphyllum Sumac---Rhus Carolina Allspice---Calycanthus Kentucky Coffee Tree---Gymnocladus d. Sweetgum---Liquidambar Carolina Silverbell---Halesia Larch---Larix Sweetshrub---Calycanthus Chaste---Vitex Lilac---Syringa Sweetspire---Itea Cherry---Prunus Locust---Robinia Sycamore---Platanus Chokeberry---Aronia London Plane Tree---Platanus Tulip Tree---Liriodendron Coralberry---Symphoricarpos Maple---Acer Willow---Salix Crabapple---Malus Mock Orange---Philadelphus Winterberry---Ilex Cypress--Microbiota Mountain Ash---Sorbus Wintercreeper---Euonymus Dawn Redwood---Metasequoia Ninebark---Physocarpus Witch Hazel---Hamamelis Dogwood---Cornus Oak---Quercus Yellowwood---Cladrastis Elderberry---Sambucus Pear---Pyrus Yew – Taxus * = New in 2021 # = Tested Hardy at Hornbaker Gardens * Abies koreana 'Golden Glow' #3 (Dwarf Golden Korean Fir) soft greenish yellow needles turn bright yellow in winter; slow growing; 2' tall and 3' wide at 10 years; afternoon shade helps prevent sunburn; Zone 4 --------------------------- 134.00 * Abies koreana 'Golden Glow' #6 (Dwarf Golden Korean Fir) soft greenish yellow needles turn bright yellow in winter; slow growing; 2' tall and 3' wide at 10 years; afternoon shade helps prevent sunburn; Zone 4 --------------------------- 248.00 * Abies koreana 'Ice Breaker' #3 (Dwarf Korean Fir) gorgeous, rounded dwarf with two-toned, recurved needles; slow growing; 2014 Conifer of the Year; sun to part shade; 2' tall x 3' wide; Zone 4 -------------------------------------- 168.00 * Abies koreana 'Silver Show' #3 (Korean Fir) curled, two-toned needles, dark green on top with white undersides result in silvery effect; dark purple cones; sun to part shade; garden size 12' tall and 8' wide; Zone 4 ---------------------- 128.00 * Abies koreana 'Silver Show' #6 (Korean Fir) curled, two-toned needles, dark green on top with white undersides result in silvery effect; dark purple cones; sun to part shade; garden size 12' tall and 8' wide; Zone 4 ---------------------- 238.00 22937 1140 N. Ave. Princeton, IL 61356 Ph. (815) 659-3282 www.hornbakergardens.com Abies nordmanniana 'Golden Spreader' #3 (Caucasian Fir) a bright golden yellow that is especially striking in winter; useful as a low spreading splash of color; appreciates partial shade; 3' tall and 5' wide (Zone 5) ------------------ 138.00 # Acer griseum B&B MS 6' (Paperbark Maple) dramatically flaking orange-copper bark; massive branches which thicken with age; rich green leaves have brilliant red fall color; native to China; 30-40'; spread 15-20'; Zone 5 --------- 248.00 # Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' MS #7 (Japanese Maple) small, multi-stemmed, upright tree with dark red lobed leaves turning scarlet in fall; best in a partially shaded, protected location; 15-20' tall and wide; Zone 5 ---------------- 238.00 # Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' SS #6 (Japanese Maple) small, upright tree with dark red lobed leaves turning scarlet in fall; best in a partially shaded, protected location; 15-20' tall and wide; Zone 5 ------------------------------------------- 148.00 Acer palmatum dissectum 'Crimson Queen' #6 (Cutleaf Japanese Maple) small tree with maroon, finely cut leaves; forms a cloudlike mound, 6-8' tall; best in afternoon shade; Zone 5 ------------------------------------------------------------- 248.00 # Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' #6 (Cutleaf Japanese Maple) striking laceleaf type with dark purple foliage; weeping form only 8' tall; best in afternoon shade and a protected site; Zone 5 -------------------------------------- 248.00 # Acer palmatum dissectum 'Tamukeyama' #15 (Cutleaf Japanese Maple) low branched form of striking laceleaf type with dark purple foliage; weeping, spreading form, staying low; best in afternoon shade & a protected site; Zone 5 - 268.00 # Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' #6 (Weeping Green Japanese Maple) green laceleaf weeper maintains a fresh, bright green appearance all summer; brilliant golden orange in fall; best in part shade; 6' tall and wide; Zone 5 ------ 248.00 # Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis' #15--Low Head (Weeping Green Japanese Maple) green laceleaf weeper maintains a fresh, bright green appearance all summer; brilliant golden orange in fall; best in part shade; 6' tall and wide; Zone 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298.00 * Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall' B&B 3-4' (Weeping Japanese Maple) green, dissected foliage cascades downwards, streaked with red and orange in the fall; 6' tall and wide in 10 years; part shade; Zone 5 -------------------------- 288.00 * Acer palmatum 'Emperor I' #7 (Japanese Maple) the new standard in Japanese Maples; leaves are deep red with a transparent quality like stained glass; good grower; 20' tall and 15' wide; Zone 5 ----------------------------------- 188.00 * Acer palmatum 'Fireglow' #6 (Japanese Maple) more intense red color and smaller than 'Bloodgood'; part shade; 15' tall and 12' wide; Zone 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148.00 Acer palmatum 'Mikawa yatsubusa' #1 (Japanese Maple) small, nearly spherical, densely foliaged tree; leaves emerge light green with red margins, turn green, then fiery red in fall; 6' x 4' in 10 years; part shade; Zone 5 ----------------- 54.00 Acer palmatum 'Rhode Island Red' #3 (Dwarf Japanese Maple) dwarf, dense, upright, compact tree growing to 6'; bright red spring flush, turning maroon, then orange-red in fall; dark red stems in winter; part shade; Zone 5 --------- 108.00 Acer palmatum 'Sharp's Pygmy' #6 (Dwarf Japanese Maple) dwarf, compact tree with green leaves; dramatic red foliage in fall gives way to great branch structure in winter; part shade; 4' tall and wide in 10 years; Zone 5 --------------- 198.00 Acer palmatum 'Sherwood Flame' #6 (Japanese Maple) small garden tree with rounded, formal form; red foliage in spring and early summer, turning reddish green in late summer and cherry red in fall; 15' tall x 12' wide; Zone 5 ---- 148.00 # Acer platanoides Princeton Gold® #10 (Princeton Gold Maple) bright yellow foliage all season long; oval shape; 35' tall with spread of 30'; Zone 4----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228.00 * Acer rubrum Burgundy Belle® #15 (Red Maple) foliage emerges red, then turns green; fall foliage starts red and turns deep burgundy, holding into November; sun; 45' tall and wide; Zone 5------------------------------------------------------ 238.00 # Acer rubrum 'October Glory' #15 (Red Maple) glossy green foliage turns deep red to reddish-purple in the fall; broadly oval to round habit; 40' tall with spread of 35'; Zone 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 268.00 # Acer rubrum Redpointe® #7 6' (Red Maple) perfectly shaped, pyramidal tree with bright red fall color; sun; 45' tall with 30' spread; Zone 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 168.00 # Acer rubrum Redpointe® #15 (Red Maple) perfectly shaped, pyramidal tree with bright red fall color; sun; 45' tall with 30' spread; Zone 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 268.00 # Acer saccharum 'Autumn Fest® #10 (Sugar Maple) beautiful, upright oval form; dark green foliage turns firey orange-red to red in the fall; sun; 50' tall; spread 35'; Zone 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268.00 # Acer saccharum Flashfire® #10 (Sugar Maple) brightest red fall color of any sugar maple; perfect shape with strong central leader and open branch angles; sun; 45' tall; spread 40'; Zone 4 -------------------------------------------------------- 268.00 # Acer saccharum 'Green Mountain' #15 1.25in cal. (Sugar Maple) broadly oval shape with dark green foliage, turning reddish-orange in fall; 45' tall; spread 35'; Zone 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 328.00 * Acer shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' #1 (Full Moon Maple) gold foliage with pink to purple tints all summer and reddish tips in fall; best in
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