Riesling Trail Inc Volume 2, Issue 4 Summer A Reminder - Our Vision & Mission! Inside this issue: Vision - “To provide and enhance sustainable, quality recreational experiences for local communi- ties and tourists, by way of walking and cycling, that build on the special character of the interna- Vision & Mission 1 tionally recognised Clare Valley Wine Region.” Mission – “To provide all stakeholders the opportunity to be a part of a recreational trails network Northern Extension 1 which provides significant social benefits to South Australians and visitors to our state.” Annual Report 2 Riesling Trail 2 Merchandise Annual Report (contd) 3 AGM & Committee 3 Appreciations 4 Trail Usage 4 Signage 4 Mawson Trail 4 We will all benefit from having more Northern Extension - Trail working on the low replacement bridge ‘Friends of the across the White Hut creek at Barinia. Riesling Trail’. En- Laying Completed! Regulatory and „steep sides‟ signs are courage friends, A great way to start this issue. being installed by the Clare Model Engi- By the time you are reading this the neers. family, colleagues, Clare Quarry team will have completed Graphic designer, Lyn Mitchell has been acquaintances in laying the final section of the extension, commissioned to design the first three fact any one you Hubbe Road to Barinia. interpretive signs for the extension. Fund- The protective railings on the Farrell Flat ing for these signs has been secured know to become a Road bridge are in place thanks to the through a donation of $3,000 from the ‘FRIEND’. Applica- efforts of Paul Jenner and his colleagues Rotary Club of Clare and a portion of tion forms freely at Clare Metal Fabrications. Paul is also the grant received from the Northern & Page 2 Along The Riesling Trail Riesling Trail Merchandise Available Riesling Trail pens are available for purchase at $2.00 each. A great small giveaway, or for Extracts from Annual vice late in the year that representa- your own use. tions to the Executive of the Depart- Laminated posters Report. ment for Trade & Economic Develop- ment (DTED) had resulted in an addi- (60x42 cms.) at $7.50. As tional grant from the State Govern- well a supply of “The year under review has been one ment of $100,000 to enable comple- postcards featuring the of great excitement as regards further tion of the final section from Hubbe Trail remains available development of the trail. As well there Road to Barinia. This grant comprised free of charge for has been much progress in enhancing of $50,000 from the Department in „Friends‟. Again a great the trail and in maintaining its amenity. recognition of the economic value of giveaway for your As advised in our report for the previ- the Trail to the region and an addition- clients or for your own ous year a grant of $50,000 was re- al $50,000 from the SATC‟s Tourism De- use. ceived from the South Australian Tour- velopment Fund. The State Govern- Contact Graham Mill on ism Commission‟s Tourism Develop- ment‟s recognition of the value to the 8842 2943 for yours. ment Fund for 2007/08. These funds to- local community and the State gener- Payment with order. gether with the previously advised ally of the trail that these funds reflect is contribution of $34,000 from the Clare greatly welcomed by your Commit- Valley Winemakers Inc. and tee.” funds already held enabled the clear- Funds available are not sufficient to ing of the rail corridor and the laying of immediately furnish the extension to the trail from Lennon Street to Hubbe the same standard as the existing trail Road. This is the first stage of bringing so much more work needs to be done. into reality the long held dream of hav- Of real assistance in this regard will be ing the Riesling Trail extend the the$5,000 grant received from the mall full length of the internationally recog- Grants Program of the Northern & nised Clare Valley Wine Region GI. Yorke Natural Resources Management With great assistance from the team at Board. The grant is to be used to estab- Clare Quarry Pty. Ltd. and adjoining lish and implement protocols to pro- land owners particularly Roy Schaeffer tect and foster areas of native vegeta- the work was completed before 30th tion. As well interpretive signage cover- June, 2008 as required by the Deed of ing native flora and fauna and the ge- Agreement with the Minister for Tour- ological features of the area for edu- ism.” cative purposes are to be installed. Dir Sign This work will be based on a native “Further excitement followed the ad- Page 3 Along The Riesling Trail vegetation and weed survey carried out by Jean ing Services Group of the Department for Transport, Turner and Mick Higgins of the Clare office of the Energy and Infrastructure.” Northern and Yorke Section of the Department for Environment and Heritage. “No reference to trail infrastructure and mainte- nance should pass without recognition of the great During the year there were equally exciting happen- contribution made to the amenity of the Trail by ings in regards to the existing section of the Trail. A committee member, Robert Bartholomaeus. Robert highlight was the installation of the Trail‟s first art has contributed countless hours of volunteer labour works. An outcome of the efforts of the „Art Along in maintaining the Trail surface and in minor mainte- the Riesling Trail‟ advisory group led by committee nance tasks. His interest in and knowledge of the member, Ryves Hawker, the installation was made Trail has been of immense value. Sadly, due to mov- possible by a most generous sponsorship from ad- ing from the district, Robert‟s expertise will no longer joining land holders Anne and John Bastian. The be available to us. We thank him most sincerely and work is a sculptured creation by local artist Vivian extend to him our very best wishes for the future.” Ziersch. A grant of $5,000 from the S.A. Govern- ment‟s Regional Open Spaces Enhancement “Recognition of the Trail locally, nationally and inter- Scheme obtained with the assistance of the Clare & nationally continues with feature articles appearing Gilbert Valleys Council enabled a shelter and seat- in all forms of media. Of much assistance has been ing to be integrated into the installation.” the strong interest of the national organisation Rail- trails Australia. Locally the Northern Argus has pro- Another highlight of the year as regards the Auburn vided excellent coverage, none less so than when to Clare section of the Trail has been the continuing the Governor of South Australia, His Excellency Rear support of the Office for Recreation & Sport. A Admiral Kevin Scarce, visited the Clare and Gilbert $30,000 allocation within the budget of the Office valleys and took the opportunity to walk and ride ensured that all work, identified in the November sections of the Trail.” 2007 updated Trail assessment review of Mace Engi- neering Services was completed. This included re- “The future of the Trail as a major regional asset con- pairs to all damaged culverts, the installation of ad- tinues to be dependent on the level of community ditional safety signage and the replacement of sev- support. Accordingly we gratefully note a small in- eral of the „Traker‟ usage counters. An extremely crease in the number of members of the association comprehensive register of all Trail infrastructure has and even more gratefully the high level of annual been computerised and a maintenance schedule renewals. It does however remain a frustration that developed. As well the established preventative many of the businesses that benefit significantly maintenance program has been fully maintained from the Trail‟s economic input to the region are not and emergency repairs promptly carried out under members.” the arrangement with the Clare office of the Build- 2008 Annual General Meeting A goodly group of „Friends of the Trail‟ gathered at the Clare Town Hall on 13th November for the 2008 annual general meeting. Committee Election results for 2008/09 were: Community Representatives: Tony Cox - 2008/10 Patricia Jacka – 2008/10 Helene Bourne – 2008/09 Ryves Hawker – 2008/09 Graham Mill – 2008/09 Foundation Member Nominees: Clare Valley Winemakers Inc. –Richard Woods; Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council – Mayor Allan Aughey; Clare Business & Tourism Assoc. Inc.- Peter Wood; and Office for recreation & Sport – Anthea Shem. Page 4 Along The Riesling Trail Appreciations! “Again as in previous years we must express our very Riesling Trail Tourism Signage – Main North sincere thanks to all in the community who have Road. supported us throughout the year. A very big thank you to the team at Sevenhill Cellars for their continu- Following consultation with the Transport Services ing assistance in many, many ways not the least be- Division of the Department for Transport, Energy and ing the regular use of their Boardroom. To the team Infrastructure there is to be an upgrade of all Trail at Clare Quarry Pty. Ltd. especially Gary Sims and signage along the Main North Road. Many of the Russell Schmidt for their generous help; to Paul Jen- existing signs are badly faded or damaged whilst ner and his team at Clare Metal Fabrications; to ORS some are inappropriately placed. A detailed pro- for another year of wonderful support both finan- posal from the Division to undertake the work has cially and through the contributions of Anthea been accepted. Shem; to the S.A. Government through the SATC and DTED for their support of the Clare to Barinia Mawson Trail – Proposed Re-route! extension.” Following the completion of the Clare to Barinia sec- Dramatic Lift in Trail Usage tion of the Riesling Trail it has been suggested to Bi- The „Traker‟ counters are working overtime.
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