Oecologia Australis 19(1): 47-62, 2015 10.4257/oeco.2015.1901.04 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE WATER OPOSSUM CHIRONECTES MINIMUS: A REVIEW Fernando A. S. Fernandez1*, Maron Galliez1,2, Melina de Souza Leite1,3, Thiago Lopes Queiroz1 and Ana Filipa Palmerim1 1 Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, 373, Prédio do CCS, Bloco A. 21941-902. 2 Present address: Departamento de Biologia e Biotecnologia, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Rua Senador Furtado, 121-125. 20270-021. 3 Present address: Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Rua do Matão 321, Travessa 14. 05508-090. E-mails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT We reviewed information about the natural history of the water opossum Chironectes minimus and brought new data on a population studied in Atlantic Forest streams of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The study was carried out from October 2004 to February 2011 using capture- -mark-recapture and radiotelemetry techniques. We obtained 127 captures of 43 individuals, and 439 nocturnal locations of 13 individuals. Between July 2006 and October 2007 the po- pulation density varied between 0.11 e 0.73 ind./km of river. The overall sex ratio of captured individuals was biased towards males by 3.5:1. Adult males had a mean weight 24% greater than adult females. Young individuals were captured throughout the year, except in August, September and November. Water opossum presented a unimodal activity pattern, with activity increasing after sunset and decreasing thereafter along the night. Their activity patterns were influenced by sex and season. Home lengths varied from 870 to 5,860 m. We observed a high home length overlap between individuals, except among females. Water opossum abundance was higher in wide rivers with high tree density in the riverbank. Their resting sites were placed in river banks with well preserved and forested vegetation, evenly located in rocky substrate, in root systems within terricolous soil or in a mixture of the three different types of substrate (i.e. rocks, roots and soil). Although water opossum is a semi-aquatic species, it presents a lot of similarities with the terrestrial opossums, like sexual dimorphism, poliginic/promiscuous mating system, and nocturnal habits. Like other opossums, habitat loss and transformation are major issues for the conservation of this species. Keywords: activity patterns; demography; habitat selection; resting sites; spatial patterns. INTRODUCTION had such a role. The first time one of us (FASF) ever heard of a strange animal Rui Cerqueira, to whom this special called the water opossum Chironectes issue pays homage, has inspired minimus (Zimmermann 1780) (Figure hundreds of scientific studies and 1), was from Rui. The fascination was careers in Brazilian mastozoology and so great that FASF went to the mammal mammal ecology. In this case, however, collection at Museu Nacional, in Rio de he probably has never realized that he Janeiro, moved only by the curiosity to 48 Natural History of the Water Opossum Figure 1. Water opossum Chironectes minimus with radiocollar from our 7-year project in southeast Brazil. see an animal that should be fantastic webbed hind paws; a slightly flattened even as preserved skins – and it was. At tail that could help swimming; and a the time, to study the water opossum’s marsupial pouch in the female with ecology looked like a distant dream. But the entrance directed backwards and distant dreams sometimes come true as with a muscular sphincter to keep it well, and this is why this paper is here. watertight. The female can actually By the time of that first contact, in swim underwater with the young in her the early eighties, the water opossum or pouch, just as in a submarine. Even more yapok was an utterly unknown species, extraordinary, the male also has a pouch, and its short, speculative account in which protects the scrotum from low Mammalian Species (Marshall 1978) water temperatures. Nevertheless, little reflected this situation. What was was known about the water opossum’s known on its anatomy revealed a truly natural history, and next to nothing extraordinary animal. Water opossum is about its population ecology (Marshall the world’s only semi-aquatic marsupial 1978, Nowak 1999). (Nowak 1999), and morphological Water opossums occur in water studies had shown that it had a striking bodies from southern Mexico to northern collection of unique adaptations. These Argentina (Nowak 1999, Ardente et al. include a sixth finger in the forepaws, 2013). Most studies that mention the derived from the wrist bone, which water opossum to date merely record served as an opposable thumb; fully its presence in faunistic surveys, with a Oecol. Aust., 19(1): 47-62, 2015 Fernandez et al. 49 few morpho-physiological and genetic present previously unpublished data, studies, and a few on its behavior in in order to provide for the first time a captivity (Nowak 1999). There had comprehensive account of the population not been a single study purposefully ecology of the water opossum. Besides, designed to study water opossum’s we present additional information from demography, spatial patterns or habitat other studies when available and discuss selection, because of methodological the improvement in knowledge on water limitations. Water opossums are not opossum population ecology along the usually captured in common small last decade. mammal live traps, therefore available Demography knowledge was based on occasional information on individuals accidentally The only study on water opossum captured during studies with other demography was carried out in streams purposes. This situation started to of northern Rio de Janeiro state (Galliez change in 2003, when Vinícius Bressiani et al. 2009, Queiroz 2011). The main and Maurício Graipel developed an rivers studied were Águas Claras and effective method for capturing water Gaviões Rivers, two tributaries of opossums (see Bressiani and Graipel the São João River, one of the most 2008). With the development of this important watercourses in Rio de Janeiro method, the opportunity appeared to State, south-eastern Brazil (Figure 2). make true FASF’s old dream. In 2004, A capture-mark-recapture study was we started a study on the population carried out with 60 monthly trapping ecology of the water opossum in sessions (except when high water levels Atlantic Forest streams at Northern prevented us using the capture method, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study see below) in streams of Águas Claras lasted until early 2011, and resulted in and Gaviões Basins, within the period the first detailed information published from October 2004 to January 2011. on the water opossum spatial patterns, Each trapping sessions comprised five reproduction, activity patterns, habitat consecutive nights. Trap stations were selection and conservation (Galliez et placed in favorable river sites where the al. 2009, Galliez and Fernandez 2012, animals could be directed through dams Galliez et al. 2012, Leite et al. 2013). to pass through the traps, following the The objective of this article is to method of Bressiani and Graipel (2008). review what is presently known on For more detailed sampling and trapping population ecology of water opossum. methods, see Galliez et al. (2009) and As there have been so far few other Queiroz (2011). studies on the water opossum’s ecology, In the whole study (Galliez et al. we review mostly the data from our own 2009, Queiroz 2011, plus unpublished project. We provide a synthesis of all the data), 135 captures of 49 individuals of results of our 7-years study on population water opossum were obtained, including ecology in Atlantic Forest streams. We 38 males (101 captures) and 11 females update published information and (34 captures), with a total sampling Oecol. Aust., 19(1): 47-62, 2015 50 Natural History of the Water Opossum Figure 2. Location of study area in Brazil and in Rio de Janeiro State (left); São João Basin, with the studied rivers and tributaries (right). Values are Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. effort of 5,926 trapnights. The sex Rocha 2000) were captured in all ratio of individuals was strongly biased months except August, September and toward males in Águas Claras Basin November. (37:9). However, there was no evidence Due to a low capture rate, we could of a similar pattern in the Gaviões Basin only model water opossum’s demography (1:2). Adult males had a mean weight in Águas Claras Basin between July of 470g (355-620 g, n = 20) and they 2006 and October 2007, when capture weighed 24% more than adult females success was about 5%. We obtained (mean weight = 379 g, 250-425 g, 54 captures of 17 individuals (Queiroz n = 6; Linear models selection: “Sex 2011; Leite unpublished data). With effects model”: number of model these data, we performed a model parameters k = 3, AICc = 303.7, Akaike selection in MARK (White and Burnham weigth wi = 0.921; “Null model”: 1999), using Robust Design (Pollock number of model parameters k = 2, AICc 1982). Model parameters were estimated = 308.6, Akaike weigth wi = 0.079; by maximum likelihood and models Figure 3). Females with pouch young were compared by Akaike Information or swollen mammae were captured in Criteria corrected for small samples January, March and from August to (AICc; Burnham and Anderson 2002). In November. The number of pouch young the best model, water opossum’s survival varied between one and four (mean was negatively influenced by variation in = 3.1, n = 9). Juveniles (individuals monthly rainfall (Leite unpublished data; with deciduous premolars, based on Table 1), and capture rate was bigger Oecol.
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