THE MOENING OKEGONIAtf, WEDNESDAY, MAECH 9, 1904. the ordinary marriage ceremony in your abstain - from polygamous cohabita church T" asked Senator Hoar severely. tion?" MUSIC IN Tea, I know that," answered the wit This was not answered - directly at THE ness. the time. Several questions by mem Headquarters wis rapid nine 'And was not that what was asked?" bers of the committee followed In THE HOME GREAT he was asked. succession, and Mr. Lyman admitted For The was. He was told to In response to them he knew in prac MAIL witness said it r At - give the substance of It. He said he and ticing polygamous cohabitation ne BUTTEWCK was disobeying both the law of the ORDER He his wife stood up and joined hands. land and the rule of his church. He From $278 to $383 for a Good PATTEJ&S Apostle Lyman Says "Then they made you promise some also said in reply to one of theso ques-- . HOUSE Quality Considered Our Prices are Always Lowest thing, did they not?" inquired Senator tlons that he was not only now living Piano and Player. Will Not Them. Hoar. - in polygamous cohabitation, but that Desert "Yes, sir." he expected to continue so to live. you forgotten what was?" Hoar then took the witness in band ana "But have it brought out a succinct statement from Ellers Piano House, the Great the Senator remarked with a laugh. him which was of a character to Interest Western Depot-- for Fine Pianos, Neckwear Specials, 50c, 75c "Oh, no, I have not forgotten," said all present. Mr. MerrilL 'Referring to the rule of which you nave Making Special Combination Very pretty Neckdressings these two specials-j- ust spoken," said, "you understand the TRUSTS TO MERGY OFLORD He then said he had promised to love, Hoar Prlces-o- n the Two Instruments. support the woman. rule of the church to be the law of uoa. the kind Dame Fashion is enamored of. Just the cherish and did you not?" 'And did you continue xo cohabit with Mr. Lyman" repllel such was his under kind which add so materially to the beauty of the Spring you woman you call her after married the standing. The great volume of business trans gown. We thought that we reached the climax in bar- your legal wue.' oauman uurruwe "Then you are living and intend to live acted by this establishment brings to asked. In violation of the law of God and man?" us numerous Instruments out of our reg- gain giving in Women's Neckwear some time ago but Churchmen Considers He ular lines of fine pianos. The great The witness said he lived with both Intends to Be True to Wives. majority of these we take in exchange these two specials beat anything we've had. before. But Speaks Too Freely. wives, but they had different homes at "I fully intend," said Mr. Lyman, show from people who desire something bet Richmond, apart. ter, xney are gooa instruments, how- mak- Utah, about a mile ing a disposition to elaborate more than ever, our neckwear chief for nevf records and law-o- and deserving of every word" of His Father Long In Hiding. he had doner "to be true to the f praise we give them. ing my country, to my God and to my obliga- But thev are comintr In all th tim them. "You say you were living with your tions and covenants with my wives, and and we cannot permit them to accumulate consists of two hundred dozen my con- to sucn an The offering today you were sec- I have never done a thing extent mat tney take up the SOME TESTIMONY TAKEN BACK mother when married the science did not approve." jjwlh uj. uur own siock ot pianos and double stole Stock Collars. They are made of taffeta ond time. Where was your father. Apostle want," he proceeded, dropping Into the Pianola. Spring shipments are now 1 being received, and every bit of space we silk and beautifully embroidered in silk. Colors varied Merrill, at that time?" he was asked. a pleasing tone of voice, "to make a brief Is to us. only explanation If you will permit. Tly case have valuable The thing enough to suit any taste. Regular values are $1.00 and "He was on the underground most of to do Is to get the. odd and used in is different from that of most other men. struments oft hands, eveti at a sacrifice. $1.25 on sale today at Man In Line for Presidency f Mor- the time," said the witness, Jocularly. I was born in 1S40 and I can hardly re- xnis is wny we nave maae extfir large "What do you mean by 'on the under member when my father was not a polyg- cute on some choice and strikingly hand- 50C 7SC mon Tells Sena- some Church First ground'?" asked Mr. Worthlngton. amlst. He was a friend and adviser of pianos, in comMriStJoriTvIth used piano pjayers uiat-iia- ve been turned in tors Smoot Does Not Know was In hiding." Prophet Joseph Smith, and was taught to us payment "He by the Importance and the of as nart on the Plnnni.i He Is a Polygamlst. "Why was hiding?" him truth The pianos all belong to our regular line. Window Shades made to your order. he in asked the the principles of polygamy. He accepted are an gooa ana chairman. the teaching and entered .into the prac- Artistic Picture Framing done cheaply. well known and . still possess a great Stationery Cheaper "Because, about that time there were tice, marrying six wives In the years 1845 uwi ui tveitr. kjome ure nearly new. Sole agents Parker & Finn Waists. prosecutions going on for polygamy," Mr. and 1846. So that my earliest recollection And the best part Is that at any time sorts of Stationery get a embraces the lite of polygamy. I remem- within two years they can be returned The plainer, stapler "WASHINGTON", March. 8. The Senate Merrill answered. "He said oftentimes he my wlVes as do my own to us as part Davment for a new Pianola. ber all fathers' I unu we accept em telling will interest you, committee on orlvlleges and elections would not see his father for a month." mother, and I lived In a family thus con- win in ior just what telling about today the Mr. Merrfll said he had taken his grew up and whs paia ior mem. For St. Patrick's Day today, In the Investigation of the pro stituted until I became the Tnere is a Sherwood, beautlfullv onnorf 1S8S of family of my own. in for it means economy. Utah, wife to his mother's home occasion head a mahogany, which we have priced at Irish Flags, made of green silk, harp and tests against Senator Smoot, of ally, but she had never stayed all "Consequently I have known nothing io. ana we win let it ana ttio iso Har ' brought out a variety of testimony, of else and I have lelt It was correct. monist, which Just matches it, go for $278. "Green Ribbon" Pound Paper, a neat package of shamrock printed in gold. night there, and that, so far as he knew. casea out mtifv have always felt In my soul and heart a lucca. in oaic used linen-finishe- Size which the most sensational "was that his father did not know he had a I priced at $235. and 5120 Aoollo that lust d paper, plain or ruled, 4x6, on stick 15 that I was correct. I married first In go f? given by Francis M. Lyman, president of, wife already when he was married by his 1869, uiaiciies ior 90 JLiC Size 1x2, on brass 1857, aeain in and once more in Bailey, nearly new. $217. Harmonist sheets in package pin.... 5 the Twelve Apostles of the Mormon father to the woman he calls his legal 18S4. The situation has been very pain $100. The two for $300. Size 2x3, on. stick 8 wife. ful to me, and have been greatly pained A Crown we consider this the Church, and the man chosen to be the I bargains. mm Puritan Vellum Pound Paper, a neat package of Green Wire Snakes Mr. Merrill said his father is still living to flndmyself in opposition to the law of these It is a beniiHfni 15 Euccessor of President Smith. His ad of the country and of the church. But piano, orchestral size, and practically veuum nmsnea paper in Diue omy, oc- - Small Clay Pipes, mounted on pin and is still an apostle of the church, but new. we are letting go $297. bow of green missions were similar to those previously I had made a covenant with my wives to it for The tavo size, 102 sheets in package. 43W that he Is very feeble. In regard to his Angelus that coes with it Is well wnrih ribbon . 5 made by Mr. Smith pertaining to the love, respect and endear them, and I $135. The two Instruments to the shrewd father's family, Mr. Merrill said, his could not find it in my heart to separate Duyer ror wo& Five hundred packages of 10c and 16c Envelopes church government. He is more free of father had six wives and he had 20 from them so long as they were true to Brinkerhoff, almost new, $238. Sim- plex, $165. speech than the president of the church, 17 sisters. He was asked me.' brand new, The two for $383.
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