ÖSTERREICHISCHE NATIONALE WAHLSTUDIE Institut für Publizistik- und AUSTRIAN NATIONAL ELECTION STUDY Kommunikationswissenschaft AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013 Documentation Version 1.0.0 Martin Haselmayer, Carina Jacobi, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Ramona Vonbun Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, Klaus Schönbach, Hajo G. Boomgaarden Vienna, May 2016 AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2013 - Documentation Martin Haselmayer, Carina Jacobi, Jakob-Moritz Eberl, Ramona Vonbun, Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw, Klaus Schönbach, Hajo G. Boomgaarden (Edition 1.0.0, 2016) [email protected] http://www.autnes.at 2 Seite Seite Contents 5 1. Introduction Acknowledgement of the data ......................................................................................... 6 Conditions of use ........................................................................................................... 6 Restrictions ..................................................................................................................... 6 .................................................................................................................. 6 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................... 6 Deposit Requirement 2. Study description 7 Funding ........................................................................................................................... 7 Data file name ................................................................................................................ 7 Keywords ........................................................................................................................ 7 3. Study design 8 ................................................................................................................. Media sample 8 .............................................................................................................. Article selection 9 Comparison of the automatic and manual datasets ......................................................... 13 AmCAT .......................................................................................................................... 14 Article sets ................................................................................................................ 15 ...................................................................................... Data cleaning and preparation 16 ........................................................................................................... Data cleaning 16 4. Data set 17 .......................................................................................................... 17 Coding procedure ....................................................................................................................... Metadata 20 3 ........................................ 24 Actors (parties, top candidates and members of government) Seite Seite Parties ....................................................................................................................... 24 Top candidates ......................................................................................................... 26 Members of Government ........................................................................................... 27 Political knowledge ................................................................................................... 28 Style.......................................................................................................................... 29 Issues (vi1-vi14; vi99) ............................................................................................. 32 Validation procedure ..................................................................................................... 33 References 34 4 Seite Seite Introduction The Documentation Report of the AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis is a document to accompany and document the data of the AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis of the 2013 Austrian National Election Coverage. The election was held on 29 September 2013. The body elected was the National Parliament (Nationalrat). This document is divided into four parts. The first part contains a description of the AUTNES Media Side study and more specifically, its automatic content analysis part. The second part addresses the conditions of use of the AUTNES automatic content analysis data. The third part contains a description of the study design – the media sample, data cleaning strategies as well as how to find the full articles in our sample online, in AmCAT (amcat.nl) article sets. A separate section addresses how this sample compares to the AUTNES manual content analysis dataset. The final part of this documentation addresses the semi-automatic analysis of these articles: the method of creating search strings, and a description of each (search string-based) variable in the AUTNES automatic content analysis dataset, including the searchstrings and their precision and recall values. 5 Seite Seite Acknowledgement of the data Data users are kindly asked to acknowledge the data and the accompanying release document. Please refer to the GESIS data catalogue (www.gesis.org) for a recommendation on how to cite these data and the documentation. 1. Conditions of use Restrictions The data are available for non-profit use without restrictions. Confidentiality AUTNES, the Principal Investigators and the funding institution bear no responsibility for the use of the data, or for interpretations or inferences based on their use, neither do they accept liability for indirect, consequential or incidental damages or losses arising from use of the data collection. Deposit Requirement In order to facilitate exchanges within the scientific community and to provide funding agencies with essential information about use of archival resources users of the AUTNES data are requested to notify the AUTNES team of all forms of publications referring to AUTNES data. 6 Seite Seite 2. Study description The data set was created through an automatic analysis of all media reports referring to either a political party or a political candidate running in the Austrian national th th election between August 18 and September 29 2013 (=election day) based on search strings. th The data collection, cleaning and analysis were conducted between August 18 , 2013 and January 31th, 2015 by Martin Haselmayer and Carina Jacobi, using the online content analysis platform AmCAT (amcat.nl). Principal investigators were Klaus Schönbach, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, and Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw. Funding The study was carried out under the auspices of the Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES), a National Research Network (NFN) sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (S10903-G11). Data file name ZA5865_ger_v1-0-0.dta ZA5865_ger_v1-0-0.sav Stata-Format, 43021 Cases, 76 Variables. Keywords Election coverage, online media, print media, television news, political issues, political parties, political actors, emotionalization. 7 Seite Seite 3. Study design 3.1. Media sample The table below gives an overview of the media outlets included in the dataset. Table 1. Media overview Private TV Elite newspapers Regional dailies Online newspapers ATV Aktuell 19:20 Der Standard Kärntner Tageszeitung derstandard.at Pro7 AustriaNews Die Presse Kleine Zeitung diepresse.com Neue Vorarlberger Sat1 Die Presse am Sonntag Tageszeitung heute.at Salzburger Nachrichten Neues Volksblatt kleinezeitung.at Oberösterreichische Public service TV WirtschaftsBlatt Nachrichten krone.at ZIB 20 Salzburger Volkszeitung kurier.at ZIB 24 Popular newspapers Tiroler Tageszeitung nachrichten.at ZIB Magazin Heute TT-Kompakt news.at Zeit im Bild 1 Kronen Zeitung Vorarlberger Nachrichten noen.at ZiB 2 Österreich Vorarlberger Tageszeitung oe24.at Wiener Zeitung orf.at Public service radio Mid-market newspaper salzburg.com Ö1 Mittagsjournal Kurier Regional weeklies tt.com 12:00 BVZ vienna.at Magazines derGrazer vol.at Die ganze Woche NÖ Nachrichten Falter NÖN Landeszeitung Online-only news site Format Oberländer Rundschau gmx.at News Salzburger Woche profil WOCHE Bildpost WOCHE Graz WOCHE Hartberg WOCHE Kärnten WOCHE Murtaler Zeitung WOCHE Obersteiermark WOCHE Südweststeiermark 8 WOCHE Weizer Zeitung Seite 3.2. Article selection To collect our data, articles/transcripts for print newspapers and public television newscasts were downloaded from the database of the Austria Presse Agentur (APA, http://www.apa-defacto.at/Site/index.de.html). For this, we used the following search string containing the names of all Austrian political parties participating in the National Election of 2013, all names of the chancellor, ministers and secretaries of state, as well as the Nationalrat: (nationalrat* ODER spö ODER övp ODER vp ODER "die grünen" ODER glawischnig ODER fpö ODER bzö ODER "bündnis zukunft österreich" ODER piratenpartei ODER "die piraten" ODER "den piraten" ODER stronach: ODER faymann ODER spindelegger ODER (hundstorfer: UND (*minister* ODER bundesvertreter*)) ODER "rudolf hundstorfer" ODER "hundstorfer rudolf" ODER fekter: ODER "heinisch hosek" ODER "heinisch hoseks" ODER (stöger: UND *minister*) ODER "alois stöger" ODER "stöger alois" ODER "mikl leitner" ODER "mikl leitners" ODER (karl: UND (justizministerin ODER ministerin*)) ODER "beatrix karl" ODER "karl beatrix" ODER (berlakovich: UND *minister*) ODER "nikolaus berlakovich" ODER "berlakovich niklaus" ODER "niki berlakovich"
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