CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. EDMUND OF CANTERBURY 2 February 2020 20 Village Way, Beckenham BR3 3NP The Presentation of the Lord Email [email protected] Website: www.saintedmunds.net Salesian Sisters Parish Office 020 8650 0970 25 Village Way, BR3 3NA Monday to Friday 9 - 1pm 020 8650 6313 [email protected] Fr. Steve Wymer - Parish Priest 020 8650 3390 - [email protected] Missionary Sisters of Fr. Ashley Beck - 020 8650 4117 or 020 7998 5949 - [email protected] St. Peter Claver Fr Vianney Alphonse - 020 8650 7533 - [email protected] 89 Shortlands Road BR2 0JL Deacon Sean Murphy - 020 3490 5693 - [email protected] 020 8313 3915 Deacon Duncan Aitkins - 07957 861404 - [email protected] [email protected] Today is our collection for refugees LIGHT OF THE NATIONS, A REJECTED SIGN, LIGHT IN THE MIDST OF FAILURE CANDLEMAS is one of the loveliest book Fr Navone reminds us that as festivals of the Christian year; but as it Christians we don’t share in conven- only comes round on a Sunday every six tional success ideology. The crucifix- years, comparatively few Catholics ex- ion of Our Lord turns the values of the perience it. We have an account of it world upside down: by any conven- being celebrated in Jerusalem from the tional yardstick the ministry of Jesus, earliest centuries of the Church; what particularly as it is presented in the the old man Simeon says about the baby gospel of Mark, ended in failure, with in his arms being ‘a light to enlighten him having few followers, deserted by the pagans’ quickly inspired Christians them, arrested and tried on trumped-up to mark his words by carrying lighted charges and brutally executed as a hand candles in procession before going common criminal, without human into church (the equivalent of the rights or dignity, outside the walls of Temple in Jerusalem). The historian the Holy City. Simeon foresees this Eamon Duffy in his classic work The failure in the gospel account when he Stripping of the Altars describes how the says that the child in his arms will be feast day was particularly important in ‘a sign that is rejected.’ The reality of the Middle Ages in England and the rest the Cross will always be a challenge; of northern Europe because of cold win- indeed it is pointed to by Simeon in ter conditions at the beginning of February – candles were a the gospel account today when he says to Our Lady ‘a sword will source of much needed light and warmth. People didn’t simply pierce your own soul too’. Fr Navone shows us that because of receive candles in church; they brought domestic candles to be the Cross we can use failure to good effect on the path to resur- blessed by the priest and would use them during the year in their rection and new life: not by pretending that the failure isn’t real, homes to put in their windows during thunderstorms and to give nor by accepting evil and ‘moving on’, but finding new opportu- to people to hold if they were praying around the bed of a dying nities to witness to truth and light. family member. In England Candlemas ceremonies (like so much When Pope Francis was elected in 2013 it became clear that Fr else) were abolished at the Reformation in the 16th century so this Navone’s book had been influential on him, so the book was re- tradition receded from public life until the nineteenth century. In printed and the author (who had never met the pope) added a new spite of anxieties, owing to the incident involving a lighted candle postscript in which he wrote at one point: ‘As the father of lies, at a carol service in our neighbouring parish of Addiscombe be- Satan the Adversary reigns where persons and nations live fore Christmas, we repeat this ancient ceremony before all Masses this weekend, walking with love to meet our Lord in his for self-glorfication in a state of self-idolatry, persons whose holy place. Traditionally Candlemas marked the end of the very lives secrete a life-lie.’ (p.182) The way of the cross, the Christmas season which is why here (and elsewhere) we keep the way of failure in the eyes of the world, stands in opposition to the crib in place until today. way of Satan, the way of people and nations who glorify them- When Simeon used these words a lot in his world must have selves, who indulge in self-worship; this is all about lies and seemed rather dark. The Temple itself was controlled by a corrupt falsehood. The truth of Catholic teaching, which should guide us priesthood in hock to the Herodian quisling monarchy and the in the whole of our lives, shows us, and our nation, a better way occupying Romans; there was a lot about Temple worship and to live. The Church teaches unequivocally that nations should the Temple ‘establishment’ which the great prophets of the Old work together in solidarity, that our sovereignty and independ- Testament would have forcefully denounced. When we feel we ence is never unqualified or absolute, that countries should not be are in periods of darkness and gloom, it is important that we are selfish or self-seeking. That message is part of how we seek to able too to greet the Lord Jesus as our true light, to keep us from offer guidance in the search for truth in the world, and the mes- the sin of despair, and many of us will feel this over this week- sage continues to be true after this weekend; as we saw on end. In the talk we had on Catholic Social Teaching on Wednes- Wednesday part of how we need to impart this message is a call day evening I alluded to an important book which Pope Francis to repentance. has found very helpful in his pastoral ministry as a priest and bishop in Argentina – Triumph through Failure - A Theology of the Cross (1984) by the Jesuit theologian John Navone. In the Preparation for the Rededication of England CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY as the Dowry Mary. The CYM Careers Fair will return for a third year In addition to the celebration of ‘The God who speaks’ – The on Saturday 8th February from 11.30-2pm at St James Year of the Word, which began last year, the Catholic Bishops of the Great Church, Petts Wood. Come and take part in England and Wales have invited us to participate in the prepara- tions for the rededication of England to God as Our Lady’s ‘mock interviews’, receive one-to-one careers advice from Dowry. We can do this individually, as a family, as a parish and industry professionals, find out about the range of oppor- as a country. tunities relating to modern day apprenticeships, peer ministry and GAP year opportunities and receive practical But what is a dowry? We have a tendency to think of it as a tips to help craft the perfect CV. We encourage you to transfer of property by a bride’s family to the family of her new husband. However, in Medieval English law the meaning was reserve tickets to receive updates on the contrib- almost the opposite. The husband would offer a portion of his utors for 2020 and special workshop sessions for estate to support his wife should he die first. This was the early popular industries. Don’t miss out - reserve your understanding of England as the Dowry of Mary – England has place now by visiting our website: been set apart for Mary. http://www.bromleydeanery.org/career-fair-08-02-2020/ or The programme for this year is as follows: through Eventbrite by searching ‘cymcareerfair’. th CYM Musical ‘The Crusader’ – Audition dates (15 & 1 January 2020 The Bishops have made a formal public state- nd ment of the intention to rededicate England as Mary’s Dowry. We 22 February) have been invited to pray the Angelus every day. As part of the CYM programme we will be putting on a new, original musical! ‘The Crusader’ is about a young 21 February We are invited to begin a 33 day retreat at home in Knight, who, on his return from the Third Crusade with preparation for a personal consecration to Jesus through Mary following the method of St Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort as King Richard the Lionheart, is delayed on his journey and presented in Michael Gaitly’s ’33 Days of Morning Glory’ and to presumed to be dead, yet survives to undergo a conver- make a personal act of consecration on the Feast of the Annun- sion of heart leading him to turn away from violence and ciation, 25th March. warfare. There are many characters, sub-plots, fun-filled 19-21 March The statue of Our Lady of Walsingham has been drama and action in this project that has strong themes of touring all the cathedrals since June 2018. We are invited to take faith and forgiveness Although ideally suited to Years 9,10 part in the final visit of the Dowry Tour at Westminster 19-21 and 11, we encourage all young people and members of March, (the 19th is the Feast of St Joseph, spouse of the Blessed the deanery community with a passion for music, acting, Virgin Mary). singing and stage production to get involved in this excit- More dates will follow throughout the year. My apologies for the ing production which we hope to perform in mid-late lateness of some of this information.
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