BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION In the Matter of Commission on Presidential Debates, Frank Fahrenkopf, Jr., Michael D. McCurry, Howard G. Buffett, John C. Danforth, John Griffen, Antonia Hernandez, John I. Jenkins, Newton N. Minow, Richard D. Parsons, Dorothy Ridings, Alan K. Simpson, and Janet Brown EXHIBITS TO COMPLAINT: VOLUME II EXHIBITS 56 - 101 SHAPIRO, ARATO & ISSERLES LLP 500 Fifth Avenue 40th Floor New York, New York lOI 10 Phone: (212)257-4880 Fax: (212)202-6417 Attorneys for Complainants Level the Playing Field and Peter Ackerman 4 ? Exhibit 56 Home About CPD Debate History News Voter Education International 2016 Media Enter Search... @ print'fiiQndty page CPD Elects Six New Directors Apr 16, 2014 Frank J. Fahrenkopf, Jr. and Michael D. McCurry, co-chairs of the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), today announced six new members elected to the CPD's board of directors. They are: • Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., Hresidenl, Purdue Universily • Charles Gibson, Former Anchor, ABC World News with Charles Gibson • Jane Harman, D/rec/oi; Presideni and CEO, Woodrow Wilson Center for Inlernalional Scholars • Leon E. Panclta, Chairman, Paneiia Insliluiefor Public Policy • Olympia Jean Snowc, Former U.S. Senator • Dr. Shirley M. Tilghman, Former Presideni, Princeton Universily Fahrenkopf and McCurry noted that "Presidential debates reach more viewers and listeners than any other political programming. They educate voters and motivate citizens to learn about the candidates and the issues. The CPD is dedicated to developing formats that will allow these exchanges to best serve the public, and we are grateful to engage our six new directors in planning for 2016. Their individual and collective experience in public service, media and education is extensive and respected. We are honored to have them Join the CPD." In addition to the co-chairs, the current CPD directors are Howard G. Buffett, John C. Danforth, John Griffen, Antonia Hernandez, Reverend John I. Jenkins, Newton N. Minow, Richard D. Parsons, Dorothy Ridings; and Alan K. Simpson. The co-chairs also noted that the new directors would be involved in the CPD's international work. U.S. debates are watched in real time by world-wide audiences. Groups in other countries, particularly emerging democracies, that seek to start their own debates contact the CPD for assistance on issues ranging from candidate negotiation to format and production. For more than twenty years, the CPD has worked with the National Democratic Institute for Intemational Affairs (NDI) to help these groups initiate or improve debates in their countries. In connection with these collaborative effons, NDI has launched www.debatesinternational.org. a website intended to serve as a resource for groups in other countries. An informal association of those groups. Debates International, has contributed much of the material on the new website. The CPD is underway with planning for the 2016 debates, and will announce site selection guidelines in early January, 20IS. Return O COPYRIGHT 2012 THE COMMISSION ON PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. i I Exhibit 57 t QMS no. 1545-0047 Ferm 990 Return of Organi2ation Exempt From Income Tax Under section 50i(c)iof the'Jntomal tevenue Code (except black lung benefit 1997 trust or private foundation) or sectl tn 4947(a)(1) nonexempt ctiarltable trust Tills Form Is Ovparimenl of iho TIeuury OpenloPutillc Internal Revenue Senflea Note: The organizatlori may have to tise gcop y of this return to satisfy state reporfng requirements. InspecUon A For ttie 1997 calendar year, OR tax year perlotlbeginning , 1997, and ending J 19 I B checlilf: Pleasa D En flatten number use IRS D Ctianga ol address bnaicr 52-1500977 Q Inlllat return printer COMMISSION ON PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES E StatoregistaJIcnnunlier type, D Final return see 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, NW #445 Speeifle n Amended return inshiio- WASHINGTON, DC 201036-6802 F otiack • D 11 exemption (required also (or application la panding Stale reporting) tlons. G Type Of organization •IS Exempt under section 501(o)( 3 )-e (insert number) OR • section 4?47(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Note; Section S01(c)(3) exempt organizations and 4947(a)t1) nonexetnpl charitable trusts MUST atlacli a completed Schedule A (Form 990), H(a) Is this a group return filed for affiliates? • Yes IS No I If either box In H is checked "Yes," enter four-dfgn group (b) If "Yes," enter the number of affiliates for whict) this return Is filed:. > exemption number (GEN) • (c) Is this a separate return filed by an organization covered by a | J Accounting method: • Cash IS Accrual group ruling? !• Yes H No • Other (specify) • K Check hare > • If the organlzeUon^ gross receipts are normally noti^ore than $2S,00a The organization need not file a raturn with the IRS; but If it received a Form 990 Package in the mail..it should fi'e a return without financial data. Some elates require a complete return. Notd: Form 990-EZ may be used by organizations \ in $100,000 and total assets less than $250,000 at end of year. Revenue, Expenses, and Changes In Net te or Fund Balances (See Specific instructions on page 1U_ 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amountsireceivgd: i a Direct public support la 158,748; b Indirect public support lb c Government contributions (grants) lc d Total (add lines la through 1c) (attach schedule of contributors (cash $ 158 , 748 noncash $ .)• . SEE. STATEMENT..1. Id 158,748 Program service revenue Including govetnment'fees and contrapts (from Part VII, line 93) Membership dues and assessments Interest on savings and temporary cash Investments 8,568 Dividends and Interest from securities 6a Gross rents •t- 6a b Less: rental expenses 6b c Net rental Income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) 6c 7 Other Investment Income (describe • 1 (A) Seouritles (B) other 9 a Gross amount from sale of assets other than inventory.. 1 aa b Less: cost or other basis and sales expanses 8b c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) ac d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) 18d i 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) , a Gross revenue (not Including $ of conjIbullonB reported on line la) I b Less: direct expenses other than fundralsing expenses . c Net income or Ooss) from specfal events (subtract line 9b from jine 9a) 10a Gross sales of Inventory, less returns and allowances, b Less; cost of goods sold e Gross profit or (loss) from sales of Inventory (attach schedtile) (^ublract li 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) 12 Total revenue (add Unas 1d, 2,3,4,6.'6o, 7, Bd, 9c, lOc, and jl 1) 167,316 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) 122,279 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) 105,715 15 Fundralsing (from line 44, column (D)) 19,455 16 Payments to afflllalas (attach schedule) 17 Total expenses (add lines 16 and 44, eolumnrfA)) 247,445 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from iihe 12) -80,13: 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) 257,62( 20 Other changes In net assets or fund balances j[attach>explanati bn) 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year (combine lines 18, 9, and 20) 177,487t For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page1 of the separate itistr ictlons. Fonn 990 (is 1997 FEDERAL STATEMENTS PAGE C COi.1MISSlO» 0!J PriESIDIiNTIAI DFFiATES 52-150)277 STATEMENT 4 FORM 990, PART IV, LINE 57 LAND, BUILDINGS, AND EQUIPMENT ACCUMULATED BOOK ASSET .BASIS DEPRECIATION VALUE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES 1,638 1,638 0 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 19,163 17,899 1,264 MISCELLANEOUS 1,867 1,867 0 TOTAL , $ 22,668 21,404 1,264 = = =: = = =:^ = = = = = = = SBB = s = as: STATEMENT 5 iFORM 990, PART IV, LINE 58 OTHER ASSETS ENDING ROUNDING $ TOTAL $ ssssssssssss; STATEMENT 5 FORM 990, PART V j LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, AND KEY EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE EXPENSE lE & AVG. BEN. PLN ACCOUNT/ NAME AND ADDRESS DEVOTED COMP. CONTRIB. OTHER FRANK J. FAHRENKOPF, JR. CO-CliAIRMAN 555 13TH ST., NW #1010E NONE ' WASHINGTON, DC 20004 PAUL G. KIRK, JR. CO-CHAIRMAN ONE POST OFFICE SQ. NONE BOSTON, MA 02109 NEWTON N. MINOW VICECHAIRMAN ONE FIRST NATL. PLAZA 'NONE CHICAGO, IL 60603 1997 FEDERAL STATEMENTS PAGE 4 co^-irHii^sinN cu PRFSIDF-NTIAI. DEEHAIES 5a-i3r:5'j7/ STATEMENT 6 (CONTINUED) FORM 990, PART V j LIST OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, AND K^Y EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEE EXPENSE TITLE[TLI & AVG. BEN. PLN ACCOUNT/ NAME AND ADDRESS HRS/Wk^wk DEVOTED COMP. CONTRIB. OTHER SEN. JOHN C. DANFORTH DIREcirOR RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BLDG. NONE ' WASHINGTON, DC 20510 ANTONIA HERNANDEZ DIRECITOR 6.34 SOUTH SPRING ST. NONE LOS ANGELES, CA 90014 CAROLINE KENNEDY DIRECjrOR 0 888 PARK AVE. INIONE ' NEW YORK, NY 10021 JANET H. BROWN EXEC.j DIRECTOR 120,000 1200 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE., NW 40 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 SEN. PAUL COVERDELL DIRECITOR RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE BLDG. NONE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 REP. JENNIFER DUNN DIRECTOR 432 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE BLDG. NONE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 HOWARD G. BUFFET DIREC ITOR 1004 E. ILLINOIS ST. NONE ASSUMPTION, IL 62510 DOROTHY RIDINGS DIRECTOR 1828 L STREET, NW NONE WASHINGTON, DC 20036 CLIFFORD L. ALEXANDER, OR. DIRECTOR 400 C ST., NE NONE I WASHINGTON, DC 20002 TOTAL $ 120,000 v-' i; * , • i OMB No. 1545-0047 'Form 990 Return,of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section S01(o) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit 1998 trust cr private foundation) or section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust This Formis •upirlinont of ihuTieaxuiy Opon to Public intamal Ruvanus Sarvica Note: The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requlreinents.
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