Chas. W. A McDowell, Resolved, Proceedings of the American State n. Junot, Blaiiton Duncan, That there shall be an Executive T. E. Dennis, John Farrah, E. M. Jiichardson. committee for the State f ,t large, to consistof the Louisville and WM. H. GRAY. THE COMMONWEALTH, Thomas Prathcr, Hamilton Pope. following persons, i t: V.K. Thomas, L. v. Frankfort and Lexington JAS. M. TODD At a preliminary meeting of the delegates of Fourth district J. D. Pope. F. B. : nes, T. G v Mieiey, L.. u. u eatu erl'ord. 'J'. C. I'omerov. li. and Frankfort Railroad party of Kentucky, held C. the American in the Morrison, R. Elston, W. Pope, Chas. Staneliff, J. Liming,, Jas. P. Ch iinh. i. , Joseph A. Giili i I of GRAY TODD, nil of the House Representatives at Frank Brent, D T. Monsarrat. G. Jas. 1'icklin, l',.-- s , John W. Griffy, 0. Sidney A. , and liianton fort, on the C7ih day of January, lc.-- J. B. II. C. D. Pennebaker, cm, and said OMNIBUS CONFECTIONERS AND DEALERS IN THOMAS iW. (JKHBS, l.dilor. Strattan, Charles Hart, commit tee sh ul power to ap- - fuHE wishes to informLIIE. Thornton was called to the Chair, and J. Q. A. Peter Amle, C. M. Thurston, Philip M. Victor, point a Secretary. X tUo cm.iiiis of and vi- - . u- nu if. - as. SATURDAY,::::::::::::::MNUAflY 3;., Ifibtj King and Andrew Monroe were appointed Secre- D. Forsyth, P. Taylor, P. Brown, A. Waller, J. -- Ul;lt it shall t,e the duty said tiuii, ui..i now riiiiiJiii reg- fine aocEii:.s or kini., of committee ular line cl Oinnibusu!, lo unii BC&i: taries. R. Bettison, W. Itagaii, J. A. B.iyne. to nave a general so i'roni Flue Tens, spices, I pervi.siou of the interests of Lli trains lroni Uuiinvilloand Lexington ruin, .uis, On motion of L. W. Andrews, Esq., a commit- H. S. the pa.-t- in FOR CLERK OF THE COURT OF APPEALS, Jessamine Ferguson, Richard Woods. the rita'ce. in coiim;cuuii wnn in 3uuie lie will Encrhsh and American Sauces nd Pickles, Havana Congressional in all ol' liie deliver baggage tee of one from each district was Kenton E. D. Southgate, C iry Allen, James Alter speeches by VV C. Anderson, Esq., Col. iata city. Cigars, Foreign and American .sweet Aleals, eV:c orders i. hi; l j.L GEORGE R. M.:KEE, appointed to report officers for the permanent or- Southgiii . W. L. Grant. A Madeira. John W. John W. Crockett, "E. D .lt ibe Capital Hotel, iinsion Southgate. Esq . Thos. House. ALSO ganization of the Convention. Menzies. M. Green, W . OF PULASKI COUNTY. and C. Wbitaker, Esq., the con- Ui tin aks,is a liberal ah :irR nf nnKlln ..... was as follows: a I'L'ItE OLD WI.VLS, BH A.M)I i Said committee Latrrence L. G. Moore. vention adjourned . Jan. M, li. J, J v lis, die.. 4c. the First district J Q A. of Livingston Q. A. King. OLD From King, J. CHILTON ALLEN. President. STAND, CORNER MAIN AN I. I.K W'l S SI RL'k'l S. CTRev. Cad. Lew is will preach in the Baptist McCracken. Lincoln?. II. Caldwell, J. W. Shelby, F. S. Andrew Monroe, 1 House and Lot for Sale or F RAJfKFO R T, A 1 . church in this citv, on Sunday next, (the 31st of From the Second Dis'rict Jas. F. Buckner, of Kaufman, W. 0. Hansford. Jno. iM., Rent. ketones. i.wi. i..,j.i.ilnT.r,u wisims to sell or rent his for. January,) at the usual hours for preaching. Christian. Larue V. P. Armstrong. M. T. Ciirisman, in South Frankfort. Apply to From the Third district Dr. David King, of Logan David King. Samuel C. Sanies. J Jan. -- n. t N. B. P. waeision fclven immediately. c. inrWe give up our editorial space in to day's Logan. Lyon J. Q. A. King. From the Fourtli district Wm. C. Anderson, Marion W. B. Harrison, J. G. Phillips, W. paper to the official report of the proceedings of OUGARS Prime New Orleans Sujrar, of Uovle. 1 i P A. Wathen. 8 A L 0 K J. THOMPSON, rriuie llavaniia.-suirar- the American Convention. We had expected to From the Fifth rfisij-fc- i Philip Lee, of Bul- Mercer J F. McKee, Thomas M. Burford, DouMe Retined L01J Suaar, J. DEALEK IX FIXE have published (his report on yesterday, but as litt. R. Tewmev. Cominon Small Loi.f Si.pur. Double Cru-li.-- From the Sixth district David Irvine, of Mad- Meade E. Brown. I?We are authorized to announce II. K. Mil- WINES, E Rellned Sugar, the Secretaries of the Convention failed to fur- 0. RANDIES. WHISKY, &c ViiriousqiiiibuesCrnslic.l Scrar. ison. Madison David Irvine, C. W. White, C. Field, ler, as a candidate for Jailer of Franklin coun- Prime Ja a Codec. nish us with their report, we have been obliged -- AXD IMPORTER , From the Seventh district Gibson Mallory, of Jr.. Wm. Halloway, J. H. Embree, William M. ty, at the ensuing August election. l,F THE CELEBRATED Prime Rio Coln-e- to depend upon a copy obtained from the Louis Jefferson. Irvine, VV. R. Letcher, J. M. Shaekleford, Superior Greet. J. Jan. 2G, te. Superior Black Tea, ville Journal. From the Eighth district Garrett Davis, of Shelby Irvine. JBouzy Champagne Superior Chockolate. Bouroon. Montgomery James McKee, G. W. Gist. No. 76, New ork ot Si. Louis Golileu Syruit, the Art Union i 11.1w1.vo. Wm. P. Fourth street, Old Blue. House, Sugar House For the Commonwealth. From Ninth district Harrison Taylor, of Maldenburg T. Mathews. Brannau the Molasses, Mason. M Plantation Molasses. Tax-Paye- Charles A. Marshall, Harmon Taylor, Artist proposes to dispose six LOUISVILLE, rs of Landscapes, RY. Mackerel in Barrels 10 . To of Frankfort. From the Tenth district John VV. Menzies, of Sal mel J. B. Jan. 25, 183 daw retail, Worthington, Herndon, Jasper S. beautifully framed, on the Art Union plan. In Mackerel in Barrels, '. It is proposed you assemble the court- Wil-ou- , that at Kenton. Edward Hord, II. S. Johnson. Mackerel in , Barrels St . audition, there will be a Kits, house 7 up- Mr. Davis reported officers, as fol M D. R. Haggard. seventh prize the por- Salmon and Herrings, in store and for subs Saturday night, at o'clock, to confer permanent 'nroe AT by lows, which report was concurred in: Nlsan W. L Harned. trait of the ticket holder which bears that num- COST! on a petition to the Legislature, to grant power Nov. 11, lf57. GRAY & TODD. Oldham William Maxev, Robert Mallory, R. ber. public . to the Council bank stock, rRKSIPENT, The aie respectfully invited to call MRS HERRENSMITH to tax bridge stock, M. G". Talialero, F. Barbour." W. Million, W. s'-- Hon. and the paintings, over Drs. Rodman & '.UILI. COMMENCE THE H DAY OF JANUARY KINK LIQUORS. stock in manufacturing companies, bonds held by CHILTON ALLEN. Rav, W. M. Wade, J. M. Blakemore tellu.g; ..est x Speed's office. variety articles of Ladies wear. citizens upon States, cities, towns, railroad and McCracken J. Q. A. King, J. I). McGoodwin. consisting in purl of OUPERJOR Old Whisky in uoltlesund on draught, VICK PRESIDENTS. O Fine liran uies in uml ou druuyht. Owen James Vallandingham, Henry Reynolds, January 23, 1'58. tf. turnpike companies, or persons, and all kinds of . 1st District J. Q. Kino, mid other Wines, on drauhl Lawrence Steele, Samuel Z. Herndon, W. B. and in boliies, property and estate not now taxed by the city 2d District J. B. Brunei!, Roberts, A. Holeman. y msien articles of vanom kinds. Hoop-skirt- quilted ScoUli and Irish Wli W. Kentucky , 3d District G. '!'. Edwards, Suite Agricultural Society. .. .. , ..nt-r- . JillllU' ill It'll m. government. To consider of amendments to the D. 1.1 one lama and si Powell C. Daniel. hose k a nd pi. kn.-t- gloves. Old 4th District W. 'I'. Ward, Agricultural Rooms, ,, Ladies caps. &c.. &c. J,e Whi'r, , city charter, and instruct the Council, what you Pulaski W. F. Scott, Cyrenius Wait. Frakfort.J 01 nu n win oe sold ai cos; (or Old .Vi;cUi.r 5th District V. P. Armstrong, January, 4, 1 cash until ihe last Wliiaks, Rowan L. WT, j As.ioru d wish done, and ask the Legislature to pass acts (ith District C. W .'White, Andrews. '' Iruiiih (ordiaU, HockcaslleW. C. Gillis The Board of Directors have this day adjourn .MAKGAKKT HEHREXSM1TH, BlackburiN L'irtij;il, R. Kr:.,it-fr.r- to suit you. EQUAL TAXATION. Ttii District Mai.lorv, r.aslsioe Si. Hair street. i . Kv Amuse le Cordial, Russell W. P. Pavne. ed to meet again at this place on the -- d I v.. Mh District li. A. Buckner, second Jan. w . 31a raschi no Cordial, Jan. J9, 158. Scott Gano, G. B Atli District L. W. Andrews, S.F. Long, N. E. Martin, Wednesday in February next (llllh,) at which t'unisoa Coroia), Jesse Sinclair, Le Lucas. Holland Gin, 10th District It. Stowers. Grand time it is expected the Board will locate the Mr. Cusseilny's Lecture. Shelby W. Brown, L. Caldwell, T. B. next Notice to the Public. .Schiiiedam hchiiajips. Foraalo u Tho. J. Nov. 11, State Fair, make out the 1 1.1, persons lr57. GRAY At We take sincere pleasure in publishing the secretaries. Cochrane, Josephus Wilson, W C. Bullock. Ben. premium list, etc. are torewnnied not to credit any person 10UD. Standiford. Stephen Miles, J. W.Gill, J.
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