GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Office of Zoning * * * Z.C. CASE NO.: 04-33G As Secretary to the Commission, I hereby certify that on February 2, 2016, copies of the attached notice were sent via electronic mail, or by first-class, postage prepaid mail, to the following: 1. All ANCs (see attached list) 4. Citizens/Civic Associations (see attached list) 2. All ANC/SMDs (see attached list) 3. Gottlieb Simon ANC Note: due to an issue with returned mail from these two AN Cs, in addition to sending to the offices of all the ANCs, we also sent to the home addresses of the Chairs of these ANCs: 5. Chairperson Olivia Henderson ANC8D 4612 6th Street S.E. Washington, D.C. 20032 6. Chairperson Ronald Austin ANC 4B 6120 North Dakota Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20011 ATTESTED BY: 0. o~J.ll,1,M . Sharon S. Schellin Secretary to the Zoning Commission Office of Zoning ZONING COMMISSION District of Columbia Case No. 04-33G 441 4th Street, N.W., Suite 200-S, Washington, D.C. 20001 ZONING COMMISSION District of Columbia Telephone: (202) 727-6311 Facsimile: (202) 727-6072 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.dcoz.dc.gov CASE NO.04-33G DeletedEXHIBIT NO.63 A public hearing is scheduled for March 3, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. to entertain a petition filed by the Coalition for Smarter Growth, et al., to amend Chapter 26, lnclu­ sionary Zoning (IZ) (Z.C. Case No. 04-33G). The Office of Planning (OP) has also recommended alternative text, which is part of the same case. .ocgov-~ INCLUSIONARY ZONING Office of Zoning lnclusionary Zoning requires that a certain percentage of units in a new development, or a substantial rehabilita­ The Zonlq CommlHlon of the Olotrlct of Colu.,bla •ppro••d Fln•I Actlen 011 CHes No's tion that expands an existing building, set aside afford­ oa.otA, 08.otl, Md OMtc able units in exchange for a bonus density. The goals of the program are to: • create mixed income neighborhoods; • produce affordable housing for a diverse labor force; Featured Services • seek equitable growth of new residents; and .__ ... _ _... ,.. _....,....__ __ ""'-' • _ u.-- --­...... __ ........ "' ._... x: ......... • increase homeownership opportunities for low and ............... ......... at.t._ -- --- moderate income levels. - - - -­...... ..w_ ......... x: ....:. .,.... ............ lllA .......-- w ........ The Zoning Commission (ZC) only promulgates those reg­ - -- -- ulations that were established to provide for minimum [ obligations of property owners applying for building per­ Click here mits or certificates of occupancy under the IZ Program. All other aspects of the program, including the setting p SE.ARCH FOR CASES of maximum purchase prices and rents, the minimum sizes of the units, the selection and obligations of eligi­ ..., •• tt... :(~_-_________,) 111.!1 ble households, and the establishment of enforcement mechanisms such as covenants and certifications, are determined by the Council and Mayor of the District of Columbia. SE.A RCH RESULTS HOW TO VIEW THE PROPOSED TEXT IM·PS·iiMtt+,iii S.IO<\ C•H HIA'ftti.f Cau~s- ~aMNam.t A .... The text recommended by Smarter Growth, et al. and ..-330 zc CoalllOnlilW~Gnwill..• 1• ...... (J .. _...... o.&·llF zc .. OP can be found on the Office of Zoning (OZ) website 0 -... _ OWlE ..... ...... (J zc - .. _ at www.dcoz.dc.gov, by clicking on Case Records and _ 0,,))() ..... (J zc .............. _ putting the case number (04-33G) in the search box Ol·33C 0 zc Olko ot- .. ~DNII•...... Ol•3)8 a.c.otP'lttlniflO .. _ and clicking on "Go." Find Case No. 04-33G in the list of 0 zc ...... .. __ Search Results and to the right of it, click on "View De­ ( "''"" zc _ u Ol-33 zc Olkool- .. _...... tails." You will then be directed to the DCOZ Case Report 'J:rN~~·L~lt~!<t'.... 1-,-,_,,.,.,,.,,., page for this case. On the right hand side, click on "View Full l og" - this will allow you to see all of the exh ibits submitted in this case. The Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearing, which contains the recommended text, can be found at Exhibit No. 53. If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact OZ at [email protected]. HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? • Provide detail in your written testimony! Your Watch the Web-Streamed Video - You will be able to written testimony is where you should provide view the hearings by clicking on "Live Webcast" on OZ's as much detail as you need to present your website at www.dcoz.dc.gov. views. • Submit your testimony well in advance of the Live Webcast public hearing! This allows the Commission time to read your entire testimony prior to your View live webcast of zc oral presentation. and BZA meetings and hearings. • Be succinct with your oral testimony! As your time is limited, use your time wisely and lim­ it your oral testimony to the most important Submit Written Testimony - You may submit written tes­ points. timony to the ZC by: • Provide solutions in your oral testimony! You a). By e-mail to [email protected]: You will be are encouraged to propose effective solutions able to submit comments by emailing a PDF docu­ to issues with the proposed text. ment (there is an 8 MB limit for documents submit­ ted by email.); or b). By mail to 4414th Street, N.W., Suite 200-S, Wash­ ington, D.C. 20001. Present Oral Testimony - To present testimony before the ZC, you are strongly encouraged to sign up for the public hearing. Although it is not mandatory to sign up, please note that testimony will be given in the order that people have signed up. To sign up, please call or write Donna Hanousek at (202) 727-0789 or donna.ha­ [email protected], and leave your name, your phone num­ ber, and the case number (04-33G). The ZC also requests that all witnesses prepare their testimony in writing, submit the written testimony pri­ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to or to giving statements, and limit oral presentations to contact the Office of Zoning at 202-727-6311 or dcoz@ summaries of the most important points. The applicable de.gov. time limits for ora l testimony are three minutes for in­ dividuals and five minutes for organizations. Testifying in person is not required; written statements, in lieu of personal appearances or oral presentation, may be sub­ mitted for inclusion in the record. Please note: As t his is a ru lemaking case, there are no parties nor is there any cross-examination. Tips for presenting testimony D.C. Ollice of Zoning • Sign up in advance! Although you will still be ,1.11 4th Strel'I, NW, Suite :rno-S able to testify if you show up the night of the \Vashington, DC :woo 1 hearing, testimony will be given in the order 12112 J n7-<d 1 t that people have signed up. dcoz(<_lldc.gov · \\'WW.dcoz.dc.go\· Bend along line to Easy P.eel® Labels I ~ AVERY® 5962® i expose Pop-up ece Use Avery® Template 5162® f~aper -·.. .. ANClA Suite 200 ANClB 3400 11th Street, NW 2000 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20010 Suite lOOB Washington, DC 20009 ANClC ANClD P.O. Box 21009 [email protected] Washington, DC 20009 ANC2A 2020 Pennsylvania A venue, NW #293 ANC2B Washington, DC 20006 [email protected] ANC2C ANC2D c/o John Tinpe, Chair 2126 Connecticut A venue, #34 777 7th Street, NW #506 Washington, DC 20008 Washington, DC, 20001 ANC2E ANC2F 3265 S Street, NW 5 Thomas Circle, NW Washington, DC 20007 Washington, DC 20005 ANC3B ANC3C P.O. Box 32312 P.O. Box 4966 Washington, DC 20007 Washington, DC 20008 ANC3E ANC3D c/o Lisner-Louise-Dickson-Hurt Home P.O. Box 40846 Suite 219 Washington, DC 20016 5425 Western Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20015 Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com ~ _..r:1 __ •- .. -a....-.-t Dftn._11nTM 1-800-GO-AVERY Bend along line to Easy Peel® Labels I ~ AVERY® 5962® l Fe.-,per expose Pop-up Edgjl! Use Avery® Template 5162® -·l l ANC3F ANC3G 4401-A Connecticut Ave., NW - Box 244 P.O. Box 6252 Washington, DC 20008 Washington, DC 20015 ANC4A ANC4B 7820 Eastern Avenue, NW 6856 Eastern Ave., NW, #314 Washington, DC 20012 Washington, DC 20012 ANC4C ANC4D P.O. Box 60847 143 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20039-0847 Washington, DC 20011 ANC5A ANC5B 5171 South Dakota Avenue NE 1920 Irving Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20017 Washington, D.C. 20018 ANC5C ANCSD P.O. Box 80127 Washington, DC 20018 c/o Kathy Henderson,Chair 1807 L Street, NE Washington, DC 20002 ANC5E ANC6A c/o Teri Janine Quinn, Chair P.O. Box 75115 Washington, DC 20013 1708 2nd Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 ANC6B ANC6C [email protected]. gov P.O. Box 77876 Washington, DC 20013 Repliez a la hachure afin de www.avery.com ...;;.u.&.1<4 .. lo r.ahnrl'I Pnn.. un™ 1-800-GO-AVERY Easy Peel® Labels Bend along line to I ~ AVERY® 5962® ! Use Av~ Template 5162® Fee~er :. expose Pop-up Ed9f' -· ~ ANC6D ANC6E 1101 4th Street, SW, Suite W 130 PO Box 26182 Washington, DC 20024 Washington, DC 20001 ANC7B ANC7C 3200 S Street, SE 4651 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20020 #2 Washington, DC 20019 ANC7E ANC7D 5001 Hanna Place, SE 4058 Minnesota A venue, NE, DOES Building, SuiteB First Floor Washington, DC 20019 Washington, DC 20019 ANC7F ANC8A c/o Sheila M. Carson Carr, Chair 2100-D M.L.K.
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