REPORREPORTT OFOF THETHE COMMITTEECOMMITTEE ON REVIEW OF THE SCHEME "PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANISATION FOR IN-SITU MANAGEMENT OF CROP RESIDUE IN STATES OF PUNJAB, HARYANA, UTTAR PRADESH AND NCT OF DELHI" GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE) KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI NEW DELHI, MAY 2019 CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ) CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT CONTENTS Chapter Subject Page No. Number I Introduction 1 II Assessment of the Problems. 4 III Measures by the Government of India to reduce Crop Residue Burning. 8 IV Assessment of the Scheme 16 V Assessment and impact of the machinery use by the farmers & Assessment of the benefits accrued to the farmers. 30 VI Paddy Varieties for Promoting Better Straw Management 36 VII Crop Diversification 42 VIII Observations from the Field 47 IX Use of crop Residue 52 X Summary & Recommendations 56 Annexure - I to Annexure - XVI 59 to 84 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ) CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT REPORT ON CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Paddy straw burning is practiced in 1.3 The State Governments and the Punjab, Haryana & Uttar Pradesh to Government of India have taken a clear the fields for Rabi Crop sowing number of steps in the past to during October/November i.e persuade farmers to stop burning mainly wheat and potato, because crop residue. Notifications banning the time window available between burning of crop residue, subsidy to the harvesting of paddy crop and farmers to acquire farm machinery the sowing of next crop is very that could promote in-situ crop short (2-3 weeks).Use of paddy residue management, use of paddy straw as fodder is limited due to high straw in power plants and other silica content. industries have also been taken on hand. However, in view of the limited impact of these measures, the 1.2 The poor air quality in the NCR Government of India in the year 2018 region, especially during winter decided to launch a Central Sector months and the impact of crop S c h e m e o n “ Pr o m o t i o n o f residue burning (Paddy Straw) during Agricultural Mechanization for in- October-November period every year situ management of crop residue in has been a matter of grave concern. the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar It is estimated that about 80% of Pradesh and NCT of Delhi". The Delhi's pollution is due to vehicular scheme was rolled out in April 2018. emission, construction, industrial The scheme provided for higher level pollution,dust etc. within the of subsidy to farmers for purchasing a national capital's limits. However, bouquet of machineries for in-situ stubble (paddy straw) burning is an crop residue management. Subsidy episodic (seasonal) problem which of 50% of the cost of machines to contributes to the surge in pollution individual farmers and 80% for in Delhi during the Paddy Harvesting Cooperative Societies, Farmers' season i.e. November-December. Its Interest Groups and other collectives contribution to poor air quality of of farmers was provided to reduce Delhi is estimated between 25% to their financial burden. The scheme 30% on the days when stubble also provided assured market for burning peaks in Punjab and these machineries so that machinery Haryana. It severely affects the air manufacturers could ramp up their quality in Punjab and Haryana and production facilities. Stringent also damages soil health which quality control norms were impacts agricultural productivity. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE 1 (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ) CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT prescribed for these machines and Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Rural monitored by different institutions of Development and currently Head, the State Governments, Universities Centre for Poverty Studies and Social and Central Govt. Institutions. States Registry, NIRD&PR, Ministry of Rural were provided funding to take up IEC Development, Govt. of India. The activities, including field demonstr- other members of the committee ations. The entire funding for the were, Additional Chief Secretary/ scheme was provided by the Govt. of Principal Secretary (Agriculture) of India. Government of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, Deputy Director 1.4 National Green Tribunal (NGT), General (Engg.), ICAR,and Joint Principal Bench, New Delhi took Secretary(M&T), DAC&FW as the cognizance of some of the newspaper Convener. Office order regarding the reports in original application constitution of committee is at No.666/2018 of Smt. Ganga Lalwani Annexure-I. The Terms of Reference V/s. Union of India and Ors. which (ToRs) of the committee were as indicated that crop residue burning under: was still rampant in Punjab and Haryana and directed Chief Secretaries of States of Punjab, (i) Assessment of the numbers of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of machinery distributed in States Delhi to communicate to the court of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar strategic plan and action to prevent Pradesh under the Central Sector crop residue burning. The NGT in its Scheme of in-situ crop residue order on 15.11.2018 directed the management . Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India to (ii) Assessment and impact of the continue to monitor the steps in machinery use by the farmers. continuation of its meeting held on 14.11.2018 and furnish a status (iii) Assessment of the benefits report to the Tribunal on or before accrued to the farmers. 30.04.2019. (iv) Recommending the area specific varieties of paddy crops for the 1.5 The Government of India, Ministry of areas where crop burning is Agriculture and Farmers Welfare higher . vide order dated 19.11.2018 constituted a committee to look in (v) Suggesting alternative more to the issue of crop residue remunerative and advantageous burning and make an assessment of industrial use of crop residue in the implementation and impact of respective States. the Central Sector Scheme initiated in the year 2018 for crop residue (vi) Recommending other inputs, for management. The Committee was making long term policy for headed by Dr. Nagesh Singh, former, preventing crop residue burning. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE 2 (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ) CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT 1.6 The first meeting of the committee issues of crop diversification, and was held on 13.12.2018 at promotion of paddy varieties of Chandigarh. The minutes of the which massive convey and have meeting are at Annexure-II. Thereafter, the Committee members lower straw production. The minutes /representatives of the members of of the meeting are at Annexure-IV. the committee visited Ludhiana, Sangrur and Patiala districts of 1.8 The committee again visited Punjab, rd Punjab and Karnal, Kurukshetra & Haryana on 22-23 March and held Panipat districts in Haryana during extensive discussions whih farmers in Hisar, Sirsa and Fatehabad districts in 13-15 December 2018. During this Haryana and Bathinda, Sangrur and visit the committee discussed the Ludhiana districts in Punjab. The issues with various farmer groups and committee also interacted with also interacted with machinery Sarpanches, Cooperative Society manufacturers in Punjab and members and a few Farmer Haryana and reviewed their Producer Organizations (FPOs). The preparedness to supply these list of villages visited by the machines on time to farmers in the Committee is at Annexure-V. 2019-20 seasons. The after sales 1.9 The report of the committee is based service provided by the manufactu- on information gathered by the rers to the farmers was also noted. committee members during their The list of villages and factories visits to Punjab and Haryana and visited by the committee are at materials supplied by the State Annexure-III. governments. We are constrained to point out that there was no 1.7 The Committee met scientists from participation from Uttar Pradesh in ICAR, faculty members of the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and the Committee Meetings. The report other officials from governments of is, therefore, mostly confined to the Punjab and Haryana on 30 t h situation in the Punjab and Haryana January,2019 to elicit their views on only. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE 3 (DEPTT. OF AGRICULTURE, COOPERATION & FARMERS WELFARE, KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI ) CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT CHAPTER - II ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEMS 2.1 Paddy straw burning is currently contain 80% of Nitrogen (N), 25% practiced on a large scale in Punjab of Phosphorus (P), 50% of Sulphur (S) & Haryana to clear the fields for Rabi and 20% of Potassium(K). If the crop Crop sowing i.e mainly wheat and residue is incorporated or retained in potato, because the time window the soil itself, it gets enriched, available between the harvesting of particularly with organic C and N. paddy crop (20th September to 15th November, depending upon the 2.4.2 Impact on soil properties: Heat from varieties of paddy) and the sowing of burning residues elevates soil next crop is very short (2-3 weeks). temperature causing death of Large scale burning takes place in beneficial soil organisms. Frequent a r e a s w h e r e f a r m e r s g r o w residue burning leads to loss of vegetables just after the harvesting microbial population and reduces of paddy. level of N and C in the top 0-15 cm 2.2 Burning of paddy straw is most soil profile, which is important for common in combine harvested fields crop root development. because it leaves harvested paddy straw and standing stubbles (25-30 2.4.3 Emission of green house and other cm height) in the field.
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