TITE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 1919. M. L. KLLN'E BOWLING TEAM WHICH WILL REPRESENT PORTLAND AT ALL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENTS ON THE COAST THIS YEAR. M1EDIE STUDYING PREPARE FOR BATTLE Portland Magnate Is Getting Local Bowlers to Participate Line on Coast League Men. in Northwest Tournament. PENNER IN PITCHING FORM BELL OLD HAND AT GAME "o Hits Are Allowed Daring Two I Victory League, Composed of Four Innings in Which Slabster Organizations, Opens 15 Weeks' Plays in Pasadena. Season on Oregon Alleys. ' BT JAMES X RICHARDSON;. The crack M. L. Kline bowling team waiter McCredie, manager of the is training overtime getting into shape Portland Beavers, is usually of a nerv- - us disposition for the northwest International tourna at this particular, time BOWLING CHAMPONSHliP ment, to be cf the season, especially now when 00 tgjt SX V held at Vancouver, B. C, 24 29. many or the players' contracts are be-fc- il March to The team will also returned to baseball headquarters bowl at the Pacific coast bowling sr.incs the players' signature but leave championship tournament in San Fran- It to Walt to wnsgle out of the tight cisco on May 18 to 21. The lineup of laces and set his mind at rest by the team is one strongest producing some argument to offset his of the in the worries. northwest. The tall manager was studying; the Charley Bell is a veteran tournament bosscera of a bail game played at Los bowler and won the individual cham- Angeles last Sunday which was sent pionship at both tournaments staged in htm by one of his ivory sleuths and Portland in 1917 and the individual which furnished the manager with a championship at the northwest chain 1'ne on the pre-seas- form of Kenneth pionshlp at Spokane last year. Fenner. pitcher, whom Portland re- J. B. Konz is an eastern bowler and cently acquired from Salt Lake. Fen- has been in the west the past season. ner was seriously injured in an auto He Is one of the high men in Portland mobile accident last spring and twirled BOXERS WILL TOUR ITALY CARNEY CLASSIFIES STATES and has bowled in a number of the big only a few games for Salt Lake, but A, B. C. tournaments in the east. McCredie expects the chunky right George Henry, third member of the to regain his 1916 team, is a western product and has hander form and Stt competed f" - in all western tournaments. make the Beavers a valuable slab artist. EFFORT TO BE MADE TO CRE 1 ' . fr V CONTRIBUTION OF STATE TOUR- Penner was used in a pinch last Sun- ft Henry made his home in California for day at Los Angeles and went in to twirl ATE IMEREST EV SPORT. I 1 1' KEYS BASED OX RATING. a few years and was one of San Fran- for the Dyas team against the Pasadena cisco's leading knights of the pin. ifri uoja cole, team. outfit captained by Bill Fisher who fourth member of the I l'hf recently received his honorable dis- managed the Portland Buckaroos last Same Enthusiasm Shown by French American Trapshooting Association Beasoa. jl numocr 01 n uc Karoos, as charge from the United States army well aa major leaguers were on the Is Expected to Be Displayed Prepares for Opening . of and halls from Cleveland, O. As soon Pasadena lineup. Penner pitched two as he was mustered out of service he innings and failed to allow the oppo by Other Nations. Events of Coming Year. was signed as a member of the M. L. sition a hit. He struck out one batter Kline team and has developed into one allowed one base on balls. He was of the organization's strongest pin- - and E11 on starting point of a double- - American soldier boxers still in smashers. the fast rope J. W. Blaney, member, manager play. Penner laced out a long fly are going to tour Italy to intro- HOW STATES ARE CLASSIFIED fifth which enabled one of his teammates to duce to its swarthy sons the more or FOR and captain of the Kline team, is con- acore. less gentle art of fisticuffs. Boxing TRAPSHOOTING fident that he is surrounded with the has never flourished in Italy. In fact. PURPOSES. classiest array of bowlers on the Pa- "He's alright and will be one of the A Nevada, Il- most effective pitchers in the Pacific they know little of the mitt pastime Class California, cific coast and issues a challenge to there. The Italians are great sports linois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, any team, Portland fives included, for coast league." said McCredie after look- New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, ing the box acore over. "That box mn, however and the athletic off! a series of games to be rolled on neu- shows he was pitching to some cials with the American expeditionary Wisconsin. tral allies. bcore forces think they will take to boxinff Class B Connecticut, Indiana, The Kline team will represent Port pretty stiff opposition and if he is in Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. form at this time of the year I pre- with the Bame enthusiasm the lrench Vlpirfnla land at the American Bowling Con- have displayed. nlrl.hnm. gress championship tournament in 19-- 0 dict a hangup season for him. Fenner Class C Colorado, New Mex- - is a hard-worki- pitcher and is will The Yankee boys know that Italians and while in the east will bowl in all ing to go in and a fling at It out in the United States have been promi lev, .uciawcife, lu.iiv, AciiiuuA, of the larger cities, going as far as take game. in Maryland, District of Columbia, Boston, of turn if the pitching staff is crippled. nent in the fieht Take for Massachusetts, Montana, New Mass. He sure looks good to me. stance Bobby Evana (Augustine Ardis), The team will bowl a special match who has always been right up at tho Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, tonight at 8:15 with the Vogan Candy man- - Squth Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, company Bill Fisher feigned up young top in fighting, promoting and Washington. five. The match will be - . r Cnrr,m-- fnp ih. PArtUn.l IHSr of bOXCTS in Portland. rolled on the Oregon alleys and the comenoea mose or Class D Alabama, Arizona, Ar- public team in the fall of 1916. The chap with it is mai uiai kansas, Florida, Georgia, Louis- is invited. name Los I nationality on tho other Bide will be the Mexican hailed from I iana, Maine, Mississippi, New . Victory league, composed of Ang-eles- but was never tat en to come proficient if made acquainted The four train boxing game. They are Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode teams, opened a season of 15 weeks on ing: camp. He caught for Pasadena in with the tell , I prow y ; 1 I Island. South Carolina, Texas, Oregon alleys Tuesday night. last Sunday's came and out of two ing the Italians over there of the I J I Vermont, Virginia, Wyo- the last Sl of Hugo Kelly Benny Yanger. i !v West ' trips to bat slammed out a double and ming. 15- - scored one run. Dick Cox played right Johnny Dundee and others who became A Railroad league will start a field and failed to connect safely, r red topllners in America. J week season the first week in March, The proposed through Italy -- composed of teams representing differ- was aUo in the game. Bill trip will " ' " - ilanej Rodd "' I r N? . I ent lines. be in charge of Jimmy Bronson of the ir BT PETER P. CARNEY. ers, manager of the Sacramento team i M. C. A. Bronson is a 1 1 played second base for the Iyas nine i. nivsiaim immnlWA n All prm urpn Yearly a classification of states is rapped out a triple besides making middle western promoter and manager ILKIRIIL fl HimT VII pmrr priinrR Fields and Wentworth are still ud n li.fllLS Si I I ULI1ULII IILflL I made trapshooting I knocking duckpins. number of eood stops. I "r ILIIIIIU UUU I llllll LIU national them dead on the Ik h"iuu nUIUUlllLU l.r't body, which now is the American Trap- - Fields shot 147 for high game of the Judge McCredie received a letter from ' was a well-know- n glove manu- - shooting association. Until this year season last week. Cr 1 mil, Rrnm n. iha da in- - lacturer. r our-rou- exn 101110ns are 10 DUTY the controlling organization was the thr pul " REVIVAL OF SECTIOXATj DOD DEVOTIOX TO SHIPYARDS Jack Weist, an old bowler. Is back uulring about a younc pitcher named Df . u"aT Trapshooting association. w I the Interstate in the game once more. He shot a 21f Lunnov c ho nUvcd with Vancouver . BLES MEETS WITH APPROVAL, IS CAUSE OF BREAKDOWN. season. Lucanovic was best l'anks boxing with one another, as In this classification the states are average for ten games the other day last .the grouped 282 game. Pitcher in the Pacific coast Interna there are no foes for them to oppose together that show about the and also for one He started tionaL winning games and losing: 3. in that cuntry. Famous Pitcher Derotes same amount of interest in the sport with a spare and ten strikes and Bronson will take a team of 10 box California Expected to Take Lead In Indian dropped off his ball picking off the - Interest is based on the number of par- last LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Feb. 22. (Spe ers with him on the trip.
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