sustain their numbers. Buffon's Macaw: Appendix I. Threatened Parrots Sometimes confused with the Mili­ tary Macaw. See A.F.A. Watchbird Oct/Nov 1986 and Dec/Jan 1990 for ofthe Neotropics clarification. These birds are seri­ by Nigel J. Col/ar ously declining throughout their International Council for Bird Preservation range in Central America. Captive Cambridge, United Kingdom breeding is desperately needed. Green-winged Macaws: Appen­ dix 11. Still being brought into the U.S. Parrots as Problems the deletion of Yellow-sided Parakeet The wild caught birds have proven Parrots are colourful, vegetarian, Pyrrhura hypoxantha (an invalid difficult to breed. Better success is playful and mimetic, so people find species), the relegation of Yellow­ possible utilizing captive bred birds them attractive, easy to keep, com­ faced Amazon Amazona xanthops to for breeding. panionable and entertaining. In popu­ near-threatened status, the promotion Hyacinth Macaws: Appendix I. lar consciousness, they are the most from near-threatened status of White­ Current population is estimated at high-profile of birds, commonly fea­ headed Amazon Amazona leuco­ 2500 to 5000 total population. lllegal tured in advertisements that seek to cephala, and the addition of El Oro trade continues to decimate their assert the tropical authenticity of a Parakeet Pyrrhura orcesi, Fuertes' population. Further captive breeding product, and often humourised in Hapalopsittaca fuertesi and Fire­ is necessary to maintain adequate cartoon form to assure the conviv­ eyed Parrots H. pyrrhops, Blue­ amounts ofbirds. iality of and complicity in the experi­ cheeked Amazona dufresniana and Military Macaws: Appendix I. ence the product offers. Alder Amazons A. tucumana. Disappearing and threatened It is all the more curious, then, that Currently, therefore, ICBP considers throughout their range due to con­ scientifically parrots remain so little 42 neotropical parrot species at risk. tinued illegal trade. More captive known. The truth is, however, that All but one of these species are dis­ breeding is currently needed. for all their colour and noise, parrots tributed within six general areas, as Red Fronted Macaws: Appendix are highly cryptic (being mostly follows. Central America (Mexico) I. Recently discovered in the 1910s, green) and capable of long periods of holds four (Thick-billed Parrot only a small population estimated to silence, feeding invisibly in the high Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha, be below 5000 remains in the wild. crowns of trees, and when they fly it Maroon-fronted Parrot R. terrisi, Serious avicultural attention needs to is often with such speed or over such Red-crowned Amazon Amazona be given to this species. distances as to prohibit further obser­ viridigenalis and Socorro Conure Scarlet Macaws: Appendix I. vation. These factors discourage rig­ Aratinga brevipes)j the Caribbean Several different wing patch color orous study to obtain quantitative holds seven (Cuban Conure Aratinga variations have been noted. One with dataj so we have many major gaps in euops, White-headed Amazon a wide band of yellow on the wing, our understanding of the ecology and Amazona leucocephala, Puerto one with emerald green as well as biology of the family in general and Rican Amazon A. vittata, St. Lucia yellow on the wing, and a third vari­ almost all ofits individual members. Amazon A. versicolor, Red-necked ety with royal blue on the yellow The majority of the world's 330­ Amazon A. arausiaca, St. Vincent wing patch. Breeding the variations odd parrot species are indeed found Amazon A. guildingii, Imperial separately would be appropriate. in tropical regions, and most of this Amazon A. imperialis); the lowland Conclusion majority are tropical forest dwellers, forests of northern South America Captive propagation allows the the lowlands being especially rich in hold four (Golden Conure Guaruba aviculturist a unique chance to con­ species. Although dispersed widely guarouba, Pearly Parakeet Pyrrhura tribute scientific data on macaws. through the Pacific Ocean and Old perlata, Blue-cheeked Amazon Using computers to analyze weight World in general, the parrots reach Amazona dufresniana, Yellow­ records and other data, artificial incu­ their maximum diversity in South shouldered Amazon A. barbadensis)j bation, photography and personal America, Southeast Asia and Austra­ the Andes of northwestern South observation, aviculturists can contri­ lia. ICBP's preliminary checklist of America hold 11 (Golden-plumed bute otherwise difficult-to-obtain the threatened birds of the world, information. The last 20 years has Birds to watch (1988), treated no seen monumental achievements by fewer than 71 parrot species (21.5% Bird private aviculturists in breeding most of the family) as at risk of extinction, Pet and Supplies of the 17 species of macaws. The and listed a further 29 as near­ Retailers - creative variety of breeding tech­ threatened (birds in this second cate­ niques has contributed to successful gory were either genuine borderline did you know that one ofthe breeding. Continued advances in cases or species considered most vul­ most prestigious bird publications, avian medicine create an environ­ nerable to future decline). Hence no The Watchbird ment ripe for future progress and fewer than 100 (30% of the family's is available for resale success. total 330 species) were identified as in your store? It is the hope of aviculturists to giving cause for concern or worse. Call or write for information: create genetically viable captive Threatened species lists are always American Federation of Aviculture breeding stock, so that in the future, subject to change, and that in Birds to p.o. Box 56218 release of captive reared birds into an Watch was intended for regular Phoenix, AZ 85079-6218 ecologically sound environment will update. Subsequent information has (602) 484-0931 be possible. • led to some adjustments, involving afa WATCHBIRD 43 Conure Leptosittaca branickii, Amazona viridigenalis (confined to BAUER.SMITH Yellow-eared Conure Ognorbyncbus lowland gallery forest and dry open R~/iQbk PT~cision Tools icterotis, EI Oro Parakeet Pyrrbura pine-oak ridges extending up the fOT tM Aviculturist orcesi, White-necked Parakeet P Sierra Madre Oriental) require effec­ Candlelux Lights $25.00 albipectus, Flame-winged Parakeet P. tive key site conservation for their Geudc, "II-oafo bead cover -2500 candIc: power Zenon bulb s_-oe·tbe·ort 0ptiaI with fOClLling bead. Airaaft·grado cal/iptera, Rufous-fronted Parakeet longterm survival. At present it is not AJumimun body with wiping action, puah button awitdl Bolborbyncbus ferrugineifrons, clear which are the optimal areas, but Feather Shears $18.00 Grey-cheeked Parakeet Brotogeris meanwhile the prospects for these SenaIicd b1acloa for c1oau, COIIlrOUed 1rimming pyrrbopterus, Spot-winged Parrotlet birds could be further enhanced Thermometers Touit stictoptera, Rusty-faced Parrot through the development of wildlife­ Di.1 c:alibntablo, ac:a1ed,w/cupclip 25-125· F $24.00 Hapalopsittaca amazonina, friendly forestry practices that take Glass ASTM 18F 94-108" F $24.00 Fuertes' Parrot H. fuertesi, Fire-eyed better account of their feeding and Wavicide-Ol quarts $ 10.00 gallons $28.00 Parrot H. pyrrbops; on its own in the nesting requirements (although R. Handfeed Starter Kit $49.95 Andean foothills ofArgentina is Alder terrisi nests in cliffs). CooIaioa: Dial Tbormomotl:r, Fonnula WhUk, Watl:r Bath Amazon Amazona tucumana); the Aratinga brevipes clearly stands to SyriDJoa Kil(3cc, Sa: lOa:, 6Oa:), PyJex Mouun: Cup, 2 Lbo. HaDdfood Fonnula, Baby CIa... Sponge:a. interior savanna lowlands hold six benefit from current interest in a (Hyacinth Macaw Anodorbyncbus comprehensive recovery programme BETTER BIRD PRODUCTS byacintbinus, Glaucous Macaw A. for the Revillagigedos Islands. PO BOX 789 FAIRFAX, CA 94930 [415]454-6979 glaucus, Indigo Macaw A. leari, Little ~ ORDERS ONLY: 1-800-487·6959 ',.,1 I~ wholesale customers welcome l~!L~~_ Blue Macaw Cyanopsitta spixii, Caribbean Blue-throated Macaw Ara glaucogu­ The rainforest on the northern laris, Red-fronted Macaw A. rubro­ slope of Morne Diablotin in genys); and the Atlantic forest region Dominica is now the last refuge of of Brazil (sometimes with adjacent Amazona imperialis and A. arau­ areas of Paraguay and Argentina) siaca (60 to 100 and 200 individuals holds nine (Golden-capped Conure remaining respectively). A small but Aratinga auricapilla, Blue-chested critically important part of this forest, Parakeet Pyrrbura cruentata, Brown­ due for logging, was acquired by backed Parrotlet Touit melanonota, ICBP, RARE and the government of Golden-tailed Parrotlet T. surda, Dominica in 1989. On St. Lucia Red-spectacled Amazon Amazona and St. Vincent, the forest habitat of pretrei, Red-tailed Amazon A. brasil­ the Amazons A. versicolor and A. iensis, Red-browed Amazon A. guildingii respectively is well rbodocorytba, Vinaceous Amazon A. protected by recent government vinacea, Purple-bellied Parrot initiatives. Triclaria malacbitacea). It is prudent to regard these four The areas in question are massive, species as still vulnerable, however and sympatric occurrence of species well conserved their habitat, to hurri­ within them is commonly lacking. canes. The smaller the area of forest Nevertheless, it is obviously import­ becomes, the greater the risk must be ant to look for areas of overlap ofextermination by a direct hit from a between threatened species in order storm. However, it is worth noting to identify the
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