November 8, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S14147 great sacrifices in our country’s name What that means is we can’t raise a The majority leader. so that we might continue to be the point of order against those earmarks Mr. REID. Mr. President, I appreciate land of the free and the home of the to strike them out of the bill. the cooperation of everyone. This has brave. Let me give me you some perspective been a difficult day. These are very We are faced tonight with a vote on on what we are talking about. The De- sensitive issues we are dealing with, a bill that our troops need, but the fense appropriations conference text with the troops and the financing of troops are not the focus of this con- was 133 pages long. The Joint Expla- the country, in addition to the nomina- ference report. This political tactic nation of Managers—470 pages long. tion of a Cabinet officer. It is a time does our troops and all Americans who The JES as they call it, contains all of when you need cooperation from both want good government, a disservice. the earmarks, all kinds of substantive sides. That is what we have had. It has I want to provide our troops with the direction and is three times as long as not been easy. I extend my apprecia- funding and the resources they need to the official conference report, and it is tion to my colleagues on the other side be successful in all their objectives. I not subject to a point of order? This is of the aisle and the cooperation of my want the Senate to consider the Fiscal wrong. It’s not what I believe most of Members. I would finally say that for Year 2008 Defense Appropriations Act us thought would escape the oversight those of you who have had questions on its merit. Legislating isn’t a barter rules of S. 1 when we voted for it. At asked by Democrats and Republicans, system, or at least it shouldn’t be. The the very least, it seems disingenuous in we are going to finish the farm bill. men and women of our armed services how we sold this bill to the American There is some real movement on that deserve better than having the funding public as a way to clean up our tax- with amendments. I feel comfortable they need to do their job being used in payer-funded shop and how we do busi- we will be able to get that done in the a horse-trading scheme so a Member of ness around here. near future. I appreciate everyone’s co- Congress can get funding for his or her I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- operation. own special cause. There is more than sence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The $50 million worth of projects being The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the nomination. slipped in this so-called CR. We are clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk read moving quickly toward midnight. I The assistant legislative clerk pro- the nomination of Michael B. Mukasey, guess that’s a fitting time to vote on a ceeded to call the roll. of New York, to be Attorney General. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- bill laden with pork slipped in under Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be sistant majority leader. the cover of darkness. The people of Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the Sen- the United States deserve better. rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ate is now taking up the nomination of Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, Judge Michael Mukasey to be the next with great reluctance, I will vote today SANDERS). Without objection, it is so Attorney General of the United States. in opposition to passage of the 2008 De- ordered. f It is a nomination which has become partment of Defense appropriations controversial. Judge Mukasey has conference bill. This legislation con- EXECUTIVE SESSION served his country in many different tains $459 billion in funding to provide ways. He served as a Federal judge be- the resources needed to run daily mili- NOMINATION OF MICHAEL B. fore he retired, then went into private tary operations. practice and was summoned to serve as I supported this legislation when it MUKASEY TO BE ATTORNEY GENERAL Attorney General by this President. I first came to the Senate floor in Octo- had a chance to meet with him person- ber. However, I can not vote in support Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- ally in my office. One cannot help but for the final House-Senate conference imous consent the Senate now proceed be impressed by the man’s intelligence report because it contained $59 million to executive session to consider Execu- and erudition. He clearly is a person of in earmarks that were added during tive Calendar No. 374, the nomination strongly held beliefs and it takes little the closed-door conference negotia- of Michael Mukasey to be Attorney time to appreciate that when you meet tions. One of those earmarks was for $3 General of the United States; that him. million to fund a golf center that is in there be a time limitation of 5 hours of I left, after meeting him in my office, the name of the congressman who re- debate equally divided between the believing his nomination hearings quested it. What is a golf center doing chairman and ranking member of the would be interesting, and they were. on a DOD appropriations bill? Judiciary Committee, with the Demo- On the first day, Judge Mukasey was a This was a difficult decision because cratic time divided as follows: Senator great witness, saying things that need- I strongly support most of the provi- LEAHY, 45 minutes; Senator DORGAN, 15 ed to be said about his plans to change sions in this bill, and I have deep re- minutes; Senator DURBIN, 20 minutes; the Department of Justice from the spect for Chairman INOUYE and Rank- Senator CARDIN, 10 minutes; Senator days of Alberto Gonzales, about his ing Member STEVENS and their efforts REED, 15 minutes; Senator KENNEDY, 10 feeling of responsibility to the country to craft a good funding bill. minutes; Senator HARKIN, 10 minutes; not to abide by any decisions made by However, I made a commitment dur- Senator BOXER, 15 minutes; Senator the President that were inconsistent ing my campaign and when I took my SALAZAR, 10 minutes; that upon the with the law or the Constitution. oath of office in January to reform the conclusion or yielding back of the He went so far as to say he would re- secretive earmarking process. I time, the leaders be recognized for 10 sign before he would allow that to thought we had made real progress minutes each, with the majority leader occur. I can recall speaking to my col- with the passage and enactment of S.1, going last; that the Senate then vote leagues, including Senator SCHUMER, the ethics reform bill, that requires far on confirmation of the nomination; the who sat next to me in the Judiciary more transparency and disclosure on motion to reconsider be laid on the Committee, and saying: What a breath earmarks than there has ever been. Un- table; the President be immediately of fresh air, how refreshing that he fortunately, I have since discovered notified of the Senate’s action, and the would be so candid and forthright. there are still some gaps in the ethics Senate then resume legislative session; After all the years of Alberto Gonzales bill that need to be filled. that the Senate then, without inter- dodging questions, refusing to answer, One of which has to do with the dif- vening action or debate, vote adoption here was a man who answered the ques- ficulty of raising a 60-vote point of of the conference report on H.R. 3222. tions. That was the first day. order on earmarks added during appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Then came the second day of the priations conference negotiations. S.1 objection? hearing. When my turn came to ask says that we can do that. But in re- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I wish to questions, I proceeded to ask Judge ality, we really can’t. Most of these put in the RECORD that this has been Mukasey specific questions about tor- added funding earmarks are contained cleared with the leader on our side ture. His answers to those questions in the Joint Explanatory Statement of also. I have no objection. led to a great deal of controversy and Managers, which, technically, isn’t The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without lead us to this moment in the Senate part of the conference report bill text. objection, it is so ordered. debate. VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:24 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S08NO7.REC S08NO7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S14148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 8, 2007 When we write the history of this effective. When I reminded Judge others have, and they did not need four early 21st century in America, there Mukasey that cruel, inhuman, and de- pages of legal obfuscation. I received a are going to be countless stories of grading treatment are illegal under letter from four retired military offi- courage and compassion: Firefighters U.S. law, he said he thought these cials about Judge Mukasey’s position and police officers racing into the terms were ‘‘subjective’’ and suggested on waterboarding.
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