Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-22-1964 The B-G News May 22, 1964 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 22, 1964" (1964). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1794. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1794 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Friday. May 22. 1964 Bowling Green Slat* Univeraity. Bowling Green. Ohio VoL 48 No. 54 ?3-E"trie!.T<? ™ Oliver, Shafer Chosen In 1st Beta Little 500 Twenty-three entries will match skill and speed at noon tomorrow in front of the Union, as the Beta Theta l'i social fraternity inaugurates its first Little 500. 63-64 Key King, Queen The idea for the event was taken during; Harold D. l.ojrs- James P, Oliver and Jean L. don's (chairman of the event) visit to Michigan State where Shafer have been selected as the Little 500 is one of the largest individual fraternity events the 1064 Key King:and Queen. in the United States with ap- The Key royalty was chosen tively. There will be three push- by Hugh Downs, nationally proximately 72 participants. ers and a driver for each sorority Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity entry, and six pushers and a driv- known NBC television per- sponsors the event at Michigan er for each fraternity entry, Kach sonality who is the emcee of tele- State. man and woman will push for ap- vision programs "Today" and "We have talked with them proximately 1 15 yards before ex- "Concentration." Mr. Downs se- (Lambda Chi Alpha) extensively changing with the respective team- lected the winner., on the basis of through phone culls." stated Logs- mates. pleasing appearance and individual don. After the preliminary ground- Three finalists for queen, chosen photogenic qualities. work was worked out, the event Oliver, whose hometown is War- was cleared by the University So- by the fraternity, will be asked a serious and humorous question by ren, is a sophomore in the College cial Policies Committee. of Education, lie represents Al- Eleven sororities and 12 frater- Basil T. Zappola. master of cere- monies, between the preliminary pha Tau Omega social fraternity. nities are entered in the women's A sophomore in the College of and men's divisions respectively. and semifinal races. Liberal Arts, Miss shafer repre- The men will 'race their carts a "The queen will be announced sents Delta /eta social sorority. half mile, and the women will race before the finals anil will award OLIVER SHAFER DOWNES She come- to the University from their carts a quarter mile. The the winner of the championship Cleveland. races will be run in a series of fraternity race with a kiss." stated heats against time with two parti- Logsdon. In CIL,O of rain, the judg- All-campus elections were held cipants to a heat. ing and coronation Will be held in December ... 1903 to choose five The men and women will race the Historical Suite of tin* Union women finalist, anil five men final- Seeger Challenges New Council ist, nut of a field of 10 candidates. in teams of four and seven, respec- immediately following the races. Picture., of these finalists were then sent to Mr. Downs to be judged, after which he returned them to tin- Key staff with the Committees, Boards Approved names of the winners. "We received the names of the A personal challenge to the justice serving as the fifth mem- Student Organisations Hoard winners in February, but as is tra- new Student Council to be a bar. Gordon P. Dudley, Ronald 11. Cour- dition, kept the identity of the Student Council accepted these chene, Marilyn L. I.iechty, Sara K. winners secret until just prior to working body, not a group of recommended changes. Ma-cl. Carolyn A. Rolf. the release of the yearbook," said "campaigning clowns," was is- The majority of the meeting was Student Orientation Hoard— Roger C. Spaeder, editor of the sued by si udent Body presi- concerned with approval of ap- Dorothy .1. Sullifan, Linda .1. Hoi- Key. "However, the winners were pointments to the student body man, Linda G. Lawrence, Karen told as soon as we received the dent Christopher ('. Seeger. boards and committees made by .1. Tomcxak, Lurry J. Weiss. results so that informal photo- Seeger, presiding, for the first Student Leadership and Service Student Spirit and Traditions graphs could be taken of each for time, at the Student Council meet- Hoard after interviewing all appli- Board Paula .1. Cooper. Beverly the Key King and Key Queen lay- ing held last night in the Taft cants for the positions. K. Patterson, Lonna I.. Dangler, outs used in the book." Uooni. urged members to actively Appointments Approved David L. Larson. Martha A. Rogers. In the past the Key has featured express student opinion, not their The following appointments Athletics Committee Thomas the winning pictures of the Key own personal views. were approved: C. Liber, Dwight L. Short, Vincent King ami Key Queen plus those of in other action. Seeger read a Student Charities Hoard -Ro- J. Zaffke. the eight finalists, having devoted letter from President William T. berta A. Gibson. Kathryn E. Health Advisory Committee one page to each winner. The lay- Jerome 111 concerning Council's Krause, Richard J. Kluding, Kath- Linda R. KcKaig, Don K. Qarl out was changed this year so that recommendation for the expansion leen K. Marlow, Crystal I, Wil- man. Veronica A. Kostic, Carole two pages have been devoted to of Student Court. helm. A Weaver. each winner, one page featuring President Jerome indicated that Student Communications Hoard Homecoming Committee Patri- the king or queen's winning pic- 1 he would approve tin recommenda- Corlann Gee, Laureen A. Luchn- cia K. Blackman, H. Lyle Thomp- ture plus those of the finalists, and tion, subject to suggested changes, sky, Georgia A. Young, Joanne M. son, Helen A. Burger, Charlotte H. the other featuring informal pic- Chanqea Outlined Carpenter, Allan J. Osborne. Holdash, Sue Rohrs. tures of the winners in different These changes were that two in- Student Elections Board Carol Intramurals Committee Dennis scenes about the campus. dependent boards, traffic and dis- A. Lower, Garvin M. Shankster, D Sherman, Bonnie J. Harris. The four riiuncrs-up to Miss cipline, be set up. The traffic Pamela S. Floyd, Daniel A. Klr- Library Advisory Committee— Shafer ale Margaret M. Hunt, Al- board would consist of three of man, Patricia Opfcrmnnii. Bonnia L. Melton, Pamela A. pha Phi social sorority; Evelyn J. the seven justices, including the Student Leadership and Service Paden, Petkovsek. West Hall; Gwen A. chief justice. The discipline hoard Hoard —Nancy K. Schwar/.enberg. Music Activities Committee Cornman, East Hall; and Paulette would be composed of four mem- Shcrwin L. Davidson. Jack Knin- Dennis A. Abahasi, Sally L. Wil- Steenscn, Alpha Chi Omega social bers of Student Court with the sting, Robert DeBard, Barbara A. liams. sorority. chief justice or associate chief Mercer. Publications Committee La- Runners-lip to Oliver are David Verne H. Bergman, Lynne K. R. Etchie, I'bi Kappa Psl social Dvorak, John K, llartman. fraternity; Robert I.. Snider. Rod- Social Policy Committee Anne gers '.Hindrnnglc; Joseph M. Rus- PRACTICING FOR THE BETA '500' SATURDAY Wife Of '53 Alumnus Wins Harroff, Charlotte J. Lind, Peggy sell, Sigma Alpha Kpsilon social R. Quitter, Eleanor M. Sacchi. fraternity; and Roger E. Rehn- Speech Activities Committee felilt. Sigma Chi social fraternity. Peabody Television Award Grace A. Pheneger, Bonnie R. Ken- The Dull Key wil he distributed The wife of a University alum- tate, the prestige awards of the nedy, Shirley A. Mercer. to the students Tuesday. Faculty Club To Hold Buffet nus received the twenty-fourth An- radio and television industries," nual George Foster Peabody Tele- and "the goal of every producer in vision Award at a luncheon April radio and television." 211 in New York City. George F. Peabody, whose name Opening Night Audience Treated In Honor Of 6 Retiring Profs Mrs. Anita M. Klcvcr is an tin' awards bear, was a highly alumna of Ohio Wesleyan Univer- successful New York banker, and Six retiring: faculty members are to be honored at the an- sity, and her husband Rev. Gerald devoted much of his fortune to To Unique Setting, Murder Plot nual Faculty Club Buffet, tomorrow, in the ballroom. I.. Klever is a 1968 alumnus of education and social enterprises. Bloody daggers and death linked ard 111" centered upon the warped Rowling Green State University. Ever since his death, the George the twisted plot of Shakespeare's character <»f it-> protagonist. Re- The six retiring faculty members to be honored are: Leon Mrs. Klever conducts a child- Foster Peabody Awards have been "Richard III" presented by the garding himself as all outcast of E. Fauley, professor in music; Helen Henderson, professor of ren's program entitled "Treetop given to radio and television pro. University Theater last night in nature. Richard attempted to put House" five days each week over grams which "render the most dis- the Auditorium. all ethical considerations and con- home economics: Laura E. Heston, professor of home eco- WGN-TV, Chicago. It is produced tinguished and meritorious public Starring David O'Brien, tele- science aside.
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