THE DAILY NEWSPAPER OF THE OZORIAN TRIBE FREE * 4 PAGES SUNDAY AUGUST, 2012 ozorafestival.eu spiced with some dark humor in vaudeville style. The spectacu- lar juggling, acrobatic, trapeze and burlesque dance performers Circus Arts at O.Z.O.R.A. are the s-cream of the international underground circus life.The characters of the performance keep their masks on even after AT THIS YEAR’S FESTIVAL THE their show, mingling with the MODERN CIRCUS ARTS GOT A SPE- audience and further building CIAL SPACE. INTERNATIONALLY the atmosphere, so anything FAMOUS AND PROFESSIONAL CIR- can happen anywhere at any CUS AND JUGGLING GROUPS ARE time! PERFORMING AT THE OPENING CEREMONY AND ON DIFFERENT A new stage at the festival is the STAGES OF THE FESTIVAL. Firespace, this is a project from Germany essentially an open space for fire dancers and fire On the main stage legendary fire jugglers, supports a diversity of artists, like Magma Fire Theather, fire arts. Moreover, we regard Flame Flowers, Firebirds, Freak Fu- Fire Space as a cultural space, sion Cabaret, Anamintas Fire The- allowing for inspiration and in- ather, Mietar, Spark Firedance, Los teraction seeks the best condi- Del Fuego and Firesthetic are pre- tions for audience and artists, senting their new and special proj- as well as for environment and ects. It is also an important mission material. The space is open for us to teach the flow arts. We from dusk till dawn, come by hold and held workshops, where with your fire gear and spin people can try out all kinds of body with us or just sit down around manipulation, circus, juggling and the circle and enjoy the show! acrobatic arts with experienced trainers and safe equipments. At We hope we could make your nighttime in the Pyramid the Freak festival more colurfull, we had Fusion Cabaret’s team, who are also lots of fun performing here, organisers of the circus programs at you were a great audience, the festival, are waiting for the au- thank you! dience with an extraordinary show. Freak Fusion Cabaret was first held in 2010, as part of a charity event to raise funds for the renovation and development of the Juggler Dis- O.Z.O.R.A. is a phenomenon that carries many values, experiences and meanings trict. Since the unfortunate shut down of the Tűzraktér, a large pro- and you Ozorians make it strong and beautiful as it is. portion of the Juggler District has moved to the R33, where they have This year among you was a couple who found each other at this very site a year established the INspiral Movement Studio. ago, in this valley where, as Amina says, she felt her life was saved...The Swedish couple, Amina and Martin married here at the 2011 festival in Ozora and they are Due to popular demand, the INspiral team have made new steps here again, celebrating their love, their marriage and anniversary, and values that forward, and have are more and more precious in this day and age surrounding us. Amina says that restated their goal – to paint the country’s underground scene in she has been to many festivals around the world and she has also been coming to entirely new colours with their unique fusion of music and cir- Ozora for years - she feels this is the most wonderful place to be at with its peace, cus elements, while creating an experimental open platform for acceptance and freedom, not experienced like this elsewhere. alternative circus arts. This ever-growing palette of circus, mu- Martin and Amina are an example for us, an example of how O.Z.O.R.A. is im- sic, visual and movement elements promises to introduce entirely portant. new and colourful forms of art entertainment. The performance We are happy for and with you! Lots of love! brings to life the mystical world of past century traveling circuses 2 With her shaved head and seven-octave range, Sainkho first brought her to the West in 1990, although her first record- MAGIC GARDEN NEWS Namtchylak would stand out on any stage. Add her particular ed exposure came with the Crammed Discs compilation Out mix of Tuvan throat-singing and avant-garde improvisation, of Tuva. Once Communism had collapsed, she moved to Vi- and she becomes an unforgettable figure. The daughter of a enna, making it her base, although she traveled widely, work- Tower’s Yard pair of schoolteachers, she grew up in an isolated village on the ing in any number of shifting groups and recording a number Tuvan/Mongolian border, exposed to the local overtone sing- of discs that revolved around free improvisation -- not unlike 16:00 – Guriga Puppet Company - Moon upon a time - show ing -- something that was generally reserved for the males; in Yoko Ono -- as well as performing around the globe. It was and workshop fact, females were actively discouraged from learning it (even definitely fringe music, although Namtchylak established her- now, the best-known practitioners remain male, artists like self very firmly as a fixture on that fringe. In 1997 she was the Dragon Nest Huun-Huur-Tu and Yat-Kha). However, she learned much of victim of an attack that left her in a coma for several weeks. her traditional repertoire from her grandmother, and went on Initially she thought it was some divine retribution for her cre- 12:00 – THE BHAKTAS w. David Swaroup (hang) and Matnes to study music at the local college, but she was denied profes- ative hubris, and seemed to step back when she recorded 1998’s (didgeridoo) Concert sional qualifications. Quietly she studied the overtone singing, Naked Spirit, which had new age leanings. However, by 2000 as well as the shamanic traditions of the region, before leav- she seemed to have overcome that block, releasing Stepmother The Bhaktas concept started around the City, her most accessible work to date, where year 2003 recording some Bhajans CDs she seemed to really find her stride, mixing with dada Devavratananda to Support traditional Tuvan instruments and singing some charity projects. Recently the Bhak- with turntables and effects, placing her in a tas are back focusing on touring the world, creative firmament between Yoko and Björk, playing live electronic Bhajans concerts at but with the je ne sais quoi of Mongolia as Alternative, Spiritual and Yoga festivals. part of the bargain. The Bhaktas are playing traditional indian mantra bhajans and chants in a contempo- 22:00 – UZGIN ÜVER Concert rary electronic style. The Bhaktas follow the Yogic teachings of Ananda Marga. Uzgin Üver was formed in 1991 in Kecske- met, Hungary. The name itself is the name of The Bhaktas are opening a new way of a Mongolian settlement, where an ancient sa- heartful cosmic meditation music, that cred burial ground was discovered. It means bridges traditional vedic songs with mod- something like ‘dry desert area’, ‘poor harvest’. ern sound worlds. Their concerts are pure Our aim from the beginning has been to cre- joy and ecstasy and unite the heart and ate a unique blend of the folk music of differ- soul. ent nations, using old and new instruments, sounds and tunes. 18:00 – Fatima Gozlan & Judit Virág orien- From the Carpathian Basin to Mongolia, we tal tribal experience are working with balkan, turkish, iranian and armenian melodies in our mind. But our 2 Female , 2 original ancient women’s tribal songs are not transcriptions, we create our performance, based on the words; sufi, sha- own music. Further influences are jazz and man and postmodern. rock, breakbeat and dub, the contemporary Judit Virág is a lead delegate ofl the tribal and the ancient music equally. bellydance sciene in Hungary nearly 10 The music is almost entirely instrumental, years from now. Her dance is powerfull even the human voice is used as an instru- feminin and earthy with full of fire! Her ment. Some characteristic instruments are: goal is not temptation, but the recandeling sax, clarinet, different kinds of flute, zurna, of our inner force of Ying energies. Fatima kaval, duduk, jew’s harp, bagpipes, violin, Gozlan is a regular preformer of drum fes- drums, percussions, electric guitar, sampler, tivals. She has a natural gift of a real sha- HD-recorder and Tuva-style vocal. man; playing on several oriental drums and flutes her style is as divine as sexy and 00:00 – All Star Fire Gala combines many different elements of music and effects. Grandious Fire Show with the fire artists of The show promises a great visual and musi- Ozora cal experience from another planet. Chambok House 18:15 – KIKELET Concert Kikelet is oriental fusion band founded in 17:00 – Tas Bognár - Psychoinformatics - Un- 2010. They play magical sufi based eastern derstanding and using our third eye music with reed flute and oud. You can discover elements from reggae, pop and jazz music, ing for study further in Moscow (Tuva was, at that time, part Wheel of Wisdom but they always stay faithfull to the Middle East. Kikelet is a of the U.S.S.R.). Her degree completed, she returned to Tuva 14:00 – Lecture: journey to the world of arabic misticizm. where she became a member of Sayani, the Tuvan state folk Above - Universal Consciousness ensemble, before abandoning it to return to Moscow and join- Below - Earth Consciousness 20:00:00 SAINKHO NAMTCHYLAK Concert ing the experimental Tri-O, where her vocal talents and sense Center - Consciousness aware of Itself of melodic and harmonic adventure could wander freely. That 15:00 – Concluding Ritual WEATHER FORECAST The Labyrinth SUNDAY 10 AUGUST 22°C (72°F) NIGHT 9°C (48°F) I HOPE YOU HAVE KEPT THE LABYRINTH’S HEARTS THROBBING WITH YOUR CARE AND LOVE.
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